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McGoughs in the 1810 Census
All persons listed are free and white unless otherwise indicated.
GA - Greene County
"The 1820 census is the earliest enumeration of Georgia's population to have survived, making it necessary to substitute other lists for the missing censuses. Land lottery, military and tax lists, and other records, are available as census substitutes and supplements for the 1820 and earlier censuses.
"The first three census schedules for Georgia (1790, 1800 & 1810) are missing. A total of seventeen volumes of 1790-1820 censuses were lost by the federal government, evidently before 1895, and the cause is unknown." Greene County History and Information—Federal Population Schedules.
Elizabeth McGough was born to William McGough in Georgia on March 2, 1808. Family Data Collection —Births on Ancestry.com.
John McGough and Robert McGough are on the list of 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draw and John McGough is on the list of 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees.
[Here is a clickable map of Kentucky counties.]
KY - Caldwell County
(1810) John McGouch, male 45 and over. (roll 9, page 19)
1 female 16 through 25
4 males under 10
1 female under 10
KY - Christian County
Hopkinsville [See: 1810 Federal Census Christian County, Kentucky (File 3 of 4)]
(1810) Hugh McGu, age 45 and over. (roll 9, page 103) [Living side by side with William McGu, below. The surnames may be McGee or McGi, but McGu is my best reading.]
1 female, age 45 and over
2 males, 16 through 25
1 male, 10 through 16
2 males under 10
2 females under 10
(1810) Robert McGouch, male 45 and over (roll 9, page 93). [Robert McGough, born on December 1, 1765, in county Down, Ireland; died on October 26, 1827, in Dallas county, Alabama. Rowe, page 75. See my page: McGoughs in Pre-Revolutionary America: Robert and Sarah Matilda Carson McGough]
1 female 26 through 44 [Nancy McWhorter McGough, 1765–1784; died on March 8, 1843, in Dallas county, Alabam].
1 male 16 through 25 [James McGough]
1 female 16 through 25
2 females 10 through 15 [Elizabeth McGough, Mary McGough. Rowe, page 77.]
1 male under 10 [Robert Joseph McGough. Rowe, page 172]
2 females under 10 [Agnes "Nancy" McGough]
2 slaves
(1810) William McGu, male 16 through 25 (roll 9, page 103) [[Living side by side with William McGu, below. The surnames may be McGee or McGi. There is a William McGee listed in Hopkinsville, Christian county, in the 1820 census, whose name could also be read McGu. (roll 20, page 50)]
1 female, 16 through 25
ME - York County
Alex, James, and Robert McGeouch, were heads of families.
MA - Hampshire County
(1810) J. McGew, male 16 through 25. (roll 19, page 206)
2 females 16 through 25
1 male under 10
1 female under 10
MA - Suffolk County
Boston, 4th Ward
(1810) Patrick McGew, male 16 through 25. On Fitch's Alley. (roll 21, page 206)
1 female 26 through 44
1 female 16 through 25
2 females under 10
[The Suffolk County, Boston City Massachusetts 1810 City Directory lists a Patrick McGough, laborer, on Pierce Alley. No McGew is listed in the directory.]
NY - Schenectady
(1810) John McGouch, over 45.
1 female over 45
1 male 26 through 44
1 female 26 through 44
2 females 16 through 25
1 male 10 thru 15
NY - Washington County
[There was a "Deacon McGeough's Corner" in Cambridge, Washington county, New York, before 1817. A short history of the Graham family, by David Graham, page 13 (Printed by the Graham Family Association, Columbus, Ohio, 1931, 21 pages).]
PA - Cambria County
Cambria Township [See 1810 Census of Cambria Township, Cambria County, PA, transcribed by Brian L. Cartwright. Ancestry.com mistakenly indexes these 1810 census listings under Conemaugh township.]
(1810) John McCue, male 45 and over (roll 46, page 226) [This was not John McGough, the oldest son of Arthur and Susan McGough, who was born about 1784 and who would have been only 26 in 1810, and married only for about a year. The first child of John McGough and Sarah Glass was born in 1810. There was a John McGough, age 26 to 45, in this township in the 1820 census. He was living close to James and Thomas McGough, who were probably sons of Miles and Elizabeth Spencer McGough, who had a son John born about 1758. John McCue had the only similar surname in Cambria township. Ancestry.com mistakenly indexes the 1810 census listing under Conemaugh township.]
1 female 26 through 44
1 female 16 through 25
1 male 10 through 15
2 females 10 through 15
2 males under 10
1 female under 10
(1810) James McGuogh, male 26 through 44. (roll 46, page 225) [Son of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer; born about 1760 (?), living next to his brother Thomas; in the 1790 and 1800 censuses, had been in Harford county, Maryland. Ancestry.com mistakenly indexes the 1810 census listing under Conemaugh township.]
1 female 26 through 44
1 male 16 through 25
4 females 10 through 15
4 males under 10
(1810) Thomas McGuogh, male 45 and over. (roll 46, page 225) [Son of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer; born about 1765, living next to his brother James; in the 1800 census, had been in Harford county, Maryland. The 1850 census of Washington township, Miami county, Ohio, lists Thomas McGough, age 85, farmer, born in Maryland, and his wife Sarah, age 77, born in Maryland, in the household of their son-in-law, Stephen D. Ward, age 46, carpenter, born in Pennsylvania, and their daughter, Sarah (McGough) Ward, age 49, born in Maryland. Ancestry.com mistakenly indexes the 1810 census listing under Conemaugh township.]
1 female 45 and over [Sarah]
2 males 16 through 25
1 female 16 through 25
3 females 10 through 15
1 male under 10
1 female under 10
PA - Washington County
(1810) Robert McGough, male 16 through 25, 3 persons (roll 57, page 41).
2 females 16 through 25
McGoughs in the
1810 Census of the United States <http://www.magoo.com/hugh/census1810.html> Updated April 12, 2013 |
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