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McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs
This page collects information on the McGoughs in the parish of Muckno, and gives a few highlights of the history and geography of the parish.
Muckno Parish lies along the southeastern edge of county Monaghan, and forms part of the southwestern boundary of county Armagh. The principal town is Castleblayney, which is in the southwest corner of the civil Parish, and on the northwest shore of Lough Muckno. An additional twenty-two townlands that form the southern tip of the civil parish of Clontibret are in the Catholic parish of Muckno. See: McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in the Civil Parish of Clontibret. To place Castleblayney and Muckno within county Monaghan, see the Road Map of County Monaghan. See also the map of the civil parishes of county Monaghan. There is a sketch map of Muckno parish and the surrounding parishes on the website: A Coogan Family of County Monaghan.
The website Castleblayney provides a short history of the town. See also the Map of the Dundalk region (part of the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board), which includes Castleblayney and Lough Muckno; the Town Map of Castleblayney.
Lough Muckno is a large and beautiful lake that provides one of the principal recreation areas in this part of Ireland. See Lough Muckno Leisure Park. Lieutenant J. Chaytor, in his November, 1835, report on the parish of Muckno that is preserved in the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland—Counties of South Ulster 1834–8 (volume 40, page 162), describes Lough Muckno:
"Muckno Lough, situated on the east side of the town of Castleblayney, contains portions of the parishes of Muckno, Clontibret, and Donaghmoyne. It is an extensive sheet of water and very irregular. The extreme length from north north west to south south east is 3 miles, the breadth varies 380 feet to one mile. It is 302 feet above the level of the sea and empties itself by an inconsiderable stream from its south east extremity. It contains several islands, 2 only of which are of any consideration, viz. Black Isle and White Island."
For a view of Lake Muckno from Blayney/Hope Castle and a view of Blayney/Hope Castle from Lake Muckno, go to Monaghan Photos.
A Hugh McGough is listed in the 1901 census of Castleblayney, living on Church Street. 1901 Census Extracts County Monaghan, Ireland—Castleblayney Registrar's District.
Saint Maeldoid is the patron saint of the parish of Muckno. He was a member of the O'Hanratty family, whose history is interwoven with that of the parish of Muckno.
"The 'Hy-Meith Macha' or 'Hy-Meith Tire'' is a territory in the present county Monaghan, comprising the parishes of Tullycorbet, Kilmore, and Tehallan, in the barony of Monaghan. Of this territory the O'Hanrattys were the ancient chiefs, before they were dispossessed by the sept of the Mac Mathghahna (or MacMahons); and saint Maeldoid, the patron saint of Muckno, at Castleblayney, was of the same stock as the O'Hanrattys. That Saint Maeldoid, according to Colgan, was a lineal descendant of Colla-da-Crioch: 'S. Maldodius de Mucknam, filius Fingini filii Aidi, filii Fiachri, filii Fiachae, filii Eugenii, filii Briani, filii Muredachi, filii Colla-fochrioch (or Colla-da-Chrioch).'" Traynor's Web Page — The Ancient Irish Chiefs and Clans under III. 3. —Families of Ulster — Armagh.
In the middle of the sixth century, Saint Maeldoid established a monastery at Mullandoy, in what is now the townland of Churchill on the east side of Lough Muckno—across the lake from the present site of the town of Castleblayney. The ancient parish of Muckno had its church at Mullandoy. The church on the monastery site was called the "Twelve Mile Church" because it was twelve miles from Newry. The ruins of the ancient graveyard are there today. See Peadar Livingstone, The Monaghan Story, page 501; and Paula McGeough, Beyond the Big Bridge—A History of Oram and Surrounding Townlands, page 3, where she says:
"A story is told of the part a black pig plays in the origin of the monastery at Mullandoy. St. Maeldoid, it is said, started to build his monastery at Concra beside Lough Muckno. However, when he returned each morning to the site he found that every stone had been knocked down. One night he lay in wait to find the culprit, only to see a black pig swimming over from Churchill, knocking the stones, and returning with them across the lake. It was on this spot that the monastery was built."
Lough Muckno, and the parish of Muckno, derive their names from the Irish "Muchshnámh," the swimming place of the pigs.
Paula McGeough points out at page 3 of her book:
"The Monastery at Mullandoy prospered for centuries and various religious groups and people supported it. Eventually forty-eight townlands were formed and today represent the district of Oram. They were known as Termon or Sanctuary Lands of Muckno and were under the rule of Abbot of Muckno rather than local territorial Lords."
"Hanratty, an anglicized version of the ancient Gaelic name OhAnrachtaigh, is a name frequently mentioned in The Annals of the Four Masters. The original habitat was Oriel, now Counties Armagh and Louth. The Hanrattys were kings of the territory of Ui' Me'th which included much of modern County Monaghan. In later times they held the hereditary title of herenach, or territorial ruler, of church lands (termons) at Muckno, County Monaghan. A variety of records (The Spinning Wheel Index, Tithe Applotment Books, Griffith's Valuation, parish records) show Hanrattys located at Counties Armagh, Cavan, Down, Dublin, Louth, Monaghan, Meath, and Westmeath, with Armagh, Louth, and Monaghan being the chief locations."
Peadar Livingstone, in The Monaghan Story, at page 496, tells us that Edward Blayney, the governor of Monaghan, was granted the thirty-two townlands of Ballynalurgan, and in 1611 he obtained the termon of Muckno as well. Blayney built a castle, around which a Planter village soon began to grow up. This was the origin of the present town of Castleblayney. Permission was granted to hold fairs and markets in 1613 and in 1617. Castleblayney remained a village consisting of a few shops and inns and a collection of thatched cabins centered round the present Market Square till the closing quarter of the 18th century.
"Edward, the first of the Blayneys in Ireland and the founder of the town, became Baron Blayney of Monaghan on 29 July 1621. He died on 11 February 1629 and was succeeded by his son Lord Henry who took his seat in the Irish House of Lords in 1634. His castle was attacked by the Irish rebels under Hugh Mac Patrick Dubh MacMahon on 21 October 1641. Blayney made his escape and was one of the first to inform the authorities in Dublin that a rising had taken place. ... "
The Blayney of Castleblayney Papers (D/1421, D/1406, D/971 etc.) at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland gives a good history of the ownership of the Blayney property in county Monaghan, and in doing so gives a bit of the history of the parish of Muckno. Here are the briefest of excerpts:.
"However, it is as the real founder of the modern Castleblayney that General Andrew Thomas, 11th Lord Blayney is more appropriately remembered. It was he who converted Castleblayney from being a miserable village, where the roads from Armagh and Monaghan to Dublin met, into a respectable market town.
"Lord Blayney, died on 8 April 1832 and was succeeded by his son Cadwallader, the 12th and last lord. In 1853 he sold his estate to the wealthy Henry Thomas Hope of Deepdene, Surrey. Lord Blayney settled in London where he died without issue on 13 January 1874."
Part of the northern portion of the parish of Muckno on the Blayney estate was sold to the Upton family, Lords Templetown, of Templepatrick, county Antrim, in 1723; and the rest to the Hope family in 1853.
Lieutenant J. Chaytor, in his November, 1835, report on the parish of Muckno that is preserved in the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland—Counties of South Ulster 1834–8 (volume 40, page 162), describes the Blayney residence, under Gentlemen's Seats (page 165), as follows:
"The residence of Lord Blayney, adjacent to the town of Castleblayney, is an extensive building of 2–storeys and a basement, situated on the gentle eminence. It commands a beautiful view of Muckno lough and its islands. The approach to the house is by a neat gate from the end of West Street. The demesne is extensive but only a portion (84 acres) is in this parish, the remainder is in the parish of Clontibret."
Henry Thomas Hope improved Blayney Castle and beautified the grounds. He died in 1862.
This high point of the Mullyash Mountains, shown on modern maps as 317 meters, lies about eight kilometers (5 miles) northeast of the center of the town of Castleblayney. There is a cairn and a passage tomb near the peak. Here is the description of the Mullyash Mountains from the report of Lieutenant J Chaytor of November, 1835 in the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland—Counties of South Ulster 1834–8 (volume 40, page 162):
"Natural Features—Hills. The only hill of an importance is Mullyash, situated in the north east part of the parish. It is a ridge extending north and south for 1 and half miles, and the highest point, upon which stands a rude stone tower, is 1034 feet above the level of the sea. It falls abruptly upon every side except towards the north where the slope is very gradual. ... " (page 162).
"On Mullyash mountain there is a rude tower which was built of Lord Templeton's direction in the latter part of the year 1833. It is 34 feet high and stands upon a cairn 60 feet in circumference. The cairn was opened by the country people 20 years ago and found to contain human bones which appeared to have been burnt." (page 166).
"Mullyash: Passage-tomb, H 869 259, sheet 28:
"Easily accessible by a forest track, but regrettably surrounded by dreary exotic conifers, this tomb commanded magnificent vistas before forestation: to Slieve Gullion, Loughcrew, the Mourne and Carlingford Mountains. The site was until circa 1950 a site for Lughnasa celebrations. A standing-stone, probably once connected with the celebrations lies broken (by Christians in a long, but erratic, tradition of smashing 'idols'?) some 200 metres W. A stepped, two-tiered cairn with some of its original facing intact, and closely resembling that of Newgrange before it was tarted up, almost certainly contains a passage-tomb."
3.2 kilometers due north, in county Armagh, is Aughnagurgan: Portal-tomb and passage-tomb, H 270 286, sheets 28 and 28B:
"The wrecked passage-tomb is right beside the road towards which the ruined passage leads. In the middle of the field is the collapsed portal-tomb whose handsome fiddle-shaped capstone of fine-grained granite has fallen back with the portal-stones. This would have been an impressive dolmen when it was standing."
Beyond the Big Bridge—A History of Oram and Surrounding Townlands, by Paula McGeough (R. & S. Printers, The Diamond, Monaghan 2000). Paula McGeough was born in Oram in 1973, educated there, and received her secondary education in Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney, in 1989. She spent three years in St. Patrick's College of Education in Dublin where she trained as a primary school teacher. At the time the book was published in 2000, she was teaching a special class in St. Mary's Boys National School in Monaghan and was studying for a master's degree in information technology.
The "Big Bridge" is the Derrycreevy Bridge at the intersection of R-181 and R-182, about 2 kilometers northwest of the center of the town of Castleblayney on R-181, via West Street (to the west) and Muckno Street (to the north). (What is now called Muckno Street was called North Street in the first 6" Ordnance Survey map of Castleblayney, from the 1830s, published in volume 40, page 163, of Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland—Counties of South Ulster 1834–8.) From the intersection, R-181 proceeds north to the town of Keady in county Armagh; R-182 splits to the northwest and goes to the town of Newtownhamilton in county Armagh. R-181 leaves county Monaghan in the townland of Tullynagrow; R-182 in Lurganearly, via the townlands of Lurganmore and Liseenan.
Paula McGeough, at page 9 (and throughout her book), calls the water flowing under the Derrycreevy Bridge and into Lough Muckno the "Derrycreevy river, as does Father Peadar Livingstone in his book The Monaghan Story at pages 397 and 502. Lieutenant J Chaytor, in his November, 1835, report on the parish of Muckno that is preserved in the Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland—Counties of South Ulster 1834–8 (volume 40, page 162), does not list this flow of water among the rivers of the parish. The origin of the water is near Dunfelimy in the parish of Clontibret, from where it flows southeast through Lough Laragh to Lough Muckno, just north of Castleblayney. The Irish hydrometric system for measuring water quality considers this flow of water to be part of the West Branch of the River Fane, and lists water-quality measuring stations as follows:
0155 South Bridge, Dunfelimy
0180 2nd Bridge u/s, Laragh Lough
0200 Derrycreevy Bridge
The Derrycreevy Bridge is at the yellow dot to the farthest left on this interactive EPA Water Quality Map. For an interesting exercise, trace on these maps the waters of the Fane through Lough Muckno to Dundalk Bay. Lt.
Laragh Lough is about 3 kilometers northwest of the Big Bridge. Lackagh Lough, and the townland of Lackagh (or Moneyvolen), in the civil parish of Clontibret, is about another kilometer to the northwest. Barney McGeough, a poet, was born on December 1, 1864, in Lackagh, Clontibret, to John McGeough and Ellen Carroll, both school teachers. The townland Lackagh is about 7 kilometers northwest of Formil. The IGI shows another child born to John McGough and Ellen Carroll, Margaret Jane McGough, born on July 5, 1866. Both births were registered at Castleblayney, the first under McGeough and the second under McGough. The Book of Clontibret, by Brendan O'Dufaigh mistakenly says that Barney was born in 1839. It also says, I assume correctly, that Barney died in Castleblayney on June 10, 1939, without ever having been married. The book says Barney had one sister, Teresa, who was born in 1879, and was a seamstress.
The townland of Annayalla is immediately to the north of the townland of Lackagh, and is also in the civil parish of Clontibret. The Tithe Applotment Books show that, in 1830, Bryan McGeough was living in Annayalla. See line # 307 on my page: McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in Ireland in the 182030s and 185060s: By County, Parish, and Townland.
There were also McGoughs at Drumgristin, a townland to the immediate southwest of Dunfelimy, which is another 4 1/2 kilometers to the northwest of Lackagh, on the western edge of the civil parish of Clontibret. The Tithe Applotment Books shows an Andrew McGeough in the townland of Drumgristin in 1830, and Griffith's Valuation shows an Andrew McGeogh there in 1860. See lines #324 and 325 in my table at: McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in Ireland in the 182030s and 185060s: By County, Parish, and Townland.
324 | McGeogh | Andrew | Drumgristin | Clontibret | Monaghan | G | 1860 |
325 | McGeough | Andrew | Drumgristin | Clontibret | Monaghan | T | 1830 |
In 1860, Andrew McGeogh was renting a house, offices, and eleven acres of land in Drumgristin from the Right Honorable Edward Lucas.
In March and April of 1925, the Boundary Commission established by the Anglo-Irish Treaty signed in London on December 6, 1921 took testimony in Armagh on whether the boundary between counties Armagh and Monaghan should become the boundary between the UK part of Ireland and the Free State. Among other testimony presented were those of people from Middletown and Keady in Count Armagh, who wanted their towns included in the Free State, and people from Mullyash in the parish of Muckno, county Monaghan, who wanted their area transferred to Northern Ireland. Peadar Livingstone gives a good summary of the political forces in The Monaghan Story, pages 395–400. See also A bitter border’s troubled history on MSNBC.
History of Ireland—1921–1925: The Irish Civil War and Stabilisation of Northern Ireland, sums up the results.
"In December 1925 the Boundary commission results were complete. It proposed giving chunks of south and west Fermanagh, west Tyrone and south Armagh to the Free State and a piece of the Free State west of Derry City to Northern Ireland. However, fearing violence, the report was kept away from the public and the changes were never implemented."
Paula McGeough, in Beyond the Big Bridge, beginning at page 9, includes material on establishment of the boundary between the Free State and the part of Ireland that remained within the United Kingdom. She quotes freely from a 1991 article by Ann Carville entitled The Impact of Partition Proposals on Castleblayney and its Environs (Clogher Record xiv, 1 (1991), 37). The Anglo-Irish treaty signed in December of 1921 placed all of county Armagh in the UK part of Ireland, and all of county Monaghan in the Republic of Ireland. The treaty established a Boundary Commission to consider more refined adjustments to the border. One proposal by John Keenan, a solicitor in Monaghan, was to draw a line "from Middletown through Madden to Keady in Co. Armagh, through Crossmaglen to Culloville, which would take into the Free State all of South Armagh." The Boundary Commission apparently gave favorable consideration to this proposal, but no change in the original "temporary" boundaries has yet been made.
To trace Keenan's proposed line on the 1:50,000 map of the Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland, begin at Middletown, just east of the Monaghan-Armagh border, at H 754 388, and proceed 6 1/2 kilometers to the east by south east to Maddan (H 816 380), 5 kilometers to the southeast to Keady, 20 kilometers south by southeast to Crossmaglen, and 3 kilometers south west through Culloville and back to the Monaghan-Armagh border. Parts of this area were predominately Catholic, and have been the source of anti-treaty agitation since the treaty was signed in 1921. An Associated Press article, under the headline "Man killed in Northern Ireland's 'bandit country'," was printed in the Seattle Post-Intelligence of March 13, 2003 (page A5). The article reported a murder in the village of Culloville in South Armagh on the border with county Monaghan, and said: "The border region is nicknamed 'bandit country' because of its IRA sympathies." See: FAIR—Speaking out for the Victims of Terrorism—Stories of South Armagh. Journalist Toby Harnden's book, 'Bandit Country'—The IRA and South Armagh (Coronet Books 1999), tells the story of the last 30 years of operations of the Provisional IRA in South Armagh, largely through interviews and materials obtained from the occupying British military forces and the Royal Ulster Constabulary. A counterpoint to Harnden's book is The Chosen Fews—Exploding Myths in South Armagh, by Darach McDonald (Mercier Press 2000), which tells the story—with fewer gory details and more grace notes—from the viewpoint of a native Irish population trying to stave off envelopment by an unwanted British military presence. For more on this subject, see my page McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in County Armagh.In the boundary commission hearings, there was much testimony to support the inclusion in the Free State of the Middletown-Keady area, and Newry, and a good bit of south Armagh lying between. Testimony also supported the inclusion in the UK part of Ireland the predominantly protestant Mullyash area in the parish of Muckno, county Monaghan. The proposed "final award" of the boundary commission, which was never implemented and which was not made public until 1969, would have left Keady and Newry in the UK, moved the Mullyash area into the UK, and moved a slice of territory along the Monaghan-Armagh border, and Crossmaglen and the surrounding area of south Armagh border (including Culloville) out of the UK and into the Free State. See County Armagh and the Boundary Commission by K. J. Rankin, which is chapter 29 of Armagh—History & Society, edited by A. J. Hughes and William Nolan (Geography Publications 2001), especially the Map "Unimplemented Final Award of Boundary Commission" at page 980.
Paula McGeough's book is a good source of information about McGeoughs living in the parish of Muckno in the twentieth century. She does not delve deeply into records before 1900. For example, she publishes names in Griffith's Valuation of 1861, but not the names from the Tithe Applotment Books of 1827; nor is there any mention of the earlier Hearth Money Rolls or Spinning Wheel lists. She also has adopted the practice of spelling the surname McGeough, even when it appears as McGough in the original record—one of my pet peeves. In her section on The Origin of McGeough, at page 198–200, she quotes from and cites my page: Origins of the Surname McGough. In another place, she converts speculation by Peadar Livingstone into a bald statement of fact with which I disagree: Paula McGeough says, at page 189, that the McGeough family in Monaghan derives from Eochaidh McMahon. Livingstone says: "The [McGeough] family in Monaghan derives from an Eochaidh (Mac Mahon?)." The surname Mhigh Eotach or Mac Eochy, which was anglicized as McGough and McGeough, was in use in county Monaghan between 1150 or 1200, long before the life of any Eochaidh McMahon who has been pointed to as a possible source of the name. See: Where the Mountains of Mourne Sweep Down to the SeaBallymageogh and Slievemageogh in County Down and Mughdhorna.
In another place, Father Livingstone speculates that "Eochaidh, nephew of Ardghal [MacMahon], the progenitor of the McArdles, may have been the progenitor of the McGeoughs." The Monaghan Story, pages 6970. Ardghal MacMahon was a chieftain of the Farney MacMahons who died in 1416. I regard this as unlikely. For additional reasons, see: A McGoughMcMahon Connection?
An index would make Paula McGeough's book more usable. Despite these minor criticisms, any McGough interested in information on ancestors in the parish of Muckno should obtain a copy of Beyond the Big Bridge—A History of Oram and Surrounding Townlands. For a further description of the book, price, and contact information, go to Ann McGeough Harney's web page: County Monaghan History.
Ann McGeough Harney has published the Surname Index to the 1796 Flax Seed Premium Entitlement Lists, also known as the Spinning Wheel Lists. This list gives the parish of the named recipients of spinning wheels, but not the townlands. The names listed for the parish of Muckno are: Francis M'Geough, Francis M'Geough, Jr., and Patrick M'Geough. See also: Irish Flax Grower's List, 1796 International Land Records—Muckno.
The Castleblayney McGeoghs and McGeoughs were located in a square about 3 kilometers (1.86 miles) from north to south and 5 kilometers (3.15 miles) from east to west, with the town of Castleblayney situated at about the center and 1/2 a kilometer north of the east to west base line. The Derrycreevy Bridge is located on the boundary of the townlands of Derrycreevy and Drumillard Big.
The Hearth Money Rolls show several McGough families in the immediate area of the Big Bridge in 1663 and 1665. See the Castleblayney McGeoghs and McGeoughs in my page: Hearth Money Rolls for County Monaghan: McGeogh, McGeough, and McGogh.
Hugh McGeough is listed by the Hearth Money Rolls for 1665 in the townland of Monagor in the parish of Clontibret. I assume that this is the same Monagor that is modernly shown in the civil parish of Muckno at its western edge and which forms an arrowhead pointing into the civil parish of Clontibret to the immediate northwest. The townland is in today in the Catholic parish of Clontibret. This house was about 3 kilometers west and 1/2 a kilometer south of the center of the town of Castleblayney, near the confluence of two streams which flow northwest then west into Lough Major near Ballybay. Ballybay is about 8 kilometers west and 1 1/2 kilometers north of what I assume to be the site of the McGeough hearth in 1665—about H799 193 in the Irish Grid Reference system. [A Hugh McGough is listed in the 1901 census of Castleblayney, living on Church Street. 1901 Census Extracts County Monaghan, Ireland—Castleblayney Registrar's District.]
Patrick McGeogh is listed by the Hearth Money Rolls for 1665 in the townland of Corratanty (H819 232). Corratanty is 2 1/2 kilometers north of Castleblayney. The townland of Corratanty is adjoins Derrycreevy on the northwest of Derrycreevy, and is only a kilometer or two from the Big Bridge.
Patrick McGeough is listed for 1665 in the townland of Killygola in the parish of Muckno. The townland of Killygola is immediately east of, and abuts, the townland of Corratanty; and immediately north west and adjoins the townland of Derrycreevy.. This McGeough property was only a short distance east of the Corratanty property described immediately above. The tracts may have been adjacent to each other. (H822 231).
Bernard McGough and Catherine Corrigan are listed by the IGI as parents of Margaret McGough born on September 20, 1879, in Corrintra, Monaghan, Ireland. The townland of Corrintra is (H818 247) is 5 kilometers north of Castleblayney, and 2 kilometers north of Killygola. Bernard McGough and Catherine McGough Corrigin are listed by the IGI as parents of Rose McGough born in Ireland on July 24, 1877.
Torlogh McGeough is listed for 1663 in the townland of Tulleinane in the parish of Muckno. Tulleinane is not on the modern townland map of Muckno, but in examining the "walk" on which these taxes were collected, a logical spot for this hearth would be in the townland of Tullyharnet between the townlands of Annyart and Lurganmore, just north of the northernmost point of Muckno Lake. (H845 211). This is about 1 1/2 kilometers north and two kilometers east of the center of Castleblayney, and about 3 kilometers east by northeast of the Big Bridge. Other possible locations of Tulleinane are the modern townlands of Tullyrahan, about 3 kilometers or two miles to the west of Tullyharnet on the eastern boundary of the civil parish of Muckno, or Tulyhattina, also on the eastern boundary, about a kilometer north of Tullyrahan.
The townland of Drumaliss is immediately west of the townland of Killygola, and is about 1 1/2 kilometers north by northeast of the Big Bridge.
451 John McGough is shown by Griffith's Valuation in 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, offices and 16 acres of land in Drumaliss for £9.15.0 a year. Peadar Livingstone, in The Monaghan Story (pages 501–2), notes that a John McGeough was one of several Catholics who joined the Harmony Masonic Lodge in Castleblayney—probably sometime after 1804 and before 1881.
Attached to a deed dated March 18, 1854, of an interest in the Blayney estate is a "Schedule to Which the Foregoing Deed Refers." Under the townland of Drumaliss is listed a lease of more than 14 acres to John McGough at £10 18s 4p a year.
Lurganmore adjoins the townland of Drumaliss to the west, and is about two kilometers northeast of the Big Bridge.
458 Joseph McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Lurganmore in 1827.
459 Peter McGough is shown by Griffith's Valuation in 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, office, and 12 acres of land in Lurganmore for £12.10.0. He was subletting 3 houses: to Peter Coyle, James Donnelly, & George Stoup.
Attached to a deed dated March 18, 1854, of an interest in the Blayney estate is a "Schedule to Which the Foregoing Deed Refers." Under the townland of Drumaliss is listed a lease of more than 11 acres to
About two kilometers south of the cairn at the top of the Mullyash mountains is the townland of Aghnadamph. Adjoining Aghnadamph on its right is the townland of Liseenan. Adjoining Liseenan to its south is the townland of Formil. and adjoining Formil to its left is the townland of Oram.
446 James McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from the Viscount Templetown a house, offices and 19 acres of land in Aghnadamph for £12.0.0 a year.
447 Peter McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from the Viscount Templetown a house, offices and 7 acres of land in Aghnadamph for £4.0.0 a year.
448 Michael McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Aghnadamph in 1827.
457 Francis McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from the Viscount Templetown a house and five acres of land in Liseenan for £ 4.10.0.
452 Patrick McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house and 6 acres of land in Formil for £4.0.0 a year.
453 Thomas McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house and 9 acres of land in Formil for £7.0.0 a year.
454 John McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Formil in 1827.
455 Patrick McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Formil in 1827.
456 Peter McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Formil in 1827.
460 Arthur McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, offices, and 16 acres of land in Oram for £12.10.0 a year.
461 Bridget McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house and small garden for £0.5 0 a year.
462 John McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, offices, and 5 acres of land in Oram for £3.15.0 a year.
463 Michael McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, offices, and 21 acres of land in Oram for £15.10.0 a year.
464 Patrick McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, offices, and 4 acres of land in Oram for £3.0.0 a year.
465 Terence McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, offices, and 21 acres of land in Oram for £16.10.0 a year. Terence Shares 10 acres with John Hand.
466 Thomas McGeough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a herd's house and 10 acres of land in Oram for £7.10.0 466 a year.
467 A. W. McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827.
468 Arthur McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827.
469 Arthur McGough is also shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding another piece of land in Oram in 1827.
470 Bernard McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827. Bernard shares land with John McGough, #473.
471 Brien McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827.
472 Ed McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827. See gravestone #18, Edward McGough, in the Oram cemetery. McGough and McGeough Gravestone Inscriptions in County Monaghan.
473 John McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827. John shares land with Bernard, #470.
474 Michael McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827.
475 Patrick McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827.
476 Patrick McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding another piece of land in Oram in 1827.
477 Terry McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827. A Terry McGough died in Oram 49 years later, on May 8, 1886. See gravestone #19 in the Oram cemetery Terry McGough who died on May 8, 1886. His wife, Elizabeth McGough, died on July 17, 1891. McGough and McGeough Gravestone Inscriptions in County Monaghan.
478 Thomas McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Oram in 1827.
Super Index of Irish Wills, 1270–1860, a compilation of Irish will indexes by Gloria Bangerter, lists a probate proceeding (in Goram, Muckno parish) in 1735 for Arthur McGough, and a will of Patrick McGough in 1822.
Attached to a deed dated March 18, 1854, of an interest in the Blayney estate is a "Schedule to Which the Foregoing Deed Refers." Under the townland of Oram are listed three leases to Bernard McGough; a lease to representatives of Edward Kearney, John McGough, Barney McGough, and Barney Brennan; a lease to John McGough; a lease to Patrick McGough; a lease to Luke Brennan (late J. McGough); a lease to John Hand and Andy McGough; a lease to Terence McGough; a lease to Terry McGough and widow of James Mooney; a lease to Michael McGough; and a lease to the widow of Patt McGough.
Owen McGough, a naturalized US citizen living in county Monaghan, applied for a US passport at the American Consulate in Dublin on March 9, 1917, for the purpose of embarkation from the British Isles to the United States. The application states that he was born in Oram, Castleblayney, county Monaghan, Ireland, on April 13, 1872; that he emigrated to the US aboard the SS Gallia, sailing from Liverpool in April of 1888; that he resided uninterruptedly in the US from from April of 1888 to October of 1915 in New York City and Providence, Rhode Island (1892–1898); that he was naturalized a US citizen in the Circuit Court of Providence, Rhode Island, in September of 1897; that his permanent address was Brooklyn, New York; that his occupation was marine engineer; that he had been residing abroad temporarily in Ireland since October, 1915; that he had left the US on October 1, 1915, and arrived in Falmouth on October 14, 1915; that he was then residing temporarily in county Monaghan, Ireland; and that he intended to return to the US within 6 months. The passport was issued on April 4, 1917. Passport Applications, January 2, 1906– March 31, 1925 (M1490) > 1917 > Roll 0355 - Certificates: 49501–50300, 28 Mar 1917–07 Apr 1917 on Ancestry.com.
Owen McGough, age 45, arrived in the port of New York from Liverpool aboard the SS St. Louis on June 7, 1917. He is listed as a US citizen. The ship's manifest says that he was married and that he was naturalized as a US citizen on September 1, 1897, in the Circuit Court of Providence, Rhode Island. His address in the US was listed as his brother's, Patrick McGough, at 135 East 35th Street, Brooklyn.
The same Owen McGough applied for a US Passport in New York City on June 7, 1919. He stated that he was born in Castleblayney, Ireland, on April 13, 1872; that he had emigrated from there to the United States in March of 1892; that he had resided uninterruptedly for 8 years, from 1892 to 1898, of Providence, Rhode Island; and that he was natuaralized as a citizen of the United States in the Circuit Court at Providence, Rhode Island, on September 1, 1897*. He stated that he had resided in Ireland from December, 1909, to February, 1912; and from October, 1915, to May, 1917. He further stated that he was domiciled in the United States with a permanent residence at 155 E. 35th Street, Brooklyn, New York, where he followed the occupation of an engineer. He stated he intended to visit Ireland for an indefinite period "to make my home." The phrase "Temporary Residence" was written over the phrase "to make my home." He Intended to embark on July 6, 1919. The applications also states: "My last passport was obtained from the State Department Washington on September 23, 1915. Returned to Washington in beginning of 1917 for a new one to enable us to come back to the United States for period of war. Was cancelled by Customs Inspectors at New York upon my arrival and destroyed by them." Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 on Ancestry.com.
*A summary of court records says that the Owen McGough who was naturalized in the US Circuit of Providence, Rhode Island, on September 1, 1897, was born in Ireland on January 21, 1874, and first arrived in the United States on April 28, 1891. (???) U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791–1992 on Ancestry.com. (Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.;Index to New England Naturalization Petitions, 1791–1906 (M1299); Microfilm Serial: M1299; Microfilm Roll: 43.).
On September 22, 1915, the same Owen McGough had applied for a passport in New York for the purposes of visiting Ireland "to attend to some property." He names his wife as Annie McGough and says that he had no minor children. He gave the date of his naturalization in Providence, Rhode Island, as September 1, 1897. He noted that while residing in Providence and New York City, he "visited his people in Ireland." His address was 234 East 32nd Street, New York City. He described his occupation as an engineer. He said he intended to return to the US within one year. The passport was issued on September 23, 1915. Passport Applications, January 2, 1906–- March 31, 1925 (M1490) > 1915–1916 > Roll 0268 - Certificates: 7901–8300, 20 Sep 1915–24 Sep 1915 > 338. Owen applied for another passport on June 13, 1919, at which time his address was 155 East 35th Street, Brooklyn. He gave his birth date as April 13, 1872. He gave his years of residence in Providence as 1892–1898. This time, he wanted to return to Ireland to make his home there and planned to stay for an indefinite period. He planned to leave the port of New York on July 1, 1919. Passport Applications, January 2, 1906–March 31, 1925 (M1490) > 1919 > Roll 0799 - Certificates: 88250–88499, 12 Jun 1919–13 Jun 1919 > 130.
Owen McGough, age 39, married, an engineer, whose last permanent address was New York, arrived at the port of New York from Liverpool aboard the SS Celtic on February 24 , 1912, whose home address was 456 9th Avenue, New York City. With him was his niece, Elizabeth McGough, age 6, an Irish girl who was a citizen of Great Britain whose last residence was New York City and whose destination was New York City. Elizabeth was discharged to her father, Barney McGough, of 652 3rd Avenue, New York City (Ellis Island website).
On October 29, 1920, Annie McGough, wife of Owen McGough, with a permanent address of 155 East 35th Street, Brooklyn, filed an emergency application for a US passport at the American Consulate in Belfast, Ireland. Her passport application states that she was born in Castleblayney, county Monaghan, Ireland, on June 24, 1868; that she was a naturalized citizen of the United States; that her husband, Owen McGough, emigrated to the US from Liverpool on or about March, 1892; that he resided uninterruptedly in the United States from 1892 to 1920 at New York; that he was naturalized as a US citzen at Providence on September 1, 1897; that he was now residing in New York for the purposes of engineering; that she resided uninterruptedly in the US from 1885 to 1909 "at Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan" (?); that her permanent residence was 155 East 35th Street, Brooklyn; that she last left the US October 5, 1915 and arrived at Castleblayney on October 15, 1915 "where I am now residing'; and that she had resided outside the US in Ireland from 1868 to 1895 and from 1908 to 1912; and that she intended to return to the US within two weeks on November 12, 1920 "to return to my home in the United States in company with my husband and to reside there permanently." The passport was issued on November 3, 1920. Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800–1945 on Ancestry.com.
Owen McGough, age 48, naturalized in the Circuit Court of Providence, Rhode Island, on September 1, 1897, with an address of 155 East 35th Street, Brooklyn, New York; and his wife, Annie McGough, age 52, of the same address, arrived in Philadelphia from Liverpool on December 8, 1920, aboard the S. S. Haverford. Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800–1945 on Ancestry.com.
The Owen and Annie McGough discussed immediately above may be this couple listed in the 1930 census of Yonkers City, Westchester county, New York: Owen McGough, age 58, married at age 34 (1906), born in the Irish Free State, retired, owner of a home valued at $4200, immigrated in 1891; and his wife, Anna McGough, age 60, born in the Irish Free State, emigrated in 1885 (roll 1669, page 11A). I haven't located them in any other United States census.)
(An Owen Mc Gough, age 47, US, Irish, arrived in New York from Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone, aboard the Lake Hurst, on May 28, 1919. He was a member of the ship's crew, second assistant engineer, #14990, who signed on in New York, 5' 7''. See my page: McGough Seamen—Ellis Island.)
East of Lough Muckno, McGoughs were found in the townlands of Drumakill and Tullycollive.
449 Felix McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Drumakill in 1827.
450 Peter McGough is shown by Griffith's Valuation of 1861 as renting from Henry T. Hope a house, forge, offices, and 21 acres of land in Drumakill for £12.0.0 as year. Patrick McEteny leased a house from Peter McGeogh.
Attached to a deed dated March 18, 1854, of an interest in the Blayney estate is a "Schedule to Which the Foregoing Deed Refers." Under the townland of Drumakill are leases to Peter McGough individually; Owen Graham, now Peter McGough; and Peter McGough and Peter Murphy.
479 John McGough is shown by the Tithe Applotment Books as holding land in Tullycollive in 1827.
Here is a posting of January 3, 2003, on Genealogy.com by Pamela Gates Hartman (blckwolf@execpc.com):
"Looking for info re JOHN MCGEOUGH/GOUGH b abt 1790 Co. Monaghan
1st wife unknown- known children were Mary, Eliza, James and John b near Castleblayney(?)"2nd wife was Jane DIXON b abt 1816
In the baptism records for the Frankford Presbyterian Church, their residence listed in Tullycollif (Tullycollive)
John and Jane had the following: Margaretta, their 2nd child b abt 1843
Robert, their 4th child b abt 1847-48
Samuel, their 5th child b 1850"I believe William was their 1st child, b abt 1840.
"Any further help or info would be greatly appreciated!!"
The IGI has these additional listings for Castleblayney:
Francis McGeough and Anne Waters are listed by the IGI as parents of Patrick McGeough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on March 9, 1867;
James McGeough and Elizabeth Kinnen are listed by the IGI as the parents of Mary McGeough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on September 5, 1864; and James McGeough and Betty Kinahan are listed by the IGI as the parents of James McGeough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on December 4, 1866.
John McGeough and Ellen Carroll are listed by the IGI as the parents of Bernard McGeough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on December 1, 1864; John McGough and Ellen Carroll are listed by the IGI as the parents of Margaret Jane McGough born in Castleblayney on July 5, 1866. They probably lived in the townland of Lackagh in the civil parish of Clontibret. See McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in the Civil Parish of Clontibret.
John McGeough and Margaret McMahon are listed by the IGI as parents of James McGeough, born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on November 10, 1864. The IGI also lists a marriage of John McGeough and Margaret McMahon in Ireland on January 5, 1864.
Owen McGeough and Anne Comiskey are listed by the IGI as the parents of Peter McGeough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on November 27, 1864. Here is an email of October9, 2004, from Roisin Lafferty of Ireland:
"Reading thru some of your information I located that there was a child born to Ann Comiskey and Peter McGeough (???) in 1864. She was daughter of Bryan Comiskey of Annafarcon. Strange to say I too have this Ann Comiskey.......she married my great-grandfather in 1866 in Carrickmacross as his second wife. She was said to have had a child before she married so your story seems to be true.
"Although you are seeking info on McGeogh I thought you might like to know something of the history of this lady. Her family were known as 'the Brians' taken from Brian Comiskey. It is said that her family were evicted......after her Lennon marriage she lived at Lurgangreen nearby until the early 1880s when the Lennons were evicted...........she then went to live in Brackley and died between 1901 and 1911.........don't know what became of her son Peter...........he may have been reared with the Lennon family..........."
I asked Roisin for the name of her grandfather, and she sent me this follow up:
"Ann Comiskey (sometimes spelled Cumiskey) of Annfarcon and Owen (Oiny) Lennon of Lurgangreen were married in St. Josephs RC church in Carrickmacross in Summer 1866. Family lore says she had been in the workhouse prior to that........ his first wife was only dead 6 months so her family were not happy and they took the children of that marriage. Also the Lennons were not happy and we never knew about this family until recently............they were not mentioned.....guess it was a bit of a snobby thing......... Thanks for all your gallant work on the family history.....its amazing how thinks link up............ My entire family come from the Aughnamullen and Donaghmoyne parishes."
Patrick McGough and Mary Daly are listed by the IGI and Family Search's Ancestral Files as the parents of John McGough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on November 25, 1865.
Peter McGeough and Anne Smith are listed by the IGI as the parents of Rose Anne McGeough born in Castleblayney, Monaghan, on October 24, 1865; and of Catherine Mc Geough born on April 27, 1872. Civil Birth Records,,Misc, , , Ireland.
Maria McGeogh, born in Muckno in 1815, is listed by the IGI as marrying James Flanagan (Jabus Flanigan) of Muckno, Monaghan, Ireland, in 1836.
Patrick McGough, 63 years old, of 30 Varick Street, Castleblayney, died in the week of May 9, 1885. Death Notices from the 'Irish-American' Weekly newspaper Incomplete 1885.
Title: McGoughs,
McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in the Civil Parish of Muckno <http://www.magoo.com/hugh/muckno.html> Updated May 8, 2011 |
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