Rough Notes on Grants and Gordons in Scotland

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This page is nothing more than some rough notes I made in writing these pages:

As I cover subjects on those other pages, I remove the material from this page.


Records of the County of Banff, 1660–1760, One Hundred Years of County Government, compiled by the Late James Grant, LL.B., County Clerk (University of Aberdeen 1922).

Mr. James Grant was a native of Mortlach, Banffshire, being the third son of Mr. William Grant, of Glenfiddich and Balvenie Distilleries. He was one of seven brothers, five of whom became graduates of Aberdeen University a somewhat remarkable family record.

James was born on 25th September, 1865, at Crachie, near Dufftown (now in the Burgh of Dufftown) ... (page x of the Introduction.)

It must not be thought that his interests were entirely local; the problem of National Defence profoundly moved him ; partly, perhaps, owing to the fact that his grandfather, Mr. William Grant, was one of the earliest recruits of the Gordon Highlanders, and fought at Waterloo. ... (pages xii and xiii of the Introduction.)

Early in February, 1919, Major Grant caught a chill, which was followed by influenza; pneumonia quickly supervened, and he passed away on 14th February at his house in Castle Street, Banff, at the age of 53. ... (page xv of the Introduction.)

Last December, 1686. Saising Robert Grantt of Tombreckachie, Janet Stewart his spouse, and Robert Grantt their eldest sone, of the lands of Soccoch and others.

Last December, 1686. Saising Robert Grantt of Tombrekachic in lyfrent, and James Grantt his second sone in fie, of the lands of Easter Lesmurdie.

18th January, 1686. Saising Robert Grantt of Tombrekachie of ane yearlie (a rent 90 merks out of the lands of Soccoch and others. (page 26)

John Grant of Ballindalloch fought for James under Dundee at Killiecrankie. On 15th January, 1690, at Tomintoul, twenty gentlemen of standing in Stradoun and Braemar, headed by him, by Gordon of Glenbucket, by Viscount Frcndraught and by The Farquharson signed the following Bond of Association, which, five months later, on 13th June, 1690, was to be produced in Edinburgh in evidence against the signatories by their Majesties' Lord Advocate —

Wee under subscribers in testimonie of our loyaltie to our sacred & dread Sovran & for the securitie of our friends & good nightbours vous & protests bcfor the Almightie God & on our salvation at the great day to go on secritlye and with all the pour & strenth wee have to stike & bid by on another & when any of us hier underscribers shall be stressed or any wayes molested by anie partie or enime whatsomever wee shall repair to thair aid with all our strenth & pour & that upon the first call without any further moor or delay & that wee shall never be byesed or broken of this said asociation without the consent of his Majesties General & the major part of ourselfs so help us God wee have subscrived thir presents the 15th day of January 90; at Tamentoul.

John Grant of Ballnadaloch. Jo Gordone. Frendraught.
Ja Farqrsoune. Robert Grant. The Farqrsone.
W. Grantt. Jo Grantt. A. Gordone.
A. Gordon. Jo Farqrsone. Will: Oliphant
C. Forbes. Jonathan Grant. Johne M'Gregor.
K. M'Kenzie. J. Forbes. C. Farqrsone.
    Francis Gordon.
    W. Gordon.

(page 88)



Edinburgh, l0th June, 1691.

The Lords of their Majesties' Privy Council being sufficiently informed that the people of Ballindalloch within the shire of ... are very disaffected to their Majesties' government, and that the most part of them are bigot papists, and that the priests go up and down marrying and baptizing publicly as was done in the time of the late government, they hereby recommend to and require Sir Thomas Livingstoune, commander-in-chief of their Majesties' forces within this kingdom, with all diligence and expedition to take effectual course for disarming the papists of these parts in the terms of the Acts of Parliament, and to cause search for, seize and imprison the persons of the priests, and report his diligence and progress herein to the Council. (page 89)


John Roy Grant, VIIth OF Ballindalloch (page 262).

John Grant of Ballindalloch was one of the Jacobite signatories of a letter from Birse, Aberdeenshire, on 17th August 1689, in answer to Major General Mackay's invitation to lay down arms, in which they said "we scorn your usurper and the indemnities of his government." This was so galling to the Orange government that the Earl of Crafurd, President of the Council, on 26th September next directed Sir James Lesly, Commandant at Inverness, as follows:

"The laird of Ballindalloch being one of the subscryvers of that rebellious and insolent letter written by the clanns to Major Generall McKay, and haveing slighted his acceptance of the benefitt of his Majesties gracious indemnity within the tyme therein prefixt, cannot be allowed a protectione longer then you can intimat the Councills pleasure to him, nor can he expect any conditiones but rendering himself up to the King's mercie."

In the winter of 1689–90, in the Highlands of Banff and Aberdeen, he drew the Jacobites to a head, and appears as first signatory of the Band of Association signed at Tamintoul on I5th January 1690, by twenty leading Jacobites of the district, including Viscount Frendraught and The Farquharson, but not Glenbucket, as stated at page 88, who was then only 14 or 15 years of age. After the fight at Cromdale on 1st May 1690, his house of Ballindalloch was garrisoned by a company of the Laird of Grant's Orange regiment, under Captain John Grant of Easter Elchies, his brother-in-law. On 11th July 1690, decree of forfeiture was passed against him and other rebels, but owing to the general settlement of 1691 it does not seem to have been enforced. (pages 262–3).

For a short history of Banffshire, see: Banffshire — The Royalist supporters:

Religious conflicts also took place in Banffshire. The Reformation brought forward the simmering hostility between the Catholics, ruled by an earl of Huntley, that succeeded in defeating the Protestants, led in battle by an earl of Argyll. It was the battle of Glenlivet, taking place in 1594, that established the victory of the first over the latter.

Even so, area clans continued to fight for years, with no end in sight. Towards the end of the 17th century, Banffshire was considered to be Jacobite. Uprisings took place, against the Jacobite ruling, in 1715, and later, in 1745, but the shire suffered little from the religious conflicts. Later, Banffshire became a strong supporter of Catholics, and it remained so from that point on. The War of the Three Kingdoms found Banffshire as a stronghold for the Royalist party.

For a description of an early (1590) quarrel between the Grants of Ballendalloch and the Earl of Huntly, and the Battle of Glenlivet, see: General History of the Highlands — Earl of Huntly Attainted, on Electric Scotland.

On the other hand, the Earl of Argyle had no idea that the Earls of Huntly and Errol would attack him with such an inferior force; and he was, therefore, astonished at seeing them approach so near him as they did. Apprehensive that his numerical superiority in foot would be counterbalanced by Huntly’s cavalry, he held a council of war, which advised Argyle to wait till the king, who had promised to appear with a force, should arrive, or, at all events, till he should be joined by the Frasers and Mackenzies from the north, and the Irvings, Forbeses, and Leslies from the lowlands with their horse. This opinion, which was considered judicious by the most experienced of Argyle’s army, was however disregarded by him, and he determined to wait the attack of the enemy; and to encourage his men he pointed out to them the small number of those they had to combat with, and the spoils they might expect after victory, He disposed his army on the declivity of a hill, betwixt Glenlivet and Glenrinnes, in two parallel divisions. The right wing, consisting of the Macleans and Macintoshes, was commanded by Sir Lauchlan Maclean and Macintosh—the left, composed of the Grants, Macneills, and Macgregors, by Grant of Gartinbeg; and the centre, consisting of the Campbells, &c., was commanded by Campbell of Auchinbreck. This vanguard consisted of 4,000 men, one-half of whom carried muskets. The rear of the army, consisting of about 6,000 men, was commanded by Argyle himself. The Earl of Huntly’s vanguard was composed of 300 gentlemen, led by the Earl of Errol, Sir Patrick Gordon of Auchindun, the laird of Gight, the laird of Bonnitoun, and Captain, afterwards Sir Thomas Carr. The earl himself followed with the remainder of his forces, having the laird of Climy upon his right hand and the laird of Abergeldy upon his left. Three pieces of field ordnance under the direction of Captain Andrew Gray, afterwards colonel of the English and Scots who served in Bohemia, were placed in front of the vanguard. Before advancing, the Earl of Huntly harangued his little army to encourage them to fight manfully; he told them that they had no alternative before them but victory or death—that they were now to combat, not for their own lives only, but also for the very existence of their families, which would be utterly extinguished if they fell a prey to their enemies.

The position which Argyle occupied on the declivity of the hill gave him a decided advantage over his assailants, who, from the nature of their force, were greatly hampered by the mossy nature of the ground at the foot of the hill, interspersed by pits from which turf had been dug. But, notwithstanding these obstacles, Huntly advanced up the hill with a slow and steady pace. It had been arranged between him and Campbell of Lochnell, who had promised to go over to Huntly as soon as the battle had commenced, that, before charging Argyle with his cavalry, Huntly should fire his artillery at the yellow standard. Campbell bore a mortal enmity at Argyle, and as he was Argyle’s nearest heir, he probably had directed the firing at the yellow standard in the hope of cutting off the earl. Unfortunately for himself, however, Campbell was shot dead at the first fire of the cannon, and upon his fall all his men fled from the field. Macneil of Barra was also slain at the same time.

The Highlanders, who had never before seen field pieces, were thrown into disorder by the cannonade, which being perceived by Huntly, he charged the enemy, and rushing in among them with his horsemen, increased the confusion. The Earl of Errol was directed to attack the right wing of Argyle’s army, commanded by Maclean, but as it occupied a very steep part of the hill, and as Errol was greatly annoyed by thick volleys of shot from above, he was compelled to make a detour, leaving the enemy on his left. But Gordon of Auchindun, disdaining such a prudent course, galloped up the hill with a party of his own followers, and charged Maclean with great impetuosity; but Auchindun’s rashness cost him his life. The fall of Auchindun so exasperated his followers that they set no bounds to their fury; but Maclean received their repeated assaults with firmness, and manouvred his troops so well as to succeed in cutting off the Earl of Errol, and placing him between his own body and that of Argyle, by whose joint forces he was completely surrounded. At this important crisis, when no hopes of retreat remained, and when Errol and his men were in danger of being cut to pieces, the Earl of Huntly, very fortunately, came up to his assistance and relieved him from his embarrassment. The battle was now renewed and continued for two hours, during which both parties fought with great bravery, "the one," says Sir Robert Gordon, "for glorie, the other for necessitie." In the heat of the action the Earl of Huntly had a horse shot under him, and was in imminent danger of his life; but another horse was immediately procured for him. After a hard contest the main body of Argyle’s army began to give way, and retreated towards the rivulet of Altchonlachan; but Maclean still kept the field, and continued to support the falling fortune of the day. At length, finding the contest hopeless, and after losing many of his men, he retired in good order with the small company that still remained about him. Huntly pursued the retiring foe beyond the water of Altchonlachan, when he was prevented from following them farther by the steepness of the hills, so unfavourable to the operations of cavalry. (I have added paragraphing to the following material)

The success of Huntly was mainly owing to the treachery of Lochnell, and of John Grant of Gartinbeg, one of Huntly’s vassals, who, in terms of a concerted plan, retreated with his men as soon as the action began, by which act the centre and the left wing of Argyle’s army were completely broken.

On the side of Argyle 500 men were killed besides Macneill of Barra, and Lochnell and Auchinbreck, the two cousins of Argyle. The Earl of Huntly’s loss was comparatively trifling. About 14 gentlemen were slain, including Sir Patrick Gordon of Auchindun, and the Laird of Gight; and the Earl of Errol and a considerable number of persons were wounded.

At the conclusion of the battle the conquerors returned thanks to God on the field for the victory they had achieved. This battle is called by some writers the battle of Glenlivet, and by others the battle of Altchonlachan. Among the trophies found on the field was the ensign belonging to the Earl of Argyle, which was carried with other spoils to Strathbogie, and placed upon the top of the great tower. So certain had Argyle been of success in his enterprise, that he had made out a paper apportioning the lands of the Gordons, the Hays, and all who were suspected to favour them, among the chief officers of his army. This document was found among the baggage which he left behind him on the field of battle.

Although Argyle certainly calculated upon being joined by the king, it seems doubtful if James ever entertained such an intention, for he stopped at Dundee, from which he did not stir till he heard of the result of the battle of Glenlivet. Instigated by the ministers and other enemies of the Earl of Huntly, who became now more exasperated than ever at the unexpected failure of Argyle’s expedition, the king proceeded north to Strathbogie, and in his route he permitted, most unwillingly, the house of Craig in Angus, belonging to Sir John Ogilvie, son of Lord Ogilvie, that of Bagaes in Angus, the property of Sir Walter Lindsay, the house of Culsalmond in Garioch, appertaining to the Laird of Newton-Gordon, the house of Slaines in Buchan, belonging to the Earl of Errol, and the castle of Strathbogie, to be razed to the ground, under the pretext that priests and Jesuits had been harboured in them. in the meantime the Earl of Huntly and his friends retired into Sutherland, where they remained six weeks with Earl Alexander; and on the king’s departure to Strathbogie, Huntly returned, leaving his eldest son George, Lord Gordon, in Sutherland with his aunt, till the return of more peaceable times.

The king left the Duke of Lennox to act as his lieutenant in the north, with whom the two earls held a meeting at Aberdeen, and as their temporary absence from the kingdom might allay the spirit of violence and discontent, which was particularly annoying to his majesty, they agreed to leave the kingdom during the king’s pleasure. After spending sixteen months in travelling through Germany and Flanders, Huntly was recalled, and on his return he, as well as the Earls of Angus and Errol, were restored to their former honours and estates by the parliament, held at Edinburgh in November 1597, and in testimony of his regard for Huntly, the king, two years thereafter, created him a marquis. This signal mark of the royal favour had such an influence upon the clan Chattan, the clan Kenzie, the Grants, Forbeses, Leslies, and other hostile clans and tribes, that they at once submitted themselves to the marquis.

For a longer history, see: Old County of Banffshire.

See the Story of Scalan for a Map showing the main areas of Catholic population in Scotland in 1700 and extracts from the Act for Preventing the Growth of Popery enacted by the Parliament of Scotland in 1700. For more maps and information, go to The Braes of Glenlivet, The Scalan in the Braes, and Religion in the Braes on BBC's Domesday Reloaded. See Scalan, Roman Catholic Seminary, and Braes of Glenlivet, Scalan, Cottage, on Canmore.

Strathbogie. —

Strathbogie castle was the seat of the Earl of Huntly who was the acknowledged head of the Catholic party in Scotland. Abbe Paul MacPherson in his "History of the Scottish Mission" wrote "the preservation of the ancient faith was due under God, to the House of Gordon". In 1594the Earl had successfully routed the much larger army of the Duke of Argyll at the battle of Glenlivet, but at a price; Gordon of Auchundoun, Huntly’s military genius was killed. When James VI advanced from Dundee with a large army, Huntly had neither the skill nor the power to oppose him and had to flee to France. With the duke gone, the King’s army burned and pillaged throughout the Gordon lands; Huntly castle was destroyed. After three years the Earl returned and not only was he restored to favour, but was made the first Marquis. He proceeded to rebuild Huntly and it is the ruins of that edifice that can be seen today. He was called before the General Assembly and went through some form of accepting the new religion but no one took it seriously and he carried on practising his religion as before. A minister was sent by the Assembly to spend 15 months instructing the household, but he left after three days: He refused to attend the local Kirk since as he said he had a chapel of his own within the castle as had been the custom of his forefathers. In fact, it would seem that there had been no Catholic pre-reformation Church in Huntly itself apart from the Castle chapel although there were churches at Drumdelgie, Dunbennan, Ruthven and elsewhere.


Scalan News

Official Voice of the Scalan Association
April 2012, No 43

St Mary’s, Dufftown: The story of a church.

Step back in time — The story of the Tombae Chapels

The old Chapel of Nevie, Chapel Christ, was built in the angle of the Nevie burn and the River Livet in 1746. Much of the graveyard and the building were washed away in a flood pre-1760. In “the Muckle Spat” of 1829 coffins were seen floating down theriver. By 1869 no visible remains could be seen.

By 1745 when the second uprising took place there was another chapel at Tombae. This wasn’t burnt down due to its proximity to other buildings; the contents were destroyed. ]ohn Tyrie was the priest and he was recruited by Gordon of Glenbucket to act as chaplain to the men fighting for Prince Charlie. He was wounded at Culloden and after lying low for several months made his way back to his home in the Braes of Glenlivet where he found his house at the Bochel destroyed; most likely by the same Hanoverian soldiers who spared the chapel.

Priest George Gordon. — Extract from "The Life and Times of William Marshall"

The Catholic Highlands of Scotland by Dom Odo Blundell, O.S.B. London 1809 .

Volume 2 1917

Another copy of volume 2

See: Dom Odo Blundell OSB (1868–1943): a different kind of historian

The Catholics of ScotlandFrom 1593, and the Extinction of the Hierarchy in 1603, Till the Death of Bishop Carruthers in 1852 by Aeneas McDonell Dawson (Ottawa 1890)

The article on Scotland in the Catholic Encyclopedia deals with the eclesiastical history of Scotland.


Grants and the Jacobites

From: Gordon, John younger of Glenbucket, Jacobite, 1745

2127- John. 1745, raised men for the rebels; Lord Lewis Gordon stayed with him at St. Bridget's, Tomintoul; "took the name of Colonel, but was not above a week with them" (Rosebery's List, 108). 1746, Apr. 14, wrote from Gordonhall to the Laird of Grant that he had surrendered to Gen. Cadogan at Presmuckral, after which he went to the Highlands and advised the people to give up their arms; Jun., imprisoned at Inverness; Jul., taken in the transport "Pamela," to Woolwich (Aug. 7), and thence to Gravesend (Lyon in Mourning, in. 29, 31); Nov. 1, taken to the house in London of Mr. Dick, messenger (ibid. in. 33); petitioned the King for his release, being "utterly blind for several years past"
(S.P. Dom. Geo. II., P.R.O., bundle 67); Elcho (Affairs of Scotland, 319) says he drank himself blind. 1747, Jun. 20, discharged with ten guineas to carry him home (Spalding Club Misc. i. 397).

Eldest son of John, of Glenbucket, 2110; b. 1717; height 5 ft. 8 in., fair complexion (S.P. Dom. Geo, II., P.R.O., bundle 86, No. 50); resided at Achriachan; m. Ann (1700-54) dau. of Sir Alexander Lindsay, of Evelack, in the Carse; and had William, 2152-"

from Gordons Under Arms

"Auchorachan, which is in the parish of Inveravon, was apparently held by Harry Gordon, son of William Gordon I in Minmore, for he is described in 1652 as 'in Auchorachan.' A gap occurs in the history of the farm, but on February 23, 1745, John Gordon (died before 1767), son and heir of the famous Jacobite, John Gordon of Glenbucket (died 1750) had sasine on the lands of 'Auchroachan' (Banff Sasines). This seems to have been the origin of the belief that the Gordon-Smith family is descended from the Glenbucket line. John's son, William, had sasine on December 8, 1767, on an annual rent of £400 Scots, 'to be taken partly of all and haill the half daugh lands of Auchroachan' "

from The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore, Auchorachan, and Upper Drumin in Glenlivet 


Peter Grant returned to Scotland before his death in 1900, perhaps as early as 1891. The U. K. Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878–1960, on, lists a Peter Grant, age 52, a Civil Engineer, born in Scotland, as a cabin passenger who had embarked at Montreal, and who arrived in Liverpool, on July 15, 1891, aboard the SS Polynesian (Allan Line of Royal Mail Steamers). The listed age, however, is 5 years younger than the Peter Grant we are discussing.


Tambrechachie — from Scalan News No. 18, June 1999.

The next phase of expansion followed soon after the 1715 Jacobite upising. Among the New Lands that had been brought in to cultivation by 1730 were Demickmore (in 1717 according to Bishop Geddes), Scalan, Clash (of Scalan), Badeglashan, Eskiemore, Eskiemulloch, Bochle, Glack, Cordregny, Suie and the Quirn. Fortunately, Anderson also identified the summer shealing areas associated with each major holding, because this traditional grazing system, already in decline, appears to have ended well before the next survey of Glenlivet that Thomas Milne carried out in 1774. ...

Other shealing areas around the Braes were 'Clash above the Scalin' (for Upper Clashnoir, Lettoch, Calier), 'Cornhimerich' (Nevie, Upper Drumin, Badevochel), and on the Upper Livet at 'Glasquoill' (Minmore), 'Knock in Duillt' (Nether Drumin) and the Suie (Tombae, Tombreckachie), with each of the last three already having an established one- to two-acre arable field.



See Plan Of Glenlivet Showing Glassachoil, Suie Etc, Banffshire. The Kyma burn on the map above is spelled Kymah on modern maps. See Map of Kymah Burn in Moray and Map of Suie Burn. Banffshire; also, Suie Burn on Canmore Mapping. Suie and the Kymah Burn is at the right edge of the Crown Estate Trail Map, about half way down, west of Tomnavoulin. See also: The Suie Glenlivet Estate.

Glenlivet (Gael. gleann-liobh-aite, ' valley of the smooth place '), the southern portion of Inveraven parish, S Banffshire, consisting of the basin of Livet Water, confluence of Suie and Kymah Burns a stream that is formed by the confluence of Suie and Kymah Burns, both rising at an altitude of 2300 feet above sea-level, and winding-the former 3 3/8 miles southward, and the latter 5 1/8miles north-by-westward. From the point of their union (1100 feet), the Livet itself flows 8¾ miles west-north-westward and north-north-westward, till it falls into the Aven at Drumin (700 feet), 5 miles S of Ballindalloch station. Its principal affluents are Crombie Water on the left, and the Burn of Tervie on the right; its waters contain abundance of trout, with occasional salmon and grilse; and its basin is rimmed by lines of mountain watershed, whose principal summits are Ben Rinnes (2755 feet), Corryhabbie (2563), Carn Mor (2636), Carn Dulack (2156), and Carn Daimh (1795). Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Glenlivet from Francis H. Groome, Ordnance Gazeteer of Scotland (1882–4) (volume 3). The entry is the same in the 1901 edition. See also: Parish of Inveravon on Gazeteer for Scotland.

National Records of Scotland
Reference RHP1780
Title Part of plan of Glenlivet showing Deskie to Nevie, Banffshire
Dates [1839]

"Plan of inclosed lands of Tombreckachie, Shenval and Auchorachan coloured to show boundaries of farms. Fields with acreages, steadings, watermill and Mill Croft, distillery and chapel of ease noted."

In 1828, Captain Grant of Tombreckachie was appointed a judge for awarding Sheep Premiums for the First District in 1829 and 1831. Transactions: Of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland in 1828, page 32.

List of Members if the Highland Society of Scotland in 1799 — Distinguishing the Dates of Their Admission: January 10, 1797 — William Grant, Esq. of Tombreckachie. Appendix No. II, page lxxxiii. The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, Volume 96. Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, by Henry MacKenzie (Second Edition) Archibald Constable and Co., Edinburgh 1812. (A free Google eBook)

Deaths. June 3, "3. At Tombreckachie, Banffshire, aged 85, William Grant, Esq.' [Page 559 — The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany, Volume 77 for 1815.

William Grant, Esq., many years tacksman of Tombrekachie, terminated his earthly course wih high and well merited esteem, on Saturday 3 June 1815, at the advanced age of 85 years. Ineravon, page 145.

Epitaphs & Inscriptions from Burial Grounds & Old Buildings in the North-east of Scotland, volume 1 by Andrew Jervise. Edmonston and Douglas 1875. (free Google eBook).


Lords of Glencarnie.

The Chiefs of Grant, Volume 1, Part 1 by Sir William Fraser (Edinburgh 1883).

THE BARONY AND LORDSHIP OF GLENCARNIE IN THE PARISH OF DUTHIL AND COUNTY OF INVERNESS. Along with (the barony of Freuchie, the family of Grant hold, as one of their early possessions, the ancient lordship or barony of Glencarnie, in the parish of Duthil. ...

No district in the Grant country is known by the designation of Glencarnie at the present time. The lands comprising the ancient lordship lie, for the most part, in the parish of Duthil, and the parochial name has, for all purposes of utility, taken the prominence, leaving to the older designation a significance mainly historical. Hut as a historic and ancient lordship, famous not only in its own day of greatness, but even now also for its wealth of traditional and legendary romance, Glencarnie demands more than a merely passing notice. (pages lii and liii)


It is the case that Duncan Grant of Freuchie was, in 1457, the Crown tacksman of the lands of Ballindalloch, which lands are afterwards closely associated with Glencarnie. ... Shaw, on the authority of the Exchequer Rolls, states that the lordship of Glencarnie was set in lease by the Crown to Sir Duncan Grant in the year 1478.3 This is the earliest authentic intimation of the possession of Glencarnie by the Grants of French io, but the lease mentioned in the 1 tolls may have been only a renewal of a previous one. The lease of 1478 was renewed and converted into a feu in favour of Sir Duncan Grant's grandson and successor, John Grant, second Laird of Freuehie, by a charter of King James the Fourth, dated 4th February 1498, when the rent of the lands is still further reduced. (page liii)


After the death of John Grant, which took place on 1st May 1528, his son, James Grant, third Laird of Freuchie, obtained from King James the Fifth a gift under the Privy Seal of the non-entry duties of Glencarnie, Ballindalloch and Urquhart. The gift is dated 24th December I529. It would also appear as if a question had been raised as to the position of Glencarnie in regard to the King's rental, as about this time James Grant of Freuchie was summoned at the King's instance before the Lords of Council for the payment of the rent of Glencarnie for the then current year, 1529, and arrears for sixteen years immediately preceding. (page lix)


The lordship of Glencarnie, as distinguished from the lands so called, also included the lands of Ballindalloch. Though these lands are situated on the eastern bank of the Spey, and about twenty miles lower down the river, they are mentioned as lying in the lordship of Glencarnie, and are included in the same feudal titles. Soon after their acquisition they were bestowed upon Patrick Grant, who founded the cadet family of Grants of Ballindalloch. (page lvi)


THE BARONY AND DISTRICT OF STRATHSPEY. Strathspey, as has already been remarked, was the home of the Grants in Scotland, and, at one period or other, the greater part of the territory lying in the valley, from Laggan to Fochabers, has formed part of their possessions. (page lix)


The Deanery of Strathspey formed one of the four divisions into which the See of Moray was anciently divided, Elgin, Inverness, and Strathbogy being the other three. The "decanatus" of Strathspey embraced the churches of Cromdale and Advie, Kingussie and Inch, Duthil, Inveravon, Abernethy, Kincardine, Rothiemurchus, Logykenny, and Alvie. (page lx)


The barony of Strathspey extended from Laggan, in the county of Inverness, to Arndilly, in the parish of Boharm, in Banffshire, and embraced much of the land lying on either side of the river Spey. ...

Previous to 1539, the greater part of the lands in the bishop's barony of Strathspey were let, on terminable leases, to the Lairds of Freuchie, but in that year negotiations were entered into for giving the lands to the Grants on terms of a more permanent nature, and which ultimately resulted in their acquisition by the Grant family.

On 24th February 1539–40, James Grant, the third Laird of Freuchie, and Patrick, Bishop of Moray, met at Edinburgh, and entered into an agreement by which it was arranged that the lands of Strathspey should be feu farmed to the Laird of Freuchie and seven other persons, bearing the sirname of Grant. The lands to be thus disposed were the following: — Laggan, Ardinch, with croft thereof, Kinchirdy, Kinakyle, Easter and Wester Elchies, with the mill and croft of Wester Elchies, Allachie, Arndilly with croft thereof, Advoky, Carron, Easter and Wester Daltulie, Auchannochy, Dalvey, with mill thereof, Advie, Birorie, Called ir, Tulchan, Auchnahandat, and Nether, Mid, and Over Finlarg. The Bishop came under obligations to infeft the Laird of Freuchie and his seven Grant friends in these lands, and either to obtain the consent of his chapter to the transaction, or if they refused, to purchase the service of a commission from the Court of Rome at his own charges. Should he be also unsuccessful in procuring the commission, he pledged himself to grant to the Laird a new lease of the lands for five years following the termination of his last lease of them. James Grant, on the other hand, became bound to pay, within a certain period, the sum of four thousand morks, and for the payment of the yearly rental of the lands to the Bishop, augmented by one-third ... (page lxi and lxii)


According to <Geo Myrmint1.3> on's public family trees, John Stewart, who was born on September 6, 1765, in Ineravon, Banffshire, and died in Egypt of October 5, 1801, in Egypt in the Battle of Aboukir, married Christina Grant in Ineravon on January 10, 1793. Their first child was Helen Stewart (1794–1869) who married George Gow Smith in Ineravon on May 22, 1817.

Other sources say that Christina Grant was the daughter of John Grant of Mid-Bellandie (Mid Bellandy, Glenrinnes, Keith, near Dufftown; ward of Speyside, Glenlivet), afterwards of Lynbeg, a small farm, and Isobel MacDonald.

There is a Millton of Auchriacan Farm on the Conglass Water just east of B9008 less than a mile northeast of Tomintoul. Conglass Water rises in headstreams to the southeast of the village of Tomintoul in Moray, and meanders northwestwards to join the River Avon to the north of Strathavon Lodge. Here is a satellite map. Here is an Ordnance Survey Map. See: Soldier Stone on Glenlivet Estate—Strath Avon.

The Scottish Nation: Or the Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland, Volume 2, by William Anderson (a free Google eBook) Fullarton, 1867:

The Grants of Ballindalloch, in the parish of Inveraven, Banflshire,—commonly called the Craig-Achrochan Grants, as already stated, descend from Patrick, twin brother of John, ninth laird of Freuchie. Patrick's grandson, John Grant, was killed by his kinsman, John Roy Grant of Carron, as afterwards mentioned, and his son, also John Grant, was father of another Patrick, whose son, John Roy Grant, by his extravagant living and unhappy differences with his lady, a daughter of Leslie of Balquhain, entirely ruined his estate, and was obliged to consent to placing it under the management and trust of three of his kinsmen, Brigadier Grant, Captain Grant of Elchies, and Walter Grant of Arndilly, which gave occasion to W. Elchies’ verses of “ What meant the man ?"

Several of the latter lairds of Ballindalloch were oflicers in the army. Colonel William Grant of Ballindalloch raised one of the five companies that composed the Black Watch, afterwards embodied in the 42d regiment. General James Grant of Ballindalloch succeeded to the estate on the death of his nephew, Major William Grant, in 1770. After having studied the law, he entered the army as an ensign in 1741, at the age of 22. and in 1747, when captain, he was aide~de-camp to General St. Clair, on his embassy to Vienna. He afterwards served both in the Netherlands and in America, and held several important commands during the American war. He was second in command to Lord Albemarle at the taking of the Havannah, defeated Count d‘Estaing, wlth an inferior force, conquered St. Lucia in 1779, and was for many years govemor of East Florida. He was subsequently governor of Dumbarton castle, and in 1789 appointed to that of Stirling castle. He was colonel first of the 5th, and after wards of the 11th regiment of foot, and was for many years M.P. for the county of Sutherland. He was noted for his fondness for good living, and in his latter years became very corpulent. He died at Ballindalloch on 13th April, 1806, at the age of 86. Having no children, he was succeeded by his matemal grand-nephew, George Macpherson, Esq., of Invereahie, who assumed in consequence the additional name of Grant, and was created a baronet in 1838. (page 362)

Territorial Soldiering in the North-East of Scotland during 1759–1814 by John Malcolm Bulloch, University of Aberdeen, 1914, lists in the index of names, pages 479–480:

W. Grant, Minmore, page 121

William Grant, Inveraven, pages 121, 241

William Grant, Tombrakachy, pages 123, 154 William Grant of Tombreakachy, age 19, 5'7", enlisted in The Northern Fencibles on April 13, 1793. James Grant of Tombreakachy joined the same unit on March 16, 1793. (page 154) The Northern Fencibles were raised by the 4th Duke of Gordon in 1778, and disbanded in 1783. (page 73)

Lt. William Grant (1793), pages 176, 184

Lt. William Grant (1794), page 257

Captain Grant, pages 122, 225

Captain Alexander Grant, page 129

Captain George Grant, page 289

Captain James Grant (1794), page 187 (also page 176)

Captain James Grant (1800), page 274

Captain John Grant, senior, page 184

Captain John Grant, senior, page 184

Captain John Grant (1794), pages 187, 190

Earl of Seafield

Francis William Grant, Lt., pages 176, 179, 181, 187, 287

Lewis Grant, page 176

Charles Grant, Tombreakachy, pages 122, 124

Lieutenant Charles Grant (1798), pages 278, 279, 281, 282, 284

Lieutenant Charles Grant (1799), page 184

Lieutenant Charles Grant (1809), page 37

Index of places, page 455:

Achorachin (Inveraven, Banff), page 121 (James Cummng)

Tombreakachy (Tombrakach, Tombreachachy, Tombreahachie), pages 121, 122, 123, 124, 154

Vittoria, pages 227, 274, 275, 401.

Waterloo, pages liv, lxvi, 227, 391, 401, 402, 407, 413, 414, 436, 437.

Strathspey Regiment of Fencible Highlanders, raised by Sir James Grant of Granti n 1793, and disbanded in 1799. page 173–184. Sir James Grant, who was the nominal Colonel of the Regiment, was also a Member of Parliament for Banffshire (1790–1795) and Lord-Lieutenant of Inverness-shire. See pages 175–184 for the first muster roll of the company. Of the 44 officers, 22 were Grants. Of the 600 privates, 60 were Grants.

In 1794, Sir James Grant of Grant raised another unit, the 97th or Strathspey Regiment, also known as the Inverness-shire Regiment of Foot. The officers and men of this unit, which soon dissolved into other regiments, also contained a high proportion of Grants. See pages 185–191.

There is a ten minute home movie on Braemer Castle and Ballindalloch Castle on You Tube; another movie on Braemer Castle and the Scottish Moors; and other movies called Castle Grant Part 1 and Castle Grant Part 2; Grantown on Spey 2012.

The first recorded muster roll of Gordon's Highlanders on The Official Homepages of the Gordon Highlanders included William Grant, age 23, enlisted June 10, 1797 (?), 5 ft 4 in, born in Inveravon, Labourer.


General History of the Scottish Highlands on Electric Scotland.

A History of the Scottish Highlands Highland Clans and Highland Regiments (1885) by Sir John Scott Keltie.

Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5

Volume 4. Under History of the Highland Clans, the Grants are covered at page 250–256.

John, the eldest son (of Duncan, who predeceased his father, John, the fourth Laird of Freuchie), succeeded his grandfather* in 1585, and was much employed in public affairs. A large body of his clan, at the battle of Glenlivet, was commanded by John Grant of Gartenberg, to whose treachery, in having, in terms of a concerted plan, retreated with his men as soon as the action began, as well as to that of Campbell of Lochnell, Argyll owed his defeat in that engagement. (page 253)

*as the fifth Laird of Freuchie. John's grandfather was also John Grant, usually called Evan Baold or the Gentle, who was a strenuous promoter of the Reformation, and who was a member of the parliament that in 1860 abolished Popery as the established religion in Scotland. When the youger John Grant married Lilias Murray, King James VI attended his wedding. (See also Fraser, volume 1, page 191. The marriage contract was dated April 15, 1591.)

"In 1602, the Laird of Freuchie was one of the first persons invested with poweres to put down witchcraft in the Highlands." Fraser, volume 1, page 180.

The Chiefs of Grant (volume I) by William Fraser, Edinburgh 1883 (a free eBook). Volume II. Correspondence — Volume III. Charters, part 1 and part 2. Volumes II and III are on the Hathi Digital Trust Library.

See: Clan Grant and Clan Grant of Glenmoriston on The Highland Clans of Scotland: Their History and Traditions by George Eyre-Todd.

Blairfindy Castle. See also: NJ1928: Blairfindy Castle ruin.

A castle here was originally owned by the
Grants but the present structure is
Gordon work. It is a ruinous late 16th
century tower house in the L plan variety.
Above the arched entrance doorway is a
panel which bears the quartered arms of
the Gordons, the date 1586 and the initials
I.G and H.G. The basement is vaulted. The
Packhorse Bridge, a picturesque arch
bridge, stands nearby and is thought to have
been built in conjunction with Blairfindy. House of Gordon, Virginia—Blairfindy Castle (with a picture of the Glenlivet Distillery with Blairfindy Castle in the Background).

See: A Brief History of the Gordons on House of Gordon Virginia/Mid-Atlantic.


Blairfindy Castle

Blairfindy is known to have been the property of the Grants of Blairfindy in about 1470, who held the lands from the Earl of Huntly. It was first mentioned in a grant by the 3rd Earl of Huntly to his younger son Alexander, who then granted it to his younger son John Gordon in 1539. It is normally supposed that the castle was built by John Gordon, whose coat or arms can be seen over the door. However it seems likely that the Grants would have had a dwelling of some sort here, perhaps a simple hall-house, and that the Gordons extended it. Given the Gordon connection, it is likely that the castle housed rebel Gordon troops before the Battle of Glenlivet in 1594. During the Civil War, the Royalist son of Huntly was captured and kept prisoner at Blairfindy before being sent to Edinburgh for execution. After the Jacobite Revolts, it is recorded that Blairfindy was burned by Government troops, and the stump of a burned roof timber survives to this day.

Johne Grant of Blairfindie was one of several grants who signed the Bond of Combination between the Laird of Grant, his friends, and the men of Badenoch, Rothiemurchus, Strathawine, and Glenlivat of March 30, 1645. Document #212, page 238, volume 3 of Chiefs of Grant by William Fraser.


Research Sources — Grant Family in Scotland

For people who lived in Moray, Scotland, I often provide a link to Libindx, the Online Gealogical Service that the Moray Council's Local Heritage Centre created to help trace the family tree of people with roots in Moray. There is a peoples index and a places index. The places index covers many of the historic buildings in Moray. The abreviaions section has subsections for archives, headstone, miscellaneous, and newspapers.

<Geo Myrmint1.3>, the public family tree on, traces the ancestry of Father James Andrew Grant back to his grandfather, James Grant, who was born on July 12, 1810, in Kirkmichael, Inveravon, Banff, Scotland, died on April 2, 1900, in Glendullan Cottages, Dufftown, Mortlach, Banff, Scotland, and is interred in the Mortlach Old Cemetery, Dufftown. (Libindx NM066745—headstone reference M(0)659 — Mortlach Cemetery) The owner of the family tree is Myronmint of Dunfermline. His main research interest is the Gordons of Cabrach. Myronmint identifies the parents of this James Grant as Peter Grant and Isabella Grant, but provides no information other than their names.

Other good sources of information on public member trees of are <Glenlivet Project>, owned by Laryn Brown of Utah, and <Strathspey (related or otherwise) >, owned by charles18043 of Middlesex, England. These sites provide more, and sometimes different, details. A special interest of Laryn Brown's is the Grants and Rattrays of Glenlivet. "If you are already a subscriber to Ancestry, one of the fastest ways to access the Glenlivet Project is to search on William Nevie. The first search result is usually the Glenlivet Project tree, and from there you can explore." — Laryn Brown.

Doris M. Grant of Ontario (DMG66 on has made many informative postings on the Internet about the James Grant family of Glenlivet, especially the family of Peter Grant and Helen Gordon. Peter Grant was her husband's great-grandfather. Her husband is Alexander John Grant, born in 1932 in Canada. His father was Alexander James Grant (1904–1973) born in Canada. His father was Alexander Joseph Grant, born in Dufftown, Banffshire Scotland in 1863, son of Peter Grant and Helen Gordon, and an older brother of Father James Andrew Grant.

I have quoted several of the postings by Doris M. Grant. Her Message Board Posts on offer much historical information on this Grant family. A listing of all her postings on is available by clicking on (View posts) on the date line of each of her postings. Browsing through them is a worthwhile effort.

For places in Scotland, I have often inserted a link to Canmore on exploring Scotland's places — published by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, with the suggestion go there and enter the name of the place in the search box. An advantage of this site that it provides maps that show the location of the places listed. The maps are expandable, changeable in format, and may be moved on the screen to provide a search of nearby areas.

Here is a map showing the districts of the Highland Clans (c. 1885) — including the Grants and Gordons in Strathspey relation to the Rivers Spey, Avon and Livet, and Moray Firth. Here is an 1822 map with roughly the same line drawn between the districts of te Grants and Gordons. See also the Scottish clan map on Wikipedia.

Here is a c. 1636–1652 Gordon24 Map of River Avon that shows Achoracon, and Blairfindie, and Glen-Liffet.

Here is part of a part of an 1822 Topographical and military map of the counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine.... North West section that includes Part of Inveraven that shows Achoracan, Achbriack, Tombreakachie, and Deskie on the east side of the Water of Livat as it flows into the Aven River near the Ruins of Castle Drummin, and Blairfindy, Castleton, and Minmore on the west side. The same area is shown in the 1875 publication of sheet 75 - Tomintoul, with spellings of Achorachan, Achbreck, Tombreckachie, Castletown of Blairfindy. The Glenlivet Distillery is shown between the Castleton of Blarifindy and Minmore. Deskie and the place what the River Liver flows into the River Avon (at Castle Drumin) is on the adjoining chart (to the north), sheet 85 - Rothes.

Maps: Sheet 21 - Inverness & Spey (1903) on Bartholomew's "Half Inch to the Mile Maps" of Scotland, 1899–1905 on Map Images of the National Library of Scotland is especially useful. (Achoracan is spelled Ichoracan on this map.) On the same website, the Roy Military Survey of Scotland, 1747–55, is helpful in locating older names of places. For example, the place where the Water Dulnan flows into the Burn of Fiddich (later marked the River Fiddich) from the southwest, just south of the Old Castle Balveny, where Dufftown was formed more than 50 years later, are the words Kirk of Mortlach. To the southwest, this map shows the Burn of Nevie flowing into the River Livet from the east, with Achoracan and Tombreack to the immediate northeast; and Tombreackachie a short distance to the north just south of where the Water of Tarvie flows into the River Livet from the east, just before the River Livet flows into the River Avon.

The History of the Grants in Scotland extends back to the 1500s. Resources are innumerable. For a longer history of the Grants, see: The Highland clans of Scotland; their history and traditions (1923), by George Eyre-Todd, pages 153–165, a free eBook on Internet Archive. A short history of Clan Grant is on the website of Scotweb. Clan Grant Branch Families by James H. Grant gives a quick review. Two of the branches of the Grants he mentions are of particular relevance: The Grants of Blairfindy, Glenlivet, and The 1st Grants of Balindalloch, in the parish of Inveravon. I found Clan Grant — DNA Project especially interesting. Wikipedia includes articles on Clan Grant, Castle Grant, and Ballindalloch Castle. . See also: The Grants at the Battle of Culloden, 1746. Another good short history is at The Great Scottish Clans — Grant, which makes this statement:

In 1745, three Grant brothers who fought for the Jacobites, fled to Banffshire where they were hidden by relatives. The great-grandson of one of these men herded cattle at the age of seven, was apprenticed to a shoemaker, worked in a limeworks, then became a bookkeeper at a local whisky distillery where he worked for 20 years and eventually became manager.

In 1886 he quit his job and with his own savings opened his own distillery. The Glenfiddich Distillery began production on Christmas Day, 1887. The sole employees were William Grant and his nine children. Grant pioneered single malt whisky. Until Glenfiddich distillery opened, proprietary whisky was blended.

See: Who Fought On What Side At Culloden on Unknown Scottish History and The Highland Clans in the 1745 Rising. See also: Grant History: Monymusk Text and Grant Histories: Overview on Clan Grant.

Other articles in Wikipedia worth examining are Jacobitism and Jacobite Risings.

The history of the Province of Moray: comprising the counties of Elgin and Nairn, the greater part of the County of Inverness and a portion of the County of Banff, all called the Province of Moray before there was a division into counties (1882) by Lachlan Shaw, James Gordon, and Frederick Skinner (3 volumes) Glasgow, Hamilton, Adams & Co., London, and Thomas D. Morison, Glasgow, 1882, includesin volume 1 chapters on the Parishes of Ineravon (page 190) and Kirkmichael (page 215), with much early history of the Gordons and Grants.

The Story of the "Cheeryble" Grants: From the Spey to the Irwell by Rev. W. Hume Elliot, London. Sherratt and Hughes, 1906.

History of the Transactions in Scotland, in the years 1715–16, and 1745–46 by George Charles, Leith 1847 (Volume II)

 Memoirs of the insurrection in Scotland in 1715 / by John, Master of Sinclair, from the original manuscript in the possession of the Earl of Rosslyn ; with notes by Sir Walter Scott by John, Master of Sinclair, Edinnurgh 1858.

Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 byMrs. Thomson (Grace Wharton), London 1846. (Volume 1) (Volume 2) (Volume 3)

Memoirs of James IIL His Campaigns as Duke of York 1652–1660, translated by A. Lytton Sells. 1962 Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart by Charles Ludwig Klose (second Edition) London 1846. (Volume I) (Volume 2)

A short account of the affairs of Scotland in the years 1744, 1745, 1746. Printed from the original manuscript at Gosford. With a memoir and annotations by David, Lord Elcho,

See: Our Favorite Links by the 1745 Asscociation.

Significant Events Leading to the Jacobite Rising of 1745 by the 1745 Asscociation.

Major Events of the Jacobite Rising of 1745/1746 by the 1745 Asscociation.

Scotlands Places — Pick a County

Scotlands Places — Place Names for Banffshire.


Alexander Gordon

The 2nd son of the 3rd Earl. Was given the lands of Strathavon, and in contemporary documents is always referred to as Alexander Gordon of Strathdown. Little is known of his personal history, but some few circumstances have been recorded. In June, 1551, he held the office of Baillie-depute of Tullynestle, in Aberdeenshire.

m. The youngest daughter of John Grant of Grant, by whom he had four daughters and two sons:

            1. Alexander
                d. young, leaving one daughter
            2. John


b. 1695
m. Margaret GRANT, 14.2.1726 at Kirkmichael 
d. 3.5.1738 aged 43 and is buried at Kirkmichael churchyard 


Lord George Gordon (killed in the Battle of Aldford in 1645) was father of Lewis, Marquis of Huntly. Which Lewis married Isobel, Daughter of Sir John Grant of That-Ilk, by whom he had George his Successor; likewise Three Daughters,

George Marquis of Huntly, was Parliamentarily restored to his Estate; which had been forfaulted during the Time of the Civil War in 1661, and was by King Charles II created Duke of Gordon, by Letters Patent, 1st November 1684. Upon the Accession of King JamesVII. to the Crown, his Grace the Duke was made one of the Lords of the Treasury, one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy - Council, Governour of Edinburgh-Castle, and one of the Twelve Knights of the most noble, and most antient Order of the Thistle. At the Revo|lution the Duke held out the Castle of Edinburgh for King James's Inter|est some Time, but seeing no Hope of Relief from his Master, and that (page 178) Prince's Condition growing every Day worse and worse, he thought it the most advisable Course to surrender the Castle and referred himself and the Garison to King William's Discretion.

See: The Troubles Between the Earls of Huntly and Moray. (Battle of Glenlivet) The Feuds of the Clans (1907) by Alexander MacGregor, page 101.

See: History — Georgians and Jacobites: Sources from the ‘45 — Advanced Higher — Support Materials. (Learning + Teaching Scotland — Northern College, Dundee)

Complete Editions of Scalan News

Scotland's History —Jacobite Risings

The Jacobite Rebellion, 1715

Battle of Sheriffmuir — 13th November 1715

The Jacobite Rising of 1715 and the English Catholics.

History of the rebellions in Scotland, under the Viscount of Dundee, and the Earl of Mar, in 1689 and 1715 (1829) by Robert Chambers, Edinburgh 1829. free eBook

It had been determined, soon after William took possessionof London, that the Scottish government should be settled, as the English was about to be, by a National Convention; and that the Convention was appointed to meet on the 13th of March 1689. (page 31) ...

While the defenders of public liberty in England met in security, under the protection of their patron and saviour the Prince of Orange, the Scottish Revolutionists had to assemble under the guns of a fortress, which was held against them by a Tory and a Catholic ... (page 32–3)

They attempted to prevail upon the Duke of Gordon to give up the castle, which he professed to hold out for King James. (page 33)

Dundee had by this time made an excursion into the Duke of Gordon's Country north of the Dee, to sound the affections of that nobleman's numerous cavalier vassals ... (page 46).

Crossing of the Spey, he (Mackay) proceeded with the utmost expedition to take possession of the town which Dundee was that night to have occupied (Elgin) (page 49) ... This bold step on the part of Mackay seems to have intimidated Dundee; at least it prevented him from making his proposed approach to Elgin. Finding, soon after, that the enemy was reinforced by a detachmebnt of horse from Brechin, and that the Laird of Grant and some other Whig chiefs were disposed to join him, he thought it advisable, more especially as King James had not granted his sanction to hostile proceedings, to retire to Athole. (pages 49–50)

copy 51, 56–7, 62, 63, 65*,

Castle of Edinburgh surrendered by the Duke of Gordon. 71

Badenoch, Athole (Atholl), Killiecranky (Killiecrankie)

Raise the vassals of the Gordon territory - in the vale of Spey. 129

Six companies of the Laird of Grant's militia. 130 Balloch Castle

July 1, 1690. Battle of the Boyne. King James lost Ireland. 132.

1701 James II died at St. Germains. 162

August 1, 1714. Queen Anne cited. page 166.

It now remained for him either to fall back up on Inverness, or to march down Strathspey. In the former case, he would preserve an important post, which could afford lodging to his men; but was exposed to the risk of being shut up by Dundee from all supplies, and prevented from forming junction with Colonel Ramsay. In the latter case, he would lose an important post, but might have the compensatory advantages of keeping Dundee away from the Duke of Gordons country, of protecting that of the Laird of Grant, who was now with him, a valuable auxiliary, and of being able to communicate with his detachments in the south by the way of Angus. Out of two possible evils, he says in his Memoirs, he chose the last and least apparent— to move down Strathspey. (page 56)

Mackay now judged it expedient to pitch himself in some situation where he could wait in security till he was joined by the portions of his army at present in the south. He chose a place called Colmnakill, about six miles farther down the Spey, where a tributary stream, debouching into that river, gave him protection on one side, while the river itself covered his rear, and where a summer lodge belonging to the Laird of Grant offered him at once lodging and provision. When he had fairly pitched himself, he selected a dozen of the tenants of the Laird of Grant, to act as intelligencers between his camp and that of the enemy. And he at the same time sent another of the Laird's tenants, an experienced and trust-worthy person, to hasten the march of his detachments out of Angus* Here he was soon gratified by the junction of the two troops of Sir Thomas Livingston's regiment of dragoons, who had hitherto lain at Dundee. (page 57 ?)


Nothing remained for him but to make a precipitate retreat. Instantly giving orders to get his men into marching order, he called for his faithful ally, the Laird of Grant, who had, on the present occasion, sacrificed much for his service, by contributions of men and provisions, and who had also dared to incur, for his sake, the enmity* of a set of very revengeful neighbours. (page 65) ...

In his march, he passed Ballindalloch, the seat of a genleman who was with Dundee ... (page 66)

Mackay was accompanied by "six companies of the Laird of Grant;s miliia, about three hundred in number ... (page 130).


Map of Sheriffmuir Battle.

The Marquis of Huntly promised to bring out the whole of his father's immense following or vassalage, provided that he should be allowed his own time. All present took an oath to be faithful to each other, and to the Earl of Mar as the King's Lieutenant, in the enterprise about to ensue. The Earl gave each of them, before his departure, a parcel of the Chevalier's manifestoes, which they undertook to distribute. For some time afterwards, these documents were frequently found, in the morning on the streets of towns throughout Scotland, having been dropt there by the Jacobites during the night. (page 183)


The Jacobite army was now increased to the prodigious number of about ten thousand, the Marquis of Huntly having lately acceded with upwards of two thousand adherents. ... Two squadrons of cavalry, which Huntly had brought with him, excited, under the name of light-horse, the derision of friends and foes ; being composed of stout bulky Highlandmen, mounted on little horses, each with his petit blue bonnet on his head, a long rusty musket slung athwart his back, and not one possessed of boots or pistols, those articles so requisite to the idea of a trooper. On arriving at Dun- blane, this puissant body of cavalry took two hours to dismount; and it is the opinion of one who observed them, that, if attacked by an enemy, they would have been as long before they were in readiness to receive him. (page 226)

The loss of Inverness was of great consequence to the insurgents ; for it caused the Earl of Seaforth and the Marquis of Huntly to leave the camp with most of their men, in order to protect their respective countries from the new garrison; and it supplied the enemy with a sort of point*?- appui, by which to annoy and check all the insurrectionary movements from the North. (pages 283–284)

Bonnie Dundee - John Graham of Claverhouse

John Graham of Claverhouse, 1st viscount of Dundee (Encyclopaedia Britannica)

Traditional Scottish Songs — Bonnie Dundee

Life of Lieut. General Hugh Mackay of Scoury; commander in chief of the forces in Scotland, 1689 and 1690, Colonel Commandant of the Scottish Brigade, in the service of the States General, and a Privy-Counsellor in Scotland by John Mackay, Edinburgh 1836.

The Jacobite Peerage by the Marquis of Ruvigny and Raineval, Edinburgh 1904. A free Google eBook.

Clan Gordon in Wikipedia.

Marquess of Huntly on Wikipedia.

Alexander Gordon, 4th Duke of Gordon (1743–1827).

Papists Act of 1778 and Gordon Riots — led by Lord George Gordon (December 26, 1751–November 12, 1793). (Broher of Alexander Gordon, 4th Duke of Gordon). See: Trial of Lord George Gordon.

Alexander Gordon, 2nd Duke of Gordon (c.1678–1728). He fought with the Jacobites at the battle of Sheriffmuir, with three hundred horsemen and two thousand foot. On 12 February 1716, he surrendered at Gordon Castle, to John Gordon, 16th Earl of Sutherland. He was imprisoned at Edinburgh, but obtained a pardon.

George Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon (1649–1716).

On 1 November 1684, George was advanced from Marquess of Huntly to be the first Duke of Gordon. Following the accession of the Catholic James II in 1685, the Duke was made one of the Commissioners of Supply, Constable of Edinburgh Castle, a Commissioner of the Scottish Treasury and a founding Knight of the Order of the Thistle. The Duke owed these positions to his Catholicism and, around this time, he was described as being "a libertine and a fop, he is a Roman Catholic because he was bred so, but otherwise thinks very little of revealed religion." [2]

In 1594 the forces of George Gordon, 1st Marquess of Huntly defeated the forces of Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll at the Battle of Glenlivet.[8][14]

From Clan Gordon:

Jacobite rising of 1715

The Gordons fought on both sides during both the Jacobite rising of 1715 and the Jacobite rising of 1745.[7] In 1715 the fighting force of the Clan Gordon is given by General George Wade as 1000 Claymores.[8] The second Duke of Gordon followed the Jacobites in 1715 and fought at the Battle of Sheriffmuir.[7]

Jacobite rising of 1745

Cosmo Gordon, 3rd Duke of Gordon (c. 1720–1752) supported the British government during the rising of 1745.[7] However, his brother, Lord Lewis Gordon, raised two Jacobite regiments against the Hanoverians.[7] The Gordon Jacobites fought at the Battle of Inverurie (1745), theBattle of Falkirk (1746) and the Battle of Culloden (1746).[8]

Letters of queen Elizabeth and king James VI of Scotland, Council of the Camden Society, London,

Spanish Blanks, No. XLII, Elizaeth to James. (deliver January 21, 1592), page 71.

James defends his treatment of "papist rebellis." No. L., September 19, 1593, page 86. Elizabeth's Reply, No. LI, October 19, 1593, page 90. James' response., No. LIII, December 7, 1593, page 95 — in which he mention Huntlie's uncle, James Gordon, described in an editor's note as a "busy Scottish jesuit," whose superior ordered him to leave Scotland "for fear of the straitness of my laws."

No. LVI, James to Elizabeth, June 5, 1594, page 105. Editor's note; James had at last been driven into the determination of put down the Roman catholic earles by force."

"I also trust, that, before his tyme, youre amassadoure has informid you of so of my proceedings at this parliament, to your satisfaction." (page 107)

Editor's note, page 110.

James success agains the Roman catholic earls was complete. Their strongholds were destroyed, and themselves driven to seek flight or in banishment.

Editor's Note, page 119, re Elizabeth to James, No. LXIII, Januaary 5, 1597.

This letter has reference to an uproar which took places in Edinburgh on the 17th December 1596. James had permitted the Roman catholic earls to return to Scotland, and was endeavouring to bring about an arrangement for their partial resoration to their estates and honours. The attempt excited over-zealous leaders of the kirk beyond all bounds of reason. The people adopted the feelings of their ministers, and outran their indiscretion.

Letters and state papers during the reign of King James the Sixth, chiefly from the manuscript collections of Sir James Balfour of Denmyln. James Maidment and Fir James Balfour. Edinburgh 1838.

Narratives of Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart and James VI by William Forbes-Leither, (June 9, 1597. Earl of Huntly subscribes to the Confession of Faith to "save their properties for themselves and families." page 231–2.)

1594 Catholic Earls of Hunttly and Erroll convicted of high treason and their estates forfeited. 1597 Earl of Huntly abandons Catholicism. 1609 - imprisoned for returning to the catholic Church.


Sketches of the character, manners, and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland; with details of the military service of the Highland regiments by David Stewart. (Third Edition) Edinburgh 1825.

Volume I.

Mr. Grant of Corriminie observed that, in Connaught and the west of Ireland, the Geaalic language still spoken differs very little from that of the Scotch Highlanders. (footnote, page 14).

Clans: Grant of Gordon, Grant of Grant, Grant of Glenmorriston (page 28)

See Section IV, page 199, on illicit distillation. Company of the Black Watch formed in 1729 under Colonel Grant of Ballindalloch — part of the 42nd Regiment. (page 249). Commanding officers were taken from "the loyal, or Whig clans, the ... Grants ... in Strathspey and Badenoch ...." (page 251). Original officers included:

Major George Grant, brother of the Laird of Grant, who was removed from the service by sentence of a court-martial in 1746.

Lieutenant Lewis Grant of Auchterblair.

Lieutenant Francis Grant, son of the Laird of Grant, who died as a Lieutenant-General in 1782.

John Grant of Strathspey, of the family of Ballindalloch, was one of three soldiers, "remarkable for their figure and good looks," sent to London in 1743 to satisy the desire of the King to see a Highland soldier. Before he got to London, Grant fell sick and died at Aberfeldy. (page 258)

See: The Online Books Page — Clans -- Scotland

History of the Highlands & of the Highland Clans, Volume 1, Part 2 by James Browne, Glasgow 1834.    

George Gordon, Earl of Huntly, "was a favourite, and personally liked by James the Sixth." Gordon retired to the north to improve his estates and enjoy domestic quiet — erected a castle at Ruthven in Badenoch (page 218).

In 1590 — "John Grant, the tutor of Ballendalloch, having withheld the rents due to the widow, and endeavoured otherwise to injure her, James Gordon, her nephew, eledest son of Alendar Gordon of Lismore, along with some of his friends, went to Ballendalooch to obtain justice or her." John Grant paid up, but there was an altercation between the servants of the Grants and Gordon. (page 218). On November 2, 1590, earl of Huntly tried to apprehend John Grant (because of murder of a servant), but Grant escaped. This led to murder, and skirmishes in Badenoch, Strathspey, cattle-raiding, etc. The earl of Huntly laid waste to propertyeis of the Laird of Grant. (pages 221–222)

" The ministers, instigated by the Queen of England, now entreated the king to send the earl of Argyle, a youth of nineteen years of age, in the pay of queen Elizabeth, with an army against the Catholic earls. ... (page 222)


For the sake of continuity, we have deferred noticing those transactions in the north in which George Gordon, earl of Huntly, was more immediately concerned, and which led to several bloody conflicts.

The earl, who was a favourite at court, and personally liked by James the Sixth, finding himself in danger from the prevailing faction, retired to his possessions in the north, for the purpose of improving his estates and enjoying domestic quiet. One of his first measures was to erect a castle at Ruthven, in Badenoch, in the neighbourhood of his hunting forests. This gave great offence to Mackintosh, the chief of the Clan-Chattan, and his people, as they considered that the object of its erection was to overawe the clan. Being the earl's vassals and te nants they were bound to certain services, among which, the furnishing of materials for the building formed a chief part ; but instead of assist ing the earl's people, they at first indirectly and in an underhand man ner, endeavoured to prevent the workmen from going on with their operations, and afterwards positively refused to furnish the necessaries required for the building. This act of disobedience, followed by a quar rel in the year fifteen hundred and ninety, between the Gordons and the Grants, was the cause of much trouble, the occasion of which was this. John Grant, the tutor of Ballendalloch, having withheld the rents due to the widow, and endeavoured otherwise to injure her, James Gordon, her nephew, eldest son of Alexander Gordon of Lismore, along with some of his friends, went to Ballendalloch to obtain justice for her. On their arrival, differences were accommodated so far that the tutor paid up all arrears due to the lady, except a trifle, which he insisted, on some ground or other, on retaining. This led to some altercation, in which the servants of both parties took a share, and latterly came to blows ; but they were separated, and James Gordon returned home. Judging from what had taken place, that his aunt's interests would in future be better attended to if under the protection of a husband, he persuaded the brother of Sir Thomas Gordon of Cluny to marry her, which he did. This act so incensed the tutor of Ballendalloch, that he at once showed his displeasure by killing, at the instigation of the laird of Grant,

of the Grants as should harbour or assist him. were declared outlaws and rebels, and a commission was granted to the earl of Huntly to ap prehend and bring them to justice, in virtue of which, he besieged the house of Ballendalloch, which he took by force, on the second day of November, fifteen hundred and ninety; but the tutor effected his escape. Sir John Campbell of Cadell, a despicable tool of the Chan cellor Maitland, who had plotted the destruction of the earl and the laird of Grant, now joined in the conspiracy against him, and stirred up the Clan-Chattan, and Mackintosh their chief, to aid the Grants. They also persuaded the earls of Atholl and Moray to assist them against the earl of Huntly. As soon as Huntly ascertained that the Grants and Clan-Chattan, who were his own vassals, had put themselves under the command of these earls, he assembled his followers, and, entering Badenoch, sum moned his vassals to appear before him, and deliver up the tutor and his abettors, but none of them came. He then proclaimed and denounced them rebels, and obtained a royal commission to invade and apprehend them. To consult on the best means of defending themselves the earls of Moray and Atholl, the Dunbars, the Clan-Chattan, the Grants, and the laird of Cadell, and others of their party met at Forres. Two contrary opinions were given at this meeting. On the one hand Mack intosh, Grant, and Cadell advised the earls, who were pretty well sup ported by a large party in the north, immediately to collect their forces and oppose Huntly ; but the Dunbars, on the other hand, were op posed to this advice, and endeavoured to convince the earls that they were not in a fit condition at that time to make a successful stand against their formidable antagonist. In the midst of these delibera tions Huntly, who had received early intelligence of the meeting, and had, in consequence, assembled his forces, unexpectedly made his ap pearance in the neighbourhood of Forres. This sudden advance of Huntly struck terror into the minds of the persons assembled, and the meeting instantly broke up in great confusion. The whole party, with the exception of the earl of Moray, left the town in great haste, and fled to Tarnoway. The earl of Moray had provided all things neces sary for his defence in case he should be attacked ; but the earl of Huntly, not aware that he had remained behind, marched directly to Tarnoway in pursuit of the fugitives. On arriving within sight of the castle into which the flying party had thrown themselves, the earl sent John Gordon, brother of Sir Thomas Gordon of Cluny, with a small body of men to reconnoitre ; but approaching too near without due caution, he was shot by one of the earl of Moray's servants. As Huntly found the castle well fortified, and as the rebels evacuated it and fled to the mountains, leaving a sufficient force to protect it, he disbanded his men on the twenty-fourth day of November fifteen hundred and ninety, and returned home, from whence he proceeded to Edinburgh. Shortly after (much more)


Depredations of James Grant (the rebel). (page 300–

Escaped from confinement at Edinburgh Cast on the night of October 15, 1632 and fled to Ireland. Wife "who was far advanced in pregnancy" was taken in custody by order of Marquis of Huntly - acquited of charge that she aided her husband in his escape. James Grant soon returns from Ireland, grew bolder, and "at lasty appeared openlly in Strathdoun and Speyside." (page 301) James Grant apprehended his cousin, John Grant of Balindalloch and took him to the home of Thomas Grant at Dandeis, about three miles from Elgin. John Grant escaped on December 28, 1632, after 20 days of confinement. Thomas Grant was tried and hanged. . (page 303)

Wlliam Grant in Tombrekachy was named an arbitrator in an agreement, signed on March 1, 1792, of John Gordon (eldest son) in Tomnavoulin, Robert Gordon (second son) in Castletown, and Charles Gordon (third son, married to Helen Grant) in Achorracan — all children of the deceased William Gordon. William Grant made an award on April 30, 1792. page 48. The agreement was to interpret provisions in a will in their father, William Gordon, subscribed at Auchoracan on August 9, 1790. The testator William Gordon, of Bogfoutain at Auchoracan, died in Auchoracan on September 8, 1871, at the age of 71. The Gordons and Smiths at Minmore, Auchoracan, and Upper Drumin in Glenlivet by John Malcolm Bulloch, privately printed 1910. (pages 45–51) William Gordon held land for a term in saish from the Duke of Gordon.

Alexander, Duke of Gordon, apparently owed William Gordon of Bogfoutin about £1440 when William made his will.

William Gordon's youngest son was William Gordon, an ensin, who died in 1791–2.

William Gordon's fourth son was Alexander Gordon.

Daughters were Elspet Margararet Gordon* (married to Andrew Smith in Drummin), and Jean Gordon (married to William McAllister in London)h Gordon.

Margaret's son,George, founded the famous distillery at Minmore (page 51). See pages 52 et seq.

Jessie ROGERS - (nee GRANTb. 27 July 1842. (Told to her daughter Elizabeth Rogers b.1876 )

This is a little sketch, as near as I can get it, beginning with my great-grandfather, William GRANT of Grantown, Inverness-shire. (Morayshire). He was considered a great man. He was a Justice of the Peace and held other appointments. People came from miles around to consult him upon important matters. He had 12 sons and 1 daughter. He gave all his sons a profession -some were ministers, others were doctors, barristers and others had commissions in the Army

... my father William was brought up by his grandfather, the above mentioned William GRANT.

Lectures on the Mountains; or, The Highlands and Highlanders by William Grant Stewart, London 1860:

(page 34) "Mr. Smith, Minmore, a successful breeder of Highland stock of cattle

(page 46) black-pot operators

(page 58) "the gallant 78th,under the heroic Havelock." - saviours of India.

(page 61) Among the powerful families in the north who always held great sway over the affections of their tenants and dependants, the noble family of Gordon and the powerful family of Grant, once conterminous proprietors of almost all the Speyside Grampian Highlands, shone conspicuous, and those two families rivalled each other only in one competition, and that was which house should raise the greater number of officers and men for the service of their king and country.

Alexander Duke of Gordon, "The Cock of the North, at this time proprietor of boundless Highland territories, stretching from the German to the Atlantic Ocean, lord lieutenant of Aberdeenshire, and a kind, considerate and liberal land- lord, ranked first in respect of territorial power and influence. Next to him stood Sir James Grant, of Grant, proprietor of the far-famed country of Strathspey, and the beautiful estate of Glen-Urquhart, both small in point of extent as compared to the duke's extensive domains. But Sir James's personal influence with his clan and people, and as lord lieutenant of Inverness-shire, was so great, that in little more than one year, he, on the declaration of war with France, raised the Strathspey Fencibles, numbering 500 men, almost all from his own estates, and the 97th regiment of the line, of 1000 men, all in 1793 and 1794, a feat unparalleled on the part of any other proprietor. In the same year, the Duke of Gordon raised the Gordon Fencibles, 300 from his Highland properties in Strathavon and Badenoch, and the rest from his Lowland estates."

(pages 65– 66) Grant - disfigured by smallpox - joins the 92nd Gordon Highlanders and becomes a commissioned officer. Peter Grant - "the Glenlivat Beauty" - wounded at the Battle of Bergen in Holland on October 2, 1799. kilted nurse and cook to Marquis of Huntly (who became George, Duke of Gordon p. 79). Major Peter Grant lost one of his legs at the Batle of Funetest d'Onor and had to retire to his native glen aboout 1812, where he died in 1817. See Auchiancrrow on page 103.

(page74–75) war with France 25 years Gordons and Grants provided 1000 men to the military.

(page 81) 78th Highlanders - recruited by Lord Seaforth in about 1805. Captain W., Grant in Tomintoul in 1833.

(page 85). 78th described as "the favorite Highland corps." "saviours of India" (page 88)

Ruthven Gordons and Grants (page 98) (see also page 172–178, John Grant, dead drunk.)

Tombreckachie (page 102)

Tombreckachie, — Long the residence of a family of the name of Grant. Mr. Grant, who died about forty years ago, left two sons - Charles, a captain in the army, who lost his leg, under the Duke of Wellington, and died at Elgin, some years ago. * William, an officer in the army, the last occupant of Tombreckachie, of that family, now living in Dufftown.

Auchoracan (page 103) Auchorachan. — Formerly the residence of a family of the name of Gordon, represented by William Gordon, Esq., of Tomnavoulin.

Tomintoul (page 162) -chapter IX

Like the exciseman before mentioned, the Rev. Mr. (John) Grant, who was addicted to wit and humour, gives a graphic, but, we think, rather sinister account of the manners and habits of the inhabitants in his time. He says, "no monopolies are established here — no restraints on the industry of the community. All of them sell whisky, and all of them drink it. When disengaged from this business, the women spin yarn, kiss their inamoratas, or dance to the discordant sounds of an old fiddle. The men, while not participating in the amusements of the women, sell some small articles of merchandise, or let themselves, occasionally, for a day's labour, and by those means earn a scanty subsistence for themselves and families:" and, he adds, "a school is stationed at this village, attended by forty or fifty little recreants, all promising to be very like their parents."

Military roads of General George Wade. Corrieyairack Pass. Dunkeld to Inverness was built from 1728 to 1730. For a brief history of Wade's roads, see: Major General George Wade. See also: General Wade's Bridge at Aberfeldy and Tay Bridge, Aberfeldy.


The Social, Economic & Political Reasons for the Decline of Gaelic in Scotland by Ewan J. Innes (1993). (Napier Commission - early 1880s)

[M]any of the teachers and others who could change policy, saw Gaelic as a mark of backwardness, teaching it therefore was a waste of time.

This view predominated due to the fact that, by the end of the nineteenth century, English was known to one degree or another throughout the Highlands, Gaelic was therefore unnecessary as an educational provision. Moreover, as was given in evidence to the Napier Commission by the Rev. James Grant of Kilmuir on Skye:

"Highlanders would like their children to be better scholars than themselves, to be able to read the scriptures in Gaelic, but to be also able to speak English and carve their way through the world."

(Commission of Inquiry into the Condition of the Crofters and Cottars in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland 1884-5 P.P. XXXII App. A, Part III, pp7)

See: Withers, C.W.J. Gaelic in Scotland 1698-1981 - The geographical history of a language (1984)

The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language, edited by Moray Watson and Michelle Macleod, Edinburgh University Press 2010.

[T]he pioneering Scottish Education Act of 1494–6 decreed that lairds and chiefs must send their children to be educated in the Lowlands, and that ‘this meant that the formative years of the children of the leading citizens of Gaeldom were to be spent in an alien environment − a feature of Highland education which recurs throughout the educational history of Gaelic Scotland and remains alive to our own day’ (MacKinnon 1991: 42). (page 13).


A System of Geography, Ancient and Modern (6 volumes), by James Playfair, Scotland, volume II, Edinburgh 1809. page 542. Military road from Dunkeld to Killiecrankie, Blair village, page 665. 24. Banffshire, page 698. 25. Elginshire, page 702.

Highland Memorial InscriptionsBadenoch & Strathspey and Moray and Nairn.

Braemar Highlands: Their Tales, Traditions and History by Elizabeth Taylor, Edinburgh 1869.

From Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies: Vol. 21: Bàideanach, Srath Spè, Nàrann & Bràighean Mhàrr (Badenoch, Strathspey, Nairn & Braes of Mar) by Jurt C. Duew (1md edition 2011):

Right until the First World War it was common place to hear Gaelic on the streets of Grantown-on-Spey, Tomintoul and even Braemar in Aberdeenshire. Equally unknown in many circles is the fact that the last "native speaker" of Aberdeenshire Gaelic died as late as the early 1980s. In Badenoch Gaelic still survived as a community language until the Second World War. Today the language is held up in the whole area by a very small number of speakers. Newtonmore in western Badenoch is the only community where Gaelic still shows some flickering light with Gaelic-medium nursery and primary school education in the local school. Parental demand on the contrary is high but so far only a Gaelic-medium unit in Nairn has been realised. Essentially arrived at rock bottom ironically the situation of Gaelic can only improve in this district. The second edition of this report can be downloaded here (1.521 KB) in pdf format.


The Court Books of the Regality of Grant: A True Statement of Their Contents. [With Extracts.] by William Cramond 

Grant, Ludovick (DNB00)

The name "Spey" by the way is derived from the Gaelic "Spe" meaning sputum from the frothy foam of its current.

The Rulers of Strathspey — A History of the Lairds of Grant and Earls of Seafield by Earl of Cassillis, Inverness 1911.

Urquhart and Glenmoriston: Olden Times in a Highland Parish, by William McKay (Second Edition) Inverness 1914. Pages 226-7.

Regality of Grant - Crown Charter granted on February 28, 1694, to Sir Ludovick Grant, including the baronies of Urquhart and Corrimony.

Fraser, vol 3, part 2, pages 476–42, extract #38, decribes the charter of February 28, 1864, by King William and Queen Mary to Ludovick Grant of Freuchie (and heirs-male) creating the Regality of Grant. Includes the baronies of Mulben, Freuchie, Cromdaill, Urquahart

The barony of Mulben included Mekle Balnabreich, Cardenie*, Auldcask, and Forgie "in the shire of Elgin and Forres".

*Cairntie on the right (west) bank of the Spey salmon fishings . See: Duke of Richmond v. Earl of Seafield. — Scottish Law Reporter, volume 7, page 359. Cairntie Mains, Blackhillock, Keith. Opposite Biggharties and Orderchish.

The Great Floods of August 1829 in the Province of Moray and Adjoining Districts by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Elgin 1873 (3d edition).

XV.—The River Aven and the River Livat—The Spey about Ballindalloch, pages 119–132

Grant DNA Project

Website of Grant DNA Project

Clan Grant — Genealogy

Grant Surname Distribution — criticizes the Norman Origin theory versus the Norwegian Viking theory.

Grants in Ireland.

Clan Grant - The Chiefs of Grant: A Complete List.

Clan Grant — Grant Histories: Overview.

***Grant — Origins of the Clan on Scotweb Tartan Mill

Pict Clanns of Albann — Clann GRANT

The Grants are descended from Gregor Mhor MacGREGOR, who lived in the 12th century.  Their territory was Strathspey, where an extensive moor called 'Griantoch' (Plain of the Sun) is the origin of their name.  Their cadet coat of arms proved this.     

The Legacy of Ludovic Grant by Jerry A. Maddox. Author House 2007. "As a Jacobite warrior in 1715, he was captured along with 1,500 other Scotch Highlanders at Preston, England, and imprisoned at Chester Castle for six months. His trial resulted in banishment to Charles Town, SC, in 1716. After serving as an indentured servant for seven years, he became a licensed trader with the Cherokee Indians in Tennessee and married a full-blood Cherokee woman." 

Directory to Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats, Villages, etc. etc in Scotland,    Sutherland and Knox, Edinburgh, 1857. Includes Auchoracan, Banff. James Grant, inspector of poor, is listed in Tomintoul, Banff, S.O. (page 145). James Grant, teacher, is listed in Tomnavoulin, post town of Ballindalloch (page 145). Reverend James Grant is listed in Kirkmichael Manse, Banff, post town of Ballindalloch (page 92).

A Gazetteer of Scotland (6 volumes 1882)

In the Shadow of Cairngorm — XVI. In the Days of the Baron Bailies on Electric Scotland

The Days of the Baron Bailies in our parish may be said to extend from 1694, when the Regality of Grant was erected by Royal Charter (28th February), to 1748, when the Regality Courts were abolished. 

In the Shadow of Cairngorm — VIII. Lands and Land-holders on Electric Scotland contains a brief sketch of the history of the Grant Family.

VIII. The next Laird was LUDOVICK GRANT (1663—1716). In 1671 he married Janet Brodie, only daughter and heiress of Alexander Brodie of Lethen. She was a zealous Protestant. Lorimer mentions in his MS. Notes that "the people of Murray say it was Janet Brodie that first introduced the Bible into Strathspey, owing to her having a greater strictness in Religion than was common there before; and by the figure which all her children made in the world, it is evident that she gave them, a good education." In 1685 Sir Ludovick was fined £42,500 Scots by the Commissioners for Church Disorders, "in respect the Lady Grant confesses two years and ane haifa withdrawing from ordinances; having and keeping an unlicensed Chaplain; heating outed ministers preach several times," and for his and his Lady’s "delinquencies, singularities and disorders," This heavy fine was ultimately remitted, but it cost the Laird much trouble, and some £24,000 (Scots) to obtain the remission. The Laird in the end became a strang supporter of King William, and joined in the campaign of Mackay. He was one of the Lord Commissioners for the Plantation of Kirks, and it was probably by this Commission that so many Kirks, such as Insh, Rothiemurchus, Kincardine, Inverallan, and Advie, were suppressed on Speyside.

Challenges posed by the Geography of the Scottish Highlands to ecclesiastical endeavour over the centuries by John Rothney Stephen, a PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, September 2004.

Christianity was traditionally brought to Scotland around the fifth century CE. Its spread, both as a monastic and missionary movement throughout the Highlands, is attributed to monks schooled in Galloway and in Ulster. By the twelfth century, the Celtic Church had been fully absorbed into the Church of Rome. At the Calvinist Reformation within Scotland in 1560, Roman Catholicism was proscribed, but due to prevailing factors in the Highlands, mainly connected with the remoteness and inaccessibility of the landscape, the "Old Faith" was never completely eradicated. Of cardinal importance was the ownership of the land, the dearth of a Reformed ministry conversant in the Gaelic language and overlarge parishes that precluded regular contact between congregation and minister and his manse. A serious impediment to Highland Reformed mission was the lack of a translation in Scots-Gaelic vernacular, of the Authorised Bible until the 1767 publication of the New Testament in that language. Those disabilities permitted the re-establishment from Rome of a virulent Catholic Vicariate located in the Highlands, to rekindle a faith that had never been completely lost in the minds of the population. (abstract, pages i and ii).

Origins of the 'Forty-Five and Other Papers Relating to That Rising, edited by Walter Biggar Blaikie, Edinburgh 1916.

JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD, King James III. and VIII. of the Jacobites, the Old Pretender of his enemies, and the Chevalier de St. George of historians, was born at St. James's Palace on 10th June 1688. On the landing of William of Orange and the outbreak of the Revolution, the young Prince and his mother were sent to France, arriving at Calais on llth December (O.S.); the King left England a fortnight later and landed at Ambleteuse on Christmas Day (O.S.). ... James II. and VII. died on 5th September 1701 (16th Sept. N.S.), and immediately on his death Louis xiv. acknowledged his son as king, and promised to further his interests to the best of his power. (Introduction, page ix) ...

The first to inspire the Jacobite Court with new life and hope, and set in motion the events which led up to the great adventure of 'Forty-five was John Gordon of Glenbucket. This remarkable man was no country magnate nor of any particular family. At this time he possessed no landed property ; he was merely the tenant of a farm in Glenlivet, which he held from the Duke of Gordon. His designation ' of Glenbucket ' was derived from a small property in the Don valley which had been purchased by his grandfather, and which he inherited from his father.... Glenbucket was at this time about sixty-four years old. In his younger days he had been factor or chamberlain to the Duke of Gordon, a position which conferred on him considerable influence and power, particularly over the Duke's Highland vassals. (page xxv) ...

In the year 1737 Gordon sold Glenbucket, for which he realised twelve thousand marks (about £700); and he left Scotland to visit the Chevalier at Rome. ...

Glenbucket went on to Rome in January 1738 : he delivered his message, was rewarded with a major-general's commission,4 and returned to Scotland. (page xxvi)

... it was Gordon of Glenbucket whose initiative in 1737 originated the Jacobite revival which eventually brought Prince Charles to Scotland. (page li)

The condition of parties in the north-eastern counties was not what it had been in the 'Fifteen. At that time the great lords of the counties had been Jacobite, whereas in 1745 most of the Aberdeenshire peers were supporters of the Government. None of them, however, took a prominent lead in the struggle. It is interesting to read the reasons given by the author of these Memoirs for the reticence of the Whig peers. The Duke of Gordon was prevented by indisposition. ... (page lviii)

These explanations carry no conviction, and there can be little doubt that, in the beginning, these Aberdeenshire lords were more or less sitting on the fence. Nor is this to be wondered at; family tradition and family connection would make them very chary of taking any prominent steps against the Jacobites. The Duke of Gordon, whose mother was a daughter of the Earl of Peterborough, had been brought up a Protestant and a Whig in defiance of the Catholic religion and Jacobite principles of his predecessors. Yet he must have had some sympathy with the family tradition. Early in September his father's old factor, Gordon of Glenbucket, carried off horses and arms from Gordon Castle while the Duke was there, apparently with his connivance. Moreover, Sir Harry Innes of Innes in writing of this to his brother-in-law, Ludovick Grant, adds : 'I am sory to tell yow that the Duke is quite wronge.' (pages lviii and lvix, citing Fraser II, page 155) ...

Gordon of Glenbucket, now aged seventy-two, had been bed-ridden for three years, but he no sooner heard of the Prince's arrival than he experienced ' a kind of new life.' Although bent nearly double on horseback, he hurried off to the West Highlands, and met Prince Charles at Kinlochmoidart on August 18th. He was back in Banffshire raising men by September 5th. Men were hurriedly collected ; and on October 4th Glenbucket joined Prince Charles at Edinburgh with 400 men from Strathavon anx Glenlivet ... (page lxi, citing Fraser II, page 152)

Narrative of Ludovick Grant of Grant. (page lxxiii) [See also pages 269–312 of Blaikie's main text.]

In 1745 Sir James Grant was the head of the family. His father at the Revolution had taken the side of King William, and had been a member of the Convention of Estates which declared King James's forfeiture. He had raised a regiment and had incurred heavy expenses in the service of the new Government, but in spite of frequent applications no repayment had ever been made to him. Sir James's elder brother, Alexander, succeeded his father. He was a distinguished soldier, who served the Government faithfully, and rose to the rank of Brigadier-General. In the 'Fifteen he was Lord-Lieutenant of Banff and Inverness, and was appointed Captain of Edinburgh Castle. In 1717 he was informed that the Government had no further occasion for his services. He died in 1719, and was succeeded by his brother James, who by a special grant inherited the baronetcy of his father-in-law, Sir Humphrey Colquhoun of Luss. Sir James Grant was member of parliament for the county of Inverness from 1722 to 1741, when a quarrel with Duncan Forbes of Culloden forced him to relinquish the constituency. He then became member for the Elgin burghs, for which he sat until his death in 1747. ...

On his arrival in Scotland, Prince Charles wrote to Grant requesting his co-operation in much the same terms as he wrote to known Jacobite adherents. Sir James, who was now sixty-six years old, determined to keep out of trouble. He handed over the management of his clan and property to his eldest son, Ludovick, and on the pretext of attending to his parliamentary duties, he went to London, where he remained throughout the Rising.

Before leaving Scotland, Sir James pointed out to his son that the family had received scant reward for eminent services in the past, and he advised him that whatever happened the clan should not be subdivided. He strongly opposed Duncan Forbes' s scheme of independent companies. The clan should remain passive, prepared to defend its own territory, and only act in the event of its being attacked. This policy Ludovick carried out, and in doing so incurred the grave suspicion of the Government. It is indeed difficult to believe that, until the final retreat of the Jacobites and the approach of Cumberland, the acting Chief of the Grants was not sitting on the fence.

The History of the Troubles and Memorable Transactions of Scotland, from the years 1624 to 1645, by John Spalding. Aberdeen 1792 (in 2 volumes). Volume 2 (1642–1645).

Volume 2, page 274 — February 17 or 18, 1845.

As Montrose is marching to Elgin, the laird of Grant, with some others, meet him, and offering their service up on their parole and great oath, swore to serve the king and him his lieutenant loyally ; Montrose received them graci ously; the laird of Grant sent in 300 men to him.

page 276 — shortly after February 26, 1645.

Montrose camping in Elgin, received, to save the town unburnt, 4000 merks as was paid, but his soldiers, especially the laird of Grant's soldiers, plundered the town pitifully, and left nothing tuxsible unearned away, and brake down beds, boards, insight and plenishing. Montrose leaves them at this plundering, and marches from Elgin up on the 4th of March towards the Bog of Gight, with the body of his army, having in his company the earl of Sea forth, the lord Gordon, the lairds of Grant, Pluscardine, Loflyne, and some others, who had come in to him, and sent before him over Spey the Farquharlons of Brae of Mar, to plunder the town of Cullen pertaining to the earl of Findlater, which they did pitifully, for thir Farquharsons had come in to him before. Montrose being over Spey, he considers that the two regiments lying in Inverness, and rebels in the country, might now in his absence break out and wrong his friends that are in his company, therefore he takes the earl of Seaforth, the laird of Grant, and others formerly said, their solemn oaths to serve the king against his rebel subjects, and never to draw arms against his ma jesty and his loyal subjects, and thereafter sent them over Spey again, to look to their own estates, upon their parole to come with all their forces upon advertisement to assist Montrose in the king's service, and so parted frae others ; but the earl of Seaforth gat more credit than he was wor thy os, for he perjured himself, and turned a mortal enemy to the king, and a traitor, as ye shall hear.

Now as Montrose foresaw the trouble of the country, so it fell out; for there came parties frae the regiments at Inverness, to the place of Elchies, the place where the laird of Grant was dwelling, and plundered the samen, and left not the ladies apparel, jewels and goldsmith work untaken up, whereof she had store. Thereafter they plundered the land of Coxtown, because the goodman followed the lord Gordon.


[see Spalding I pages 79–81]

General Assembly, Edinburgh, August 30. 1639. (ratified by members of parliament of Charles I at Edinburgh, June 11,1640.

... do ratify and approve the said supplication, act of council, and act of Assembly; and, conform thereto, ordain and command the said Confession and Covenant to be subscribed by all his Majesty's subjects of what rank and quality soever, under all civil pains' ...

... subscribed by Barons, Nobles, Gentlemen, Burgesses, Ministers, and Commons, in the year 1638: approven by the General Assembly 1638 and 1639; and subscribed again by persons of all ranks and qualities in the year 1639, by an ordinance of council, upon the supplication of the General Assembly, and act of the General Assembly, ratified by an act of Parliament 1640: and subscribed by King Charles II. at Spey, June 23, 1650, and Scoon, January 1. 1651.

The Ordinance of Covenanting by John Cunningham (Here is a Google eBook of the edtion pulished in Glasgow in 1843).)

Secondly, and lastly. The Covenant engagements of the Church in Britain and Ireland. Scotland was honoured, early in the Reformation, to declare valiantly for the truth. Though a Hamilton, and a Wishart, and other noble confessors and martyrs, were soon sacrificed, it pleased God to place a safeguard around a Knox and others, that the truth might be diffused. And when the rulers of the nation were wholly devoted to Popery, in his goodness and mercy He saw meet to put it into the hearts of some of the nobles, and of many of the people, to offer themselves willingly, by Covenanting, to use means to effect its removal. The first covenant against Popery was ratified at Edinburgh, in December, 1557. It was signed by the Earl of Argyll, Glencairn, Morton, Archibald Lord Lorne, John Erskine of Dun, and others. The next was entered into at Perth, in May, 1559. The third was made at Stirling, in August of the same year. The fourth, at Edinburgh, in April, 1560. The Fifth, through the exertions of John Knox and George Hay, at Ayr, in September, 1562. In 1580, the National Covenant, drawn up by John Craig, and directed against the whole of the Romish corruptions, was entered into; next year, the General Assembly sanctioned the covenant, and the Church received it; it was renewed in 1590, and also in 1596. On the 28th of February, 1638, the covenant, with an addition that was virtually directed against Prelacy, was renewed at Greyfriar's Church, Edinburgh ... (chapter XIV, page 373)

See: Scottish Covenanter Memorials Association — Who were the Covenanters?

Stated in a most simplistic way--the Covenanters were those people in Scotland who refused to subscribe to the belief of the Stuart kings (The Divine Right of the monarch) that the spiritual head of the Scottish Church was the king. The Scots knew only one Head of the Kirk--and that was Jesus Christ. Many signed the National Covenant in 1638, and from then until 1688, persecutions and punishments of all kinds--fines, torture, executions, murder, transportation--were the weapons used in an attempt to quell this "rebellion".

History of Covenanters in Scotland, by William Sime Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Education 1830 (volume 1 of 2) Volume 1 and volume 2 are available as free Google eBooks.

Fraser I page 132:

In 1560, the Laird of Freuchie was again drawn into the current of events affecting the kingdom at large. He was in that year present in Edinburgh as a member of the Parliament which abolished the established religion and enacted the Confession of Faith ...

Fraser I pages 245–6:

The Covenanting struggle into which the country was at this time drifting, in the earlier stage of its development affected the Highlands more than any other part of the country, inasmuch as warfare and bloodshed were initiated in these regions. After the Lowlands had given in their adhesion to the Covenant, steps were taken to obtain the signatures of the Highland nobility and lairds, and among others James Grant [Seventh] of Freuchie signed the bond, but the Marquis of Huntly and a few others stood aloof. The first public appearance of the Laird in defence of the Covenant was at the conference between the Earls of Argyll and Montrose, Lord Couper, the Master of Forbes, and others, held at Perth on 14th March 1639. ...

The Laird's departure to this meeting called forth a letter of warning from his brother-in-law, Sir Walter Innes of Balveny, whom he had employed to ask the Marquis of Huntly's assistance in a matter, the nature of which is not stated. Innes adhered to the Marquis, and in the letter indicated both his own and Huntly's regret at the side the Laird had chosen, and in particular that he had set out for this meeting, which had been discharged by the King, while its convener, the Earl of Argyll, was summoned to Court. Innes also informed the Laird that until the Marquis saw how he intended to act, he would not consider the particular subject referred to, but that if, in returning home, lie would come to Aberdeen and abandon his present line of conduct, he would find the Marquis unchanged in his friendship, and ready to act with him in the matter, in which case he was sure it would be "happilie effectuated."

The Laird, however, did not see cause to withdraw his assistance from the Covenanting movement, and though he does not appear to have called at Aberdeen on the return journey, he paid a visit to it shortly afterwards, when it was occupied by the Covenanting army, and Huntly and his eldest son made prisoners. Spalding, recounting the entry of the Covenant ing army into Aberdeen, mentions that almost every man had a blue ribbon hung about his neck, which was called the Covenanter's ribbon, and was worn by them in opposition to the red or "royall ribbin" worn by the Marquis of Huntly's followers on their hats. It is significant of the Laird's zeal in the cause he had adopted, that when in Aberdeen on this occasion he expended £7 , 12s. 6d. in the purchase of "blew ribbans." He left Aberdeen and returned home on the 13th of April, when the army under Montrose, who was then an active Covenanter, after reducing the town to subjection to his party, vacated it.

Fraser I pages 252–3:

The Laird continued to maintain a steady adherence to the covenanting cause, althongh, in doing so, he acted against the wishes of several of his relatives, including his oaati mother, who was at that time living on her liferent lands of Urquhart. In the month of July 1640, the Earl of Argyll had written to the Laird, requesting him to come to Edinburgh in the following month, as the Coimcil meditated taking action witli "the Braes," and would value his advice and assistance. It does not appear that the Laird comphed with the Earl's request, as there is no reference to such a journey in the Chamberlain's Accounts of expenditure for that period; but he was none the less zealous to have the Covenant subscribed in every part of his estates. He approached his mother to have the cause furthered in Urquhart, but she put him off with a mere verbal permission, and refused to give her written authority.

Fraser I page 256:

An important meeting of the covenanting leaders was held at Turriil' on the 16th of May 1644, at which the Laird of Freuchie was present. The Estates were at this time supreme, and as at this meeting it was resolved to take order with those who were still recusant to the Covenant, the Marquis of Huntly betook hunself for safety to Caithness.

Fraser I pages 259–262:

From this pleasing nuptial episode the Laird's attention was soon directed to matters of wider interest. After obtaining reinforcements, Montrose made a successful descent into the heart of Argyllshire, where he maintained himself for nearly three months. His crowning victory at Inverlochy, on 2d Februaiy 1645, virtually placed the Highlands at his mercy, and as refusals to submit were followed by Montrose with the remorseless execution of his commission of fire and sword, many of the barons and lairds judged it discreet to lay do^vn their arms. The Laird of Ballindalloch's three houses of Ballindalloch, Pitchaish, and Foyness, with the houses of Brodie, Innes, and Grangehill, had already been given to the flames, when, says Spalding, as Montrose was on his way to Elgin, the Laird of Grant, with some others, met him, and offered their service upon their parole, and great oath sworn to serve the king and him, his lieutenant, loyally. Montrose, he adds, received them graciously, and the Laird of Grant sent him three hundred men.' ...

Montrose remained a short time in the vicinity of Elgin, and was prevailed upon to spare that town from burning, but could not save it from being pillaged. His soldiers, says Spalding, especially the Laird of Grant's soldiers, plundered the town pitifully, and left nothing portable (tursabill) uncarried away, and "brak doun bedis, bui'dis, insicht, and plenishing." Montrose, he adds, left them at this work, and proceeded in the beginning of March towards the Bog of Gight with the main body of his army, taking with him the Earl of Seaforth, the Laird of Grant, and some of the other lairds who had submitted. Fearlng, however, that after his absence the Covenanting garrison at Inverness would retaliate on those who had come in to him, he sent the Earl, the Laird of Grant, and the others, back to guard their o^ati estates, after taking their oath to serve the King against his rebel subjects, and never to take up arms against His Majesty or his loyal subjects. They also gave their parole to come to the assistance of Montrose, with all their forces, on being summoned to do so.

The Laird of Freuchie had represented to Montrose the losses which he and his clan had sustained by the passage of the armies through their comitiy, and he obtained a promise of indemnity, and also an assurance that any lands taken from him by the Covenanting party would be restored if he continued faithful and loyal to the King's service.

The fears entertained as to the course likely to be taken by the Covenanting troops at Inverness were not belied, for no sooner was Montrose at a safe distance than, says Spalding, there came parties from the regiments lying at Inverness to the place of Elchies, where the Laird of Grant was then dwelling, and pitifully plundered the same, sparing neither the lady's apparel nor jewellery, of which she had store. Other places were not spared, and the Laird of Pluscardine, wdth his brother the Laird of Lochslyne, were carried prisoners to Inverness.' ...

The ill treatment he received from his former friends influenced the Laird to continue in the new position he had assumed, and he took various ways to testify his earnestness. On a proclamation by Montrose to those inhabitants of Badenoch, Strathavon, Glenlivet, Glenrinnes, and Moray generally, who had declared their attachment to the King's service, but had not yet risen in arms, desiring them to concur with the Laird of Grant upon all occasions of the appearance of an enemy, the latter entered into a bond of combination with the principal of these, and all bound themselves by oath mutually to rise and defend each other against their enemies, distinct reference being made unto " theis, oiu- enemies, now joned against His Majestie, our dread Soverane." " The Laird also assisted Montrose with men, of whom, however, it must be said that not only did they not maintain their chief's credit, but exposed him to the reflections of Montrose at different times during the campaign. Writing to the Laird from Kintore, on 14th March 1645, Montrose complained that not only were the Laird's men "bade and fen . . . lyke to Jacob's dayes," but they had also all played the runaway. ...

Historic Earls and Earldoms of Scotland, by John Mackintosh, Aberdeen 1898, especially Chapter III, Earldom and Earls of Huntly, pages 108–223, and Chapter VI, Earldom and Earls of Findlater, and Seafield, pages 307–347. A brief account of the Chiefs of Grant before their succession to the Earldom of Seafield in 1811 begins at page 322.

Sir John Grant was succeeded by his eldest son, James Grant of Freuchie. He was born on the 24th of June, 1616. He joined the Covenanters, which caused him much loss. Owing to the district in which his estates lay, they were often traversed by the contending armies. When Montrose raised the Royal Standard, and mustered an army, Grant, with the aim of saving his lands from pillage, promised to support him. But after the Restoration in 1660, he was excluded from the Act of Indemnity, and the Govenment imposed on him the enormous fine of £18,000 Scots. (page 327) ...

The Laird of Freuchie was elected one of the members of Parliament for the county of Elgin, and was present in the Parliament which was opened by the Duke of York at Edinburgh on the 28th of July, 168 1. Grant ventured to vote against a clause in the Test Act. Four years later, in 1685, the laird and his wife were summoned to appear before the Commission appointed to prosecute all persons guilty of non-conformity and other crimes, between the bounds of the Spey and the Ness. They appeared before the Commissioners and were examined at length. They were both found guilty of having withdrawn from the Parish Church, and of hearing and countenancing unlicensed ministers. Therefore the Commissioners fined the laird for his own and his wife's irregularities in the sum of £40,000 Scots, and ordered him to render payment to His Majesty's cash keeper before the 1st of May next. A few days after the sentence was pronounced he was charged to make payment of the fine within 15 days, under the penalty of being put to the horn. Grant, however, resolved to make an effort to have the fine remitted. Reasons for the reconsideration and reversal of the sentence were framed and presented to the Privy Council, with a petition for review of the decree. Afterwards he sent a petition to James VII., who took a fav ourable view of the case, and, on the 9th of January, 1686, he addressed a letter to the Privy Council discharging the laird of the whole amount of the fine. (pages 328–9)

He was elected a member of the Convention of Estates, which assembled at Edinburgh on the 14th of March, 1689. He signed the minute, which declared the convention to be "a free and lawful meeting of the estates of the realm." He was appointed a member of the committee to consider means for securing the peace of the kingdom.

On the 23rd of March he signed the address to King William. On the 26th he was elected a member of the Committee for settling the Government. This Committee consisted of eight peers, eight representatives of the counties, and eight representatives of the burghs ; and they im mediately proceeded to discuss and frame the decisive resolution. This resolution of the estates declared — "That James VII. had assumed the Royal power, and acted as king without ever taking the oath required by law ; and by the advice of evil counsellors he had invaded the funda mental constitution of the kingdom, and altered it from a limited monarchy to an arbitary and despotic power ; and did exercise the same to the subversion of the Protestant religion and the violation of the laws and liberties of the kingdom, whereby he forfeited his right to the crown, and the throne has become vacant."

He took an active part in raising men to assist General Mackay to overcome Viscount Dundee, and to restore peace and order in the Highlands. On the 24th of April, 1689, he was appointed, for the time, sheriff of Inverness-shire, and along with the other northern sheriffs, was commissioned to call a meeting of the heritors and fencible men within his jurisdiction, and to disperse any rebel forces.

He raised a regiment mainly consisting of the men of his own clan but it appears that at first they were not well equipped. They were engaged at the Battle of Cromdale. The royal troops, under the command of General Living stone, numbering about 1000 men, and 300 of the Grants were posted in Strathspey. The insurgents, under the com mand of General Buchan, and numbering about 800 men, marched through Badenoch and down Strathspey, and en camped on the Haughs of Cromdale. When tidings of Buchan's advance reached Livingstone, he immediately resolved to march his force up the valley of the Spey, and on the 1st of May, 1690, at the break of day, attacked the enemy by surprise. The Highlanders were completely defeated, and a considerable number of them slain and taken prisoners, but, in the pursuit, the mist on the hills favoured their escape. This engagement brought the civil war, arising from the Revolution, to a close. ...

Before the date of the battle, the laird of Grant himself had returned to Edinburgh, and resumed his duties in Parliament. He took the oath of allegiance to the Government on the 15th of April, 1690. On the 14th of July, he was appointed one of the commissioners for visiting the universities and schools. In 1696 he signed the document which declared that William III. was truly and lawfully king, and bound the subscribers to defend His Majesty. In 1705 he joined in the protest against the union of the two kingdoms, unless the English Alien Bill was repealed.

On the 28th of February, 1694, he received from William III. a charter incorporating all the lands of Freuchie and other lands into a regality, to be called the Regality of Grant, and the castle and manor place of Freuchie to be henceforth called the Castle of Grant. At this time the Laird of Freuchie changed his designation to that of Laird of Grant — " Grant of Grant." (pages 329–331

See: Historic Earls and Earldoms of Scotland — Chapter VI — Earldom and Earls of Findlater, and Seafield— Section VII on Electric Scotland and Cullen on Gazeteer for Scotland.