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McGoughs in the 1820 Census
All persons listed are free and white unless otherwise indicated.
Note: Much of the 1820 Federal Census for Alabama was lost. Alabama was first included in the Territory of Mississippi in 1798, became the Territory of Alabama in 1817, and achieved statehood in 1819. Alabama Census Records.
AL - Bibb County (Cahawba county was renamed Bibb county in December, 1820).
AL - Dallas County (formed in 1818 from Montgomery county).
(1820) (state census) Robert McGough, 1 (white male over 21); 1 (white male under 21); 1 (white female over 21); 1 (white female under 21); 4 (total white inhabitants); 0 (free people of colour); 4 (slaves); 8 (total of inhabitants) [See 1820 Alabama State Census—Dallas County]
[Here is an entry from Dallas County Families by Robert E. (Bob) Parrott of Knoxville, Tennessee:
"The Armstrong, Woods, Kennedy, McGough, and McGee Families
"I work on a configuration of families in Dallas County, some of whom arrived there ca 1817–1818 from Christian County, Kentucky, led by Thomas Woods, Robert McGough, Joseph McGee and James Harrison Armstrong. They settled north of Selma, in a region extending from Valley Creek (Summerfield) to Plantersville.
"Thomas Woods (a Revolutionary War soldier) and his wife Lorena Byers Woods are buried in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, in an enclosed iron fence within the cemetery. I think they were members of the church there. Their sons (William Byers, Cyrus, Joseph, Thomas Jr, Edward, Andrew) and daughters (Elizabeth, Cynthia) married into neighboring families, including Reed (Reid), Alexander, Lee, Morrison, etc.
"Robert and Agnes McWhorter McGough are also buried at Mount Pleasant. Their children (John, James, Robert, Mary, Agnes, Elizabeth (Betsey), married into neighboring families, including Armstrong, Johnson, McGee, Brooks, etc.
"The children of James Harrison/Mary McGough Armstrong (Robert McGough, Rezin Lawrence, Mary Randolph Harrison, Thomas Alexander, James Crittenden, William Hamilton) married into the Kennedy, McGee, Woods families, etc.
"The seven daughters of Joseph McGee/Elizabeth (Betsey) McGough McGee married into the Woods, Armstrong, Craig, Bradberry, Adams, Martin families.
"There are many connections to the Alexander/Callen/Woods/Gilmer/Russell/Morrison families buried at Valley Creek Cemetery.
"In a large family caravan many of these folks left Dallas County in October 1847, headed for Louisiana, settling near Pisgah/Pleasant Hill. Some of them then (later) migrated to Washington County, Texas, near Brenham. Many of the Woods and McGough/McGee families remained in Dallas County.
"Contributed by: Robert E. (Bob) Parrott, Knoxville, TN, a direct descendant of many of the families mentioned above, especially Woods, Armstrong, McGough, including those who made the great trek to Louisiaia in 1847."
GA - Greene County
Capt Sowars District
(1820) John McGough, male, over 45 ( M-3, roll 8, page 220). [ John McGough was born in county Down, Ireland, on August 21, 1761; died in White Plains, Greene county, Georgia, on October 17, 1847. Rowe, page 9]
1 female over 45 [Elizabeth Carson, born June 15, 1764, in county Down, Ireland; married John McGough in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1782; died in White Plains, Greene county, Georgia, on April 23, 1847.. Rowe, page 9.
3 females 26 to 45
Sarah McGough, born July 15, 1783, in Abbeville, South Carolina; never married; did on July 22, 1823, in Greene county, Georgia.
Margaret (Peggy) McGough, born April 11, 1787, in Abbeville, South Carolina; never married; died in Monroe county, Georgia, in 1880.
Martha McClelland McGough, born March 18, 1791; married Perry Nelson in Greene county, Georgia, on November 7, 1821; died in Greene county on November 4, 1870.
2 males 16 to 26
William Thomas McGough, born April 7, 1795, in Greene county, Georgia; married Nancy McClure on December 27, 1825, in Putnam county, Georgia; died on January 23, 1876, in Butts county, Georgia.
James McGough, born November 23, 1803, in Greene county, Georgia; married Sarah; died in 1883 in Lowndes county, Alabama.
1 male 16 to 18
1 male 10 to 6
David Carson McGough, born August 13, 1806; married Aplis S. Foster on November 13, 1827, in Monroe county, Georgia; died on July 26, 1836, in Greene county, Georgia.
? District (probably Captain Sowars)
(1820) William McGough, male 26 to 45, 2 persons in household (M-33, roll 8, page 222 (or page 164). [This is probably the son of John McGough and Elizabeth Carson, who was born on February 12, 1789, in either South Carolina or Georgia; died on December 12, 1920; and is buried in the McGough cemetery in White Plains, Georgia. Rowe, page 10. ]
1 female of 16 and under 26. [There is no record that William ever married, and family accounts say that he did not.]
OH - Belmont County
(1820) Thomas McGough, male of age 45 and up. 3 persons in agriculture. 9 persons in household. (roll 86, page 113) [Son of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer who had been in Cambria township, Cambia county, Pennsylvania, in the 1810 census; and Harford county, Maryland, in the 1800 census. See my page: McGoughs in Pre-Revolutionary America: Miles and Elizabeth Spencer McGough.]
1 female 45 and up (Sarah James)
1 male of 16 and under 26 (apparently includes 1 male between 16 and 18 who is also checked on the census return)
2 females of 16 and under 26 [Catharine McGough married Peter Majors in Belmont county, Ohio, on April 25, 1822. Ohio Marriages, 1803–1900, on Ancestry.com.]
3 males of 10 and under 16
1 male under 10
PA - Cambria County [See Pennsylvania — USGenWeb Archives — Cambria County — Census Records — 1820 and 1830 Census Images.]
Allegheny [See 1820 Census of Allegheny Township, Cambria County, PA, transcribed by Brian L. Cartwright]
(1820) Arthur McGough, male of 26 and under 45. 1 person in agriculture. 9 persons in household. (roll 98, page 187) [This is a son of Arthur and Susan McGough. See: McGoughs in America before 1790: Arthur and Susan McGough. An Arthur Magough served as a private in the War of 1812 in 2 Regiment Riflemen (Piper's) Pennsylvania. War of 1812 Service Records on Ancestry.com.]1 female of 26 and under 45 [Margaret Glass McGough, who married Arthur McGough in Cambria county on April 21, 1812.]
2 males of 16 and under 26
1 female of 10 and under 16
3 males under 10 [John McGough was born to Arthur and Margaret McGough on November 13, 1813, and baptized by Father Gallitzin at St. Michael in Loretto on November 27, 1813. Godparents were Geoerge Glass and Margaret Dougherty (Ledoux, volume 1, page 23, #491).]
1 female under 10
(1820) Mathew McGugh, Junior, male of 16 and under 26 (roll 98, page 187) [Indexed as McGough or McHugh.]
1 female of 26 and under 45
1 female under 10
Cambria Township [See: Cambria Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania 1820 Federal Census (Includes Towns of Ebensburg & Munster) transcribed by George R. Warholic]
(1820) John McGough, male of 26 and under 45. 8 persons in household (roll 98, page 180) [This is John McGough, the oldest son of Arthur and Susan McGough, who was born about 1784. The first child of John McGough and Sarah Glass was born in 1810. Here is an entry from Father Peter Helbron's Greensburg PA Registers (also called Clear Springs): Megouhh (McGough?) James, of John and Sara Megouhh, b 23 June, bapt 15 July 1810; sponsors Jacob Reyhen and Susan Drox, maiden. Molline (Mullin?), Salome, of Dionysius and Catharine Molline, b 17 April 1811, bapt 30 May 1812; sponsors John McGough and Sara his wife.]
1 female of 26 and under 45
1 male of 10 and under 16
4 males under 10
1 female under 10
Conemaugh Township [See: 1820 Census of Conemaugh Township, Cambria County, PA, Transcribed by Brian L. Cartwright]
(1820) Miles McGough, male of 45 and up. 1 person in agriculture. 7 persons in household. (roll 98, page 196)
1 female of 45 and up.
1 female of 16 and under 26
1 males of 10 and under 16
2 females of 10 and under 16
1 male under 10
Summerhill [See: 1820 Census of Summerhill Township, Cambria County, PA, transcribed by Brian L. Cartwright]
(1820) Esther McGough, (age 26 and under 45), 4 persons in household.(roll 98 page 191) 11 households removed from Thomas McGough. [The 1820 Summerhill Tax List included: McGough, Esther: 1 horse; 2 cows. Esther McGough was the widow of James McGough (1760–1812), son of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer. See: McGoughs Who Moved from Harford County, Maryland, to Cambria County, Pennsylvania.]
1 male of 16 and under 26
1 male between 16 and 18
1 female of 10 and under 16.
(1820) Thomas McGough, (age 26 and under 45), a person in agriculture. 5 persons in household. (roll 98, page 191). 11 households removed from Esther McGough. [The 1820 Summerhill Tax List included: McGough, Thomas: 332 acres 20 cleared; 2 cows. This Thomas is sometimes identified as the son of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer, and brother-in-law of the widowed Esther McGough listed immdiately above. That Thomas had moved to Richland township, Belmont county, Ohio, by this time, however. This Thomas was the son of James McGough and Esther James, and grandson of Miles McGough and Elizabeth Spencer, who was born in about 1785 in Deer Creek Upper Hundred, Harford county (then Baltimore county), Maryland. See: McGoughs Who Moved from Harford County, Maryland, to Cambria County, Pennsylvania.]
1 female of 26 and under 45 [Mary Ann Skelly, who married Thomas McGough on June 9, 1812, in St. Michael's Church, Loretto, Cambria county, Pennsylvania. See: Souvenir of Loretto Centenary, 1799–1899, page 138, which lists their children as James, Mary Ann, William Augustine, Thomas, and Daniel, born 1814–1833.]
2 males under 10 [James F. McGough, born February 20, 1814, in Cambria county, and died on October 1, 1887, in Croyle township; John McGough, born about 1820 in Croyle township, Cambria county. Croyle township adjoins Summerhill township, and the village of Summerhill is in Croyle township.]
1 female under 10 [Mary Ann McGough was born about 1820 in Croyle township, Cambria county.]
PA - Indiana County
Black Lick Township
(1820) Thomas McGough, male of 16 and under 26. 1 person in agriculture. 4 persons in household. (roll 105, page 14)
1 female of 16 and under 26
1 male of 10 and under 16
1 female of 45 and up
PA - Washington County
Cross Creek Township
(1820) Robert McGaugh, male of 26 and under 45, in agriculture (roll M33_113, page 226A). [Should be Robert McGough. For history, see the 1830 census of this same township.]
1 female 26 and under 45 [Mary Provines McGough]
1 female 16 and under 26
1 male under 10
SC - Pendleton County
(1820) Tillman McGue, male 26 through 44. (roll 120, page 288)
1 female 26 through 44
1 slave
McGoughs in the
1820 Census of the United States <http://www.magoo.com/hugh/census1820.html> Updated April 12, 2013 |
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