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McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in Ireland in the 182030s and 185060s:
By County, Parish, and Townland
by Hugh McGough
The table below lists McGoughs, McGeoughs, McGeoghs (and a few other forms
of the surname) in Ireland who are listed in the Tithe Applotment Books and
Griffith's Valuation. I started this project with a search of the records of
county Monaghan, and have expanded it to include all the counties of Ireland.
In the
table below, the names are alphabetized by county, then by parish, then by townland,
then by surname, and then by first name.
Map of the Civil Parishes of County Monaghan
Here is a map of the civil parishes within the Diocese of Clogher that comprise
county Monaghan, one of the traditional nine counties of Ulster. From north
to south, the boundary of county Monaghan runs along the western borders of
the civil parishes of Errigal Trough, Tedavnet, Clones, and Drummully. The parishes
with color represent parishes with McGoughs. The green star at the upper right
is the townland of Tullymagough in the parish of Dromore in county Tyrone.
The boundaries of the civil
parishes of Monaghan are different from the boundaries of the Catholic parishes
of Monaghan. Twenty-two townlands that form the southwest tip of the civil parish
of Clontibret, for example, are in the Catholic parish of Muckno. Thirty-three
townlands at the southwest tip of the civil parish of Donaghmoyne are in the
Catholic parish of Inniskeen. The civil parish of Ballybay does not exist as
a separate Catholic parish and forms the southern half of the Catholic parish
of Tullycorbet. The townlands of Corbrack and Agheralane on the south central
border of the civil parish of Ballybay are in the Catholic parish of Aughnamullen
East. The townland of Corwillin on the north boundary of the civil parish of
Aughnamullen is in the Catholic parish of Tullycorbet. The civil parish of Aghnamullen
is divided into the Catholic parishes of Aughnamullen East and Aughnamullen
West. "The civil parish was divided into eastern and western districts
by the reorganized Catholic church at the end of the 18th century, along the
old road between Carrickmacross and Clones." Landscapes of South Ulster:
A Parish Atlas of the Diocese of Clogher, by Patrick J. Duffy (The Institute
of Irish Studies of the Queen's University of Belfast 1993) at page 88.
For a short explanation of how the boundaries of some civil and ecclesiastical
parishes came to vary from each other, go to the word Parish on the Geographical
Index: Glossary Of Terms on the website of the Public
Record Office of Northern Ireland.

Householders Index (HI)
Theo McMahon of the Monaghan
Research Centre suggested I start this project by examining the Householders
Index. I spent four days in September of 1998 in the National
Library in Dublin. I used the first part of my time to examine the Householder
Index (HI) volumes for all the counties of Ireland. These indices list the surnames
covered by the Tithe Applotment Books (T) and Griffith's
Valuation (G). The books that make up the Householders Index (HI) are typed,
bound into one or two volumes for each county, well indexed, and easy to use.
The Householders Index lists only surnames. First names must be obtained from
the Tithe Applotment Books (T) or Griffith's Valuation (G).
After combing through the Householders Index (HI) for McGoughs throughout Ireland,
I spent the remainder of my four days in the National Library examining the
Tithe Applotment Books (T) for the civil parishes of county
Monaghan, beginning with Aghnamullen. The Householders Index (HI) shows
more McGoughs in the civil parish of Aghnamullen than in any other parish in
Ireland in the years covered by the Tithe Applotment Books (T) and Griffith's
Valuation (G). In the civil parish of Aghnamullen, the Tithe Applotment Book
(T) was done in 1829, and Griffith's Valuation (G) twenty-five years later,
in 1854. The microfilms of the Tithe Applotment Books (T) are not easy to use.
The original records are handwritten and sometimes faded or damaged. Deciphering
the spelling of the name of a townland was sometimes difficult.
A good representation of the often archaic spellings of the townlands found
in the Tithe Applotment Books is in the entries from the Tithe
Applotment Books for Aghnamullen Parish published by Ann Harney, nee Nancy
McGeough, as part of her excellent McGeough
website. I have tried to translate the spellings
of townlands to a modern version, an effort which sometimes required not
only an educated guess, but also a leap of faith.
Tithe Applotment Books (T) and Griffith's Valuation (G)
Two sets of records that offer the best substitute for a census of Ireland
in the 19th century are the basis of the table below. These records are the
Tithe Applotment Books (T) and Griffith's Valuation (G). Both valuations show
the townland in which the property was located, and the table below shows the
McGoughs listed by townland. The website of the National
Archives of Ireland tells us:
"The Tithe Applotment Books are a vital source for genealogical research for the pre-Famine period, given the loss of the 1821–51 Census records. They were compiled between 1823 and 1837 in order to determine the amount which occupiers of agricultural holdings over one acre should pay in tithes to the Church of Ireland (the main Protestant church and the church established by the State until its dis-establishment in 1871).
"There is a manuscript book for almost every civil (Church of Ireland) parish in the country giving the names of occupiers of each townland, the amount of land held and the sums to be paid in tithes. Because the tithes were levied on agricultural land, urban areas are not included. Unfortunately, the books provide only the names of heads of family, not other family members.
"The books have been digitally imaged, and a database giving surname, forename, county, parish and townland created. All of these fields can be searched, and there is also a browse facility, which allows users to survey entire parishes and townlands.
"The population of Ireland was recorded in 1841 as 8.2 million. It would have been somewhat less than this during the 1820s and 1830s, when the Tithe Applotment Books were compiled."
"The primary valuation of Ireland or Griffith's Valuation - carried out between 1848 and 1864 to determine liability to pay the Poor rate (for the support of the poor and destitute within each Poor Law Union) - provides detailed information on where people lived in mid-nineteenth century Ireland and the property they possessed. Griffith's Valuation is fully searchable online, free of charge on the Ask About Ireland website."
See also the articles on Tithe
Records and How
To Use Griffith's Valuation on the website of the Public
Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI). The PRONI article on Census
Substitutes is also helpful.
The Tithe Applotment Books (T) are limited to agricultural land and do not
include lessees of church land. Some parishes were not include in the Tithe
Applotment Books (T).
After I had spent many hours poring over microfilms in 1998, I discovered that some
of the information was available on a CD
#188, Family Tree Maker's Family Archives: Index to Griffith's Valuation
of Ireland, 18481864. The CD-ROM is searchable only by
surname, then first name, but lists the county, parish and townland of each
person. The spellings are more modern than those in HI and the index is more
complete. I found the relatively modest price ($59.99) was a good investment
that saved me much time. I used the information from this CD-ROM to fill
gaps in my table. The disk would be more useful, however, if it could be searched
by county, parish and townland.
Later, I purchased CD #262,
Family Tree Maker's Family Archives: International Land Records: Tithe Applotment
Books, 1823—1828. This helped me to fill in gaps in my table from
the counties of Ireland now in the United Kingdom: Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down,
Fermanagh and Tyrone. (I found no McGoughs listed in Fermanagh.) If I had reserved
in the table below a numbered line for a surname based on information from HI
(originally marked in the table HI-T), I entered the first matching entry from
the Tithe Applotment Books in that line. If I had reserved no line for a name,
I used the designation "CD" instead of a number. All names marked
"CD" are from CD #262.
Neither of these CDs contains data from G or T about the names of the landlord,
acreage leased, rent charged, and buildings on the premises, that can be found
in the original records.
After I had made several revisions of this table,, in celebration of St. Patrick's day in 2011, published updated versions of the Tithe Applotment Books. In March of 2011, I filled in gaps in the table from's data. In the table below, these additions are marked AC in the first column. The AC index to Griffith's Valuation lists the name of landlords in addition to the information in the table below. Landlord's not listed as living in the townland are marked LLonly.
I use the following symbols throughout the rest of these materials:
T |
Applotment Books |
G |
Valuation |
HI |
Index (Index of Surnames of Householders in T and G) |
HI-T |
Reference to Tithe Applotment Books in Householder's Index |
HI-G |
Reference to Griffith's Valuation in Householder's Index |
tba |
To be added. Usually results from my failure to make a note |
? |
Reference material is questioned, often in the source document |
AC |
Added to the original table in 2011 from updated sources on |
LLonly |
Landlord's not listed as living in the townland |
1831 Census of Ireland
The records of the 1831 census of Ireland were destroyed in a fire after the
1922 explosion at the Four Courts. Some of the records of county Derry (77,047
names), however, were found, are at the National Archives of Ireland in Dublin,
and have been published by World Family Tree on, along with a
small number of names from the parish of Killeshandra in county Cavan in the
1841 census. The information is available on a CD-ROM: Ireland, 1831 and
1841 Census Index. Only the portion of these censuses from county Derry
includes any form of the McGough name. I have included those names in the table
below with the designation "census 1831."
Table Contains Limited Data
The details found in T and G about the names of landlords, amount of acreage,
rental rate, and the like, are not in this table, but can be found as to the
parishes named in McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs
in the Civil Parish of Aghnamullen, where the townlands are arranged in
geographic clusters; and I have created similar pages for the parishes of Ballybay
and Clontibret. Cross references within G often
indicate that the same person leased two or more sites from the same landlord
in the same townland and that there was a house on only one of the pieces of
land. I have not always listed all identical names that are entered separately in a townland in G or T, because
it is probable that two or more listings of the same name (with no indication of Junior and Senior) are for the same person.
Surnames Included in Table
A few names other than McGough, McGeough or McGeogh, are included in the table:
Mageough (after line 103 and line 481), McGeo (lines 4367), McGeough Bond
(line 31), McGeoghy, McGeugh (after line #508), McGoagh (five entries after
line 508 in the parish of Donaghmore, county Tyrone), McGogh (line 332), McGough
Bond (line 109), McGoughy, McGu (line 434), and Magough (after line 103). These
names were included because they are probably versions of McGough/McGeough.
One major factor is that the odd spellings have never been established as surnames
in continued in use.
I'm told that the Gaelic
pronunciation of gh as an "aspirated slender consonant"
is "y". Nonetheless, I did not originally include in my table
the six McGoughys found in counties Tyrone. I changed my mind when I was told
that Theo McMahon has opined that McGoughy and McGeoghy are forms of McGough.
I therefore added four McGoughys in the parish of Donahgmore below line #507,
and two in the parish of Pomeroy, above and below line #516. I added a Bernard
McGoghey in the townland of Carrowkeel, parish of Errigal Trough, below line
#485. A William McGeoghy is listed in the Hearth Money Rolls of 1663 for the
townland of Agherakeltan, parish of Tedavnet, county Monaghan, and I have also
added that name to my page: Hearth Money Rolls for
County Monaghan: McGeogh, McGeough, and McGogh.
The McGoaghs in Tyrone are a special case. They have been included because
other Tyrone records spell their name McGough. There are no McGoaghs in G, nor
are there any in Family Tree Maker's Family Archives CD-ROM #354, Passenger
and Immigration Lists Index 1538–1940. I have not found the surname
McGoagh to be in use today. This supports a hypothesis that McGoagh is
a mistrancription of McGough. I include the one McGoagh in Armagh from
T (line following 49) for the same reasons, and because the Armagh townland
of Ballymageogh was, in 1613, spelled Ballymcgoagh. See my web page: Where
the Mountains of Mourne Sweep Down to the SeaBallymageogh and Slievemageogh
in County Down under Historical Spellings
of Ballymageogh. I added the McGogheys of Tyrone because the surname was
used interchangeably with McGeoghy, a form of McGough.. See the two lines following
line 510.
T also shows 15 McGeaghs in Tyrone, some in parishes where G shows McGeoughs.
I have not included the McGeaghs in my table, however, even though the townland
of Tullymagough in the civil parish of Dromore in county Tyrone was, in 1835,
called Tully McGeagh. See Spelling of McGough under
McGeagh. The surname McGeagh today
has an established separate identity. The name appears both in G and in the
Passenger and Immigration Lists, and is in use today. I added John McGohey of
the parish of Kilmore, townland of Crenagh, in county Armagh, partly because
several McGeoghs and McGeoughs are listed in the same parish at the same time.
I included Stephen McGorughy of the townland of Tulleynure, parish of Donaghmore,
in county Tyrone, in 1826. There were many other McGoughs in the vicinity, and
there is no such Irish surname as McGoruphy.
Walter McGeough Bond and Walter McGough Bond are the same person, holding nearby
properties in counties Armagh and Louth respectively; but I have listed the
two names with different spellings shown in the records. The McGeough Bond name
is usually indexed under Bond. The name will be found in my table under both Bond and McGeough/cGough.
The MacGeough Bond
Papers, summarized in the PRONI website, indicate that members of the family
have spelled the name with either a Mc or a Mac, and both with
and without an e. The name of Joshua McGeough is spelled in various records
as Mageough, McGeough, McGraugh, McGeaugh, and McGeogh. See my page McGoughs,
McGeoughs, and McGeoghs in County Armagh. Walter McGough Bond was one of the largest landlords in county Armagh in Griffith's Valuation (G), where he is usually indexed under Bond, and he often appears in the table, both as a resident and as a landlord (LLonly). For much more on the McGeough/McGough Bonds, see my page: McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs
in County Armagh.
Surnames Not Included in Table
The surnames McGeoy, McGoey, and McGouey, which originated in county Longford,
have the same Gaelic origin as McGeough, McGeogh and McGough, but I have included
information about these names on a separate web page: McGeoy/McGoey/McGouey.
The name of my great-grandfather appears in the records of his marriage in Pottsville,
Pennsylvania, as John McGeoy.
There were two McGuys in county Monaghan in Griffith's Valuation. I have no
evidence, other than that Monaghan is the only place where I found the name,
that this is a form of McGough, and have not included them in my table. Likewise,
the McGauchs have been excluded.
Two other names you will not find in the table are McGue and McGrough. There
are no McGues in either G or T. There is one McGu (434) in the parish of Magheracloone,
county Monaghan, which I did include. Some members of my family in Wisconsin
used the name McGue and McGough interchangeably; and Margaret McGue, a daughter
of my great-great-grandparents, appears to have used only McGue during her adult
life. In his final naturalization papers filed in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on
December 23, 1857, the surname of my great great grandfather John McGough appears
and is indexed as McGrough. In his obituary, he is referred to as John McGue.
I did not find either McGrough or McGue in Irish records, but both surnames
appear on passenger and immigration lists. As a general rule, I have not included
other possible variations of McGough, even though I suspect that in some cases
other spellings of the surname were entered in some records as a result of a
failure of communication between a a Gaelic speaking McG[e]ough and an English
speaking keeper of the records. The English-trained ear does not hear some of
the Gaelic sounds and, even if those sounds are heard, they do not translate
precisely into the English language. For information on the geographic distribution
of many of these names in the US, see Distribution
of McGoughs in the United States.Edward Mac Lysaght, in his authoritative
books, Irish Families: Their Names, Arms and Origins, and More Irish
Families, says that the origin of MacGeough is Mag Eochadha or Mag Eochaid.
He says Mag is a form of Mac frequently used with with names beginning
with a vowel. His material indicates that the names McGaffey, McGahey, McGahie,
McGahy, McGaughy, Mageoghegan, McGehegan, McGeogh, McGeoghegan, McGeough, McGoff,
McGohy, McGough, McGoughy, McGovern, McGuff, and MacKeogh all stem from Eochaidh,
or a variation, Eachaid. This is only to say that the names originate in the
same Irish word and is not to say that persons with these names have common
blood lines. For a more through discussion, see Origins
of the Surname McGough and Spelling of McGough.
If the mac is not changed to mag, other possible variations
of the name found in the records are: McEay, McEgan, McEhan, McEowen, McEown,
McEgowan, McEgowne, McEwan, McOwen.
Examination of Irish records shows that translating McGough from Gaelic sounds
to an English word was not evenly accomplished. A version of McGough, for example,
was recorded phonetically as McGorke and McGorky in the Hearth Money Rolls for
county Monaghan. My intuition is that the Torlogh McGorke recorded in 1663 in
the townland of Elvey in the parish of Errigal Trough is the same person rcorded
as Torlogh McGeogh in 1665; and the Dunsleve McGorky recorded in 1663 in the
townland of Glassmulagh in the parish of Errigal Trough is the same person recorded
as Dunsleve McGeough in 1665. If an "r" sound is heard in the gaelic
pronunciation of the name and translated into the english spelling, as happened
in the cases of McGrough, McGorke and McGorky, discussed above, many more possible
variations of spellings of McG[e]eough show up in the records.
For many variations of the name that have appeared in census records, see my
page: Inconsistent Census Reporting.
Interchangeability of McGeough, McGeogh, and McGough
In Ireland, McGough, McGeough and McGeogh were sometimes interchangeably used
by or assigned to the same person or members of the same family. This is evident
from the table below. The difficulty of maintaining separation of the McGoughs,
McGeoughs and McGeoghs, has caused some Irish genealogists to throw up their
hands in despair and to list all persons using of these three versions of the
name as M'Geough in computerized lists of baptismal, marriage and death records.
My mistakes, most of which I hope I have corrected, in trying to keep these
spellings distinct from each other, help me to appreciate the reasons for these
shortcuts. M' stand for Mac,
Mc, or the Gaelic Mhic, Mic, or Micc. I have inserted Mc
for M' in most cases.
In Ireland, there has been a trend toward insertion of an e into McGough.
The Telecom Eireann 04 Directory for 1998/99 list about 70 McGeoughs and only
4 McGoughs in county Monaghan and the surrounding areas where the McGoughs have
historically been concentrated. This is in remarkable contrast to the 1659 census
of county Monaghan reprinted as Appendix III to The History of the County
of Monaghan by Evelyn Philip Shirley (1879). In that census, McGough is
listed as the 32nd most common name in Monaghan, with 10 heads of McGough families
listed. The only form of the name listed is McGough. In the 1659 census of county
Armagh, 4 McGeoughs are listed, and no McGoughs. I found neither McGough, McGeough,
nor McGeogh in the 1659 census in any other county. See: A Census of Ireland,
circa 1659, edited by Seamus Pender (1939), which is film #924648 in the
Family History Centers.
The Phone Book, compiled for all of Northern Ireland by British Telecommunications,
in the edition of July 1994, lists 1 McGeogh, 43 McGeoughs, and 3 McGoughs.
Two of the McGoughs were in Londonderry and one in Belleek. There were 21 McGaws,
1 MacGeagh, 15 McGeaghs, 1 McGeoch, 74 Megaws, 1 McGaghey, 26 McGaheys, 2 McGahies,
87 McGaugheys, and 24 Megaheys. There were no Magoughs, McGoffs, McGows, McGuffs
or McGues. There was 1 McOwen. There were 59 Goughs, 1 Goff, and 3 Goffes.
Denis Carolan Rushe published a copy he made of the Hearth Money Rolls for
county Monaghan as Appendix I (pp. 291338) to his book: History of
Monaghan for Two Hundred Years: 16601860. These rolls list taxpayers
for the years 1663 and 1665. Rushe counts 17 McGeoughs and lists it as the 22nd
most common name. He includes in this count 7 names he publishes and indexes
as McGeogh, 8 McGeoughs, 1 McGoeugh, and 1 McGogh, but does not include in his
count a William McGeoghy of the townland of Agherakeltan, parish of Tedavnet.
There are no McGoughs on his list.
In the United States, a few McGoughs have changed their name to McGeough; but
in the United States directories, the McGoughs continue greatly to outnumber
the McGeoughs, as they do in lists of immigrants to the United States from Ireland.
For further discussion of the variations of the name McGough, see Origins
of the Surname McGough, Spelling of McGough,
and Distribution of McGoughs in the United States.
HI lists the number of names found in G but not in T. The entry in HI of "McGough
G8 T" for the parish of Donaghmoyne indicates that there were eight heads
of families with the surname McGough in G and at least one, but perhaps more,
in T. My count from an examination of the G and T records is G7 T12; that is,
I found 7 McGoughs in G and 12 in T. Examination of T added 11 names to the
table that would not have been found by a reference only to HI and G. Other
HI numbers for Donaghmoyne are "McGeogh G3" and "McGeough G7"
with no reference to T. I found neither name in T, and only 2 McGeoghs in G
and 10 McGeoughs in G. See lines 341 through 371 in the table below.
Concentrations in Ireland of McGoughs, McGeoughs, and McGeoghs
(These numbers will be revised when my 2011 revision of this page is completed.)
Monaghan and Louth are the two major counties in which the McGough name and
its variations appear. The table shows 288 names in Monaghan and 68 in Louth.
These numbers are skewed in favor of Monaghan. Although the parish of Killanny
lies in both Louth and Monaghan, I have listed all residents of that parish
under Monaghan (and noted that fact on line 134). county Monaghan, nonetheless,
is unquestionably the county with the greatest concentration of McGoughs. Other
counties where there are more than ten names in the table are: Tyrone, 71; Armagh,
69; Mayo 35; and Antrim 22. In Armagh and Tyrone, most of the McGeoughs and
McGoughs are in areas close to the borders of county Monaghan. If a county is
not listed in the table, no version of the name was found there.
In county Monaghan, I count: 52 McGeoghs, 84 McGeoughs, and 144 McGoughs; 4
John McGeoghs, 10 John McGeoughs, and 8 John McGoughs; 1 Hugh McGeogh, 5 Hugh
McGeoughs, and 4 Hugh McGoughs.
The distribution of McGoughs shown by these tables is different than the distribution
implied by the Special Report on Surnames in Ireland published in 1909
by Sir Robert E. Matheson, M.D. In tables showing the surnames of persons born
in Ireland in 1890, Matheson lists at page 62:
All Ireland |
Leinster |
Munster |
Ulster |
Connacht |
McGeough |
11 |
3 |
0 |
8 |
0 |
McGough |
11 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
8 |
In a table of surnames with varieties and synonyms, at page 52 of part
II, Matheson lists McGough as the principal name and McGeough and McGoff as
variations. His tables are limited to names that appeared five or more times
in the records. No McGoffs appear in his tables.
The Scotch-Irish or the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North
America by Charles A. Hanna, in two volumes, was originally published in
New York in 1902. The entire work has been published on the Internet by
The work is in a part of their genealogy library entitled: Scotch-Irish
Settlers in America, 1500s-1800s Immigration Records. Appendix Z, in volume
II, is entitled "Locations of Scottish Families in Ireland." At page
524, the same figures used by Matheson are reported with 11 McGeoughs in all
Ireland, 8 in Ulster, and the one county in which the name was principally found
as Monaghan. Hanna's listing of the McGeoughs in Monaghan as a Scots
family contradicts the more credible conclusion of Father Peadar Livingstone
in The Monaghan Story where, at page 576, he says Mc Geough is a surname
that had been "in the county down the centuries." See Origins
of the Surname McGough.
In Hanna's Location of Scottish Families in Ireland, the names are described,
at page 518, as:
"The surnames in Ulster having four entries and upwards in the Birth
Indexes of 1890, together with the number and registration counties in which
these names are principally found. The first figure after a name gives the
number of entries for 1890 in the whole of Ireland, and the second figure
for the Province of Ulster. The estimated number of persons of each surname
in the population can be ascertained by multiplying the number of entries
in the list by the average birth-rate, which, for the year 1890, was 1 to
44.8 persons."
Eleven McGeough births, therefore, equates to 11 X 44.8 persons, or 493. The
Scotch-Irish, Volume II, Appendix Z, Locations of Scottish Families in Ireland,
Page 518. [No form of McGeough is listed in Appendix X, Families of Scotland.]
The townlands listed in the table below are in the same general areas where
McGoughs, McGeoughs and McGeoghs were shown to reside by the Hearth Money Rolls
of 1663 and 1665 and the Spinning
Wheel Premium Entitlement Lists of 1796. Excerpts from these sources, showing
the listings of forms of the McGough name in county Monaghan (with some names
from Armagh, Louth and Tyrone), have been published by Ann (McGeough) Harney
in her McGeough website. The Hearth Money Rolls are published under early
references and the Spinning Wheel Lists under Surname
Index to the 1796 Flax Seed Premium Entitlement Lists. The patterns in the
table below show that the references to Enniskeen in the Spinning Wheel Lists
are not, with the one exception noted by Ann Harney, references to the parish
of Enniskeen in county Cavan, but rather to the parish of Inishkeen in county
Monaghan. In the past, the name of the parish of Inishkeen was sometimes spelled
Enniskeen. In the census of 1659, Inishkeen is spelled Eniskeene.
In the original version of the table, I did not include names from the Spinning
Wheel Lists of 1796 because the McGeoughs named cannot be separated by townland
and because they had already been published by Ann McGeough Harney on her McGeough
website under the name
1796 Flax Seed Premium Entitlement Lists. Later, I added to this table the
names from this flax seed premium list—without a reference number in the
left column of the table. These references are indicated by the word "flax"
in the TG column.
I have also added the few entries I found in the Ireland 1766 Religious
Census on, In the parish of Desertmarting, county Derry (Londonderry)
were families named McGoach, McGuagh, McGuchan, McGucian, and McGurk. I have
included only the McGuaghs in this table. There was a McGoogy in the townland
of Rathdrum, county Wicklow, whom I have not listed.
Table of McGoughs, McGeoughs and McGeoghs in Ireland
In the table below, in the column headed T-G, T indicates that the surname
was found in the Tithe Applotment Books. G indicates that the name was found
in Griffith's Valuation. HI-T indicates that the surname is listed in the Householders Index (HI) as
in the Tithe Applotment Books, but was not found in the civil parish named in
HI. HI-G indicates that HI shows that this spelling of the surname appears in
the parish indicated, but that I did not find the same spelling of the name
when I examined G.
The numbers in the left column of the table are control numbers, primarily
for my own use and for ease of reference. As I have added more names or corrected
data, the order of my original control numbers has occasionally been changed.
Names without control numbers usually have been added later from sources other
than T and G. AC in the left column indicates a line added in 2011 from updated sources on The entries are alphabetized: first by county, then by parish,
then by townland, then by surname, then by first name.
Here is the all-Ireland table:
Surname |
First Name |
Townland |
Civil Parish |
County |
TG |
Year |
Megough |
Arthur |
Old Warren |
Blaris |
Antrim |
T |
1834 |
Megough |
John |
Old Warren |
Blaris |
Antrim |
T |
1834 |
1 |
McGough |
John |
Tonagh |
Blaris |
Antrim |
G |
1862 |
2 |
McGeogh |
James |
White House, Village of |
Carnmoney |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
3 |
McGeogh |
Edward |
Cranfield |
Cranfield |
Antrim |
T |
1833 |
4 |
McGeogh |
Edward |
Cranfield |
Cranfield |
Antrim |
G |
1862 |
5 |
McGeogh |
James |
Randalstown, Town of |
Drummaul |
Antrim |
G |
1862 |
CD |
McGough |
James |
Ballydonnelly |
Duneane |
Antrim |
T |
1833 |
CD |
McGough |
Neal |
Ballynamullen |
Duneane |
Antrim |
T |
1833 |
CD |
McGough |
Arthur |
Creggan |
Duneane |
Antrim |
T |
1833 |
6 |
McGough |
Neal |
Derryhollagh |
Duneane |
Antrim |
G |
1862 |
7 |
McGeogh |
John |
Cromac Townparks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
8 |
McGeough |
Mary |
Dock Townparks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
9 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Dock Townparks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
10 |
McGeogh |
Bridget |
Legionel, Village of |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
11 |
McGeogh |
William |
Legionel, Village of |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
12 |
McGeogh |
Daniel |
Smithfield Townparks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
13 |
McGeogh |
John |
Smithfield Townparks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
14 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Smithfield Townparks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
15 |
McGough |
Michael |
St. Ann's Ward T'pks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
16 |
McGeogh |
Catherine |
St. George's Ward T'pks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
17 |
McGeogh |
Catherine |
St. George's Ward T'pks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
18 |
McGeough |
Catherine |
St. George's Ward T'pks |
Shankill |
Antrim |
G |
1861 |
19 |
McGeough |
Templecorran |
Antrim |
HI-T |
1833 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Armagh |
Armagh |
flax |
1796 |
20 |
McGeogh |
Eliza |
Armagh, City of |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
21 |
McGeough |
John |
Armagh, City of |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
22 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Armagh, City of |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballycrummy |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
23 |
McGeogh |
Anne |
Ballynahone More |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
24 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Ballynahone More |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Drumarg or Down |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
Tenant was: Christian Brothers, Rev. James Caten, Principal
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullyelmer |
Armagh |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
25 |
McGeough |
William |
Corlust |
Ballymore |
Armagh |
T |
1830 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Derrycaw (The Argory) |
Clonfeacle |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter |
Derryscollop |
Clonfeacle |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGough |
Thomas |
Carrycastle |
Clonfeacle |
Armagh [should be Tyrone] |
T |
1833 |
26 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Blackwatertown |
Clonfeacle |
Armagh |
T |
1833 |
27 |
McGeogh |
Thomas |
Drumcullen |
Clonfeacle |
Armagh |
T |
1833 |
28 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Tullykeevan |
Clonfeacle |
Armagh |
T |
1833 |
29 |
McGough |
Creggan |
Armagh |
HI-T |
1827 |
30 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Annaghgad |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Peter |
Annaghmare |
Creggan |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
31 |
McGeough- Bond |
Walter |
Carnally |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
109 |
McGough- Bond |
Walter |
Carnally |
Creggan |
Louth (should be Armagh) |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Peter |
Cornahove |
Creggan |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
LLonly |
McGough- Bond |
Walter |
Dorsy |
Creggan |
Louth (should be Armagh) |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
McGough Bond |
Walter |
Legmoylin |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
32 |
McGough |
Patrick Sr. |
Sheetrim |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
33 |
McGough |
Peter |
Sheetrim |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Laurence |
Sytrim |
Creggan |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
Owen |
Sytrim |
Creggan |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
Peter |
Sytrim |
Creggan |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ummeracam (Ball), North |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ummeracam (Ball), South |
Creggan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
34 |
McGeough |
Luke |
Artabrackagh |
Drumcree |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
James |
Roughan |
Drumcree |
Armagh |
T |
1827 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballymacully Lower |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballymartrim Etra |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballymartrim Otra |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Culkeeran |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Edenderry |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Kilcarn |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Mullantur |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullymore Etra |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullymore Otra |
Eglish |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
AC |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Aughanduff |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
35 |
McGeough |
Brian |
Carrive (Cariff) |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
Patt. |
Carrive (Cariff) |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
Peter |
Carrive (Cariff |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
36 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Carrive |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
AC |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Cashell |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
37 |
McGeough |
Anne |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
Edward |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
38 |
McGeough |
Felix |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Francis |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
James |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
39 |
McGeough |
James |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
John |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
CD |
McGeough |
Michael |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
40 |
McGeough |
Owen |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
41 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Patt. |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
42 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
W. Bond |
Cashel |
Forkill |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Allistragh |
Grange |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballymackilmurry |
Grange |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter |
Drumsill |
Grange |
Armagh |
T |
1832 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Drumsill |
Grange |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tirgarve |
Grange |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
43 |
McGeough |
John |
Crossdened |
Keady |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
44 |
McGeough |
Killevy |
Armagh |
HI-G |
1864 |
45 |
McGeough |
Art. |
Killeen (Killian in TA) |
Killevy |
Armagh |
T |
1835 |
CD |
McGeough |
James |
Killeen (Killian in TA)) |
Killevy |
Armagh |
T |
1835 |
CD |
McGeough |
Larry |
Killeen (Killian in TA) |
Killevy |
Armagh |
T |
1835 |
CD |
McGeough |
Michael |
Killeen (Killian in TA) |
Killevy |
Armagh |
T |
1835 |
CD |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Killeen (Killian in TA) |
Killevy |
Armagh |
T |
1835 |
46 |
McGough |
Killevy |
Armagh |
HI-T |
1828 |
47 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Killeen |
Killevy |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
48 |
McGough |
Peter |
Killeen |
Killevy |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
49 |
McGough |
Philip, Sr |
Killeen |
Killevy |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGoagh |
Hy. |
Drummesple |
Killyman |
Armagh |
T |
1825 |
50 |
McGeogh |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
HI-T |
1833 |
51 |
McGeogh |
John |
Annahugh |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
52 |
McGeogh |
James |
Ballytrue |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
53 |
McGeogh |
John |
Ballytrue |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
McGohey |
John |
Crenagh |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
54 |
McGeogh |
John |
Kilmore |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
James |
Kilmore |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
T |
1833 |
55 |
McGeogh |
Anne |
Lurgancot |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
56 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Lurgancot |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Peter |
Lurgancott |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
T |
1833 |
57 |
McGeough |
William John |
Mulladry |
Kilmore |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballyheridan |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGeough |
Sarah |
Ballyheridan |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
T |
1832 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Elizabeth M'g |
Corran |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Corran |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Farranamucklagh |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Lislea |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Lisnadill |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullybrone |
Lisnadill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
McGoughy |
Bridget |
Ardress West |
Loughgall |
Armagh |
T |
1828 |
58 |
McGeough |
[Felix McGeowne?] |
Montiaghs |
Armagh |
HI-G |
1864 |
59 |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Newry, Town of |
Newry |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Altnamackan |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Cortamlat |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Mullaghduff |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Skerriff Trueman |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullyogallaghan |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullyvallen (Hamilton), East |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullyvallen (Tipping), East |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullyvallen (Tipping), West |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Tullyvallen (Macullagh) |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ummerinvore |
Newtownhamilton |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
60 |
McGeough |
Ellen |
Turmoyra |
Seagoe |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
61 |
McGeough |
Bernard |
Lurgan, Town of |
Shankill |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Breagh |
Tartaraghan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Derrycor |
Tartaraghan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
CD |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Eglish |
Tartaraghan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
62 |
McGeough Bond |
Walter |
Killylea Bog |
Tynan |
Armagh |
T |
1827 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Knockaneagh |
Tynan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Pollnagh |
Tynan |
Armagh |
G |
1864 |
65 |
McGough |
Anne |
Aghagashlan |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
G |
1857 |
66 |
McGough |
John |
Aghagashlan |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
G |
1857 |
67 |
McGough |
Mary |
Aghagashlan |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
G |
1857 |
63 |
McGeough |
James |
Drumgoon |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
T |
1833 |
64 |
McGough |
James |
Drumgoon |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
T |
1833 |
McGough |
John |
Drumgoon |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
T |
1833 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumgoon |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
T |
1833 |
McGeough |
James |
Killyvaghan |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
T |
1833 |
68 |
McGough |
Catherine |
Killyvaghan |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
G |
1857 |
McGough |
James |
Killyvaghan |
Drumgoon |
Cavan |
T |
1833 |
69 |
McGeough |
Enniskeen |
Cavan |
HI-T |
1828 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Enniskeen |
Cavan |
flax |
1796 |
McGough |
Peter |
Collops |
Enniskeen |
Cavan |
T |
1828 |
70 |
McGough |
John |
Tircullen |
Kilmore |
Cavan |
T |
1832 |
AC |
Mageo |
Catherine |
Edergole |
Larah |
Cavan |
G |
1857 |
71 |
McGough |
John |
Killyfaddy |
Artrea |
Derry |
G |
1859 |
72 |
McGough |
? |
Moyheeland |
Ballynascreen |
Derry |
T |
1825 |
McGough |
Arthur |
Ballynascreen |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGoughy |
Widow |
Banagher |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Cumber Upper |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
73 |
McGough |
John |
Clady |
Cumber Upper |
Derry |
G |
1858 |
McGuagh |
Neal |
Desertmartin |
Derry |
census |
1766 |
McGuagh |
Patrick |
Desertmartin |
Derry |
census |
1766 |
74 |
McGeogh |
Andrew |
Boveagh |
Desertmartin |
Derry |
T |
1827 |
McGeogh |
Andrew |
Desertmartin |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGeogh |
Arthur |
Desertmartin |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGough |
Arter |
Kilcronaghan |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Kilcronaghan |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGough |
Sally |
Killelagh |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
CD |
McGeough |
Rev. [James?] |
Killybasky |
Lissan |
Derry [listed as Tyrone on the CD] |
T |
1827 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Maghera |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
75 |
McGough |
John |
Killyfaddy |
Magherafelt |
Derry |
G |
1859 |
McGough |
John |
Tamlaght Finlagan |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGough |
William |
Tamlaght Finlagan |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
McGoughy |
James |
Templemore |
Derry |
census |
1831 |
AC |
McGough |
Hugh |
Mullanboys |
Inver |
Donegal |
T |
1834 |
76 |
McGough |
George |
Glenloughan |
Aghaderg |
Down |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballynagross Lower |
Ballee |
Down |
G |
1864 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Ballytrustan |
Ballee |
Down |
G |
1864 |
77 |
McGough |
Robert |
Tullyherron (Warringstown) |
Donaghcloney |
Down |
G |
1864 |
78 |
McGough |
Terence |
Derryneil |
Drumgooland |
Down |
G |
1863 |
79 |
McGough |
James |
Leitrim |
Drumgooland |
Down |
G |
1863 |
80 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Cloghanramer |
Newry |
Down |
G |
1864 |
81 |
McGeogh |
James |
Damolly |
Newry |
Down |
G |
1864 |
82 |
McGough |
William John |
Corporation North (Newtownards, Town of) |
Newtownards |
Down |
G |
1863 |
83 |
McGeough |
Joseph |
Priesthouse |
Donnybrook |
Dublin |
G |
1849 |
84 AC |
McGough |
Henry (Esquire) |
Galloping Green, North |
Kill |
Dublin |
G |
1849 |
LLonly |
McGough |
Joseph |
St. Georges |
Dublin |
G |
1849 |
McGugh |
James |
Kinawley |
Fermanagh |
flax |
1796 |
85 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Alleendarra East |
Ballynakill |
Galway |
T |
1844 |
LLonly |
McGough |
Robert |
Lackaghbeg |
Lackagh |
Galway |
G |
1856 |
86 |
McGough |
John, Rev. |
Lackagh More |
Lackagh |
Galway |
G |
1856 |
AC |
McGeogh |
Florence |
Garrymore |
Kilcaskan |
Kerry |
T |
1827 |
(Indexed as Florence McGeogh of Garrymore, Kilcaskan, county Cork; and possibly also indexed as Florence Magragh of Garrymore, Cooleagh (?), county Cork. The parish of Kilcaskan lies mostly in county Cork, but partly in county Kerry. The townland of Garrymoreis in county Kerry. The only parish of Cooleagh in Ireland is in county Tipperary, and there is no towland of Garrymore in that parish.) |
AC |
McGeo |
Thomas |
Maddenstown Middle |
Ballysax |
Kildare |
T |
1826 |
88 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Blackditch |
Nurney |
Kildare |
G |
1851 |
89 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Nurney Demesne |
Nurney |
Kildare |
G |
1851 |
AC |
McGought |
A. R. |
Kiltyclogher |
Cloonclare |
Leitrim |
T |
1823 |
90 |
McGeogh |
Bartholomew |
Manorhamilton, Town of |
Cloonclare |
Leitrim |
G |
1856 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Stranagross |
Cloonclare |
Leitrim |
T |
1823 |
91 |
McGeough |
Abbeyshrule |
Longford |
HI-T |
1825 |
92 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Drumanure |
Abbeyshrule |
Longford |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGeough |
Anne |
Ratharney |
Abbeyshrule |
Longford |
G |
1854 |
93 |
McGeough |
Walter |
Ratharney |
Abbeyshrule |
Longford |
G |
1854 |
AC |
Magergh |
Michael |
Bunlahy |
Granard |
Longford |
T |
1833 |
94 |
McGeough |
Margaret |
Tennalick |
Taghshinny |
Longford |
G |
1854 |
96 |
McGeogh |
John |
Ardee, Town of (?) |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
97 |
McGeogh |
John |
Ardee, Town of (?) |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
98 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Ardee, Town of (?) |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
99 |
McGough |
Laurence |
Ardee, Town of (?) |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
100 |
McGough |
Owen |
Ardee, Town of (?) |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
101 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Ardee, Town of |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
95 |
McGough |
Michael |
Baltrasna |
Ardee |
Louth |
T |
1830 |
102 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Baltrasna |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Laurence |
Dawsondemesne |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGeogh |
John |
Townparks |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Owen |
Townparks |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Townparks |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Thomas |
Townparks |
Ardee |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
103 |
McGough |
James |
Tankardsrock |
Castletown |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
Mageough |
James |
Charlestown |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
Mageough |
Rose |
Charlestown |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
104 |
McGough |
Andrew |
Callystown |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
John |
Callystown |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Laurence |
Callystown |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Peter |
Callystown |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
105 |
McGough |
John |
Clogher, Town of |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
106 |
McGough |
Laurence |
Clogher, Town of (?) |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
107 |
McGough |
Michael |
Clogher, Town of |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
108 |
McGough |
Peter |
Clogher, Town of (?) |
Clogher |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
Magough |
Thomas |
Collon |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
109 |
McGough- Bond |
Walter |
Carnally |
Creggan |
Louth (should be Armagh) |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
James |
Dillonstown |
Drumcar |
Louth |
T |
1833 |
110 |
McGough |
Owen |
Dillonstown (Annagassan) |
Drumcar |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
112 |
McGough |
Owen |
Donaghmore |
Dunbin |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
113 |
McGough |
Mary |
Kilcurly |
Dunbin |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
111 |
McGough |
Widow |
Kilcurly |
Dunbin |
Louth |
T |
1833 |
AC |
McGeough |
? |
Thomastown |
Dunbin |
Louth |
T |
1836 |
114 |
McGough |
John |
Crumlin |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
115 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Marsh North |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
116 |
McGough |
John |
Marshes Upper |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
117 |
McGough |
John |
Priorland |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
118 |
McGough |
Michael |
Redcow |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
119 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Townparks |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
120 |
McGough |
Peter |
Townparks |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
121 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Townparks |
Dundalk |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
122 |
McGough |
Christopher |
Dysart |
Dysart |
Louth |
T |
1825 |
123 |
McGough |
Faughart |
Louth |
HI-T |
1834 |
McGough |
Michael |
Faughart |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
McGough |
Terence |
Faughart |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
124 |
McGough |
Alice |
Balriggan |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
125 |
McGough |
Charles |
Carrickedmond |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGeogh |
Charles |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1844 |
AC |
McGeogh |
Pat |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1844 |
126 |
McGough |
Anne |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Charles |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1827 |
127 |
McGough |
Charles |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
128 |
McGough |
Ellen |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Hugh |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1827 |
AC |
McGough |
John, Junior |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1827 |
AC |
McGough |
John, Senior |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1827 |
129 |
McGough |
Judith |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
T |
1827 |
130 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Lurgankeel |
Faughart |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
McGough |
James |
Haggardstown |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
McGough |
Owen |
Haggardstown |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
132 |
McGough |
John |
Haggardstown |
Haggardstown |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
133 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Haggardstown |
Haggardstown |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
131 |
McGough |
Terence |
Haggardstown |
Haggardstown |
Louth |
T |
1834 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Kildemock |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
townlands of the parish of Killanny are in county Monaghan and are listed
below under that county. The following numbers are out of sequence because
I had originally listed all townlands of the parish under county Monaghan. |
410 |
McGough |
James |
Corradoran |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
411 |
McGough |
Peter |
Corradoran |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
412 |
McGough |
Peter |
Corradoran |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
413 |
McGough |
Thomas (widow) |
Corradoran |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
414 |
McGough |
James |
Drumard |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
415 |
McGough |
Michael |
Drumard |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
416 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumard |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
417 |
McGough |
Peter |
Drumard |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
418 |
McGough |
Peter |
Drumard |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
422 |
McGough |
Bryan |
Killanny |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
423 |
McGough |
Michael |
Killanny |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
424 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Killanny |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
427 |
McGough |
Catherine |
Tullyraine |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
428 |
McGough |
James |
Tullyraine |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
429 |
McGough |
Michael |
Tullyraine |
Killanny |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
430 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Tullyraine |
Killanny |
Louth |
T |
1824 |
McGough |
Andrew |
Louth |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
136 |
McGough |
Edward |
Chanonrock |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
137 |
McGough |
Michael |
Corcreeghagh |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
138 |
McGough |
Peter |
Drumgoolan |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
139 |
McGough |
Michael |
Louth, Town of |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
140 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Louth, Town of |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
141 |
McGough |
Bryan |
Monavallet |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
142 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Mullacrew |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Michael |
Richard Taaffe's Holding |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
143 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Richard Taaffe's Holding |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
135 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Rosslough |
Louth |
Louth |
T |
1834 |
144 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Rosslough |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
145 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Stonetown Lower |
Louth |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
McGough |
Arthur |
Toomes |
Louth |
Louth |
T |
1833 |
146 |
McGough |
John |
Mayne |
Mayne |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
Magough |
Loughlin |
Mullary |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
147 |
McGough |
Anne |
Philipstown |
Philipstown |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
148 |
McGough |
Charles |
Drumbilla |
Roche |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
149 |
McGough |
John |
Moneymore |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
150 |
McGough |
John |
Moneymore |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
151 |
McGough |
Michael |
Moneymore |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
152 |
McGough |
Owen |
Moneymore |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
153 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Moneymore |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
154 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Moneymore |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
155 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Yellowbatter |
St. Peters |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumcashel |
Stabannan |
Louth |
T |
1836 |
156 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumcashel |
Stabannan |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
157 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Stabannan |
Stabannan |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
Mageogh |
(no first name) |
Termonfechan |
Louth |
census |
1766 |
McGeough |
James |
Termonfechan |
Louth |
census |
1766 |
McGough |
James |
Termonfeckin |
Louth |
flax |
1796 |
158 |
McGough (McGoe?) |
Patrick |
Termonfeckin |
Termonfeckin |
Louth |
T |
1830 |
159 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Termonfeckin, Town of |
Termonfeckin |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
160 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Termonfeckin, Town of |
Termonfeckin |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
LLonly |
McGough |
Walter |
Termonfeckin, Town of |
Termonfeckin |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
161 |
McGough |
Mary |
Mell |
Tullyallen |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Mell |
Tullyallen |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
162 |
McGough |
John |
Newtownstalaban |
Tullyallen |
Louth |
G |
1854 |
163 |
McGough |
James |
Carrowbrinoge |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
164 |
McGough |
John |
Carrowbrinoge |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
165 |
McGough |
Michael |
Carrowbrinoge |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
166 |
McGough |
James |
Carrownaltore |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
167 |
McGough |
James |
Drumneen |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
168 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Drumneen |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
169 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Knockaphunta |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
170 |
McGough |
Michael |
Rathbaun |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
171 |
McGough |
James |
Snugborough |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
172 |
McGough |
John, Rev. |
Snugborough |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
173 |
McGough |
Michael |
Snugborough |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
174 |
McGough |
John |
Tully Commons |
Aglish |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
175 |
McGough |
Martin |
Levallyroe |
Annagh |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
176 |
McGough |
James |
Balloor East |
Ballintober |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
177 |
McGough |
James |
Cullentragh |
Ballintober |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
178 |
McGough |
James |
Drumminroe East |
Ballintober |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
179 |
McGough |
James |
Drumminroe West |
Ballintober |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
180 |
McGough |
Michael |
Killavally West |
Ballintober |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
181 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Cloondeash or Coonfert |
Ballyhean |
Mayo |
T |
1830 |
182 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Cloondeash |
Ballyhean |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
183 |
McGough |
James |
Derrynagooley |
Ballyhean |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
AC |
McGough |
John |
Derrynagooley |
Ballyhean |
Mayo |
T |
1824 |
184 |
McGough |
John |
Derrynagooley |
Ballyhean |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
185 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Derrynagooley |
Ballyhean |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
186 |
McGough |
James |
Rinshinna |
Breaghwy |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
187 |
McGough |
Owen |
Graffa More |
Islandeady |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
188 |
McGough |
Toomore |
Mayo |
HI-T |
1833 |
189 |
McGough |
Edmund Jr. |
Belgarrow |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
190 |
McGough |
Edmund Jr. |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
191 |
McGough |
Edmund Sr. |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
AC |
McGough |
Mary |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
192 |
McGough |
Michael |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
193 |
McGough |
Michael Jr. |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
194 |
McGough |
Michael Sr. |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
195 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
196 |
McGough |
Peter |
Rinnananny |
Toomore |
Mayo |
G |
1856 |
197 |
McGough |
Anne |
Tawnyshane |
Turlogh |
Mayo |
G |
1857 |
198 |
McGough |
John |
Athboy T'parks (Town of) |
Athboy |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
199 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Breslanstown |
Drumcondra |
Meath |
T |
1830 |
AC |
McGough (with Conlon) |
Patrick |
Breslanstown |
Drumcondra |
Meath |
T |
1830 |
200 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Mandistown |
Inishmot |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
201 |
McGough |
Laurence |
Kildalkey, Village of |
Kildalkey |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
202 |
McGough |
James |
Heronstown |
Killary |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
203 |
McGough |
Margaret |
Heronstown |
Killary |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
204 |
McGough |
Mary |
Drumgill |
Loughbracken |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
AC |
Magough |
John |
Baltrasna |
Moylagh |
Meath |
T |
1826 |
AC |
McGough |
James |
Baltrasna |
Moylagh |
Meath |
T |
1825 |
AC |
McGough |
Thomas |
Baltrasna |
Moylagh |
Meath |
T |
1825 |
205 |
McGough |
Hugh |
College |
Nobber |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
206 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Mullagha |
Rathkenny |
Meath |
G |
1854 |
207 |
McGeogh |
Aghabog |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1833 |
208 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drollagh |
Aghabog |
Monaghan |
T |
1833 |
209 |
McGeogh |
Eliza. |
Drumbaragh |
Aghabog |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
210 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Feagh |
Aghabog |
Monaghan |
T |
1833 |
211 |
McGough |
Phillip |
Mullymagaraghan |
Aghabog |
Monaghan |
T |
1833 |
212 |
open |
McGeough |
Rose |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
William |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
213 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Bowelk |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
214 |
McGeogh |
Andrew |
Carnaveagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
215 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Carrickaldragh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
216 |
McGough |
Terence |
Carrickaldragh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
217 |
McGeough |
Eleanor |
Carrickaveilty |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
218 |
McGeogh |
Hugh |
Cooltrim |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
219 |
McGeogh |
Matthew |
Cooltrim |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
220 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Cooltrim |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
221 |
McGeough |
James |
Corfad |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
222 |
McGeogh |
Francis |
Corgreagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
223 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Corgreagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
224 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Cormeen |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
224 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Cormeen |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
225 |
McGeogh |
Bernard |
Corracharra |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
226AC |
McGeough |
Owen |
Corryhagan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
227 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
228 |
McGeough |
John |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
229 |
McGeough |
Owen |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
230 |
McGough |
Anne |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
231 |
McGough |
Esther |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
232 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
233 |
McGough |
Terence Jr. |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
234 |
McGough |
Terence Sr. |
Cortaghart |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
AC |
McGughy |
Francis |
Creeve |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
235 |
McGough |
Martha |
Derryroosk |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
238 |
McGeogh |
Arthur |
Drumcreeghan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
239 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Drumcreeghan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
236 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Drumcreeghan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
237 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Drumcreeghan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
240 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
241 |
McGeough |
Mary |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
242 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
243 |
See the line after 253 |
244 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
245 |
McGough |
Bernard |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
246 |
McGough |
Francis |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
247 |
McGough |
Michael Jr. |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
248 |
McGough |
Michael Sr. |
Drumgor |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
249 |
McGeough |
Edward |
Drumhillagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
250 |
McGeough |
James |
Drumhillagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
251 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Drumhillagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
252 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Drumhillagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
253 |
McGough |
Bernard |
Drumhillagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
243 |
McGeogh |
Owen |
Drumlood |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
254 |
McGeough |
James |
Dunmakenna |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
255 |
open |
256 |
McGough |
James |
Dunmakenna |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
McGeogh |
Arthur |
Edenbrone |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
McGeogh |
Prin'd (?) |
Edenbrone |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
257 |
McGeogh |
Arthur |
Edenforan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
AC |
McGeogh |
James |
Edenforan |
Aghnamullen |
Mongaghan |
T |
1829 |
259 |
McGeough |
Joseph |
Edenforan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
258 |
McGough |
Francis |
Edenforan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
McGeogh |
Bernard |
Garrybane |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
260 |
McGough |
Arthur |
Garrybane |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
261 |
McGough |
Peter |
Garrybane |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
262 |
McGough |
Owen |
Keenogbane |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
263 |
McGough |
Owen |
Keenogduff |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
264 |
McGough |
Phil' (Patrick?) |
Latton |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
265 |
McGeough |
John |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
266 |
McGeough |
John |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
267 |
McGeough |
John |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
268 |
McGeough |
John |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
269 |
McGeough |
Terence |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
270 |
McGough |
James |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
271 |
McGough |
James Sr. |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
272 |
McGough |
John |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
273 |
McGough |
John |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
274 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Lisgillan |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
275 |
McGeogh |
Francis |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
276 |
McGeogh |
James |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
277 |
McGeogh |
John |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
278 |
McGeogh |
Mary |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
279 |
McGeogh |
Michael |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
280 |
McGeogh |
Owen |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
281 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
282 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
283 |
McGough |
Elizabeth |
Lisinisky |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
284 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Moylemuck |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
285 |
McGough |
William |
Moylemuck |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
286 |
McGough |
William |
Moylemuck |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
287 |
McGeough |
John |
Mullanagore |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
288 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Mullanagore |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
289 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Mullananalt |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
290 |
McGough |
Peter |
Shantonagh |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Shantony |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
291 |
McGough |
John |
Tamlat |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
292 |
McGough |
Rose |
Tamlat |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
293 |
McGough |
Anne |
Tievaleny |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
294 |
McGough |
Mary |
Tievaleny |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
295 |
McGough |
Margaret |
Tooa |
Aghnamullen |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
296 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Ballybay, Town of |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
297 |
McGeogh |
James |
Corfad |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
298 |
McGeogh |
James |
Corkeeran |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
299 |
McGeogh |
James |
Drumar |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
300 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Drumgrole |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
301 |
McGeogh |
Edward |
Laragh |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
302 |
McGeogh |
Francis |
Laragh |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
303 |
McGough |
Edward |
Laragh |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
304 |
McGough |
Hugh |
Laragh |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
McGough |
Patt |
Laragh |
Ballybay |
Monaghan |
T |
1829 |
305 |
McGeogh |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1830 |
306 |
McGough |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1830 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Owen |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
307 |
McGeough |
Bryan |
Annayalla |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
308 |
McGeough |
John |
Clerran |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
309 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Clerran |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
310 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Clerran |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
311 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Cornalough |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
312 |
McGough |
Mary |
Cornalough |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
313 |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Doosky |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
314 |
McGeough |
John |
Dromore |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
315 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Dromore |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
316 |
open |
317 |
McGeough |
Bernard |
Drumbeo |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
318 |
McGeough |
Bernard Jr. |
Drumbeo |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
319 |
open |
320 |
McGeough |
Bridget |
Drumbeo |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
321 |
McGeough |
Bryan |
Drumbeo |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
322 |
McGeough |
Francis |
Drumbeo |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
323 |
McGeough |
Patrick Jr. |
Drumbeo |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
324 |
McGeogh |
Andrew |
Drumgristin |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
325 |
McGeough |
Andrew |
Drumgristin |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
326 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Formil |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
327 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Formil |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
328 |
McGough |
Mary |
Formil |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
329 |
McGeough |
John |
Lisglassan |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
330 |
McGeough |
Judith |
Lisglassan |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
331 |
McGeough |
Andrew |
Mullaghanee |
Clontibret |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
332 |
McGogh |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1826 |
333 |
McGeogh |
Peter |
Belderg |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
334 |
McGeogh |
James |
Cornacreeve |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
335 |
McGeogh |
Bridget |
Emyvale, Town of (or Scarnageeragh) |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
336 |
McGeogh |
Michael |
Emyvale, Town of (or Scarnageeragh) |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
337 |
McGeogh |
Myles |
Emyvale, Town of |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
338 |
McGeogh |
Owen |
Emyvale, Town of (or Scarnageeragh) |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
AC |
McGough |
Peter |
Glaslough |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
T |
1833 |
339 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Glaslough |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
340 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Knockronaghan |
Donagh |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
McGeough |
Hugh |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Terence |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGough |
John |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
341 |
McGough |
Owen |
Aghnafarcan |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
342 |
McGough |
Terence |
Aghnafarcan |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
343 |
McGough |
Anne |
Cashlan West |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
344 |
McGeough |
Denis |
Corcullioncrew |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
345 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Corcullionglish |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
346 |
McGough |
Michael |
Cornasleeve |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
347 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Corrinshigah |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Corrinshigah (Cope) and Corcullionglish |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumdreeny |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
348 |
McGough |
Catherine |
Drumlandrick |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
349 |
McGeough |
James |
Keeneraboy |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
350 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Keeneraboy |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
351 |
McGough |
James |
Keeneraboy |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
352 |
McGough |
John |
Keeneraboy |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
353 |
McGeough |
Denis |
Kilmurry |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
354 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Kilmurry |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
355 |
McGeough |
Henry |
Kilnacranfy |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
356 |
McGough |
Bridget |
Kilnacranfy |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
357 |
McGough |
Bridget |
Knockreagh Lower |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
358 |
McGough |
James |
Knockreagh Lower |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
359 |
McGough |
Michael |
Knockreagh Lower |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
360 |
McGough |
Peter |
Knockreagh Lower |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
361 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Knockreagh Upper |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
362 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Knockreagh Upper |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
363 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Monyglen |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
364 |
McGeogh |
Patrick |
Mullaghunshinagh |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
365 |
McGough |
Francis |
Mullaghunshinagh |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
366 |
McGough |
Patrick Jr. |
Mullaghunshinagh |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
367 |
McGough |
Patrick Sr. |
Mullaghunshinagh |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
368 |
McGeogh |
Owen |
Shancobane |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
369 |
McGough |
James |
Shancobane |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
370 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Shancobane |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
371 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Shancobane |
Donaghmoyne |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Terence |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
372 |
McGough |
Terrance |
Annaghybane |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
373 |
McGough |
Bernard |
Coolkill East |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
374 |
McGough |
Owen |
Corravacan |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
G |
1858 |
AC |
McGough |
Patrick |
Enagh |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
AC |
McGough |
Phillip |
Magheraharny |
Ematris |
Monaghan |
T |
1830 |
375 |
McGeough |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1826 |
McGeough |
Richard |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
376 |
McGeough |
Bryan |
Aghamackalinn |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
McGough |
Bryan |
Aghamackalinn |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
377 |
McGeogh |
John |
Annagh |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
378 |
McGeogh |
John |
Annagh |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
379 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Ballynahone |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
380 |
McGeogh |
Catherine |
Killybrone |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
381 |
McGeogh |
John |
Kilnageer |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
382 |
McGeogh |
Bernard |
Mullaghselsana |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
383 |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Mullaghselsana |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
AC |
McGeogh |
Bryan |
Ralaghan |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
384 |
McGeogh |
James |
Ralaghan |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
385 |
McGeough |
James |
Ralaghan |
Errigal Trough |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
McGeough |
Edward |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Laurence |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Matthew |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
386 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Ballakelly |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
387 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Candlefort |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
388 |
McGough |
Arthur (widow) |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
389 |
McGough |
Eau ? (Hugh?) |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
390 |
McGough |
James |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
391 |
McGough |
James |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
392 |
McGough |
Laurence |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
393 |
McGough |
Matthew |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
394 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
395 |
McGough |
Peter |
Cornagarvoge |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
396 |
McGough |
James |
Drumcah |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
397 |
open |
398 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumcah |
Inishkeen |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
399 |
McGeogh |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
Hi-T |
1824 |
McGeough |
Catherine |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
400 |
McGeogh |
Bridget |
Coolaha |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
401 |
McGeogh |
Edward |
Coolaha |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
402 |
McGough |
Bryan |
Coolaha (& Coolremony) |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
403 |
McGough |
Colum Sr. |
Coolaha (& Coolremony) |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
AC |
McGough |
Edward, Sr. |
Coolaha (& Coolremony) |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
404 |
McGeogh |
Mary |
Coolreagh |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
405 |
McGough |
Catherine |
Coolreagh |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
406 |
McGough |
Michael |
Coolreagh |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
431 |
McGough |
Michael |
Coolreagh (Corcreeghagh?) |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
G |
1854 |
407 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Coolreagh |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
408 |
McGough |
Bryan |
Coolremony (& Coolaha) |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
409 |
McGough |
Colum Sr. |
Coolremony (& Coolaha) |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
These lines cover townlands
in the county of Louth and will be found above after line 131: lines 410–418
covering the townlands of Corradoran and Drummard; lines 422–424,
covering the townland of Killanny; and lines 427–430 covering the
townland of Tullyraine. |
419 |
McGough |
Anthony |
Drumhasket |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
420 |
McGough |
Francis |
Drumhasket |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
421 |
McGough |
Mary (widow) |
Drumhasket |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
AC |
McGough |
Henry |
Lisnashannaugh |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
T |
1824 |
425 |
McGeogh |
Catherine |
Kinallyduff |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
426 |
McGeogh |
Peter |
Tullynaskeagh East |
Killanny |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
432 |
McGeogh |
Killeevan |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1825 |
433 |
McGeogh |
James |
Killyfuddy |
Killeevan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
434 |
McGu |
James |
Aghinillard |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
AC |
McGough |
Miles |
Ballaghnagearn |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1821 |
435 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Crumlin |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
436 |
McGeo |
Far'd |
Derrynaglah |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
437 |
McGeo |
Michael |
Derrynaglah |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
438 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Drumboory |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
AC |
McGough |
Miles |
Drumcarrow |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
T |
1821 |
439 |
McGeogh |
Myles |
Drumcarrow |
Magheracloone |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
440 |
McGough |
James |
Farahy & Conory |
Magheross |
Monaghan |
T |
1823 |
441 |
McGeough |
Andrew |
Monaghan, Town of (?) |
Monaghan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
442 |
McGeough |
Art |
Moyles |
Monaghan |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
443 |
McGeough |
Bernard |
Moyles |
Monaghan |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
444 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Moyles |
Monaghan |
Monaghan |
T |
1826 |
AC |
McGeough |
Andrew |
Roosky |
Monaghan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
445 |
McGeough |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1827 |
McGeough |
Francis |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Francis, Jr. |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
flax |
1796 |
446 |
McGeough |
James |
Aghnadamph |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
447 |
McGeough |
Peter |
Aghnadamph |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
448 |
McGough |
Michael |
Aghnadamph |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
449 |
McGough |
Felix |
Drumakill |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
AC |
McGough |
Peter |
Drumakill |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1825 |
450 |
McGough |
Peter |
Drumakill |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
451 |
McGough |
John |
Drumaliss |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
452 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Formil |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
453 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Formil |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
454 |
McGough |
John |
Formil |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
455 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Formil |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
456 |
McGough |
Peter |
Formil |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
457 |
McGeough |
Francis |
Liseenan |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
AC |
McGough |
Josh |
Liseenan |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1825 |
AC |
McGough |
Ed |
Lurganmore |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1825 |
458 |
McGough |
Joseph |
Lurganmore |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
459 |
McGough |
Peter |
Lurganmore |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
460 |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
461 |
McGeough |
Bridget |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
462 |
McGeough |
John |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
463 |
McGeough |
Michael |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
464 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
465 |
McGeough |
Terence |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
466 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
G |
1861 |
467 |
McGough |
A.W. |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
468 |
McGough |
Arthur |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
469 |
McGough |
Arthur |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
470 |
McGough |
Bernard |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
471 |
McGough |
Brien |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
472 |
McGough |
Ed |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
473 |
McGough |
John |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
474 |
McGough |
Michael |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
475 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
476 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
477 |
McGough |
Terry |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
478 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Oram |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
479 |
McGough |
John |
Tullycollive |
Muckno |
Monaghan |
T |
1827 |
480 |
McGeogh |
Tedavnet |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1825 |
481 |
Mageogh |
Peter |
Corblonog |
Tedavnet |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
482 |
McGeogh |
Thomas |
Derrycrossan |
Tedavnet |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
483 |
McGeough |
James |
Alkill |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
484 |
McGeough |
Edward |
Carrowkeel |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
485 |
McGeough |
Nicholas |
Carrowkeel |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
McGoghey |
Bernard |
Carrowkeel |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
T |
1832 |
486 |
McGough |
Nicholas |
Carrowkeel |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
487 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Carrowkeel |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
488 |
McGough |
Rose |
Carrowkeel |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
489 |
McGough |
Nicholas |
Gibraltar |
Tehallan |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
490 |
McGough |
Tullycorbet |
Monaghan |
HI-T |
1834 |
491 |
McGeogh |
Anne |
Drumroosk |
Tullycorbet |
Monaghan |
G |
1860 |
AC |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Legacurry |
Tullycorbett |
Monaghan |
T |
1834 |
AC |
McGough |
John |
Ballycarroll |
Kilteale |
Queen's |
T |
1895? |
McGough |
Terence |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
flax |
1796 |
McGough |
William |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
flax |
1796 |
CD |
McGough |
Hugh |
Culligan |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
CD |
McGough |
Terence |
Culligan |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
CD |
McGough |
William |
Culligan |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
CD |
McGough |
Eleanor |
Cronghill |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
CD |
McGough |
Hugh |
Derrykintone |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
CD |
McGough |
William |
Derrykintone |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
492 |
McGough |
Bryan |
Edenageeragh |
Aghaloo |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
493 |
McGough |
Patrick |
Derrycush (T/Aughnacloy) |
Carnteel |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGoghey |
Andrew |
Caldrum |
Clogher |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
CD |
McGoghey |
John |
Caldrum |
Clogher |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
494 |
McGough |
Thomas |
Carrycastle |
Clonfeacle |
Tyrone |
T |
1833 |
495 |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Carrycastle |
Clonfeacle |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
496 |
McGeough |
Bridget |
Drumnashaloge |
Clonfeacle |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
Megeough |
Arthur |
Clonfeacle |
Tyrone |
flax |
1796 |
McGeough |
Fras |
Culreagh |
Derryloran |
Tyrone |
census |
1766 |
McGeough |
Robert |
Culreagh |
Derryloran |
Tyrone |
census |
1766 |
498 |
McGeough |
John |
Cookstown, Town of |
Derryloran |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
499 |
McGeough |
Mar |
Cookstown, Town of |
Derryloran |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
497 |
McGeough |
Robert |
Cookstown, Town of |
Derryloran |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
AC |
McGeough |
John |
Loy |
Derryloran |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
500 |
McGeough |
Desertcreat |
Tyrone |
HI-T |
1825 |
AC |
McGeough |
Andrew (?) |
Lime Hill |
Desertcreat |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
501 |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Lime Hill |
Desertcreat |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
503 |
McGough |
John |
Agharonan |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
502 |
McGough |
Art. |
Derrybard |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGough |
Edward |
Derrybard |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGough |
James |
Derrybard |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGough |
Patt. |
Derrybard |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
504 |
McGough |
Owen |
Fintona, Town of |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGough |
Bryan |
Raneese |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGough |
Owen |
Raneese |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGough |
Pat. |
Raneese |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGough |
Shane |
Raneese |
Donacavey |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
505 |
McGeough |
James |
Killymurphy |
Donaghenry |
Tyrone |
T |
1828 |
506 |
McGeough |
John |
Boyd's Farm |
Donaghenry |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGoagh |
Daniel |
Derryhoar |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
McGoughy |
Charles |
Cullenramer |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
McGoughy |
Denis |
Cullenramer |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
McGoughy |
James |
Cullenramer |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
McGoughy |
Thomas |
Cullenramer |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGoagh |
Terence |
Derryalskea |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
CD |
McGoagh |
Felix |
Killygavanagh |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
507 |
McGeough |
Felix |
Killygavanagh |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
508 |
McGough |
Felix |
Killygavanagh |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
CD |
McGoagh |
Patrick |
Lisgallon |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
CD |
McGoagh |
Patrick |
Tulleyallan |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
CD |
McGoruphy |
Stephen |
Tulleynure |
Donaghmore |
Tyrone |
T |
1826 |
509 |
McGeogh |
Mary |
Drumcoo (T/Dungannon) |
Drumglass |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
AC |
McGeogh |
Michael |
Drumcoo (T/Dungannon) |
Drumglass |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
510 |
McGeogh |
Peter |
Drumcoo (T/Dungannon) |
Drumglass |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGeoghey |
Hugh |
Errigal |
Errigal Keerogue |
Tyrone |
T |
1833 |
CD |
McGoghey |
Hugh |
Errigal |
Errigal Keerogue |
Tyrone |
T |
1832 |
511 |
McGeough |
Patrick |
Fasglashagh |
Killeeshil |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
512 |
McGeough |
William |
Cohannon |
Killyman |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
LLonly |
Bond |
Walter M'g |
Derrygally Demesne |
Killyman |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGeugh |
Robert |
Dunmore |
Lissan |
Tyrone |
T |
1827 |
CD |
McGeough |
Rev. [James?] |
Killybasky |
Lissan |
Tyrone [Actually in Derry] |
T |
1827 |
514 |
McGeough |
Arthur |
Cavanakeeran |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
515 |
McGeough |
William |
Cavanakeeran |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGough |
Arthur |
Cavanakeeran |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
CD |
McGough |
Hugh |
Cavanakeeran |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
CD |
McGough |
William |
Cavanakeeran |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
McGoughy |
Patrick |
Cornamaddy |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
516 |
McGeough |
John |
Killey |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
McGoughy |
Bernard |
Kilmore |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
513 |
McGeough |
Francis |
Shanmaghry |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
CD |
McGeough |
Michael |
Shanmaghry |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
CD |
McGeough |
Thomas |
Shanmaghry |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
CD |
McGough |
Daniel |
Shanmaghry |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
517 |
McGough |
Francis |
Shanmaghry |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
518 |
McGough |
John |
Shanmaghry |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGough |
Patt. |
Tullnagall |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
CD |
McGough |
Thos. |
Tullnagall |
Pomeroy |
Tyrone |
T |
1829 |
519 |
McGeough |
Bernard |
Carrickmore |
Termonmaguirk |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
520 |
McGough |
Francis |
Carrickmore |
Termonmaguirk |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
521 |
McGough |
Francis |
Tonegan |
Termonmaguirk |
Tyrone |
G |
1860 |
CD |
McGough |
Peter |
Drumlester |
Termonmaguirk |
Tyrone |
T |
1825 |
522 |
McGough |
Mary |
Duncannon, Town of |
St. James |
Wexford |
G |
1853 |
Mague |
Eliz |
Ballintombay Upper |
Knockrath |
Wicklow |
G |
1854 |
523 |
McGough |
Mary |
Bray, Town of |
Bray |
Wicklow |
G |
1854 |
Irish Ancestors, a genealogical
site published by The Irish Times, provides searchable listings for McGeogh,
McGeough, McGoff, McGough, and Mag Eochadha, among other forms of the name.
The distribution of the names in each county in Ireland is given, usually from
Griffith's Valuation.