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McGeoy/McGoey/McGouey |
My great grandparents were married as John McGeoy and Catherine Fitzpatrick
on May 20, 1855, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Their marriage is registered
at St. Patrick's Church, located at 319 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
This church was founded in 1824, and is the oldest Catholic church in Schuylkill
county. The fact that the marriage is in the records of this church does not
mean that the marriage ceremony was performed there. In the early years, the
priests stationed at the church served as circuit riders, and performed marriages
elsewhere in the county.
The use of the surname McGeoy was probably a mistake by the priest. The pronunciation of McGeoy and McGoughas pronounced by our familywere virtually identical. I believe the better spelling of the name in the marriage records would have been McGough. My great-grandfather knew little English. There were McGeoy families in the Pottsville area at the time. The use of the surname McGeoy in the church records of my great-grandfather's marriage, however, supports a look at the McGeoy/McGoey/McGouey families who originated in county Longford, Ireland, some of whom migrated to and became longtime residents of Schuylkill County.
At least one McGoey may have been listed in a census as a McGough. A McGoey family historian, Bruce Cowen, suggests that Marcell McGoey of county Longford may be the same person recorded as M. McGough in the 1851 census of Dale Street sub-district, Liverpool, Lancashire county England. (See the section below entitled McGoeys in the Province of Quebec, Canada.)
The Irish form of the anglicized names McGough, McGeough, and McGeoy was probably pronounced something like mag yeohee or mag ughy. See Pronunciation of McGough. When English speaking clerks tried to convert the oral Irish name to written English, a variety of English spellings resulted. A good book on the origins of Irish names is Sloinnte Gaedhael is Gall, or Irish Names and Surnames, (Dublin 1923) by Reverend Father Patrick Woulfe. Woulfe says that Mac Geough and Mac Gough are derived from the Irish mag eotac or mag eocada (page 119). Woulfe also says that Mag Eocaid (pronounced yeohee) is a variation of Mag Eocada and became Mac Goey and Mac Goggey (page 419). See Origins of the Surname McGough. The names McGeoy and McGoey have been used interchangeably, and both names derive from Mag Eocada. The name McGohy, which appears in county Longford in the 1796 Irish Flax Growers List is doubtless a variation of the same name. In the real estate records of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, the name is usually spelled McGeoy, but is sometimes spelled McGoy or McGoyeand in the indexes, McGevy is listed as an alternative spelling of McGeoy.
The McGeoy spelling of the name seem to have originated exclusively in county Longford. The name is sometimes spelled McGoey in records relating to Longford, and I have included in this page some of those references. The McGoey spelling of the name is more prevalent in county Leitrim, and may have originated there. These McGoeys can be found in the FamilySearch web page of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, and are not included here.
Here is an email I received on May 31, 2001, from Joe Cleary of Philadelphia (boruboru2u@aol.com):
"I am pretty sure our McGeoy lines are related. My gggrandfather was James McGeoy born in Drumlish, Longford in 1834. The brothers so far are Bernard, Thomas and a Barnard. Their parents were Bernard b. 1790 and Mary b. 1795. Bernard had a brother Patrick. I have a copy of James McGeoy's naturalization papers which lists Longford. Since James and Bernard both named their oldest sons John, and at the time the McGeoys were living in Pottsville, PA, the chances are good that they are the same family tree. Believe it or not but there is a Tom McGeoy who lives in Wisconsin, who also has been trying to trace his line through PA. You may have the missing info for all the McGeoys in the Midwest that did not come from New Orleans. Also there is a David McGeoy who lives in Seattle who has been trying to connect to one of the McGeoy clans. ...
"In Ireland the name was McGeoy. My family pronounced it McGough (gh silent). Some others in America changed the spelling to McGoey (y silent). James McGeoy's sons never had sons, so the McGeoy name died out."
Charles McGoey of Balbriggan, county Dublin, sent me an email on August 9, 2001, in which he says that the earlier spelling of his family name was McGeoy, and that McGoey is a later version. He goes on to say:
"I am originally from County Longford where the surname seemed exclusive for centuries. Originally spelled McGeoywhich is phonetic to this very day. There are very few of us left in Ireland. I have compiled a fairly comprehensive dossier on my immediate familymy great, great grandfather was the Bryan McGoey (or McGeoy) of Abbeyderg (Tithe Books of circa 1825) which you quote. ...
"A number of the family are interred in the old cemetery at Moydow. My good colleague Luke Baxter has chronicled the memorial details in a recent booklet published by the County Longford Historical Society... .
"I am putting together a web page on [my home village of Abbeyshrule]. ... It should be up and running in say two weeks."
In an attachment to his email, Charles McGoey says:
"The present modification of the name to McGoey evolved in the latter part of the last century though occasionally I find McGeoy appearing in an American location.
"On a personal note I have been successful in putting together an extensive tree with close relatives in America (New York, Florida) and in the Argentine. These notes are freely available to anyone of our kinsmen who may be interested.
"Finally it should be said that All of the name are related, however distant, and it is to be hoped that some of the name will be able to throw light on their Irish Origins. In the latter context it is noted that the name seems concentrated in parts of Canada (Toronto) and in the New Orleans area.
"I would welcome any who are interested to contact me. (E-Mail = Cathal@indigo.ie).
McGeoy included with his email a copy of an essay he wrote in September, 1984, which he says needs updating. I encouraged him to include a copy of the essay in his new website on Abbeyshrule. His research on the origin of the name is invaluable. Here are some extracts from McGeoy's essay, which he entitled: On the name and origins of the McGoey family tree of County Longford, Ireland:
"The name has its root and derivation from the old Gaelic which existed as the spoken and used language in Ireland as a whole prior to the Norman Invasions circa 1150. In its Gaelic Form it is spelled MacEochaidh (literally translated 'The son of Eochaidh').
"Eochaidh is a name mentioned frequently in Irish Mythology including the Ancient Annals (Four Masters and The Foras Feasa of Seatrun Ceitinn etc). A mention is made of the present boundaries of County Longford of the drowning of Eochaidh Feilidh`s daughter Eithne in the river Inny (corruption of Eithne). Mythology gives this man`s reign as high king of Ireland circa 4,000 B.C.
"However the earliest devolution of the name as it is known today seems to point exclusively to the same County of Longford or the old territory of Annaly. A slightly earlier version of the name appears in ecclesiastical records in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. They would appear to be firmly ensconced in the area at that time as the name dominates bishopric appointments during the middle ages in the Diocese of Ardagh (present County Longford).
"A few are worthy of mention and I append facsimile extracted from the works of Sir James Ware (1580-1620).
"Joseph McGoey (then spelled Magodaic) appointed 1230 but died at Florence, Italy the following year.
"Sean MacEoaigh. Appointed 1323, but seems to have spent most of his episcopate at the exiled Papal Court at Avignon, France.
"Brendan MacEochaidh (the true Gaelic Form) was bishop from 1238 to 1255 and was a man of some controversy being accused of fraternising with the Normans, suppression of Crusader Funds, legalising consanguinity marriage. The Pope held an inquiry and charges were dismissed. He is buried, albeit 800 years ago, in Abbeyderg, a small rural hamlet, where a branch of this writer`s family have lived for many generations. ["The Annals of Lough Ce, record that in the year 1217 the death took place of Ossin Abbot of the Canons of Mainisterderg. The same manuscript records that in the year 1255 Bishop Brendan MacEochaidh (McGoey) was interred at Abbeyderg." Parish Bulletin—Some extracts from the annual Carrickedmond and Abbeyshrule Parish Newsletter.]
"Variations of the name.
"A study of the earliest extant census (Lansdowne MSS) and the Dillon family MSS record a major sept anglicised, McKeoghy, domiciled at Fuerty, Co Galway in the sixteenth century prior even to the Cromwellian Confiscations. This name was further modified to its present form of Keogh by first dropping the Y and then the Mac. This area of Co. Galway is still known as 'Keogh`s' country. While accepting that this name springs from a similar root nevertheless no connection appears evident in latter centuries. The same original root might be applied to surnames such as Hoey, Haughey, etc. But the name McGoey is closer to the original Irish (Gaelic).
"As previously stated the earliest surviving census is the Lansdowne MSS. A study of this source gives an anglicised spelling of five families in Moydow, Co Longford, as McKwey which is remarkably near to its present phonetic pronunciation in present County Longford. Furthermore this writer has traced his direct line through an ancient burial cemetery at Moydow. (Earliest legible inscription 1758 - Brian McGoey)."
The essay goes on to discuss the evolution of the name through the 200 years before the Great Famine of 1847, and in the years afterwards.
A Genealogical History of the Milesian Families of Ireland by B. W. DeCourcy (W. F. Overdiek and M. L. Riegel, Cincinnati, Ohio 1880), which is part of the World Family Tree Collection, in a section called Various Modes of Spelling Irish Names of Milesian Descent, lists McGeough as the "key" name, of which McGeogh, McGeoy, and McGough are said to be "variations." As to these surnames, I do not consider the book to be reliable, in part because of the following statements it makes. The book lists Donegal and Roscommon as the counties in which there were were possessions of the McGeough tribe. The book also says that McKeogh is the ancient form of McGeough and its variations, and that the ancient form of McKeogh is Eochaid. The book also lists McKeogh as an ancient form of McHugh. The book says McKeogh means "The Speaker" and McGeough and McHugh means "Son of Speaker." For different, and I think better, conclusions, see my page: Origins of the Surname McGough.
The Irish Flax Growers List of 1796 lists a Bryan McGoey of county Longford, Ireland. Here is a partial listing from: Flax Growers of Ireland, 1796—County Longford:
M'Goey Bryan Ardagh Longford
[The Ardagh Will Index, compiled and copyrighted by Jane Lyons, lists a will of Bryan McGoey of the townland of Curnee, county Longford, filed in 1827.]
M'Gohey Bryan Longford Longford
M'Gohey James Moydow Longford
M'Gohey John Ardagh Longford
M'Gohey John Moydow Longford
M'Gohey Laurence Ardagh Longford
M'Gohey Michaele Moydow Longford
M'Gohey Nancy Abbeyshrule Longford
M'Gohey Thomas Ardagh Longford
M'Gohy John Ardagh Longford
See Map of Parish Ballymacormack.
Charles J. McGoey of Dublin, formerly of Longford, has been good enough to share the results of his review of the Tithe Applotment Book for Ballymacormack Parish, county Longford.
McGoey Family.
Search in The Tithe Books of 1833.
The parish of Ballymacormack, Co Longford.
(Undertaken in The National Library of Ireland
Tuesday 30th.April 2002.)By Charles J. McGoey
Preview: The Tithe Applotment Books were registers recording payments due to The Established Church iee Protestant Church of Ireland. They were levied on the entire population in the early 1800`s. Those of extreme poverty were exempted. They were strongly resented by the Catholic population and were in time abolished. The Registers were tabular in format, generally kept in excellent scripting. Today they are proving a very valuable genealogical reference.
In this archive, in Ballymacormack, the name, I find, is always spelt McGoey . (Civil authority had decreed that the name should be spelled thus!) Hereunder are the only entries of McGoeys in the registers for Ballymacormack.
My perception of the origins of Peter and Mary McGoey are altered by these findings. We now know the exact location of the root ancestry.
Understand the Parish of Ballymacormack is really a half parish—Templemichael being the other and this latter encompasses the town of Longford. In Ireland every parish is divided into a number of townlands, some big, some small. At the outer edge of Ballymacormack, in a small enclave bordering both Killashee and Moydow parishes, are a small number of townlands. Those relevant to McGoey are listed as follows -
Parish of Ballymacormack, Barony of Moydow.
(Townland Tenant Acreage. a. r. p )
Bryan Leavy 14 .0 .0
James(Jas)McGoey 7. 0. 2
Peter McGoey 13. 0. 0
Thomas McGoey 2. 3. 15
Thady McGoey (these two bracketed together).
Michael McGoey 27. 1. 3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Crohan (otherwise) Crockaun
John McGoey 5. 3. 38
There is little doubt that the Peter McGoey is the root ancestor. Note also the presence of a Bryan Leavy alongside an adjoining neighbour James McGoey (I am accepting a brother of Peter`s). I am also accepting that Bryan Leavy is the father of Mary Leavy.
This is a close knit community We can only speculate what happened in the twenty years after the Tithe entries of 1833.
I compare the Griffith Valuations (taken 1852/3) of 1854. None of the above family holdings remain. This is consistent with the oral tradition of the three brothers and their families moving abroad to America:
1. They could have simply sold out and moved in search of a better life in America.
2. There could have been agrarian trouble leading to evictions.
3. There could have been a violent end consistent with the murder theory. These were tenant farmers who should, in theory at least, have weathered the famine.
I once heard in youth that the McGoeys of Moydow were a persecuted species. I mentioned previously a grisly dual hanging. The details are [set out above] ...
A likely hypothesis of mine is that at the time some agrarian trouble with landlords —perhaps an eviction—may have sparked a riot so indicative of the troubled period. Bergin who was a constable may have been a member of the sheriff's party and may have met his death leading to the two death penalties. (The current conviction now is that these were innocent young men).
Perhaps Peter McGoey—if he survived this and the very worst period of the famine 1846/47— had had enough and took the only option for himself and his family—that of the emigrant ship.
The Griffith Valuations (sometimes referred to as The Famine Survivor List) 20 years on from 1833 illuminate the following—
Caldramore: a James McGeoy domiciled in a house minus even a garden. (Lessor James Farrell)
Curry: Henry McGeoy domiciled in a house with a small garden of one perch. Andrew Mc Geoy a house with small garden 15 perches. (both leased)
It could be argued that the above three had yet to join their parents in the US . Furthermore that Henry was the Henry married to Ellen Stokes—the latter might never have made it across the Atlantic hence a second marriage. (No other Henry appears in the Griffith).
We can only speculate!
Irish Ancestors publishes tables that show the number of families with a particular surname in each county in Griffith's Valuation of 1848-64. All McGeoys listed are in county Longford. They are generally in the south and central part of the western half of the county, centered around the town of Longford. A map of the parishes of county Longford shows the combined parish of Templemichael and Ballymacormick in the west central part of county Longford, and the parish of Killashee adjoining it to the west. The west edge of the parish of Killashee forms part of the west boundary of Longford with county Roscommon. The town of Longford was in the parish of Templemichael at the time of Griffith's Valuation. For parish and townland maps of the northwestern part of county Longford, go to Click for Parish Map on the Moffatt Families website.
Here is a listing of McGeoys in county Longford in Griffith's Valuation:
McGeoy, Andrew. Parish: Ballymacormick. Location : Curry.
McGeoy, Bernard. Parish: Ballymacormick. Location : Newtown.
McGeoy, Henry. Parish: Ballymacormick. Location : Curry.
McGeoy, James. Parish: Ballymacormick. Location : Caldraghmore.
McGeoy, John. Parish: Ballymacormick. Location : Calfpark.
McGeoy, Thomas. Parish: Killashee. Location : Derryad.
McGeoy, Thomas Parish: Templemichael. Location : Townparks, Town of Longford, Gt Water St (off Main St.).
Irish Ancestors lists the McGoeys in Griffith's Valuation separately from the McGeoys. 15 McGoey families are listed in county Longford, 26 in county Leitrim, and 1 in county Kildare. A map of the parishes of county Longford shows the Catholic parish of Clonguish (civil parish of Clongesh) to the immediate north and Moydow to the immediate southwest of the parishes of Templemichael and Killashee. The townland of Currygranny is located at the northwest extremity of Catholic the parish of Clonguish. See: Placenames of County Longford. The area covered by the Catholic parish of Clonguish and the civil parish of Clongest is sustatially the same.
Clonguish ... "This parish is partly in the barony of Ardagh but mainly in the barony of Granard. The area of the Ardagh section is 482 acres; of the Granard section, 12,225 acres."
Clongesh ... "This parish is situated in the barony of Longford, on the road from Longford to Carrick-on-Shannon, and on the rivers Camlin and Shannon. It contains 12,832 acres, including 296 acres of the River Shannon. Slightly more than half of the parish is arable and pasture land, with about 900 acres of wood; the remainder consists of waste and bog." [Currygranny is listed as a townland of the civil parish of Clongesh. For a map of townlands, see Map of Parish Clongish. See also: County Longford, Ireland—Civil Parishes—Clongesh or Clongish—descriptions from Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837.]
"Currygranny in the Roman Catholic parish of Clonguish ... (is) situated in the N.W. extremity of the parish, about 2¼ miles from Newtownforbes. Contains 427 acres. About ½ of this td. is bog; the remainder is under cultivation, and is well inhabited along the road from Newtownforbes to Mohill, which passes nearly through its centre. Cloontagh Fort is situated on the eastern boundary of this td."
Here is an email of September 25, 2007. from Paul Hughes of Toronto:
I found your excellent family-history site.
I am Longford-born, Dublin educated, a professor living in Toronto, Canada.My maternal grandmother was Elizabeth McGoey, second daughter of Bernard of Currygranny in the Roman Catholic parish of Clonguish in County Longford.
Bernard was widowed and married twice, with a son John by his first wife, and then two daughters by his second wife, Sarah Lennon: Bridget (married to John McGee of Derryharrow in Templemichael Parish) and my grandmother Elizabeth (married to Edward Burbage of Bornacoola Parish in County Leitrim, though residing in the County Longford section of that Parish).
One of John McGoey's descendants continues to farm the small holding in Currygranny. John had a large family, mostly females.
The McGoey's are buried in both the old cemetery and the new cemetery in Newtownforbes, the village at the centre of Clonguish Parish. The old cemetery is almost overgrown, with few new burials in recent years in old family plots. The newer cemetery is very well tended. The recent generation of the family is buried there.
I have more information about the paternal side of my Hughes family than I have of the maternal side—the Burbages and the McGoey families. But, I'm working at it all ever so slowly. I spend two weeks every July with my sister and her family in Longford, and I poke around the graveyards and the local library for any data I may find to add to whatever I have accumulated so far.
Best wishes.
Paul Hughes PhD.
Here is a listing of McGoeys in county Longford, also from Griffith's valuation: (Note the John McGoey and Simon McGoey in Currygranny.)
McGoey, Andrew. Parish: Templemichael. Location: Townparks, Town of Longford, Hibernia Lane (off Main Street). [See Map of Templemichael Parish.]
McGoey, Bernard. Parish: Kilcommock*. Location: Ballynock.
McGoey, Bernard. Parish: Kilcommock*. Location: Coolnahinch.
McGeoy, Brien. Parish: Clongesh+. Location: Treel.
McGoey, Bryan. Parish: Taghsheenod. Location: Abbeyderg.
McGoey, Charles. Parish: Clongesh+. Location: Kilmacannon.
McGoey, James. Parish: Clongesh+. Location: Briskil.
McGoey, James. Parish: Taghsheenod. Location: Abbeyderg.
McGoey, John. Parish: Clongesh+. Location: Currygranny.
McGoey, John. Parish: Clongesh+. Location: Treel.
McGoey, John. Parish: Moydow*. Location: Bawn.
McGoey, John. Parish: Moydow*. Location: Castlerea Mountain.
McGoey, Mary. Parish: Moydow*, Cloghan.
McGoey, Simon. Parish: Clongesh+. Location: Currygranny.
McGoey, Thomas. Parish: Killoe. Location: Killoe Glebe.
McGoey, Thomas. Parish: Templemichael. Location: Townlands, Town of Longford, Chapel Lane (off Main Street). [See Map of Templemichael Parish.}
*For a map of townlands, see Maps of Moydow & Kilcommock.
+For a map of townlands, see Map of Parish Clongish.
To the list in the International Genealogical Index— British Isles (IGI), Joe Cleary adds:
Bernard McGeoyBirth 1759. Living in Moydow. His wife was Anne Murtagh.
Bernard McGeoyMarried to Mary Farrell in February of 1844. (See Ardagh and Moydow Marriages.)
Here are the entries for McGeoy in the IGI:
1. Andrew McGeoyBirth: 19 Jan 1865 0267, Longford, Longford, Ireland. Parents: Patrick McGeoy and Margaret Nowlan. (Ardagh and Moydow marriages records the baptism of Anne McGeoy and Patrick McGeoy and M. Nolan in January, 1865.)
2. Anne McGeoyBirth: 5 Apr 1864 0288, Killashee, Longford, Ireland. Parents: Peter McGeoy and Mary Dowd. (Notice that the name of this same family is spelled McGoey in #18 in the following section.)
3. Maryanne McGeoyBirth: 20 Mar 1864 0228, Killashee, Longford, Ireland. Parents: Thomas McGeoy and Margaret Halligan. (Also listed as #5, Mary Anne McGeoy.) (Ardagh and Moydow marriages records the baptism of Mary Anne McGeoy, daughter of Thomas McGeoy and M. Halligan, in March, 1820.)
4. Mary McGeoyBirth: 23 Mar 1865 0289, Longford, Longford, Ireland. Parents: John McGeoy and Mary Carthy.
6. Mary A. McGeoyBirth: About 1829, Ardagh, Moydow, Longford, Ireland. (Probably the same as #24 under the McGoeys below.) (Ardagh and Moydow Baptisms records the baptism of Mary Anne McGeoy, daughter of Thomas McGeoy and M. Halligan, in March, 1820.)
7. Mary A. McGeoyMarriage: to John McGarry May 1849, Ardagh, Moydow, Longford, Ireland. (Mary A. McGeoy must be the same person as Dolly McGoey, #11 and 12 in the following section.) (Ardagh and Moydow Marriages record the marriage of John McGarry and Mary McGeoy in May, 1849.)
8. McGeoyBirth: 9 Mar 1866 0276, Longford, Longford, Ireland. Parents: John McGeoy and Rose Butler.
Ancestral File
10. Annie McGeoyBirth/Christening: < 1844 <Longford, Killashea, Ireland>. Married Bryan Rock who was born in Ireland in about 1840. Here is part of an email I received on September 2, 2004, from Linda Lawless on behalf of Kath Blackwell of Mt, Gambier SA Australia:
"Annie McGoey—father Andrew McGoey
"Annie married Bryan Rock 6 Feb 1864, Longford, Ireland. Annie and Bryan had two known children: Michael Rock, born Killashea, Longford, Ireland; Annie Rock, born 14 Aug 1866 Killashea, Longford
"Annie Rock came to Australia, where she settled and married William Strachan. Annie died 1912 in Western Australia."
Here are the McGoeys listed for county Longford, or with a possible connection to county Longford, in the IGI index:
1. Anne McGoeyBirth: 14 Nov 1874 in Ireland to Bryan McGoey and Catherine Quin. (Listed here because the Irish Flax Seed Growers list, above, shows a Bryan McGoey in county Longford in 1796. )
4. Bernard McGoeyBirth: 17 April 1866 in Drumlish, Longford, Ireland. Parents: Bernard McGoey and Ellen Develin. (Notice that Griffith's Valuation, above, lists a Bernard McGeoy.)
11. Dolley McGoeyBirth: About. 1827 at Ardagh, Clonmacnoise, Longford, Ireland. (May be the Mary A. McGough listed as #6 and 7 in the previous section and #12, 21 and 24 in this section.)12. Dolley McGoeyMarriage to John McGarry on: 26 May 1849 in Ardagh, Longford, Ireland. (This must be the same person as Mary A. McGeoy, #6 and 7 in the previous section.) (Ardagh and Moydow Marriages record the marriage of John McGarry and Mary McGeoy in May, 1849.)
18. John McGoeyBirth: 20 Jun 1866 in Killashee, Longford, Ireland. Parents: Father: Peter McGoey and Mary Dowd. (Notice that the same family name is spelled McGeoy in #2 in the preceding section.)
21. Mary Anne McGoeyBirth: About 1822 Ireland. Parents: Thomas McGoey and Catherine Kenney. (Listed here because Griffith's Valuation, above, shows a Thomas McGeoy in Killashee, county Longford. See #31)
24. Mary A. McGoeyBirth: About 1830 Ardagh, Moydow, Longford, Ireland. (Probably the same as #11 and 12 and possibly the same as #21.) (Ardagh and Moydow marriages records the baptism of Mary Anne McGeoy, daughter of Thomas McGeoy and M. Halligan, in March, 1820.)
30. Thomas McGoeyMarriage: About 1810 Ireland
31. Thomas McGoeyMarriage to Catherine Kenney about 1821. Father of Mary Anne McGoey, #21, above.
There are many marriages (17921895), baptisms (17931895), and deaths (18221895) of McGeoys listed under the parishes of Ardagh and Moydow in the Church Records of County Longford published on the Welcome to Ireland website. McGeoy (and McGoughy) baptisms will be found in Killoe parish. There are three McGougheys in the Killoe Parish death index. There is a McGeoy in the baptism index of Clonbroney parish. There are three McGeoys in the baptism index of Granard parish. McGoeys will be found in Killoe parish.
Here is a table of McGeoy and McGoey baptisms in the parishes of Ardagh and Moydow, county Longford from Ardagh and Moydow Parish Baptisms [1793–1895] on the website of The Genealogy of County Longford, Ireland:
Year/month | Surname | Child | Father | Mother | Remarks |
1833/10 | McGeoy | Mary | Andy | M Farrell | |
1836/10 | McGeoy | James | Andy | M Farrell | |
1830/12 | McGeoy | Thady | John | M Dowd | John McGeoy married Mary Dowd in June, 1828. |
1832/8 | McGeoy | Thomas | John | M Dowd | |
1834/12 | McGeoy | John | John | M Dowd | |
1843/6 | McGeoy | Thomas | John | W Farrell | |
1845/8 | McGeoy | Charles | John | E McGeoy | |
1850/12 | McGeoy | Bernard | John | E McGeoy | |
1852/8 | McGeoy | Mary | John | E McGeoy | |
1865/1 | McGeoy | Anne | Patrick | M Nolan | |
1866/3 | McGeoy | Margaret | Patrick | M Nolan | |
1867/8 | McGeoy | Bridget | Patrick | M Nolan | |
1869/4 | McGeoy | Elizabeth | Patrick | M Nolan | |
1826/4 | McGeoy | Bridget | Peter | A Fallon | Peter McGeoy married Anne Fallon in January, 1825. |
1830/3 | McGeoy | Patrick | Peter | A Fallon | |
1830/7 | McGeoy | Catherine | Peter | A Fallon | |
1833/9 | McGeoy | Mary | Peter | A Fallon | |
1836/2 | McGeoy | Elizabeth | Peter | A Fallon | |
1826/10 | McGeoy | Ann | Peter | A Kelly | Peter McGeoy married Anne Kelly in October, 1825. |
1831/5 | McGeoy | Catherine | Peter | A Kelly | |
1834/2 | McGeoy | Bernard | Peter | A Kelly | |
1838/5 | McGeoy | James | Thady | M Farrell | |
1862/5 | McGeoy | Patrick | Thady | M Ward | Thady McGeoy married Mary Ward in July, 1860. |
1864/3 | McGeoy | Mary Anne | Thomas | M Halligan | Thomas McGeoy married Mary Halligan in January, 1863. |
1865/9 | McGeoy | James | Thomas | M Halligan | |
1868/11 | McGeoy | Nicholas | Thomas | M Halligan | typed as shown |
1868/12 | McGeoy | Nicholas | Thomas | M Halligan | on register |
1873/2 | McGeoy | Elizabeth | Thomas | M Halligan | typed as shown |
1874/2 | McGeoy | Elizabeth | Thomas | M Halligan | on register |
1814/4 | McGoey | Patrick | James | C McGarry | |
1805/10 | McGoey | Michael | James | n/g | |
1824/3 | McGoey | Patrick | John | M Collins | John McGoey married Marcell Collins in October, 1821. |
1814/6 | McGoey | Patrick | John | B Doherty | |
1800/1 | McGoey | Patrick | John | C Kelly | John McGoey married Catherine Kelly in February, 1799. |
1801/1 | McGoey | Mary | John | A Kelly | |
1803/3 | McGoey | Bridget | John | M Kelly | |
1809/7 | McGoey | Catherine | John | E Kelly | |
1794/5 | McGoey | John | John | A Keogh | |
1796/12 | McGoey | Andrew | John | A Keogh | year written as 1696 in register |
1798/7 | McGoey | Mary | John | A Keogh | |
1815/10 | McGoey | Elizabeth | John | A Murkin | |
1809/9 | McGoey | Lawrence | Michael | M. Flinn | Michael McGeoy married Ann Flinn in April, 1902. |
1802/11 | McGoey | Michael | Patrick | E Kennedy | |
1808/6 | McGoey | Edward | Patrick | E Kennedy | |
1810/7 | McGoey | James | Patrick | E Kennedy | |
1813/2 | McGoey | Margaret | Patrick | E Kennedy | |
1804/7 | McGoey | Thomas | Patrick | E Kenny | Mother should probably be E. Kennedy. See the section of this page: McGoeys in the Province of Quebec, Canada |
1875/7 | McGoey | Catherine | Patrick | M McGoey | |
1804/12 | McGoey | John | Thomas | A Davis | |
1812/5 | McGoey | Marcell | Thomas | C Flanagan | Listed as M. McGough in the 1851 census of Liverpool (see below) |
1823/10 | McGoey | Nicholas | Thomas | C Flanagan | See the section of this page: McGoeys in the Province of Quebec, Canada |
1826/1 | McGoey | Thomas | Thomas | C Flanagan | |
1831/7 | McGoey | John | Thomas | C Flanagan | |
1833/10 | McGoey | Christopher | Thomas | C Flanagan | |
1826/5 | McGoey | Margaret | Thomas | A Reilly | |
1885/5 | McGoey | Patrick | John | M McCormick |
Charles J. McGeoy of Dublin, formerly of Longford, has prepared the following document that lists baptisms of McGoeys/McGeoys from 1802 to 1870, specifying child and parents. Michael E. McGoey sent me a copy with permission to publish it:
List of Baptismal Entries covering the name McGeoy/McGoey extracted from Roman Catholic Registers of the Joint Parishes of Templemichael/Ballymacormack, Longford town and immediate environment covering period circa 1800 to 1870 (large gap in famine period ).
Child's Christian Name; Father`s Christian Name; Mother's Maiden name. Date Baptism. dd/mm/yr 1800.s. (The surname of the child and the father is, in all cases, McGoey.)
Charles James Lenaghan 9/3/02
Mary Thadeus Carl (sic) Carroll 18/7/03
Catherine James Cahill 26/10/03
Bernard Laurence Dowd 10/1/04
James James Lenaghan 11/4/04
James John Madden 15/4/04
Patrick Michael McAuley 24/3/05
Michael John Madden 20/5/05
Ann Thadeus Carl(sic) 27/1/06
Laurence James Lenaghan 12/2/06
Patrick Lawrence Dowd 24/3/06
John James Cahill 28/6/06
Brigid Laurence Dowd 15/6/07
Michael Michael McAuley 28/6/07
Mary Thomas McCormack 20/7/07
Bryan Thomas Ferrall 30/9/07
Andrew James Lenaghan 13/7/09
Thadeus Thomas Farrell 17/9/09
Nicholas Nicholas McLaughlin 24/9/09
Andrew Laurence Dowd 22/11/09
Patrick James Cahill 31/8/10
Mary Laurence Dowd 26/10/10
Elizabeth James Lenaghan 23/4/11
Mary Thomas Ferrall 25/8/11
Brigid Thomas McCormack 24/12/11
Thomas Thomas Moor (sic) Moore 19/12/12
Catherine Thomas Ferrall 27/6/13
Michael Laurence Dowd 29/7/13
Ellenora John Ferrall 3/5/14
Daniel James Lenaghan 30/5/14
Ann Thomas McCormack 20/6/14
Margaret Thomas Moore 20/6/14
Thomas Thomas Ferrall 21/2/15
Catherine Thadeus Buchanan 22/11/15
Margaret James Farrell 24/11/15
John Thomas Newman 15/12/15
James Laurence Dowd 25/4/16
Mary Thomas Moore 27/6/16
Brigid Thomas Ferrall 20/10/16
Bernard Thomas McCormack 1/11/16
John Thadeus Buchanan 9/4/17
Michael James Farrell 5/9/17
Thadeus James Lenaghan 11/5/18
Elizabeth Thomas Ferrall 26/7/18
Catherine John Murphy 22/2/19
Bernard Thadeus Buchanan 28/6/19
Elenora Thomas McCormack 24/8/19
Brigid James Farrell 12/10/19
John Thomas Ferrall 26/10/19
Andrew Thomas McKeon 19/5/20
John Thomas Ferrall 14/11/20
Patrick John Murphy 16/3/21
Mary Thadeus Buchanan 7/11/21
James Thomas McKeon 6/1/22
Michael John Murphy 24/4/22
Margaret Thomas McCormack 13/7/22
Daniel Thomas Ferrall 28/7/22
John Thomas Davis 14/2/23
Laurence Thomas McKeon 10/10/23
Brigid Andrew Ferrall 18/2/24
Isebella Thomas Ferrall 19/2/24
Peter James Ferrall 12/4/24
Brigid John Murphy 27/4/24
Elizabeth Thomas Cormack 8/11/24
Michael Thadeus Buchanan 27/12/24
Patrick Peter Levins 29/3/25
Margaret Thomas Davis 12/5/25
Michael Thomas McKeon 16/12/25
Thomas Thomas McCormack 22/1/27
James Thomas Davis 8/7/27
Henry Peter Levins 14/8/27
Patrick James Ferrall 22/12/27
John Thomas McKeon 21/2/28
Michael Michael Mulhern 25/2/29
Frances Thomas McCoy 5/4/29
Peter John Murphy 21/5/29
Elenor Tadgh Buchanan 29/9/29
Elizabeth James Ferrall 20/11/29
Michael Peter Leving 18/3/30
Thomas Edward Doherty 16/8/30
Thomas Thomas Davis 19/9/30
Mary Andrew Hatten (Ann) 1/3/31
Andrew Andrew Farrell 6/3/31
John James Ferrall 16/6/31
John Thomas McCormack 11/11/31
Margaret Tadgh Nary 17/1/32
Mary Thomas Davis 27/2/32
Ann(McGar)sic James Leving (Ann) 18/4/32
Patrick Andrew Hatten 4/8/32
Charles (McGagay) Thomas Farrell 3/2/33
Mary Peter Levins 4/2/33
Margaret Edward McBelkehen 23/6/33
Mary James Ferrall 20/10/33
Elizabeth Bernard Connor 10/2/34
Brigid Andrew Hatten 16/4/34
James (McGay )sic Patrick Nary 2/7/34
Margaret Michael Kenny Ann 12/7/34
John (Magoni) sic Thomas Davis 2/8/35
Peter Thomas Davis 23/11/37
Ann Patrick Nary 14/10/38
Bridget Michael Dooner 1/1/39
Catherine Bernard Connor 14/2/40
Ann Andrew Hatten 22/8/40
Charles Peter Loven 28/2/41
Patrick Michael Dooner 7/3/41
Patrick Patrick Nary 6/5/41
Elizabeth James Ferrall 20/5/41
(at this point the archive all but becomes illegible and nothing meaningful appears before 1863 when the effects of the Great Famine etc. had abated. CMG.)
Ann Patrick Nolan 1/2/63
Elizabeth Andrew McGlynn 20/4/63
Bridget Bernard Connor 8/6/63
John Peter Dowd 22/6/66
Margaret Catherine Andrew McGlynn 8/10/66
Michael Michael Tyrell 9/9/67
John Andrew McGlynn 5/4/68
John Michael Tyrell 29/10/68
(End 1870 )
In the Ancestry World Tree website, many McGeoys are listed in Schuylkill Haven. Much of the information was submitted to the world tree by Joe Cleary (boruboru2u@aol.com/). Below, I list some of the earlier McGeoys in Schuylkill county. I have supplemented the Internet information with data found in the real estate records of Schuylkill county while searching for McGoughs. In this partial listing of McGeoys before 1900, I tended to list those whom I also found in the real estate records.
The family genealogy starts with Bernard McGeoy who was born about 1790 in Drumlish, Longford, Ireland. Bernard had a brother, Patrick McGeoy, who was born about 1800 in Longford, Ireland, and died in Schuylkill Haven Pennsylvania. The wife of Bernard's brother, Patrick, may have been Bridget. They had only one child, a son named Thomas Francis McGeoy, who was born about 1819. Thomas' wife may also have been a Bridget. Their children were Ellen McGeoy (born 1846 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania), Patrick McGeoy (born 1848 in Pottsville), and Jane McGeoy (born 1850 in Pottsville.)
The children of the Bernard born in 1790 were all born in Drumlish, county Longford: Bernard McGeoy, born in 1813 (who married Catherine Farrell and died in Schuylkill Haven Pennsylvania, on August 12, 1905), James McGeoy (born on December 7, 1834, and who died on December 21, 1900, in Schuylkill Haven Pennsylvania), Thomas McGeoy (probably born in 1839, although the family tree says 1829), and (possibly) a Barnard McGeoy (born 1840). The third son, Thomas, and fourth son, Barnard, did not marry. (There may have been yet another Bernard between the Bernard who was born in 1790 and James and Thomas. The name of the wife of the Bernard who was born in county Longford in 1813 has sometimes been stated to be Mary. Possibly, this was another Bernard.)
The son of the Bernard born in 1790, also Bernard McGeoy, was born in 1813 (or 1816?) in Drumlish, Longford, Ireland. Naturalization records in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, show that a Bernard McGeoy, age 30, from county Longford, Ireland, filed a declaration of his intention to become a US citizen on September 8, 1846, and was naturalized on September 3, 1849. The declaration of 1846 said he was 30 years old and "a native of the county of Longford Ireland." This was probably the Bernard McGeoy Sr. who died at the age of 92 in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania on August 14, 1905. His wife was Catherine. An obituary in the Pottsville Republican of August 15, 1905, says:
"McGeoyAt Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Monday, August 14, 1905. Barney McGeoy. aged 92 years.
"Funeral Thursday at nine o'clock from his late home on Berne Street. High mass at St. Ambrose Catholic church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment in parish cemetery. Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend."
Real estate records of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, show the conveyance by deed dated March 24, 1879, of a lot and two-story dwelling house on Dock Street in Schuylkill Haven to Bernard McGeoy from the estate of Joseph Ackerman of Pottsville .
The information I now have on this family tree leaves me uncertain as to how many Bernard McGeoys there were. The family tree published in ancestry.com says that the Bernard McGeoy who died in Schuylkill County in 1905 was the Bernard McGeoy who was born in county Longford in 1813, which appears to be correct. Elsewhere in the same family tree, however, there is an indication that the wife of the Bernard who was born in 1813 was named Mary. The Bernard McGeoy who died in 1905 married Catherine Farrell, who was born about 1825. There children were:
John B. McGeoy, born in 1847, died in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, before 1912, and probably shortly before August 10, 1903. (A John McGeoy of Pennsylvania enlisted as a private in the Union Army on 19 June 1863. He enlisted in C Co. 27th Inf Mil Reg. PA Mustered Out on 01 August 1863. A John McGeoy (also known as John McGoy) served as a private in Company A of the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry.) John B. McGeoy married Dominica (Jennie) Wehinger, who was born in New Jersey in 1851 and died in Schuylkill Haven in 1912. On February 28, 1876, Bridget Kennedy executed a deed to John B. McGeoy of Lot 1 in Schuylkill Haven. The deed was recorded on July 21, 1876. On August 10, 1903, John's son, Harry F. McGeoy, deeded his interest in the same lot to his mother, Dominica McGeoy, as did John's daughters (and Harry's sisters). Agnes and Anna, on the same date. The three deeds were all recorded on May 7, 1909.
The children of John B. McGeoy and Dominica Wehinger McGeoy, all born in Schuylkill Haven, were: Annie (Anna) McGeoy (born in November 1872); Joseph Edward McGeoy (born October 1, 1874 and died on October 11, 1906 in Schuylkill Havenmarried Margaret Middleton). A notice of his death gives his name as Joseph A. McGeoy. Agnes McGeoy (born September 26, 1876); Henry (Harry F.) McGeoy (born on October 1, 1878, and died in Schuylkill Haven on July 13, 1940married Annie D. Dalton); and John McGeoy (born on August 5, 1880, and died in Oreland, Pennsylvania, in November of 1972married a wife whose surname was Pahl).
Mary Ann McGeoy, born in 1850 in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania. Died in Philadelphia, year unknown. Married a man named McGurl.
Bernard McGeoy, born in 1857 in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania. His wife was named Annie. One of their sons was Sylvester McGeoy, who was born November 12, 1883, in Schuylkill Haven, died in February of 1964 in Texas, and is #2 on the excerpts from the Social Security Death Index listed on this page.
Margaret (Maggie) McGeoy, born in 1859, in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania. She married Dennis Cahill.
Thomas McGeoy, born July 3, 1860, in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania. Died in Schuylkill Haven. Married Mary Whearty (or Wherty). The real estate indexes of Schuylkill County show a conveyance of Lots 62, 63 and 65 of Newbolds Addition to Port Carbon by Margaret Whearty to Mary McGeoy. The instrument was dated November 30, 1907, and recorded on January 18, 1908..
Edward S. McGeoy, born in 1862 in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Died in Philadelphia. (The will of Bernard McGeoy Sr., signed on December 31, 1900, makes no mention of Edward. The other named children are all mentioned.)
There is a will of Bernard McGeoy Sr. on file in Schuylkill County that names his wife, Catherine and daughter Maggie Cahill as primary beneficiaries; and son Bernard Jr. son Thomas, daughter Mary Ann McGurl, and the unnamed heirs of his deceased son John, as secondary beneficiaries. The will was signed on December 31, 1900, and filed on September 13, 1905. The probate records list the date of death as August 12, 1905. The executor of the estate was James C. Gray, M.D., who was also a witness to the will.
A James McGeoy filed a declaration of intention to become a US citizen in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, on March 10, 1856. He said that he was 21 years old and a native of Ireland. This is consistent with a birth date of December 7, 1834, which Joe Cleary says was the year of firth of James McGeoy, a brother of the Bernard McGeoy was was born in Longford in 1813. James was naturalized on September 3, 1866. The witness to his residence in the United States for five years was Bernard McGeoy. James died in Schuylkill Haven on December 21, 1900. James married Anna McKeever, who was born in 1845. Their children were
Mary V. McGoey, born September, 25, 1868, in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania. Died on October 21, 1939, In Philadelphia. Spouse: John Henry Kehoe.
John McGeoy, born September 17, 1870, in Schuylkill Haven. Died sometime before 1890 in Schuylkill Haven.
Edward McGeoy, born November 27, 1871, in Schuylkill Haven. Not alive in 1890.
James McGeoy, born April 10, 1873, in Schuylkill Haven. Died on January 19, 1944, in Philadelphia.
Joseph McGeoy, born June 13, 1875, in Schuylkill Haven. Died between 1890 and 1900 in Schuylkill Haven.
Charles McGeoy, born October 15, 1877, in Schuylkill Haven. Died on November 17, 1949, in Philadelphia. (On October 19, 1905, Charles P. McGeoy deeded property in the Irish and Dickinson Addition of Schuylkill Haven to James C. Gray.)
Catherine McGeoy, born August 14, 1882, in Schuylkill Haven. Died January 25, 1942, in Philadelphia.
Shortly before his death on August 14, 1905, Bernard McGeoy conveyed lot 16 of the Irish and Dickinson Addition to Schuylkill Haven to James McGeoy. The date of conveyance was October 25, 1904, and the deed was recorded on October 21, shortly after Bernard's death. Thirty-five years earlier, on June 1, 1869, the same lot had been deeded by James McGeoy and his wife Ann McGeoy to "Bernard McGoy." (In the text of the deed, the names of James and Ann were also spelled McGoy, but their signatures clearly are McGeoy.)
On February 28, 1876, Bridget Kennedy and John White of Pottsville deeded land in Schuylkill Haven to John P. McGeoy of Schuylkill Haven.
On May 22, 1876, John and Charlotte Copeland deed to Bernard McGoye a house and lot on Dock Street in Schuylkill Haven.
In checking censuses of the years 1910 and earlier in the website of Ancestry.com, I found several McGeoys in Philadelphia, but only one family in Schuylkill County. The 1910 census of Pennsylvania lists: Harry F. McGeoy, age 32, born in Pennsylvania, as head of a household in the town of Schuylkill Haven. Other residents of the household in 1910 are his wife Annie, age 34; his son John, age 3; and his son Leo, age not given. All residents of the household were born in Pennsylvania. His parents were John B. McGeoy and Dominica (Jennie) Wehinger. His son Leo was born on September, 1908, in Schuylkill Haven, and died in Philadelphia in June, 1980. Leo W. McGeoy of Schuylkill Haven married Alice M. Breslin of Shenandoah on October 20, 1934, in the Church of the Annunciation, Shenandoah. Harry McGeoy was the best man. John F. McGeoy, a brother of the bridegroom, was an usher.
On April 12, 1905, near the date of the death of Bernard McGeoy, a deed from Bernard to Harry F. McGeoy of property in Schuylkill Haven was executed. The deed was recorded on April 27, 1905.
This may be Henry (Harry) McGeoy whom the Social Security Death Index indicates was born 10-1-1878 in Schuylkill Haven, and died there on 7-13-1940. His wife was Annie D. Dalton. The name of the wife of Harry F. McGeoy given by the real estate records of Schuylkill County is Anna C. McGeoy. On April 12, 1905, Bernard McGeoy executed a deed to Harry F. McGeoy of property in Schuylkill Haven. The First National Bank of Wah. City conveyed lot 107 of "Bast. Est. Pl." Schuylkill Haven to Harry and Anna C. McGeoy on May 2, 1908. On April 23, 1914, Harry F. McGeoy conveyed real estate in Schuylkill Haven to Anna C. McGeoy.
Here are the McGeoys in the US Social Security Death Index (at familysearch.org) whose Social Security numbers were issued in Pennsylvania:
1. John McGeoyBirth: 5 August 1880. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: Nov 1972 in Oreland, Montgomery, Pennsylvania. (Son of John B. McGeoy and Dominica (Jennnie) Wehinger. Born in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania.)
2. Sylvester McGeoyBirth: 12 November 1883 Number issued by Railroad Board Death: Feb 1964 in Texas. Born In Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania to Bernard McGeoy and Annie?
3. Marjorie McGeoyBirth: 27 February 1889. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: Feb 1975 in Bala Cynwyd (or Belmont Hills), Montgomery, Pennsylvania.
4. Philip McGeoyBirth: 14 March 1891. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: Sep 1976 near Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. (The son of Thomas McGeoy and Mary Wherty, grandson of Bernard McGeoy and Catherine Farrell.)
5. Thomas McGeoyBirth: 31 July 1892. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: Dec 1978 near Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. (The son of Thomas McGeoy and Mary Wherty, grandson of Bernard McGeoy and Catherine Farrell.)
6. Mary McGeoyBirth: 24 May 1897. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: April 1975 near Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
8. Mary McGeoyBirth: 23 June 1903. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: Jun 1982 in Gibbsboro, Camden, New Jersey.
9. Alice McGeoyBirth: 25 August 1906. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: 24 May 2000 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
11. Leo McGeoyBirth: 12 September 1908. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: June 1980 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Son of Harry and Annie McGeoy, listed below under Schuylkill County McGeoys.)
14. Joseph McGeoy Birth: 3 June 1983. Number Issued in Pennsylvania. Death: 10 April 1999 in Pennsylvania.
Michael E. McGoey of New Orleans, Louisiana, was kind enough to give me permission to publish his Summary of Genealogical Search of McGoey Family of New Orleans, as revised on May 10, 2002
Summary of Genealogical Search of McGoey Family of New Orleans.
By Michael E. McGoey
I have compiled this document from sources derived as a result of a collaborative effort of McGoey family members in New Orleans (King and Karen McGoey, Judy Fisher) and the kind and invaluable assistance of Charles J. McGoey of Dublin, Ireland.
The genesis of this search lies in the varying accounts of the oral history of the family and how they came to settle in New Orleans. The descendants of Charles J. McGoey, born 1841–42 (my great-grandfather) have told a consistent story: Three brothers, who were privateers, landed in New Orleans (or were driven from Ireland for stealing sheep), decided to stay and eventually went back to get or sent for their families. Two brothers with their families eventually went "up north" to possibly Chicago. One brother (Peter McGoey, father of Charles J.) stayed with his wife (Mary Leavy McGoey).
The descendants of Peter McGoey (b.1848), the son of the aforementioned Peter and Mary Leavy McGoey relay a different story; the three brothers were all killed together and their widows afterwards emigrated to the USA. Two widows and their children landed in the eastern part of the country, New York or Philadelphia. The last widow, Mary Leavy McGoey, and her children continued to New Orleans. Our collective goal has been to solve this mystery and prove the origin location of the family in Ireland.
The McGoey family in New Orleans from "Uptown" and "Mid-City" pronounce the name Ma Go ee, with a long "O". The branch from the Ninth Ward pronounce the name Ma Gu ee, with a long "U". Pronunciations are consistent with pronunciations described on the magoo.com site for McGoey/McGeoy/McGough. The site describes the Ma Go ee version as mag yeohee and the Ma Gu ee version as mag ughy. Interestingly enough, part of the uptown branch is descended from Charles J. McGoey and his second wife, Marie Shields. The Ninth Ward branch is descended from Charles J. McGoey and his first wife, Jane Graham.
This is an attempt to summarize the search methods and conclusions of our collective search of McGoey roots, with a focus on the first arrivals in New Orleans.
How We Started
A primary document used was the obituary of Mary Leaving (Leavy) McGoey, dated 4/3/1898, Daily Picayune, page 3, column 5, viewed on microfilm at the Main Branch, New Orleans Library.
The obit. states "Mrs. Peter McGoey reached the great age of 90 years, just ½ of which were spent in this city. Mrs. Peter McGoey came of sturdy Irish stock, having been born in county Longford, Ireland.
With her husband, who preceded her to the grave many years ago, she immigrated to this country and settled in this city. She raised a large family of children, five of whom survive - two daughters, Mrs. John McCabe and Mrs. William Miller and three sons, Henry, Charles and Peter McGoey."
On Page 4, Column 6, "McGoey - on Thursday, March 31, 1898 Mary Leaving, beloved wife of Peter McGoey, aged 90 years, a native of county Longford, Ireland and a resident of this city for the past 45 years "
From this document, we conclude that Mary Leaving McGoey arrived in New Orleans with her husband Peter; that she and Peter had many children; that she arrived in New Orleans about 1853 to perhaps 1855. We know who five of her children are as named above. There is a footnote on research done by Loyce Saucier McGoey that Henry married Ellen Stokes in Ireland in 1848 and both came to New Orleans in 1855. We do not know where this information came from. She also lists Michael McGoey as being born in 1837. There may be an immigration record for Charles J. McGoey from 1855, so it is possible that the entire family arrived in 1855. However, they are not shown as famine survivors in county Longford, Ireland in 1854. They may have left Ireland earlier, but stopped over somewhere else, then journeyed to New Orleans.
The next pertinent document found is the 1860 federal census of New Orleans, completed 5th of July 1860. This document was also viewed on microfilm at the library and a copy made. The document lists the following individuals residing together:
· Mary McGoey, age 48, born Ire., value of estate $50
· John McGoey, age 21, born Ire.
· Chs. (Charles) McGoey, age 18, born Ire.
· Charlotte McGoey, age 16, born Ire.
· Peter McGoey, age 12, born Ire., attended school that year.Next, burial records of St. Patrick's Cemetery#3 lists Mary McGoey, age 95, Henry McGoey age 81 and Ellen McGoey age 68 (Henry's wife). Mary McGoay is listed in 1870 census.
Since Mary Leaving McGoey died in 1898, we conclude that she was born in Longford, Ireland between 1803 and 1812. We searched Longford parish records (www.rootsweb.com/~irllog/) and can find no record of a Mary Leaving being born or being married in any of the records available. We note that Leaving is not an Irish name. We see many Leavy and Levy names in the Longford parish records and surmise that Mary's name was really Leavy or Levy.
The majority of McGoeys (or the variant McGeoy) occur in civil parishes of Ardagh and Moydow in Longford, but none of the children (or Peter or Mary) are listed in any parish.
We Needed Lots of Help
Here, we recognize the erudite assistance of Charles J. McGoey of Dublin (formerly of Longford) Ireland. I quote from Charles' correspondence of April 1, 2002: "The Roman Catholic Registers of Baptisms, marriages and deaths were started mostly at the beginning of the nineteenth century (1800 onwards) and were recorded and held in the custody of the Parish priests of the various diocesan parishes- in our case Ardagh/Clonmacnoise encompassing Longford County. The Registers from 1802 to 1840 for the Templemichael/Ballymacormack parish (Longford Town) appear complete. The RC rites of Baptism might have been performed 12 to 18 months after the actual birth. A further difficulty lies in the actual entries themselves. Entries were sometimes based on phonetics leading to incorrect surnames. The actual entries made by people on the Registry were themselves only semi-educated. Entries were in a form of Latin called 'Bog Latin' leading to further corruption of surnames."
From his listing of all parishes in county Longford in which the name McGoey/McGeoy occurred, Charles determined the following:
• Peter McGoey, Longford—No such person is recorded after the commencement of the Baptisms Records in 1803. We can conclude that Peter was born prior to 1802 and was older than Mary Leavy.
• Mary Leavy (Leaving or Levins)—- Only two listings for the period 1802 to 1812 and onwards.
(a) Mary Leavy, baptized 27/7/1810 to Bernard (also Bryan) Leavy and Elizabeth Kenny. Further siblings - Michael 1803, James 1806, Patrick 1813, Bernard 1815.
(b) Mary Leavy baptized 11/3/1810 to Hugh Leavy and Mary Dinnigan. Further issue Ann 1812, William 1815, James 1820.
Charles is strongly of the opinion that (a) is our source, based on the use of Christian names— a reliable source. Michael, Patrick, Bernard and probably Elizabeth appear in New Orleans, Hugh, Ann, William and James do not appear in New Orleans.
Charles assumes that "our Mary Leavy was evidently married at an early age (16 or over) making the union circa 1824 (the actual date confirmed by Charles is 5th January, 1824.) Taking various name corruptions, the following issue appear:
• Patrick McGeoy, father's name Peter, mother's name Mary Levins; date of baptism 29/3/1825. Sponsors Patrick McGeoy and Elizabeth Best.
• Henry McGeoy, father's name Peter, mother's name Mary Levins; date of baptism 14/8/1827. Sponsors Michael McGeoy and Maria (last name illegible)
• Michael McGoey, father's name Peter, mother's name Mary Leavy; date of baptism 18/3/1830. Sponsors James McGoey and Francisca (Frances) Leving.
• Mary McGay (sic), fathers name Peter, mothers name Mary Levens (sic) date of baptism 4/2/1833. Sponsors Michael Magoy and Anna Hatten.
• Charles McGeor (sic), father's name Peter, mother's name Mary Loven (sic); date of baptism 28/2/1841. Sponsors Patrick McGoey and (illegible name).
McGeor and Loven simply do not exist as local surnames. I have little doubt that these should read McGeoy and Leavy."
Charles also adds "of further interest here is a baptism the previous year of an Eleanor Stokes to Francis Stokes and Eleanora Dowd - 14/3/1826. As Stokes is a highly unusual name in Longford this appears very likely to be the future wife of Henry. The dates and actual location makes it a near certainty." Charles postulates that Mary McGay "would appear, most likely, to be the missing daughter and future spouse of William Miller. It fits the gen.tree received from a Peggy McGoey Casey."
Regarding the later children, Charles states "At the beginning of 1842 the parish registers all but cease, with only 60 baptisms between the years of 1842 and 1862. This period of course is the actual great famine dates when most of the race either died from starvation or else fled the country mostly to North America. For this reason, it is hopeless to try tracing a birth/baptism of a Charlotte or Peter McGoey both of whom appear born during the very worst period of the famine."
Charles concludes that "Peter McGeoy may have had four other brothers -
James, best man at Peter's wedding in 1824 and sponsor of third son Michael in 1830 (James had the following children - Michael, Peter, Patrick, John, Elizabeth and Mary)
Patrick, sponsor of first son Patrick 1825, and of Charles in 1841 (Had sons James and Patrick.)
Michael, sponsor of 2nd son Henry in 1827. (two of Michael's children listed (a) to Mulhern, Michael born in 1829 and (b) Margaret born in 1834 to Ann Kenny.
Andrew, married to Ann Hatten, subsequently sponsor to Mary McGeoy.
Charles believes that, due to the proliferation of the name Charles in his family, we probably share a common ancestor.
What Happened to Them After Arrival
"Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers" by Andrew B. Booth is a primary source for the Civil War. Herbert McGoey, grandson of Charles J. McGoey and great-grandson of Mary saw the rifle and uniform of Charles J. McGoey and talked to Charles as a boy about the Civil War. He added that Charles was tall, over 6', with piercing blue eyes and dark hair.
John E. McGoey (son of Charles J. McGoey) told his son Elden M. McGoey (my father) that his father, Charles J., was wounded in action while trying to anchor a boat to block the river (the Pearl River was his remembrance, but this is not certain.) His heel was shot off after he had maneuvered a boat into the river to block a Union gunship from moving past. His war record states that Charles was "detailed on detached service, April 1, 1862." Unit history for Patton's 21st Louisiana Regiment, taken from Arthur W. Bergeron's "Guide to Louisiana Confederate Military Units", page 126, states that a detachment from the regiment participated in the defense of Ft. Pemberton on the upper Yazoo River." From the "History of the 28th Wisconsin, A Yazoo Pass Expedition: A failed attack on Fort Pemberton", the following excerpt is taken: "The expedition cleared the Coldwater River on 6 March (1863), and reached the junction of the Tallahatchie and Yazoo Rivers on the 10th. Here, the confederates had constructed Fort Pemberton, and sunk the Star of the West in the river channel." This could be the same incident; at least it seems that detachments were common to defend rivers and waterways and they used sunken boats in the defense.
The following are listed as Confederate Veterans:
• Henry McGoe, Co. A, Shamrock Guards
• Page McGoe, Co. A, Shamrock Guards
• James McGoen, Co. A, 1st La. Arty.
• Charles McGoey, Co. C, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf.
• Daniel McGoey, Co. E, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf., captured at Vicksburg, July 4, 1863.
• John McGoey Co. F, 15th La. Inf.
• John McGoey, Co. C, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf., died at Vicksburg Hospital, Dec. 1, 1862
• Michael McGoey, Co. K, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. - residence New Orleans LA
• James McGoy, Co E., 15th La. Inf.
• Patrick McGoey (also spelled McGoff in one record), Co. I, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf.
• Daniel McGery, drafted in 1865, no service record, address listed as corner of Freret and Terpsicore (same as the Daniel McGoey in the City Directory)We know that Henry and Charles are sons of Mary Leaving from her obit. Charles is also listed in 1860 census. The John McGoey who was killed in Vicksburg is a close relation (first cousin, perhaps the John, son of James born in 1831), as he was in the same regiment as Charles and is also listed in the 1860 census as living with Mary. Page may be a son or close cousin, as he is in the same regiment as Henry. I suspect that Daniel is a close relation for the same reason, but see below. From the information supplied by Charles J. McGoey, we now know that the Patrick listed is probably a son and Michael may be a son. Mary Leaving's (Leavy) obit stated that she raised many children and not all survived.
It appears certain that another McGoey family arrived a few years earlier (1840s). If so, they are almost certainly closely related.
The New Orleans death index lists McGoeys present in New Orleans earlier. The following listings are found:
• B. McGoey, died 8/13/1855, age 40
• Barney McGoey, died 9/29/1854, age 50, a native of county Longford, Parish of Temple Michael. Friends of his brother, Thomas McGeoy, invited to attend funeral. (Note different spelling in same obit.)
• John McGoey, died 9/2/1847, age 28, of yellow fever, native of parish of Moydow, Longford, Ireland. Friends and acquaintances and those of B. McGoey invited to attend funeral.
• John McGeoy, died 8/16/1848, age 21, friends and acquaintances invited to funeral.
• Michael McGoey, died 9/8/1847, age 21, died of yellow fever, native of county Longford. Funeral at the residence of S. O'Rourke, St. Peter St. Friends and acquaintances and those of B. McGoey invited to attend.
• Bridget McGoey, died 9/8/1853, age 13 (yellow fever, resident of New Orleans for 5 years.) Obit. States that she was native of Ballymccormick, county Longford, Ire. Lived at corner of Bacchus and Clio.
• Thomas McGoey, died 9/3/1853, age 73. Obit. States he was a native of Parish Ballinacormie, county Longford, Ire. Perhaps brother of Peter?
• Francis McGoey, died 8/21/1853, age 24
• Thomas McGoey died 12/11/1855, age 19. Native of county Longford, Ire.
• Thomas McGoey died 11/22/1859, age 4
• Thomas McGeoy died 7/25/1873, age 55 born county Longford
• Matthew McGeoy born 9/10/1862, died 1/11/1893. Parents were Thomas McGeoy and Mary Anne Kelly (d. 1/28/1891).A Bernard McGoey is listed in the Passenger and Immigration lists as coming to New Orleans between 1839 and 1844. Thomas Andrew McGoey is listed in New Orleans in 1849 (from greater register of Fresno county, CA) M. McGoheey is listed as arriving in 1841 in New Orleans (could be Michael).
The Michael McGoey listed as dying 9/8/1847 of yellow fever could be the same Michael baptized in 1830, son of Peter and Mary Leavy. The dates are off by a few years, as this Michael was said to be 21 at his date of death in 1847. If he was baptized March 3, 1830, he could have been born in 1828, so just a slight difference. He could also be the Michael baptized in 1829, son of Michael (Peter's brother) and wife Mulhern. He evidently was related to a B. McGoey, who himself died in 1855 at age 40. Could Michael have been the first to immigrate of the immediate family of Peter and Mary? Is B. McGoey the Bernard baptized in 1816, son of Thomas and wife McCormack? Did B. McGoey and Michael McGoey (M. McGoheey?) arrive together? John McGoey died within a week of Michael in 1847 at the age of 28. Is he the John baptized in 1820, son of Thomas and wife Ferral? Daniel McGoey was baptized in 1822, son of the same parents as John. Is it reasonable to assume that they all came to New Orleans together or followed one another (the classic chain migration, as Charles J. McGoey puts it)?
In 1853, the largest epidemic of yellow fever in New Orleans history occurred. The list of victims buried in 1853 includes Bridget listed above and also the Thomas who died in 1853. So many Irish died in this epidemic, that a memorial was erected to the dead who were engaged in the building of the New Basin Canal, which connected the Mississippi River to Lake Ponchartrain north of the city. The canal has since been filled in. The PBS Documentary on the Irish in America vividly described the plight of the Irish in New Orleans during this time period. The early famine immigrants were considered less valuable than the slaves and were the only group willing to do this sort of work. By the 1870s, the Irish in New Orleans were prospering through the sheer force of their effort; they took the traditional Irish route to gain influence, joining the police force in great numbers, building their own churches and getting into politics. My Uncle Herbert McGoey (b. 1912) described his aunts as "lace curtain Irish", very prim and proper.
No other McGoeys have been found in Passenger and Immigration lists for New Orleans or any of the known Peter and Mary McGoey family at any other port.
We have death dates for the other known Peter McGoey children and other McGoeys of about the same age.
• Pagey McGoey, died 9/3/1885, 58 yrs. (born 1827?)
• Michael McGoey, died 10/7/1889, 50 years (born 1839?) born in Ireland per 1880 census, parents born in Ireland, wife Mary Gaimon or Gannon (married 4/28/1866) born in Ireland. Obit states that he was resident of the city for 40 years, native of Ireland.
• Henry McGoey, died 8/6/1909, 81 years (born 1828 in Ireland) City records show marriage license date of 2/13/1855 to Ellen Duff (vec p173,174). Is this Ellen Stokes? Could be confirmation of marriage in Ireland in 1848. Possibly came to New Orleans in 1855, per immigration records.
• Charles J. McGoey, died 9/28/1917, 72 years (born in Ireland 1846, but see below.) 1860 census lists Charles as 18 yrs, could have been born 1841-2 (and see above under the entry Charles McGeor.) Charles was member of Loyal Star Lodge, no. 27, B.K. of A. Marriage license to marry Jane Wallace Graham 7/2/1864, vec 678 p188. This was his first wife (three children - Rosa, Lizzie or Elizabeth & Charles, Jr. (b.1869). She died and according to the family history, Charles sent to Ireland for a second wife, Marie Shields, born in Galway, 1852. Marie Shields came to New Orleans in 1874, married Charles 5/5/1874. They had five or perhaps six children - Mary (b.1877), John Edward (b.1879), Joseph, Charlotte, James Patrick and Peter (b. 1876.)
• Charlotte McGoey, died 2/6/1919, 74 years (born in Longford, Ireland 1845) 1860 census lists Charles as older than Charlotte and Charlotte as 16 yrs.
• Mrs. William Miller (may be Elizabeth McGue?)
• John McGoey, died 12/1/1862 at Vicksburg. Age listed as 20 or 21 in 1860 census, so perhaps born 1839.
• Daniel McGoey (McGeoy in obit.); died 1/24/1873, age 40, b 1833. A native of county Longford, Ireland and a resident of the city for 20 years. Friends and acquaintances and those of Thomas McGeoy invited to attend. Resided at Terpsicore and Freret St. New York and Wisconsin papers asked to copy.
• Peter McGoey, died 10/9/1926, age 77, so born 1848-9, confirmed by 1860 census in which he is listed as 12 yrs.
• Patrick McGoey married Rosanna Burns 11/22/1855, daughter Theresa born 8/27/1859.Charles and John were in the same regiment and lived together, per 1860 census, so were probably closely related. Daniel was also in the same regiment so probably related. The Daniel who died in 1873 could also be a different Daniel as the 1868 city directory lists a Daniel McGeoy and a Daniel McGoey. Pagey and Henry were in same regiment. Michael's regiment was a consolidated regiment that included the remnants of Patton's La. 21st Inf. Michael seems to be from the earlier group if indeed he had been in the city for 40 years when he died in 1889. Patrick is the right age to be the son born to Peter and Mary Leavy about 1824 and to have married Rosanna Burns in 1855.
New Orleans City Directory lists:
• 1850 - Benjamin McGoey - St. Peter, Basin & Girod (is this the B. McGoey who died in 1855?)
• 1853 - Bernard McGoey - Calliope, b. Bacchus & Dryades (Barney McGoey?)
• 1861 - Daniel McGoey - Drayman, 60 Magazine
• 1861 - Michael McGoey - 209 St. Thomas
• 1861 - Pagey McGoey - Drayman, Gravier & St. ?
• 1866 - Daniel McGoey, Drayman, 60 Magazine
• 1866 - Michael McGoey - 209 St. Thomas
• 1866 - Patrick McGoey - Drayman, 139 Cypress
• 1866 - Patrick McGoey - Drayman, 450 Terpsicore
• 1867 - Mary McGoey - 135 Bolivar
• 1867 - Thomas McGoey - Warehouseman, 450 Terpsicore
• 1867 - Henry McGoey - Drayman - 7 Prieur
• 1867 - Patrick McGoey - Drayman - Magnolia & N. Thalia
• 1868 - Charles McGoey - Journeyman Coppersmith, res. Tonti b. Customhouse & Bienville
• 1868 - Daniel McGoey - Grocer, res. Celeste & Religious
• 1868 - Michael McGoey - Warehouseman, 180 Chippewa
• 1868 - Daniel McGeoy - Drayman, Freret & Terpsicore
• 1868 - Thomas McGeoy - Warehouseman, Freret & Terpsicore
• 1868 - P. McGoey - Drayman, res. 240 Magnolia
• 1869 - Charles McGoey - Warehouseman, res 438 Gravier
• 1870 - Charles McGoey - Warehouseman r. 435 Gravier
• 1870 - Mrs. Mary McGoey - r. 203 Clara
• 1870 - Patrick McGoey - Drayman - Pottof & Knoght, r. Josephine
• 1871 - Thomas McGeoy - Porter - De Morphy - Freret, cor. Felicity
• 1871 - Daniel McGeoy - Drayman - De Morphy - Freret
• 1871 - Charles J. McGoey - r. 438 Gravier
• 1871 - Henry McGoey - Drayman 442 Gravier
• 1871 - Michael McGoey - Lab. R. 133 Julia
• 1871 - Mrs. Mary McGoey - r. 16 Johnson, 1st dist.
• 1872 - Charles McGeoy - Porter, Katz & Barnett
• 1872 - Michael McGeoy - Drayman, res. 135 Julia
• 1872 - Patrick McGoey - Drayman, C. Potthof, r. Josephine
• 1872 - Peter McGoey - Tinsmith, r. 14 Johnson, 1st Dist.
• 1873 - Charles McGoey - Drayman, r. 16 Johnson, 1st Dist.
• 1873 - C. J. (Charles J.) McGoey - Drayman, Katz & Barnett
• 1873 - Peter McGoey - Tinner, r. 16 Johnson, 1st Dist.
• 1873 - Patrick McGoey - Drayman, r. Josephine bet. Willow & Claiborne
• 1873 - Henry McGoey - Drayman, r. 442 GravierThe same group of names keeps appearing; Daniel and Thomas McGeoy appear to live and work together in 1871. A Charles McGeoy appears in 1872 and a Michael McGeoy in the same year. Peter McGoey and Charles McGoey appear to live together in 1872-73. Suspect that Michael McGeoy is really the Michael McGoey from 1871 spelled differently.
Who Are Those Guys?
It seems there are two families, perhaps related and probably both from county Longford. (There is a "McGoey Hall" in Longford Town.) Bernard McGoey is the brother of Thomas McGeoy. The McGeoys seem to come from Templemichael in Longford, the McGoeys maybe from Ballymccormick or Ballinacormie as stated in the obits of Bridget McGoey (1853) and Thomas McGoey (1854). As Chares J. McGoey points out, the areas are very close to each other, with Moydow being only 5 to 7 miles from Longford.
The county Longford Roman Catholic Parish Records list shows that Templemichael Civil Parish has Roman Catholic Parishes listed as: Longford (Templemichael & Ballymacormack) showing LDS film numbers of 0926028 and 1279219. Templemichael records are also available at the Longford Genealogy Centre and certain records at the National Library of Ireland. The number of McGoey households in the Civil Parish of Templemichael in 1854 was 2. Clongesh shows 6, Kilcommock 1, Killoe 1, Moydow 3, Taghsheenod 2. Total of 15 households in 1854, per the Griffith's Valuation.
In the list of Famine Survivors taken from the Valuation, Andrew McGoey is shown in Templemichael at T'parks/T/L'ford/Hibernia Lane (off Main St.) Thomas McGoey is shown in Templemichael at T'parks/T/L'ford/Chapel Lane (off Main St.)
Charles J. McGoey has provided a complete listing of baptismal entries extracted from the Roman Catholic Register of the joint parishes of Templemichael/Ballymacormack, Longford town and immediate environment covering period circa 1800 to 1870. Except for a large gap in the famine period, the registers seem complete.
In addition, Charles has completed a search of the Tithe Applotment Books of 1833 from the parish of Ballymacormack, Co. Longford. (See related document so titled.) Charles states, "These were registers recording payments due to the Protestant Church of Ireland and were levied on the entire population in the early 1800's. They were strongly resented by the Catholic population and it time abolished Understand that the Parish of Ballymacormack is really a half parish - Templemichael being the other and this latter encompasses the town of Longford. In Ireland every parish is divided into a number of townlands, some big, some small."
From this superb bit of detective work, Charles determined the townland lived in by Peter and Mary in 1833. This townland, named Caldramore, is located "At the outer edge of Ballymacormack in a small enclave bordering both Killashee and Moydow." Peter was a tenant farmer occupying 13 acres. His neighbors in Caldramore were Thomas and Thady McGoey, occupying a small farm together. Nearby in the townland of Ballynamore were his brother James and Mary's father Bryan Leavy. His brother Michael occupied 27 acres nearby in the townland of Corry and John McGoey had acreage in the townland of Crohan. The map, circa 1914, (see map file) sent by Charles clearly shows Ballynamore is about 2 miles from Longford Town and Caldramore (spelled Caldraghmore) is about 2 miles from Ballynamore and less than that from Moydow. Just a mere stretch of the leg.
When Charles examined the Griffith Valuations (taken 1852/53) of 1854, he determined that none of the above family holdings remain. The Valuations listed "James McGeoy in Caldramore domiciled in a house minus even a garden (lessor, James Ferrell), Henry McGeoy domiciled in a house with a small garden of one perch, and Andrew McGeoy in a house with a small garden of 15 perches." Charles goes on to say "It could be argued that the above three had yet to join their parents in the U.S. Furthermore that Henry was the Henry married to Ellen Stokes - the latter might never have made it across the Atlantic hence a second marriage."
I conclude that it is now virtually certain that the New Orleans McGoeys/McGeoys originated in the townships of Caldramore and Ballynamore, Parish of Ballymacormack, Barony of Moydow, county Longford and that, in particular, Peter and Mary McGoey along with many of their children immigrated to New Orleans during the 1850's. Their children were likely :
• Patrick, b. 1825
• Henry, b. 1827
• Michael, b. 1830
• Mary, b. 1833
• Charles, b. 1841
• Charlotte, b. 1844
• Peter, b. 1848
• Mrs. William Miller (Mary? Elizabeth? Margaret?) b.1833?The gap between Mary and Charles is 8 years, leading one to believe there may have been an additional birth or two; however, the search by Charles J. McGoey of the baptismal records was exhaustive and did not turn up any likely additional children. The search did confirm the baptismal date of Mary Leavy to be July 27, 1810, giving a birth date of 1808–1809, confirming the information that Mary died at 90 in 1898.
Peter was evidently born before 1802, so was not listed. From the discussion above, we assume his brothers may be:
• James
• Patrick
• Michael
• AndrewLooking at the combinations in the Longford baptismal entries, we see that Charles (1802), James (1804), Andrew (1809), Laurence (1806), Elizabeth (1811), Daniel (1814), and Thadeus (1818) were born to James McGoey and wife with maiden name of Lenaghan.
James (1804) and Michael (1805) are born to John McGoey and wife with maiden name of Madden.
Patrick (1805) and Michael (1807) are born to Michael McGoey and wife with maiden name McAuley.
Bernard (1804), Patrick (1806), Brigid (1807), Andrew (1808), Mary 1810, Michael (1813), James (1816) are born to Lawrence and wife with maiden name of Dowd.
If Peter was born before 1802, then it may be reasonable to assume that James, the best man at his wedding in 1824, may be an older brother or nearly his age. Patrick may be next in line, then Michael as they were selected in that order to sponsor his first two children. Patrick would have been about 20 years when he sponsored 1st son Patrick in 1825 and Michael would have been about 20 years when he sponsored second son Henry in 1827. Therefore, it may be reasonable to assume that Peter's father was the Michael McGoey married to a McAuley listed above, but this is not certain.
Although the neighboring county Leitrim did have McGoey names listed in the Valuation (actually more than Longford), it is possible but unlikely that Peter and his brothers were born in Leitrim. However, as a James McGeoy was a sponsor to Mary Leavy's baptism, this would indicate perhaps a close relationship between the families as early as 1810. Mary probably knew Peter all of her life.
A final piece of information given by Charles J. McGoey relates to the triple murder story. Charles has obtained a draft of an article from the "Times of London" dated 25th March of 1846. This article reads as follows:
Longford, Saturday - March 21, 1846. - This day at 9 minutes past 12 o'clock, John Buchannan, aged 21 and Bernard McGoey aged 24, were executed in front of the gaol of this town for the murder of Henry Bergin, at Gowlan, on the 1st Nov. last, of which crime they were convicted, on the clearest evidence, at the last assizes. Two troops of the 8th Hussars one company of the 6th Regiment, and about 25 policemen who marched to the front of the gaol at 11 o'clock, were the only guard present on the occasion, and we should suppose, from the best calculations we could make, there were about from 2000 to 3000 persons present to witness the frightful scene. On their making their appearance, Bernard McGoey said - "I am innocent, pray for me." Buchanan said, "I do not know what I ever done to man, woman or child, that brought me to this death. I had neither hand, act or part, in the beating of..." when the priest (Farrell of Killashee) who attended him tapped him on the shoulder and stopped him finishing the sentence. He then said, "innocent as the child unborn" during which the trap fell. McGoey was attended by the Rev. Phillip Duffy . The two culprits we have heard were first cousins, and nephews to a man named Buchannan, who was hanged in this town for the murder of Needam, about 25 years ago.
Charles adds the following footnote:
"The Bernard McGoey is most likely to be the Bernard born 28/2/1819 to Thadeus McGoey and Mary Buchannan. This is reinforced by the attendance of Rev. Philip Duffy who was the priest in the parish of Ballymacormack from 1840 to 1854. Likewise the John Buchannan was one of the family of same name from the Parish of Killashee—- two miles away. Again the attendance of the Rev. Mark O'Farrell, pastor there from 1843 to 1848 reinforces the point. The area mentioned i.e. Gowlan is the Gaelic name for a crossroads, intersection or fork junction. It could be anywhere within the immediate neighborhood. The Thadeus McGoey, I mention, is the Thady McGoey of Caldramore. I cannot find any other of the name. He would have been a close relation (a brother?) and next door neighbour of Peter McGoey."
Charles states that Bernard McGoey was a nephew of Peter McGoey. The size of the audience and the numbers of soldiers and police lead Charles to conclude that the populace felt that "the pair were innocent. All militia and constabulary were mobilized to prevent an expected riot."
As this event occurred before the birth of Peter's youngest son (also named Peter, who was born about 1848, according to the census and his obit), he evidently lived to see the grisly hanging. However, this catastrophic event could be the genesis of the story told by the younger Peter's descendants. In addition, Charles J. McGoey heard in his youth that the "McGoeys of Moydow were a persecuted species." The authorities may have made life difficult for them, as they may have may have made life difficult for the authorities, particularly after this event. The family would have reason in their minds for revenge. Eventually, they may have been driven out. In theory, according to Charles, "these were tenant farmers who should have weathered the famine." Their decision to leave Ireland could have been caused by persecution or if the privateer tradition is correct, they could have exited one step ahead of the authorities, along with their families.
Based on the statement in Mary Leavy McGoey's obituary that "With her husband, who preceded her to the grave many years ago, she immigrated to this country and settled in this city", it seems more than likely that Peter came with her. His method of arrival and that of his brothers and what happened to them after arrival are still mysteries we have yet to solve.
Michael E. McGoey
New Orleans, Louisiana
May 10, 2002
Here is part of an email from Bruce Cowen on September 6, 2007:
"My maternal ancestry is McGoey, from Longford, Ireland. The history is that several of the McGoey's (of Thomas McGoey/Catherine Flannigan) came to the "new world" because of the potato famine. They apparently landed in South Carolina. My direct line (Nicholas Patrick McGoey) moved to Martindale, Quebec. Also a brother, Patrick, who became a priest in the same area of Canada. I have been told some of the McGoey's stayed in the United States, but I don't have their names.
Thomas McGoey/ Mary Clark’s son is Thomas McGoey
Thomas McGoey/Catherine Flannigan
-10 children
- 5 of the boys are shown as being baptized in the Parish of Ardagh & Moyden between 1812 and 1833
"Several of these children immigrated to the new world via South Carolina. My great grandfather was one of them. He ended up in Canada. He died in 1909 and is buried in Martindale, Quebec, Canada. His headstone says he was born in Grillagh, Longford.
"Also there are another 'clan' of McGoey’s in the same area of Canada. They have been traced back to Patrick McGoey/Ellen Kennedy. There are several children listed in the Parish of Ardagh & Moyden to Patrick McGoey/E. Kennedy between 1809–1813.
"There is a Thomas McGoey baptized July 1804 for Patrick McGoey / E Kenny. Perhaps this E. Kenny is actually Ellen Kennedy. An obituary for a Thomas McGoey said he died 19 March 1861 (age 81) in Hull, Canada and born in the county of Longford. The 1851 census gives his birth date as June 1806."
FamilySearch says that a Nicholas McGoey was born in Wakefield, Gatineau, Quebec, in about 1835, and married Ally (Alice) Cahill on June 23, 1861, at St. Camille, Farrellton, Gatineau, Quebec.
The 1851 census of Hull, Ottawa county, Quebec, lists this family:
(1851) Patrick McGoey, age 68, born in Ireland, farmer, Church of Rome, Province: Canada East (Quebec); DISTRICT: Ottawa County; District Number 20; Sub-District: Hull; Sub-District Number: 266; page 45, line 9; roll C_1131; Schedule A.
Ellen McGoey, age 67, born in Ireland in about 1785, Church of Rome.
Joseph McGoey, age 27, born in Canada East in about 1824, labourer, Church of Rome. [Joseph McGoey, age 51, a widowed farmer, born in Quebec, is listed in the 1881 census of Hull. Census Place Hull, Ottawa, Quebec; Family History Library Film 1375861; NA Film Number C-13225; District 97; Sub-district Z; Division 2; Page Number 3; Household Number 10. With him are Michael McGoey, age 12; John T. McGoey, age 11; Ellen McGoey, age 10; and Eliza McGoey, age 8, all born in Quebec and Catholic.]
The 1851 census of Templeton, Ottawa county, Quebec, lists this family:
(1851) Thomas McGoey, Seur, age 46, born in Ireland in about 1806, lumber merchant, Roman Catholic. Province: Canada East (Quebec); DISTRICT: Ottawa County; District Number 20; Sub-District: Templeton; Sub-District Number 277; page 1, line 1, roll C_1132; Schedule A. [Thomas McGoey was a son-in-law of Philemon Wright, Jr. and participated with several descendants of Philemon Wright in The Gatineau Privilege, a monopoly introduced to limit the cutting of timber along the Gatineau River in Lower Canada from 1832 to 1843. See the article after this census return.] [This is probably the Thomas McGoey born in July, 1804, to Thomas McGoey and Elizabeth Kennedy as listed in the table of Ardagh and Moydow Parish Baptisms [1793–1895] set out above.]
Pamelia Wright McGoey, age 39, born in Canada, Roman Catholic. [The wife of Thomas McGoey. See Chevrier v. The Queen, (1880), the Supreme Court of Canada, volume 4, page 154. Pamelia Wright McGoey is listed in the genealogy of the Wyman Family (Family: Wright/Olmstead). (F9537)]
Thomas McGoey, Feur, age 20, born December 8, 1830, in Canada, labourer, Roman Catholic. [THE OTTAWA FREE PRESS - DEATH NOTICES, 1874—"Sept 24, aged 37, Julia Duffy, wife of Thomas MCGOEY, Jr. of Gatineau Point.]
Abigail McGoey, age 18, born in Canada, Roman Catholic.
Ellen McGoey, age 8, born in Canada, Roman Catholic.
James McGoey, age 6, born in Canada, Roman Catholic. [James McGoey, age 55, born in Quebec on June 23, 1845, Irish heritage, Canadian nationality, Roman Catholic, farmer, is listed in the 1901 census of Hull (Ironside village, district of Wright), Quebec, with his wife, Elizabeth, age 55, born in England, English heritage, and adopted daughter, Catherine, age 20, born in England on December 11, 1880, Irish heritage, who immigrated in 1884. Province: Quebec; DISTRICT: Wright; District Number 200; Sub-District: Hull; Sub-District Number M-3; Family Number 35; page 4.]
Mary McGoey, age 4, born in Canada, Roman Catholic.
Ann Pamelia McGoey, age 1, born in Canada, Roman Catholic.
From: Pine to Pulp: The Timber Trade on the Gatineau River, part 1. Author: Helen E. Parson (Text reprinted with permission from Up the Gatineau!, volume 3) published on the Internet by the Outaouais Heritage Web Magazine, an initiative of the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN).
"In the Gatineau Valley, the economic potential of the pineries was quickly exploited. In 1806, the Wrights took the first raft of squared timber from the mouth of the Gatineau River down the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers to market in Quebec City. From this beginning, the enterprise grew rapidly and other lumber merchants were soon showing interest in the Gatineau resources. By the 1830s, lumbering had spread throughout the Gatineau Valley, although between 1832 and 1843, the 'Gatineau Privilege' controlled forest operations in this area.
"The 'Gatineau Privilege' established definite limits and cut quotas for each of several timber merchants. The purpose of the arrangement, granted by the Crown Timber Office, was to prevent trouble among the various contenders for Gatineau resources. Ruggles Wright, Tiberius Wright, Christopher Columbus Wright, Peter Aylen, and Thomas McGoey were each allowed to take 2,000 sticks of red pine per year from the Gatineau, while George Hamilton and C. A. Low, Hawkesbury sawmill partners, were allowed 12,000 saw logs a year (changed in 1835 to 14,000 saw logs and 2,000 red pine sticks) for each partner.
"Lumbering on the Gatineau was, therefore, monopolized by the “Gatineau Privilege” partners for over a decade. During these years, the partners were instrumental in opening up the area. By 1833, they had built rough roads ninety-three miles up the valley to approximately the present site of Maniwaki. The partners were responsible for the introduction of agriculture into the middle and upper Gatineau Valley."
The 1851 census of Wakefield, Quebec, lists, with a residence of Hull (outside the Wakefield limits), Thomas McGoey, born in Canada, Roman Catholic, living alone, with no age or occupation. Canada East (Quebec); DISTRICT: Ottawa County; District Number 20; Sub-District: Wakefield; Sub-District Number 278; page 5, line 19; roll C_1132; Schedule A.
For a list of all the McGoeys in Quebec in the 1901 and 1911 censuses, go to Automated Genealogy. Open Quebec and enter McGoey in the Surname Search box. Then click the line at the bottom that reads: Sort by geographic location.
The 1881 census of Canada is reproduced on Family Search, the website of the Family History Library in Salt Lake city. The census is word searchable. On the home page of the website, click on Search Genealogy Records & Library—U.S., British, & Canadian Census Collections.
By email of September 11, Bruce Cowen sent me more information on two generations of McGoey's, with a comment that: "If others see a possible connection, I do have much more on the later generations. The numbers represent the names I do not have." Here is a reduced version of the genealogy sent to me by Bruce Cowen. I have cut out some of the material, and added some additional census details, and made a few other minor editorial changes:
Descendants of Thomas McGoey
Generation No. 1
1. THOMAS1 MCGOEY was born Bef. 1780 in Ireland. He married MARY CLARK. She was born Bef. 1780 in Ireland.
2. i. THOMAS2 MCGOEY, b. Bef. 1796, Ireland; d. Abt. 1901.
Generation No. 2
2. THOMAS2 MCGOEY (THOMAS 1) was born Bef. 1796 in Ireland, and died Abt. 1901. He married CATHERINE FLANNIGAN1 in Ireland, daughter of JAMES FLANNAGAN and CATHERINE BRAKEAN. She was born Bef. 1797 in Ireland.
*Jack McGoey has a letter that says Thomas died at 105 years old.
i. NICHOLAS PATRICK3 MCGOEY, b. Oct 1823, Grillagh, Longford, Ireland2; d. 17 Apr 1909, Martindale, Quebec3,4; m. ALICE CAHILL5,6, 23 Jun 1861, Farrellton, Quebec; b. 17 Oct 1841, Ireland7; d. 21 May 1920, Martindale, Quebec8. (See Ardagh and Moydow baptisms in the table above)
*Jack McGoey said Nicholas immigrated to South Carolina before settling in Canada.
*The 1901 census of Aylwin, Wright, Quebec, lists Nicholas as David W. McGoey, but the writing is unclear and indexed by Ancestry.com as McGorry:
(1901) David W. McGoey, age 60, born on July 13, 1840, in Ireland, immigrated in 1848, Irish heritage, Canadian nationality, farmer, Roman Catholic (Province: Quebec; District: Wright; District Number 200; Sub-District: Aylwin; Sub-District Number C-1; Family Number 112; page 12, line 47).
Alice McGoey, age 59, born on October 17, 1841, in Ireland, immigrated in 1862, Irish heritage, Canadian nationality, Roman Catholic. [Alice Cahill, also known as Ally].
David McGoey, age 35, born on August 29, 1865, in Quebec, Irish heritage, Canadian nationality, farmer's son, Roman Catholic.
James McGoey, age 27, born on October 26, 1873, in Quebec, Irish heritage, Canadian nationality, farmer's son, Roman Catholic.
Nicholas McGoey, age 15, born on July 11, 1885, in Quebec, Irish heritage, Canadian nationality, farmer's son, Roman Catholic.
*Martindale headstone - Nicholas McGoey died 17 Apr 1909 age 85 native of Co of Longford, Ireland / buried with his wife.
*1851 census - living with family in Wakefield / gives birth county as Canada
*Marriage: 23 Jun 1861, Farrellton, Quebec
*1901 census - married (59) living on farm in Aylwin, Quebec / Alice McGorig
*1911 census - widowed (61) living on son David's family on a farm in Aylwin, Quebec / Alice McGoey
*Martindale headstone (1842-1920) / buried with husband
ii. MARCEL MCGOEY*, b. May 1812, Longford, Ireland11.---
*1851 England census / Dale Street, Liverpool, Lancashire:
(1851) M. McGough, age 40, general labourer, born in Ireland, a lodger in the home of Mathew Carney, age 40, a general labourer, and Ann Carney, age 34, his wife, both of whom were born in Ireland (and these children, all of whom were born in Ireland: Mary, 14, sells matches; Jane, 12, sells matches; Bridget, 7, scholar; Mathew, 5, scholar; and Ellen, 2, infant) at No. 5 Court, 101 Hodson Street (Civil parish: Liverpool; Town: Liverpool; County: Lancashire; Country: England; Registration district: Liverpool; Sub-registration district: Dale Street).
Marget McGough, age 38, sells fruit, born in Ireland.
Mary McGough, age 13, sells fruit, born in Ireland.
Patrick McGough, age 8, scholar, born in Ireland.
Margeret McGough, age 3, infant, born in Ireland.
[Bruce Cowen includes this note because of the possibility that Marcell McGoey and M. McGough are the same person. The ages match. There was a Matthew Carney on the 1796 Flax Grower's List of Moydow parish, county Longford, Ireland; and several Carney families in county Longford.]
iii. THOMAS MCGOEY, b. Jan 1826, Longford, Ireland11.
iv. JOHN MCGOEY, b. Jul 1831, Longford, Ireland11.
v. CHRISTOPHER MCGOEY12, b. Oct 1833, Longford, Ireland13; d. 190614; m. MARY BLAKE14.
vi. REV. PATRICK MCGOEY15, b. 02 Mar 1817, Armagh, Ireland16; d. 16 Nov 1890, Glocester Parish, Ontario17.
*Was a catholic priest in Canada - info from Jack McGoey
*A Rev Patrick McGoey is listed in Kirk's Ferry in 1871
*Email from Barbara McGoey (21 Jun 2007)
"I obtained today a copy with the photos and dates of all the priests that served the parish at Farrellton from 1850 to the 1970"s. The photo of Father McGoey from the church, is the same man in the photo I sent you a few days ago from the family album .... so I guess you should go on what info you were given in the first place and put the note on the back burner."
I have a hand written note by Sarah Cuddihey McGoey with some details regarding Rev Patrick McGoey...Born May 6,1822 in Longford Ireland,came to canada in 1843, ordained in 1844, died November 16, 1890 and buried in Glocester Parish.
The following information is from different articles I have read and collected over the years.
Beginnings of the Parish of Martindale: The beginning of this parish is intimately related with that of Farrellton (formerly called Wakefield). Because the first mission that opened for the two places was in Farrellton and also because the first priest that attended both missions resided there, the history of the beginning of Wakefield is the history in the beginning of the mission in Low.
"The first priest that came as a pastor of Wakefield was Father Thomas O'Boyle. The first act he signed was that of a christening of Patrick Cahill on March 30, 1850. In 1853 he exchanged parishes with Father McGoey. In a note left by Mgr.C Guigues during his pastoral visitation in 1857, was a statement saying that there were 300 souls in Wakefield and 500 in Low. But as these two missions were still too poor to support the pastor and build the church, Father McGoey was removed to Chelsea in April 1859, but still attending these two parishes"
In 1850 Father Thomas O,Boyle, an Oblate, was the first parish priest of St .Joseph's Missionary Church.(that was what the church was first called before the construction of the present day church called St Camillus de Lellis)
Father O'Boyle found Farrellton very poor and longing for something better left for Plantagenet in 1853.
Cowen quotes material from: The College of Bytown 1848–1856 showing that Patrick McGoey taught English there from 1848 to 1849. Here are excerpts:
"Father McGoey, born in Armagh, the primatial See of Ireland, March 2, 1817, was ordained for the diocese of Bytown, May 6, 1849, and he was appointed pastor of Plantagenet, June 10, the same year." [I believe the author has confused the parish of Ardagh in county Longford with county Armagh. HMcG]
More About REV. PATRICK MCGOEY: Baptism: 06 May 1822, Longford, Ireland17; Immigration: 184317; Ordination: 184417; Residence: Canada18.
vii. 7 MCGOEY.
viii. 8 MCGOEY.
ix. 9 MCGOEY.
x. 10 MCGOEY.
There are several McGeoys listed in the 1881 census of Quebec:
(1881) James McGeoy, age 34, born about 1847 in Quebec, a farmer, Catholic, Irish heritage; Census Place Hull, Ottawa, Quebec; Family History Library Film 1375861; NA Film Number C-13225; District 97; Sub-district Z; Division 1; page 68, household number 287.
Torinella McGeoy, age 66, widowed, born in Quebec about 1815, Irish heritage, Catholic.
(1881) Patrick McGeoy, age 60, born in Quebec about 1821, farmer, married, Irish heritage, Catholic. Census Place Wakefield, Ottawa, Quebec; Family History Library Film 1375861; NA Film Number C-13225; District 97; Sub-district FF; Division 2; page number 28, household number 111.
Margaret McGeoy, age 40, born in Ireland about 1841, married, Irish heritage; Catholic.
Joseph P. McGeoy, age 15, born in Quebec in about 1866, farmer's son, Irish heritage, Catholic.
Here is part of an email I received from Timi Hughes of New Brunswick, Canada, on May 9, 2002:
"My mother was a 'McGouey'....... born and died in New Brunswick, Canada. Have had a hard time trying to find McGouey in the NB census before 1871 and no births are registered even afterwards altho all the children were born in N.B.
"In the 1871 census it was spelled McGoey but it is the same family. Thomas McGouey was born in Longford, Parish of Granard, Ireland and his son, James was my grandfather. I haven't been able to find Thomas wife's last name....... Ellen; born in County Leitrim, Ireland in 1824. Some people have said they thought it was also McGouey. I don't know. I do know where they are buried."
Timi Hughes also sent me copies of two obituaries from the St. John Globe. The notes are hers:
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Saint John Globe - November 11, 1889
McGouey—At Coldbrook on Saturday 9th. inst. Thomas McGouey, age 68 years, a native of the Parish of Granard, county Longford, Ireland and a resident of N.B. for the past 46 years, leaving a wife and ten children to mourn their loss. (Boston and New York Papers please copy ). Funeral will take place from his late residence on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 9 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectively invited to attend. Coaches leave the head of King Street at 8 o'clock.
Note.....Coldbrook is located on the east side of Saint John.
Note where it says Boston and New York Papers please copy. Thomas had relatives there.
This is Thomas' brother Patrick who was not married I am quite sure.
Saint John Globe - September 14, 1911
McGouey—In this city, on the 12 inst. Patrick McGouey, in his 82nd year. Funeral at the home of his niece Friday morning at 8:15 o'clock to the Cathedral for High Mass of Requiem. Friends are invited to attend.
Patrick McGouey was buried in lot C 173 St. Joseph's Cemetery, Saint John NB
Died Sept 12 1911 age 82 born Ireland circ 1830 Reg # 697 Fnum F 20756 volume 20.
Timi also sent me information she copied from the 1871 census of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, with the comment: "This is definitely my great grandfather Thomas McGouey but spelled McGoey in the census!!!"
gender age PoB relig occupation
McGoey; Thomas M 47 Ireland RC Irish Laborer
Ellen F 47 " " "
Patrick M 24 NB " " "
Frank M 32* " " " "
Mary A F 20 " " "
John M 15 "
Catherine F 16 " " " Servant
Barbara F 10 " " "
Margaret F 12 " " "
James M 7 " " "
Ellen F 5 " " "
Betsy F 3 " " "
Note - the name McGouey was actually spelled McGoey in this Census. James is my grandfather.
*re. Frank - was he really 22 instead of 32? It makes more sense. The census taker may have written it down wrong?
Timi also referred me to a good research site: Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.
In Baptisms at St. Patrick's (Fallowfield), 1851-1862, the father of Ellen McGouey, who was born in 1859, is listed as Thomas McGoey. The mother is listed as Nancy Monaghan. Fallowfield is near Ottawa.
The surnames McGoue and McGoues are listed in the 1880 federal census of New York.
There were several families with the surnames Goeway, Goewey, Geoweye, Geowy, or Goey in the 1870 federal census of New York. The heads of the households all list their birth places as New York.
McGeoy/McGoey/McGouey <http://www.magoo.com/hugh/mcgeoy.html> Updated January 23, 2012 |
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