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McGoughs in the 1840 Census
of the United States



All persons listed were free and white unless otherwise indicated.


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AL - Coosa County

Rockford Precinct

(1840) John McGough, male 50 to 60; no slaves; 1 person employed in agriculture; 1 person employed in manufactures or trades (roll 2, page 299a). [Born about 1787 in Ft, Augusta, Richmond, Georgia; died in November 1840 in Coosa, Alabama; oldest son of Robert McGough, Jr.. and Agnes "Nancy McWhorter." Family Search.]

1 female 50 to 60 [Elizabeth Brooks; born in Tennessee; married in Christian county, Kentucky, on June 26, 1810. Rowe, page 77]

1 male 20 to 30 [Possibly James Madison McGough who married Polly Rasberry in 1832, then Nancy Childers in 1836.]

1 female 20 to 30

1 female 15 to 20

1 female 10 to 15

3 females 5 to 10

2 males under 5

1 female under 5

Sockopartoy Precinct (indexed by as Socapatoy)

(1840) William McGough, male 20 to 30 (roll 2, page 289) [Probably William B. McGough, the oldest son of John McGough and Elizabeth "Polly" Brooks, who married Welthy Ann Nix on January 5, 1835, in Bibb county, Alabama. Rowe, page 80. William B. McGough was born on August 3, 1812, in Christian county, Kentucky, and died on March 1, 1888, in Walker county, Alabama. Buried in Old Flatwood Cemetery, Walker county. See the 1860 census of Walker county, Alabama. (A compilation of 1867 Walker County Voter Registration and Loyalty Oaths says William McGough was born in Sevier county, Kentucky.)]

1 female, 20 to 30 [Welthy Ann Nix who was born on July 12, 1818, in Alabama, to William and Frances Nix. Rowe, page 80.]

3 males under 5

James Anderson McGough, born on December 21, 1835, in Bibb county, Alabama. (Rowe, page 85)

William McGough, born in 1837, in Alabama. (Rowe, page 87)

John McGough was born in Coosa county, Alabama, on February 9, 1839, the third son of William B. McGough and Welthy Ann Nix. On April 10, 1862, John enlisted at Kansas, Walker county, as a private in Company H, 43rd Alabama Infantry, under Captain Lawrence. He was wounded at Petersburg, Virginia, on July 26, 1864, and after recoverung from his wound, joined Company KL, th Alabama Calvary, and served until the close of the war. History of Walker County : its towns and its people by John Martin Dombhart, page 274, (Cayce Publishing Co., Thornton, Arkansas, c1937, 380 pages). Rowe, page 90.

AL - Dallas County

(1840) Elizabeth McGu (?), female 40 to 50; 2 persons employed in agriculture.(roll 5, page 52a). [This household is between the two James McGoughs. This is probably the Elizabeth McGhu (listed in the slave schedules as McGew) in the 1850 census of Dallas county, Alabama.]

1 female 20 to 30

2 females 15 to 20

3 females 10 to 15

1 female 5 to 10

13 free colored males (probably the total number of slaves, including 5 females)

(1840) James McGough, male 50 to 60; 8 persons employed in agriculture. (roll 5, page 52a) [One household removed from James McGough, below. James McGough was the second son of Robert McGough and Agnes (Nancy) McWhorter. He was born in about 1790 at Fort Augusta, Richmond county, Georgia. He and his family moved to Union county, Arkansas, in about 1844, where he died in October of 1846. Rowe, page 146]

1 female 40 to 50 [Sarah (Sally) Hollowell, who was born on February 4, 1796, in Martin county, North Carolina, and who married James McGough in Christian county, Kentucy, on February 6, 1812. She died on December 31, 1855, in Union county, Arkansas. Rowe, page 146.]

1 male 30 to 40 [Probably Robert P. McGough, who Rowe says was born in Kentucky in about 1816. He married Clarkey Willis on May 29, 1841, in Dallas county, Alabama, and died on April 17, 1856, in Union county, Arkansas. Rowe, page 147.[

2 females 20 to 30 [Nancy McGough, born around 1819, in Kentucky. Married John B. Harris, was the mother of five children, and died before August 21, 1860, when her father's will was settled. Rowe, page 147.]

2 females 15 to 20 [Ann McGough, who was born in 1821 in Kentucky, and married Francis E. Yoast on October 18, 1844, in Union county, Arkansas. She died before 1857 and there is no record of her having children. Rowe, page 147. Elizabeth McGough, born in Alabama in 1825; married Alfred A. Adams on February 2, 1843, in Dallas county. Their son, Samuel Memory Adams was born in Dalas county on December 10, 1853,and this son served as a Probate Judge of Chilton county, Alabama, from 1899 to 1905. He was a Baptist minister and served a term in the Alabama state senate from 1919 to 1923. His biography appears in Chilton County and her people : a brief history, by Thomas Eugene Wyatt, page 106 (The Union-Banner, Clanton, Alabma, 1960 i.e. 1950, 174 pages.) There was a second daughter in the household who was ten years old and is not listed below: Sarah A. McGough, who had not married by 1860.]

3 males 10 to 15 [Alfred William McGough. born October 28, 1828, in Dallas county; married Elzira Harrel Doty on November 19, 1854, in Union county, Arkansas; died July 26, 1884, in Crittenden county, Arkansas. George Washington McGough, born November 25, 1829, in Alabama; married Amanda Thompson on January 6, 1859; and Annie Amson on October 20, 1881; died January 18, 1903, in Union county, Arkansas.]

3 males 5 to 10 [Benjamin McGough, born in 1835 in Alabama; died July 1, 1856, in Union county, Arkansas. Miles H. McGough, born in 1836 in Alabama; married Sarah _____]

24 free colored males (probably the total number of slaves; the form is confusing).

4 female slaves (probably included in a total of 24 slaves).

(1840) James McGough, male 10 to 15 (?. There is no older male listed.). 3 persons employed in agriculture. (roll 5, page 52a) [One household removed from James McGough, above.]

1 female 40 to 50

1 male 10 to 15 (for a total of 2)

1 female 10 to 15

2 males 5 to 10

7 free colored males (probably slaves)

AL - Perry County

(1840) R. McGaugh, male 30 to 40 (roll 11, page 252). [Robert Joseph McGough, the third son of Robert McGough and Agnes "Nancy" McWhorter, born on Mar 4, 1801, in Greene county, Georgia; moved to Union parish, Louisiana, in 1844. Rowe, page 172. The family is also listed as McGaugh in the 1830 census of Perry county, but is listed as McGough in the 1850 census of Union parish, Louisiana.]

1 female 20 to 30 [Nancy Mary P. Johnson, who was born in Kentucky on January 28, 1805. Rowe, page 172.]

1 male 15 to 20

2 males 10 to 15

2 females 10 to 15

2 males 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

2 males under 5



GA - Butts County

612th District

(1840) T. McGough, male 40 to 50; 4 persons engaged in agriculture. At least 2 slaves, perhaps 4. (roll 37, page 176a)

1 female 40 to 50

1 female 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

2 males under 5

GA - Greene County

(1840) J. McGough (indexed as P. McGough), male 70 to 80; 1 person engaged in agriculture. (roll 42, page 46a) [The census returns shows a total of 8 persons in this household, so there may have been 5 slaves, although those blanks in the return are not filled in.]

1 female 70 to 80

1 female 50 to 60

GA - Monroe County

District 539

(1840) Robert McGough, male 50 to 60 (roll 47, page 200). [Robert L. McGough, thr oldest son and second child of John McGough and Elizabeth Carson, born on March 28, 1875, in Abbeville, South Carolina. Rowe, page 11.]

1 female 50 to 60 [Sandal Cabaniss married Robert L. McGough on October 18, 1811, in Jones county, Georgia. Rowe, page 11.]

1 female 20 to 30

1 male 15 to 20

1 female 15 to 20

1 male 10 to 15

1 female 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

Probably Robert Carson McGoogh who was born in Monroe county, Georgia, on September 24, 1831; married Margaret Hollis on January 10, 1860; moved with his children to Seattle, Washington, in 1903 or 1904, many years after his wife died in Forsythe (Monroe county), Georgia, on April 9, 1871; and died in Seattle, Washington, on September 15, 1908. See my page: A Scots-Irish John McGough—A Seattle Connection—Emigration of Presbyterian McGoughs in 1773. Rowe, pages 12 and 19. He is listed as a single student, age 18, in the 1850 census of Monroe county, living in the household of John and Nancy Moore; and as a married lawyer, age 27, in the 1860 census of Monroe county; and as a farmer in the 1870, 1880, and 1900 censuses of Monroe county.

GA - Talbot County

(1840) James McGough, male 30 to 40; 1 slave; 5 persons engaged in agriculture. (roll 51, page 234a)

1 female 30 to 40

1 male 10 to 15

1 female 10 to 15

2 females 5 to 10

2 females under 5

1 male slave 10 to 24

GA - Twiggs County

355th District

(1840) Thomas C. McGough, male 20 to 30; no slaves; 1 person employed in agriculture. (roll 51, page 391b)

1 female 15 to 20

2 males under 10

2 males under 5

GA - Wilkinson County

[Lucinda McGough married Thomas Hooks before William Ross, J.P., on November 21, 1841, in Wilkinson county. History of Wilkinson County by Victor Davidson, page 326 (John Ball Chapter, D.A.R., c1930, 654 pages)]

Iowa Territory

IA - Louisa Couty (In southeastern Iowa, bordered on the east by the Mississippi River. Wapello is the county seat.)

(1840) John McGeuw, male, 20 to 30 (roll 102, page 227, line 1) (indexed by as John McGreen).

1 female 20 to 30.

1 female under 5.


KY - Caldwell County

(1840) R. B. McGough, male 20 to 30, no slaves (roll 106, page 34a)

1 female 60 to 70

(1840) Thomas M. McGough, male 20 to 30; mo slaves; 1 person employed in agriculture (roll 106, page 35a)

1 male 20 to 30 (for a total of 2)

2 females 20 to 30

1 female 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

2 females 5 to 10

1 male under 5

1 female under 5


MO - Greene County

(1840) Henry McGue, male 20 to 30

1 female 15 to 20

1 female 5 to 10

2 males under 5

1 female 50 t0 60

New Jersey

NJ - Salem County

(1840) Thomas McGue, male 40 to 50

1 female 30 to 40

3 males 5 to 10

1 male under 5

New York

NY - New York City

13th Ward

(1840) John Mague, male age 20 to 30 (roll 306, page 225).

1 female, 15 to 20

1 male, under 5

NY - Schenectady County


(1840) Alexander McGough, male 50 to 60; 2 persons employed in manufacturers and trades. (roll 337, page 292a) [Listed as Alexander McGue in the 1850 and 1860 censuses of Duanesburgh]

1 male 20 to 30

2 females 20 to 30


(1840) John McGue, male 20 to 30, 11 persons total, 3 persons in agriculture, 1 person in "manufacturers or trades." (roll 337, page 331, line 22) (two pages later, there is a John McCue; see below)

1 female 40 to 50 [This is probably Agnes McGue who is listed in the 1850 census of Princetown as age 59, born in New York, living with John McGue, age 32, farmer, real estate $4000, born in New York.]

2 additional males 20 to 30

3 females 15 to 20

1 male 15 to 20

1 male under 5

2 females under 5

(1840) John McCue, male 20 to 30, 2 persons employed in "manufacturers or trades," 7 persons total (roll 337, page 333, line 14)

1 female 20 to 30

1 male, 15 to 20

2 females 5 to 10

2 females under 5


North Carolina

NC - Iredell County

(1840) William Maghew, male 40 to 50; 4 slaves (?); 4 persons employed in agriculture (?). (roll 363, page 165a)

1 female 40 to 50

1 male 15 to 20

1 female 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

1 female under 5


OH - Athens County

Dover Township

(1840) H. McGough, male 30 to 40 (roll 377, page 402a) [Probably Henry McGough who was born to Thomas (son of Miles McGough) and Sarah James McGough in Pennsylvania in about 1805. He married Margaret Arnold on September 13, 1831, in Mt Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, and is listed in the 1850 census of Washington township, Miami county, Ohio, and the 1860 census of Moulton township, Auglaize county, Ohio.]

1 female 20 to 30

1 female 5 to 10

2 males under 5

1 female under 5

OH - Butler County

Hanover Township

(1840) Philip McGough, male 40 to 50 (roll 380, page 23a)

1 female 30 to 40

2 males 20 to 30

2 females 15 to 20

2 males 10 to 15

1 female 10 to 15

1 female 5 to 10

1 male under 5

1 female under 5

OH - Delaware County

Oxford Township

(1840) Elizabeth McGough, female 50 to 60 (roll 391, page 215a) [4 households removed from Robert I. McGough]

1 female 25 to 20

1 female 10 to 15

(1840) Robert I. McGough, male 20 to 30 (roll 391, page 215a) [4 households removed from Elizabeth McGough]

1 female 20 to 30

1 male under 5

OH - Guernsey County

Adams Township

(1840) James McGonagle (indexed as McGough), male 30 to 40 (roll 397, page 464a)

1 female 20 to 30

1 male 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

OH - Knox County

[St. Luke's Records 1829-early 1900's, Register of Baptisms, page 11, shows that Elizabeth McGough, daughter of Henry McGough and Margaret Arnold, was baptized on September 4, 1833; on page 13 that their daughter Sara McGough was baptized on July 6, 1835; on page 17, that their daughter Rachel Margaret McGough was baptized on January 18, 1837; and on page 17, that their son William Henry McGough, born on February 7, 1842, was baptized on April 10, 1842.]

[St. Luke's records shows the marriage of Thomas McGough and Druscilla Losh on May 29, 1839, "having formerly been married by the Squire."]

Howard Township

(1840) James McGue, male 20 to 30 (roll 406, page 394b) [2 households removed from Patrick McGue, below.]

1 female 20 to 30

1 female under 5

(1840) Patrick McGue, male 30 to 40 (roll 406, page 394b) [2 households removed from James McGue, above.] [Patrick McGough was the son of Thomas McGough, and grandson of Miles McGough. He was born on October 15, 1807, in Cambria county, Pennsylvania. He married Ellen Durbin on May 16, 1832, in Mt. Vernon, Knox county, Ohio. For their children, see the 1850 census of Mt. Vernon, Knox county, Ohio. He and his wife are listed in the 1870 census of Rutland township, LaSalle county, Illinois. He died on May 31, 1890/1895, in El Paso, Woodford county, Illinois, and is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery there.]

1 female 30 to 40 [Ellen (or Helen) Durbin. St. Luke's Records show that Patrick McGough married Ellen Durbin in 1832, and that Patrick McGough and Helen McGough were sponsors at the baptism on August 15, 1832, of Maria Emily Ward, daughter of Stephen Ward and Sara McGough (page 10).]

1 male 5 to 10

1 male under 5

1 female under 5 [St. Luke's Records 1829-early 1900's, Register of Baptisms (page 1) shows that Maria McGough, daughter of Patrick and Ellen (Durbin) McGough was baptized on July 5, 1835. Sponsors were Benjamin and Elizabeth Blubagh.]

OH - Tuscarawas County


(1840) Finley McGue, male 30 to 30

1 female 20 to 30

OH - Perry County

Jackson Township

(1840) John McGough, male 30 to 40 (roll 419, page 127a) [John McGough, who was born in Harford County, Maryland, on February 23, 1803; and Hannorah (Hannah) Grace who was born about 1806 in Ireland. John and Hannorah were married on September 14, 1825, by T. DeRaymaker, Catholic priest, in Perry County, Ohio. John's father was Thomas McGough, who was born about 1765 in Harford county, Maryland. Thomas's parents were Miles McGough, who was born in Ireland about 1730, and Elizabeth Spencer. One of the sons of John and Hannorah McGough was Philip McGough. . For more information on this family, see my web page McGoughs in Pre-Revolutionary America: Miles and Elizabeth Spencer McGough. See also my pages: John and Peter McGough—Two Brothers in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, under LaSalle County, and McGoughs and McGaughs in Early American History. John McGough is listed in the 1830 census of Reading township, Perry county.]

1 female 30 to 40 [Hannorah (Hannah) Grace. She died on February 22, 1892, in Groveland township, La Salle county, Illinois, and is buried in Riley Cemetery in Rutland, LaSalle county, Illinois. ]

1 female 10 to 15

2 males 5 to 10 [One of these sons was probably Philip McGough who was born in Ohio about 1830, and married Sarah J. Bowman (or Boman).]

1 female 5 to 10

1 female under 5

OH - Seneca County

Scipio Township

(1840) John McGough (McGonegh?), male 30 to 40 (roll 426, page 214a)

1 female 20 to 30

1 male 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

1 male under 5

1 female under 5

2 females under 5


PA - Allegheny County

Pittsburgh, 5th Ward

(1840) Alice McGough (possibly Albert, indexed as Alexander), female 50 to 60 (roll 441, page 401a)

2 females 20 to 30

1 male 15 to 20

1 female 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

1 male under 5

PA - Cambria County

Here is a link to a transcription of the names in the 1840 census of Cambria county by Elaine Crawford.

Allegheny Township [See: Cambria, PA 1840 Federal Census (Allegheny Township)]

(1840) James McGough, male 30 to 40; 2 persons employed in agriculture. (roll 451, page 3a) [11 persons in household] [James McGough, born to Arthur and Susan McGough on August 1, 1796, in New Castle county, Delaware. The same family is in the 1830 and 1850 census of Allgeheny township, Cambria country. See: McGoughs in America before 1790: Arthur and Susan McGough]

1 female 30 to 40 [Margaret Glass was born near Munster, Cambria county, in 1801.]

1 female 15 to 20 [Ellen McGough, born in 1824. (Mrs. Matthew Ivory)]

1 male 10 to 15 [George Chrysostom McGough, born October 10, 1825, died April 15, 1868]

1 female 10 to 15 [Susan McGough, born about 1830. (Mrs. Joseph Dodson).]

1 male 5 to 10 [Charles McGough, born June 23, 1830 (but the 1850 census of Allegheny township, Cambria county, shows his age as 17), died June 1896.]

1 female 5 to 10 [Anna McGough, born June 26, 1832, died August 13, 1897. (The 1850 census lists her as Ann, age 15)]

4 males under 5 [Silas Augustine McGough, born July 25, 1836. (The 1850 census shows him as age 10.)

James Edward McGough, born about 1836, married Alice Wharton, sister of Mary R. Wharton who married his older brother, Silas.

Andrew Tobias McGough, born June 13, 1838 (hown as age 9 in the 1850 census), died January 17, 1894.

Demetrius Augustine McGough, born May 14, 1840 (shown as age 6 in the 1850 census), died August 23, 1897.]

Clearfield Township [See: Cambria, PA 1840 Federal Census (Johnstown Extended and Clearfield Township)]

(1840) James McGough, male 40 to 50 (roll 451, page 26a) [16 persons in household, none employed in agriculture.]

1 male 40 to 50 (for a total of 2)

3 males 30 to 40

5 males 20 to 30

1 female 20 to 30

1 female 15 to 20

1 female 10 to 15

1 male under 5

1 female under 5

Summerhill Township [See: Cambria, PA 1840 Federal Census (Summerhill Township and Town of Jefferson)]

(1840) James J. McGough, male 30 to 40; 1 person employed in agriculture. (roll 451, page 55a) [9 persons in household] [Note: this name is mis-transcribed as John A. McGough at Cambria, PA 1840 Federal Census (Summerhill Township and Town of Jefferson).] [James J. McGough was born in about 1805 in Harford county, Maryland, is the son of James Mc/Gough and Esther James, and the grandson of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer.]

1 female 30 to 40 [Sophia Frueh, married on April 2, 1826, at St. Michael's, Loretto, Cambria county.]

1 female 10 to 15 [For the names and birth dates of the children of James J. McGough, see the 1850 census of Summerhill township.]

2 males 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

2 males under 5

1 female under 5

(1840) Thomas McGough, male 50 to 60. (roll 451, page 53a) [11 persons in household]

1 female 40 to 50

2 males 20 to 30

1 male 15 to 20

1 female 15 to 20

1 male 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

1 female 5 to 10

1 male under 5

1 female under 5

Washington Township [See: Cambria, PA 1840 Federal Census (Washington Township)]

(1840) John McGough, male 50 to 60; 8 persons engaged in agriculture; 1 person in the learned professions or an engineer. (roll 451, page 65a) [15 persons in household]

1 female 40 to 50

5 males 20 to 30

1 female 20 to 30

1 male 15 to 20

1 female 15 to 20

2 males 10 to 15

1 female 10 to 15

2 females 5 to 10

PA - Dauphin County

Upper Paxton

(1840) Rodey McGue, male 30 to 40

1 female 30 to 40

2 males 20 to 30

1 male 10 to 15

1 female 10 to 15

1 male 5 to 10

1 female under 5

PA - Indiana County


(1840) Margrett McGough, female 30 to 40. (roll 463, page 30a) [2 in household]

1 male 15 to 20

PA - Schuylkill County

Branch Township

(1840) James McGue, male 20 to 30 (roll 492, page 114a) [3 in household, no employment information]

1 female 20 to 30

1 male under 5

Norwegian Township

(1840) Andrew McGue, male 30 to 40. (roll 492, page 192a) [4 persons in household, no employment information]

1 female 20 to 30

1 male 20 to 30

1 female under 5

(1840) Terence McGue, male 30 to 40; one person employed in mining; one person employed in manufactures and trades; one person employed in navigation of canals, lakes and rivers. (roll 492, page 192a) [5 persons in household]

1 female 20 to 30

2 males 10 to 15

1 male under 5

PA - Washington County

Creek Towship

(1840) Robert McGaugh, male 40 to 50 (roll 499, page 21) [Indexed as Robert McGough in the 1850 census of Cross Creek township, Washington county, where there is some biographical information.]

1 female 30 to 40

1 male 20 to 30

2 males 15 to 20

1 female 15 to 20

1 male 10 to 15


Rhode Island

RI - Providence

Ward 6

(1840) Laurence McGeough (indexed by as Lawrence McGeough) , male 30 to 40, 1 person employed in manufactures and trades. (roll 505, page 233a) [There is a Laurence McGeough, age 44, in the 1860 census of the 7th Ward of Providence.]

1 female 20 to 30

1 female under 5

McGoughs in the 1840 Census of the United States
Updated May 7, 2013  
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