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Kings of Ulster—to Colla da Chrioch |
This page presents a table of the Kings of Ulster up to the conquest and division
of Ulster by Colla da Chrioch in 331 A.D. When a king of all Ireland is part
of the immediate pedigree of a king of Ulster, that over-king is included in
this table with a cross reference to my table of Irish
For a comparable list by David Hughes, go to: Ulster Kings.
One purpose of this table is the same as a reason for creation of my tables of Irish Kings—to provide a list of the various spellings of the names of the kings to facilitate the use of computer search engines. One disadvantage of computerized searches over the old-fashioned printed index of names is that the computerized search will produce good results only if the name, or name fragment, is spelled precisely as it appears in the text being searched. There is no easy way to find spellings that are different, but probably a form of the name being sought.
The customs of translating the spelling of Gaelic names to English have changed since the 19th century. For example, the modern custom is to insert an h after an aspirated consonant. Eddie Geoghegan, on his web page The Irish Language Old and New, says that the use of an "h" modifier to indicate an aspirated consonant is "very modern." He says that, even when he was in school, the old system of using a "buailte" (pronounced boo-ill-che) was still in use; that is, the placement of a single dot above the letter to be aspirated. This helps to explain why the English spellings of the names of the kings of Ulster in John O'Hart's table in his 1875 publication, Irish Pedigrees; The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, are so different from the spellings in the modern English translations of the Annals of the Four Masters and the Annals of Ulster published by University College Cork in its Celt Corpus of Electronic Texts.
In the table below, I try to list first a spelling of the name used in the electronic edition of the Annals of the Four Masters. The Annals themselves often use different spellings for the same name. Some of the alternative spellings are listed in a separate column.
There are many problems in the translation and searching for names in the Irish language that are beyond my expertise. For example, the Genealogies from Rawlinson B 502 is generally regarded as a Gaelic text. Most of the text is in Old and Middle Irish, but there are many Latin words and formulaic expressions. A significant portion of the genealogies, especially the earlier ones, are in Latin. Before beginning a computerized word search of that electronic text, I suggest a review of the Background details and bibliographic information compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin and published by University College Cork. My three years of high school Latin, and, believe it or not, a brief exposure to the Gaelic language in the seventh grade from Sister Moira Noreen, a wonderful Irish lady of the Holy Names nuns, do not qualify me to interpret the sources I have examined—even with reference to Gaelic and Latin dictionaries available on line. (See Links.)
Also on line are the Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories (in Latin) and The Keating Genealogies (in English), both published on the website of the Clann McLaughlin Society. In Laud 610, pedigrees under Itim Sil Fergusa and Senchus sil hIr in so are a valuable help in interpreting the table below, and I often refer to these two sources in the table. This part of Laud 610 seems to be the primary source of John O'Hart's list of the kings of Ulster.
A Composite List of the Kings of Ulster will be found on the web page Kings of Uladh, part of Ireland's History in Maps. The first spelling of the names of kings in my table is usually different. For example, the first two kings of Ulster listed on that page are "Éber Donn, son of Ír, son of Miled Espaine, King of Ulster" and "hEbric m. Éber Donn." I list these same two kings in my table below as Eamhear and Eibhric. Also, by combining the sources mentioned above, I have been able to make my table more complete, and establish a slightly different chronology of the kings. I am indebted, however, to the Ireland's History in Maps website for much of the information in these tables. See also Cruithne—Celtic Kingdoms.
One other difference between my table and that in the Ireland's History in Maps is that I include Conchobhar Mac Nessa, Ulster's most famous king (and O'Hart's number 20). The exclusion doubtless expresses the compilers' opinion that Connor Mac Nessa is a purely mythological character. He does appear, however, in at least one of the genealogies, and there seems to be enough facts behind the myths to support his inclusion in a table of Ulster kings.
Several sons of Milidh, king of Spain, invaded Ireland. The three sons who left issue were Emher (Heber), Heremon (Eremon), and Ir. Heber and Heremon (Emher and Eremon) ruled jointly as the first Milesian kings of Ireland. Irish Kings #1 and 2. Ir died while the invading ships were still at sea when the oar that was in the hand split and he fell backwards across the thwart and broke his back. He died on the following night. The Book of Invasions (The Lebor Gabala Erren. This text, from The Book of Leinster).
Ir had a son Emhear (Eber), who was also a leader of the invasion. He was among those who successfully landed in Ireland. Emhear had three sons, grandons of Ir: Cearmna Finn, Sobhairce, and Eibhric (Ebric). Cearmna Finn and Sobhairce served jointly as kings of Ireland. Irish Kings #15 and 16. The Annals of the Four Masters record that, in the year of the world 3502, Eremhon divided Ireland, and gave the province of Ulster to Emhear, the son of Ir.
In 331 A.D., the three Collas and their army conquered Ulster and burned the capital city of Emain Macha, now Navan Fort. Colla da Chrioch became king of the western and central part of Ulster. He ruled over the kingdom of Orghialla, anglicized as Oriel, with a capital at Clogher. Colla da Chrioch was one of the three sons of Eochaidh Dublein who were known as the three Collas. Eochaidh Dublein was the brother of Cairbre Liffeachair, Irish Kings #117. See the "Background on the Three Collas" on the Kingdom of Arghialla web page of Ireland's History in Maps. The old rulers of Ulster were pushed to the east to a much smaller kingdon of Ulidia, which comprised counties Down and Antrim. I have continued this list of kings with a table of the Kings of Ulidia. More details are given in Place-Names of Northern Ireland, Volume Three, County Down III, The Mournes, in the introduction at page xix:
"The Ulaid were once the most powerful tribal group in in the north of Ireland and it is from them the province of Ulster derives its name. . . . However, in the 4th and 5th centuries they were driven eastwards into the modern counties of Antrim and Down under pressure from the Ui Neill and the Airgialla. In the south the new boundary between the Ulaid and the Airgialla may have been marked by the erection of the Danes' Cast along the marshes between the northern limit of the Newry River and the ford of the Bann at Banbridge. Of the chief Ulaid tribes, Ui Echach Coba were located along this borderland and Dal nAraide east of Lough Neagh and the lower Bann. A third tribe, Dal Fiatach, the 'true Ulaid', settled in Lecale and in the vicinity of Strangford Lough. Their capital at Dun da Lethglas (modern Downpatrick) was to become an important ecclesiastical centre. Other less important kingdoms within the reduced Ulster were the Conaille Muirthemne in north Louth (the Cooley peninsula) and Dal Riata in the Glens of Antrim.
"From the sixth to tenth centuries the kingship of Ulaid was shared by the Dal Fiatach, Dal nAraide and Ui Echach Coba, but in the 8th century the Dal Fiatach extended their influence northward over the area east of Lough Neagh. After the Anglo-Norman invasion the whole area east of the Upper and Lower Bann became the feudal Earldom of Ulster. However, the influence of the local Dal Fiatach church was increased in 1186 when the Norman knight John de Courcy transferred the relics of three of the greatest Irish saints, Patrick, Brigid and Columcille, to Downpatrick cathedral. The diocese of Down, the boundaries of which were settled in the 12th century, was centred on this famous church and stretched as far north as the contemporary territorial limits of Dal Fiatach, though limited on the west by the Ui Echach diocese of Dromore. Through their ruling family of Mac Duinnshleibhe (MacDonlevy) Dal Fiatach retained some power as 'king of the Irish of Ulidia' (rex Hibernicorum Ulidiae) until the 13th century, though after their extinction, the Gaelic title of ri Ulad, or 'king of Ulster' (the province of Ulaid), was claimed by the expanding O'Neills of Cenel nEogain to the west."
For another part of this article, see my web page on the Ui Eathach Cobha in County Down.
The table is divided into eight columns:
1. A number assigned by John O'Hart in his table of the kings of Ulster. If no number appears in this column, the king or person named does not appear in O'Hart's table. If other sources show that O'Hart's chronology is wrong, I have changed his order of the kings, but have not changed his numbers. In the same column, "A" stand for Dal nAraidhe; "F" stands for Dal Fiatach.
2. The name of the king. If I have found the name in the electronic edition of the Annals of the Four Masters, I use a form found there. If not, I use a form from the Annals of Ulster. If the name appears in neither place, I use the name as it appears in the English translation of Keating's Genealogies.
3. A selection of years in the Annals of the Four Masters (M) or Annals of Ulster (U) where the name is referenced. Some of the years in which a person is mentioned may be outside his own lifetime; for example, the person is named as a father of his son. The years before the birth of Christ are shown as a "year of the world" as used in the Annals of the Four Masters. Christ was born in the "year of the world" 5200, which is also the year 1 A.D. So to convert a year of the world to "B.C.," subtract the year of the world from 5200. For example, the year of the world 4500 is 700 B.C. (5200 – 4500 = 700). Keating's Genealogies give some of the lengths of reign of various kings. If that information is available, I include it in brackets in this column.
4. Other spellings of the king's name found on the Net or in other sources. The first spelling is the spelling given by John O'Hart in his tables of kings. If that name is spelled the same as the name in the second column, we have a relatively rare instance of the use of the same spelling by O'Hart and the digital edition of the Annals of the Four Masters. If a name appears in this column and the second column is blank, the person named is in the pedigree of the kings, but I have found no reference in the Annals that describes him as a king. Beginning with the entry for Fiatach Finn, #25, you will find in italics portions of the Genelach .H. Dhuinn Shlebhe from O'Clery's Book of Genealogies. This genealogy provides a convenient device to tie together the various tables in this website.
5. Notes from the Annals of the Four Masters or other sources. If the Annals give a partial pedigree, that information usually appears in this column. Other comments are inserted here.
6 and 7. These columns contain pedigrees, or snippets of pedigrees, from various sources. The major sources, but not all the sources, are in the headings of the columns. If there is a continuation of names from one cell to the cell above or below, those names will usually be a continuation of the same pedigree. One eccentricity of mine should be noted as to continuous pedigrees. I place the "m. Airtri" as the same line as Airtri, although logically it should appear after the name of Airtri's son, since the m. is an abbreviation for mac or mc, son of. Part of the purpose of this column is to illustrate that some pedigrees omit the names of one or more generations.
8. If there is a reference number, such as SS#9072, the reference is to the Stevens/Southworth/Medieval Database on World Connect. This data base enables the user to follow some of the split-offs of succeeding generations into different lines, back track to earlier lines, and the like, and is fun to use. Use "Advanced Search" and enter the name only as a given name. I also use this column to store snippets of pedigrees.
I have not given a reference to all the sources I have used for partial pedigrees, but all the unreferenced sources are on the internet. A great source of information is the website of the Clan McLaughlin. John D. McLaughlin of St. Louis has put together a cornucopia of Irish genealogies, including the first part of The O'Clery Book of Genealogies (with more coming), the Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories, the Keating Genealogies, and O'Dugan's Topographical Poems (The Topographical Poems of John O'Dubhagain and Giolla Na Naomh O'Duidhrin, edited by John O'Donovan, 1862). If two or three of the key names, with the spellings I use, are plugged into a search engine, a reference to the source will usually be found.
O'H # |
Name of King | Annals | Other spellings /Other persons in genealogy | Comments and Notes | Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories, under Itim Sil Fergusa | Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories, under Senchus sil hIr in so. |
(David Hughes) |
Stevens Southworth Reference Number |
Emhear |
M3502, M3843.1 | Ebric, Ebhar Eber, Ebir, Eber Donn | Son of Ir. Not to be confused with his uncle, also known as Emhear. I list the uncle as Emher under Irish Kings #1. | Some pedigrees show "m. Airt m. Ebir m. hIr", but in the same material there is an "Ebrecc mac Ebir." See Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories under Senchus sil hIr in so. | ||||
Eibhric |
M3843.1 | Ebrecc | Son of Eamhear, son of Ir. | m. Eibricc | m. Ebir | |||
Airtri |
M3843.1 | Artri, Airt | Son of Eibhric. | m. Airt | m. Airt | |||
Sedna |
M3842.1 M3843.1, M3847.1 | Irish Kings #23. Son of Airtri (some sources say grandson). | m. Setna | m. Setna | ||||
Fiacha Finscothach (Fiachu Finscothach MacSetna aka Fiacha Fionn Scothach; 24th Monarch of Ireland) |
M3847.1, M3848, M3867.1, M3942.1 | Fiacha Finscothach | Irish Kings #24. Son of Sedna. He died of the plague in Magh Inis, in Uladh (Ulster). | m. Fiachach Findamnais | mac Fiachach | |||
Eochaidh Ollamh Fodhla (Ollaman Fotla MacFiachich aka Eochaidh; 27th Monarch of Ireland) |
M3882.1, M3883.1, M3922.1, M3922.2, M3922.3 | Eochaidh Ollaman Fotla | Irish Kings #27. Son of Fiacha Finscothach. His given name was Eochaidh. M3922.3. The Annals credit Eochaidh Ollamh Fodla with introducing provincial chiefs. After having been forty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he died at his own mur house at Teamhair (Tara). He was succeeded as king of Ireland by three of his sons, Finnachta, Slanoll, and Gedhe Ollghothach (Irish Kings #28, 29 and 30.) | m. Ollaman | ||||
Cairpre |
1247 B.C. | Cairpri | Son of Ollamh Fodhla. | m. Corpri Condilig | m. Cairpri | [Laud 610—Cairpri m. Ollaman] | ||
Labraid Condilg |
Not on O'Hart's list. [Laud 610—Labrada m. Corpri Condilig m. Fiachach Findamnais m. Setna Airt m. Eibricc m. hIr no Ebir Duind m. Miled Espane.] | m. Labrada | m. Labrada | |||||
Ailill | Ailill rex | Son of Bearnghal [Irish Kings #32], son of Fiacha Finnailches [Irish Kings #31], son of Gedhe Ollghothach [Irish Kings #30], the third son of Ollamh Fodhla [Irish Kings #27] who became a king of all Ireland. [Laud—610] At about this time, Sirna [Irish Kings #34] wrested the government of Tara from the people of Ulster. "M4020.1 Sirna ... wrested the government of Teamhair Tara from the Ulta, i.e. the race of Ir. It was he, too, that revenged upon them the death of Roitheachtaigh mac Main, whom they had slain at Cruachain; so that Bearnghal, son of Gedhe Ollghothach, and Oilioll, son of Slanoll, fell by him." | ||||||
Blath |
M4329.1 | Bratha, Blatha | m. Blatho | m. Blatha | ||||
Finn |
M4249.1, M4270.1 | Find mac Blatha | Irish Kings #42. Son of Bratha, son of Labraidh, son of Cairbre, son of Ollam Fodla, son of Fiacha Finscothach. | m. FInd | ||||
Sirlamh (Sirlam (Siorlamhach) MacFinn) (Sirlamh Siorlamh); 49th Monarch of Ireland) |
M4329.1 | Sirlam | Irish Kings #49. Son of Finn, son of Bratha. | m. Sirlaim | m. Sirlaim | |||
Airgeatmhar |
M4415, M4422.1, M4423.1, M4452.1 | Argatmair, Argetmar | Irish Kings #58. Son Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of Bratha, son of Labraidh, son of Cairbre, son of Ollamh Fodhla. | m. Athatlaim | m. Argatmair | 01. Airgedmar (Argatmair), King of Ierne (100BC) | m. Argatmair | |
(Baduirn (father of 61st M : grandfather of Queen Macha Mongruadh 64th M) | M4469.1, M4470.1 | Badharn, Baduirn | Son of Airgeatmhar. | m. Badhuirnn | ||||
Aedh Ruadh | M4469.1, M4470.1, M4476.1, M4490.1 M4497.1 | Aed Ruad | Irish Kings #61. Son of Badharn [m. Baduirn ¶651], son of Airgeatmhar. | 01. Airgedmar (Argatmair), King of Ierne (100BC)
issue: (a) Aedh "Ruad" 02. Aedh "Ruad", King of Ierne (75/50BC) |
Aedh Ruad | |||
Cimbaeth | M4476.1, M4483.1, M4484.1, M4490.1, M4504.1, M4505.1, M4511.1, M4525.1, M4526.1 | Irish Kings #63. Son of Fintan, son of Airgeatmhar. | ||||||
Cimbaeth—with Macha, daughter of Aedh Ruadh, as his Queen. | M4532.1, M4533.1, M4539.1 | Kimbathus—Macha Mongruadh [Mongrus] | "M4539.1 Cimbaeth, son of Fintan, having been seven years in the sovereignty of Ireland, after he had been taken to her as husband by Macha, died at Eamhain Macha. This Cimbaeth was the first king of Eamhain." Eamhain Macha is Navan Fort, about two miles west of the modern city of Armagh. Macha is credited with having founded the city. See M4532.1. "She [Macha] afterwards proceeded alone into Connaught, and brought the sons of Dithorba with her in fetters to Ulster, by virtue of her strength, and placed them in great servitude, until they should erect the fort of Eamhain, that it might always be the chief city of Uladh Ulster." | |||||
1 | Macha, the Queen | M4532.1, M4533.1, M4539.1, M4540.1, M4546.1 | Macha Mongruadh, Mongrus | Irish Kings #64. Daughter of Aedh Ruadh. See The Founding of Emain Macha. | ||||
m. Fomair | m. Fomoir | |||||||
2 | Achaius Eolach | Achaius Eolac | Son of Feig, son of Fomorius. | Achaius Eolach m. Feig m. Fomhar m. Argatmáir ... m. Ollaman Fótla. | ||||
3 | Uamanchan | (Ruled 1 year) | Humanchenn | Son of Cas, son of Argatmáir ...five generations to Ollaman Fótla . [Laud 610—Humanchenn m. Cais m. Argetmair] | [Laud 610—Humanchenn m. Cais m. Argetmair} | |||
4 | Connor | (Ruled 30 years) | Conchubur | Son of Cathir, son of Coranus | [Laud 610—Conchubur rot m. Cathair] | |||
5 | Fiachna |
(Ruled 16 years) | Son of Felim, son of Uamanchan "Fiachna m. Felim m. Uamanchan m. Cas m. Argatmáir ...m. Ollaman Fótla." | [Laud 610—Fiachna m. Fedlimthe Mac hUamanchind] | ||||
6 | Daire |
(Ruled 71 years) | Darius, Dare | Son of Forgo, son of Felim "Daire m. Forgo m. Felim m. Uamanchan ...m. Ollaman Fótla." [Laud 610—Dare m. Forgo m. Fedlimthe] | 08. Daire | [Laud 610—Dare m. Forgo m. Fedlimthe} | ||
7 | Ennius | (Rule 5 years) | Enna | Son of Rocha, son of Felim "Ennius m. Rocha m. Felim m. Uamanchan ...m. Ollaman Fótla." | [Laud 610—Enna m. Rochai m. Fedlimthe] | |||
8 | Finneadh | (Ruled 2 years) | Findchad | Son of Bacceadh, son of Darius "Finneadh m. Baccheadh m. Daire m. Forgo ...Ollaman Fótla" | [Laud 610—Findchad m. Beccedo m. Dare] | |||
9 | Connor Maol | (Ruled 12 years) | Conchubur Mael, Conchobur Mael | Son of Fortha, son of Forgo. Connor Maol m. Fortha m. Forgo ...m. Ollaman Fótla." |
[Laud 610—Conchobur Mael m. Fortathi m. Forgo] | |||
Dubh | M4981.1 | Dub | m. Duib | m. Duib | m. Duib | |||
M4911.1 | Sithrighe | m. Sithrithe | mac Sirthi | m. Sithri | ||||
10 | Ruadhraighe |
M4911.1, M4912.1, M4981.1 (Ruled 70 years) | Rudraige, Rodricus Magnus, Rory Mor | Irish Kings #86. Son of Sithrighe, son of Dubh, son of Fomhor, son of Airgeatmar. [Rudraige mc Sittride m. Duib m. Fhomuir m. Argatmáir ¶671] | m. Rudraigi | Rudraige | [Laud 610— Rudraigi m. Sithri m. Duib] | |
11 | Cormac |
(Ruled 27 years) | Cormac Laithig | Cormac [m. Lathi?] m. Connor Maol m. Fortha m. Forgo ... m. Ollaman Fótla "Conchobar was responsible for defection of Fergus and 3000 other warriors, including his own son, Cormac, when he had the sons of Usna put to death." O'Hart: "Cormac, son of Lathy, son of Connor Maol." | [Laud 610— Cormac Laithig m. Conchobuir Mail] | |||
12 | Mochta | (Ruled 3 years) | Mocta | Son of Morchai | [Laud 610— Mocta m. Murchaid] | |||
13 | Ennius | (Ruled 3 years) | Enna | Son of Darius, son Connor Maol "Ennius m. Daire m. Connor Mael m. Fortha m. Forgo ...m. Ollaman Fótla." | [Laud 610— Enna m. Dare m. Conchobuir] | |||
14 | Achaius | Son of Lathy | Achaius m. Lathi ...m. Ollaman Fótla | |||||
Rossa Ruadh (Ros Ruadh MacRudraigi, King of Uladh (Ulster); father of Monarch of Ireland) |
Ros Ruadh, Ross the Red, Roich. | Son of Rudruighe. A descendant of Ollam Fodhla. [Rudraige mac Sirthi m. Duib m. Fomoir m. Argatmair m. Sirlaim m. FInd m. Blatha m. Labrada m. Cairpri m. Ollaman. Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories under Senchus sil hIr in so.] | m. Ros | m. Rosa. | ||||
Cionga. | Brother of Rossa Ruadh | m. Cingai | Congal m. Rudraige | |||||
Eochu Salbuide | (Ruled 30 years) | [Laud 610—Eochu Salbuide m. Lothair] | ||||||
15 | Breasal Boidhiobhadh | 4991–5001 (Ruled 12 years) | Bresal Bodibad, Bresal, son of Rodricus Magnus or Rory Mor. | Irish Kings #88. | Bresal Bodibad | [Laud 610— Bresal Bodibad m. Rudraige] | ||
16 | Congal Claroineach |
5017–5031 (Ruled 14 years) |
Congalius | Irish Kings #90. Brother of Breasal. Son of Rudhraighe. | X(425)X 01. Congal "Claringnech", reck'd 1st King of Ulster's medieval kingdom | [Laud 610—Congal m. Rudgraige] | ||
Cathbadh | m. Capi | |||||||
17 | Fachtna Fathach | (Ruled 30 years) | Fachtna | Irish Kings #92. Son of Rossa Ruadh. "Ross was married to Maga, daughter of Aengus Og. By Maga, Ross was the father of Fachtna, who was his successor.... Fachtna married Nessa, and become father of Conchobar" | m. Fachtniai | [Laud 610—Fachtna Fathach m. Cais m. Rudraige.] | ||
Cas | Son of Rossa, brother of Fachtna Fathach | m. Chaiss | [Cass, cuius filius Fachtna Fathach] | |||||
Fearghus | (Ruled 12 years) | Fergus | X(440)X 02. Fergus I "Fodhae" | [Laud 610—Fergus m. Lette m Rudgraige] | ||||
18 | Fearghus |
(Ruled 3 years) | Fergus mac Roich | "When his father died, Fergus Mac Roich, Conchobar's uncle was supposed to have succeeded the king. Fergus who was in love with his half-brother's widow, Nessa, was persuaded by her to allow her son to rule for at least one year. But Conchobar ruled Ulaid so well, that the people refused to let him step down from the throne after he ruled for a year. Fergus, who did not want the throne anyway, accepted his nephew as king. ... Fergus served as captain of the Red Branch, and with his teaching, he produced one of the finest fighting machines. Some of Fergus' finest pupils included Conall Cernach and Cu Chulainn, cousins to the king by marriage." O'Hart: "Son of Libde, son of Rodricus Magnus." | [Laud 610— Fergus m. Rosa m. Rudraige ] | |||
20 | Conchobar |
(Ruled 40 years) | Conchobar Mac Nessa, Connor | Son of Fachtna, grandson of Rossa Ruadh. Conchobar is called "the greatest king of Ulaid (Ulster)." O'Hart: "Connor, son of Fachna Fathach, the 92nd Monarch." "Conor MacNessa. A King of Ulster at Eamhain Macha in the 1st.century BC, his father was the druid Cathbad, and his mother Ness had become concubine to the previous king, Fergus mac Roich. This arrangement was based on a deal involving Conor becoming king for a year but, in the event, Fergus never regained his kingship.Conor was central to the story of Deirdre of The Sorrows. He died in 27BC, after a conflict with cattle raiders near the modern Highfield near Newtown Hamilton, Co.Armagh." | [Laud 610— Conchobor m. Fachtnai] | |||
21 | Cumscraid |
(Ruled 3 years) | Cusrach | O'Hart: "Cusrach, son of Macha." | [Laud 610— Cumscraid Mend Macha] | |||
22 | Gliasna |
(Ruled 9 years) | Glasny | O'Hart: "Glasny, son of Connor | [Laud 610— Gliasne m. Conchoboir] | |||
Aimhirgin Iarghiunach | m. Amargin | |||||||
Conall Cearnach, Congal Claringnech | Laud 610 lists ahead of Fachtna Fathach. | m. Conaill Cernaig | m. Conall Cernach | "Clanda Conaill Chernaig .i. Dal nAraide 7 Hi Echach Ulad" Laud 610. | ||||
23 A | Iarel Glunmar |
(Ruled 11 years) | Iriel Glunmhar, Irial Glunmar, Irail | Son of Conall Cernach. For a pedigree—and earlier kings—go to Kings of Uladh. Iriel Glunmhar is #69 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa (MacGuiness) published on The Keating Genealogies. | m. Irial Glunmair | m. Iarél Glúnmár | [Laud 610—Irial Glunmar m. Conaill Cernaig] | |
24 A | Fiachu Findamnas | (Ruled 20 years) | Fiacha Fionn Amhnais, Fiachaidh Fionnamhnas, Fiachu Findmas, Fiachach Findamnais | Son of Iarél Glúnmár. #24 on O'Hart's list of the Kings of Ulster, under the name Fiacha Fionn Amhnais, son of Iriel. Fiachaidh Fionnamhnas is #70 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. | m. Fiachach Findamnais | m. Fiachu Findamnas | [Laud 610—Fiachu Findmas m. Iriail] | |
26 A | Muiredach Finn | (Ruled 3 years) | Muredach, Muireadach. | Son of Fiachu Findamnas. #71 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa. | m. Muiredaig | m. Muiredach Finn |
[Laud 610—Muredach m. Fiachach Findmais] | |
25 F | Fiatach Finn |
M37.1, M39.1 | Fiatach Fionn (a quo "Dal Fiatach"), Fiatach Find, Fiatach Finnidil, Fionnchadh; m Fiatach finn (o ra dal tFiatach) m Daire m Dluthaigh m Deithsin (O'Clery) | Irish Kings #103. From whom are the Dal Fiatach. Son of Daire, son of Dluthach. [Laud 610—Fiatach Find (a quo Dal Fiatach) m. Fir furmi m. Dairi m. Dluthaig m. Deitsini m. Echach m. Sin m. Rosin m. Trein m. Rothrein m. Rogein m. Arndil m. Mane Mair m. Forgo.] O'Donovan says that he may have been only king of Ulster. |
m. Findchado | m. Findchad | 09. Fiatach "Finn", whence the name Dal-Fiatach derives |
27 | Elim |
M56.1 (Ruled 20 years) | Elim mac Conrach | Son of Conra [m. Connrach]. O'Hart says this is the same Elim who ruled as king of all Ireland from 57 to 76. Irish Kings #105.The annals of the Four Masters, however, list the father of the Elim who was king of all Ireland as Rossa Ruadh, son of Ruadhraighe, Irish Kings #86. M56.1 Elim, son of Conra, King of Ulster, however, is named as one of several provincial kings who killed Fiacha Finnfolaidh, Irish Kings #104. | 47. [C]Ellim, King of Ulster, also High-King of Ireland AD 101-120 | [Laud 610—Elim m. Conrach m. Fergusa]. | ||
28 | Ogaman | (Ruled 12 years) | Ogman, Dunchan (Keating) | Son of Fiatach. | [Laud 610—Ogman m. Fiatach] | |||
m. Ailchoda | ||||||||
m. Cuindcadhe | m. Condchad | |||||||
Giallchadh | m. Giallchad | |||||||
Cathbadh | m. Cathbad | m. Cathbad | Coelbad | |||||
Rochraidhe | M107, M110 | Rochride, Rudhruidhe | [m. Cathbad m. Giallchad m. Condchad m. Findchad m. Muiredach Finn] (Dál n-Araidhe). Not on O'Hart's list. Rudhruidhe, son of Cathbadh, is #76 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. [Laud 610—Rochridi m. Cathbad m. Ailchoda m. Cuindcadhe m. Findchado m. Muiredaig m. Fiachach Findamnais—under Itim Sil Fergusa.] | m. Rochridi | m. Rochride | 48. Rochride, King of Ulster | mac Rochridi | |
29 A | Mal |
M106.1, M110, M157.1 (Ruled 35 years) | Mál m. Rochraidhe, Mal m. Rochraidi, Mal mac Rochridi | [Mál m. Rochride m. Cathbad m. Giallchad m. Condchad m. Findchad m. Muiredach Finn m. Fiachu Findamnas] (Dál n-Araidhe). O'Hart says Mal was also king of all Ireland, Irish Kings #107, who ruled from 107 to 110. The pedigrees match. Mal is #77 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. M106.1 Tuathal Teachtmhar [Irish Kings #106], after having been thirty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, was slain by Mal, son of Rochraidhe, King of Ulster. M157.1 Conn of the Hundred Battles, after having been thirty five years in the sovereignty of Ireland, was slain by Tibraite Tireach, son of Mal, son of Rochraidhe, King of Ulster, at Tuath Amrois. | m. Mail (qui Tuathal Techtmar occidit) | m. Mál | 49. Maol, King of Ulster, also High-King of Ireland AD 145-150 | [Laud 610—Mal m. Rochraidi]. |
Cearb | m. Feirb | m. Ferb | ||||||
(Breasal (King) of Uladh) | Bresal Brec | m. Bresail | m. Bressal Brecc | |||||
m. Bresail Laig (qui subintrauit Loch Laig) | ||||||||
30 A | Tiobraide Tireach |
M10.1 ?, M157.1 (Ruled 30 years) [See Irish Kings #101.] | Tipraiti Tírech, Tipraite m. Mail. | M10.1 Tibraide Tireach, from whom are the Dal Araidhe. Son of Mal. Tiobraide Tireach, mac Mail, mic Rochraidhe (Dál n-Araidhe) *Tipraiti Tírech [m. Bressal Brecc m. Ferb] m. Mál m. Rochride m. Cathbad m. Giallchad m. Condchad m. Findchad m. Muiredach Finn m. Fiachu Findamnas. M157.1 Conn of the Hundred Battles [Irish Kings #110], after having been thirty five years in the sovereignty of Ireland, was slain by Tibraite Tireach, son of Mal, son of Rochraidhe, King of Ulster. O'Hart lists "Tiobraid Tireach" as #80 on the Guiness family stem. He is #80 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. [Laud 610—Tipraite m. Mail] |
m. Tiprate (qui occidit Cond Cetchathach) | m. Tipraiti Tírech | 50. Tibraite "Tireach", King of Ulster (175/200) | [Laud 610—Tipraite m. Mail] |
31 | Breasal | (Ruled 16 years) | Bresal | Son of Brian, son of Rochraidhe. | [Laud 610—Bresal m. Briuin m. Rochridi] | |||
32 | Fergus Dubdetach | 226, M262.2 (Ruled 4 years) | Fearghus Duibhdeadach i.e. the Black Toothed, King of Ulster; Ferghusa duibhdhetaigh m Iomchadha m Fionncadha m Ogamain m Fiatach finn (o ra dal tFiatach) (O'Clery) Fiatach Finn is #25 above. | Irish Kings #114. SS# 9073. Father of Oengus Find or Aenghus Finn, #34 below.. | 51. Fergus "Gallen", King of Ulster | [Laud 610—Fergus Dubdetach m. Imchatha m. Finnchatha] | ||
34 F | Aenghus Finn | M262.2 (Ruled 8 years) | Oengus Find, Aeneas Fionn; Aenghusa finn m Ferghusa duibhdhetaigh m Iomchadha m Fionncadha (O'Clery) | Son of Fergus Dubdetach. Father of Lugaid Menn. O'Hart lists Aeneas Fionn as #34 on his roll of Kings of Ulster. M262.2 Aenghus Finn, son of Fearghus Duibhdeadach i.e. the Black Toothed, King of Ulster. (O'Donovan's edition of the Annals shows the death of Aenghus in 248—probably a misprint, as it is indexed under 262.) | 52. Aongus "Goibne", King of Ulster52. Aongus "Goibne", King of Ulster | SS# 9072. [Laud 610—Oengus Find m. Dubdetaig] | ||
33 | Eochaidh Gonnat (Eochaidh Gonnat, son of Fiach, son of Imchad (Iomchaidh) MacBreasal) |
M267.1 (Ruled 16 years) | Achaius Gunnatt, Eochaid Gunnfat | Irish Kings #116. According to the Annals of the Four Master, he fell by Lughaidh Meann (Lughna Feirtre), son of Aenghus, one of the Ulstermen [Lugaid mc Meicc Óengusa ¶702]. | [Note: both Laud 610 and O'Hart list Eochaidh Gonnat before Aenghus Finn.] | [Laud 610—Eochaid Gunnfat m. Feic m. Imchada] | ||
(Feargus Gallen MacTIipraiti) | Fearghus Gaileang | Son of Tiobraide Tireach | m. Fergusa Gallii | m. Fergus Gallen | ||||
35 A | Aenghus Gaibne |
Aonghus Gaibne, Áengus Goibnenn, Aeneas Gabhran, Aonghus Gaibhne (Ruled 4 years) | Áengus Goibnenn m. Fergus Gallen m. Tipraiti Tírech (Dál n-Araidhe). O'Hart lists Aeneas Gabhran, son of Fergus, as #35 on his list of Kings of Ulster. Aonghus Gaibhne is #82 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. | m. Oengusa Gobnenn | m. Áengus Goibnenn | Oengus Gobnenn m. Fergusa Galaig | ||
36 F | Lugaidh Lorc | M267.1 (Ruled 10 years) | Lugaid Lorc, Luy, Lughaidh Meann, Lugaid Menn (Lughna Feirtre) (Ruled 10 years); Lughdhach m Aenghusa finn m Ferghusa duibhdhetaigh m Iomchadha (O'Clery) | O'Hart lists Luy, son of Aeneas Fionn, as #36 on his roll of the kings of Ulster. Son of Aenghus Finn (Oengus Find.) Father of Indiu, second wife of Nial of the Nine Hostages, Irish Kings #126, and, through her, grandfather of Fiachu (king of Meath), Conall Cremthainne (king of Meath), and Eogan Find (king of Ailech). He was also father of Indecht, father of Crond Ba_Drui, who was father of Caelbhadh and Eochu Coba. | [Lugaid Lorc m. Áengus Finn (Dal Fiatach).] | SS#9071. [Laud 610—Lugaid m. Oengusa Find] | ||
37 A | Fiacha Araidhe |
(Ruled 20 years) | Fiacha Araide, Fiachu Araide, Fiachaidh Aruidhe. | A quo Dal nAraide. Son of Áengus Goibnenn. O'Hart says that Fiachu "extirpated the Heremonians." Fiachaidh Aruidhe is #83 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. He son was Cas. [Laud 610—Fiacha Araide] | m. Fiachach Araidi | Fiachu Araide (a quo Dal nAraide) m. Áengus Goibnenn m. Fergus Gallen | 53. Fiacha "Araide", King of Ulster, whence the Dal-nAraide derive their name | SS#9090. [Laud 610—Fiacha Araide] |
(Cas MacFiachach) | Cas | m. Caiss | 54. Cas, King of Ulster | SS#9089. | ||||
38 A | Feidhlimidh |
(Ruled 15 years) | Fedelmid, Felim, Fedlimith | Son of Cas, son of Fiachu Araide (Dál n-Araidhe). Feidhlimidh is #85 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. | m. Fedlimthe | 55. Fedlim, King of Ulster | SS#9088. [Laud 610—Fedlimith m. Fiachach] | |
39 A | Imchad |
(Ruled 7 years) | Imcha, Iomchadh | Son of Fedelmid. Iomchadh is #86 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa in The Keating Genealogies. | m. Imchatha | 56. Imchad, King of Ulster | SS#9087. [Laud 610—Imchad m. Fedlimthi] | |
40 | Forgo |
455 (Ruled 3 years) | Forga, Forgg; Forga m Dallain m Dubhtaigh m Mianaigh m Lughdhach (O'Clery) [Lughdhach is #36 above.] | Son of Dallan. Laud 610 lists Forgo here and O'Hart follows suit. I have also listed him under my Kings of Ulidia, under the year 455, where he seem more logically to belong. See the note at SS#9126 | [Forgg m. Dallan m. Dubthach m. Miannach m. Lugaid Menn]. | [Placement here seems to be the result of a corrupted and unreliable genealogy, which I do not repeat here.. See the note at SS#9126] | SS#9126. [Laud 610—Forgo m. Dallain] | |
41 A | Ros |
(Ruled 2 years) | Rosse, Rossa | Son of Imchad. Rossa is #87 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. Ross had two sons: Muredach and Lughaidh. Lughaidh is SS#9085. | m. Rossa | 57. Ros, King of Ulster | SS#9086. [Laud 610—Rossa m. Imchada] | |
42 | Muireadhach |
(Ruled 30 years) | Muredach Munderg; Muiredaigh muindeirg m Forga m Dallain m Dubhtaigh (O'Clery) | Son of Ros ??? (according to O'Hart), and uncle of Eochy Cobha, below. Note that a Muredach Munderg is #1 on O'Hart's list of kings of Ulidia. | There is a possibility that the same corrupted genealogy that caused Forgo to be listed as O'Hart's #40 is responsible for Muireadhach's being listed here. | 474-479 06. Muiredach "Muindearg" [Mordech "Mwnderg"] 27. Muiredach "Muindearg" [Mordech "Mwnderg"], also called "1st" King of Ulster (AD 475), was the first king of Ulster's Third Dynasty [IIB] |
[Laud 610—Muredach Munderg] | |
(Lugaid MacRos) | Lughaidh | This a different Lughaidh than #36 in O'Hart's list. | m. Lugdhach | 58. Lugdach (Loche), King of Ulster | SS#9085. | |||
43 | Eochaidh |
(Ruled 20 years) | Eochaid, Eocaidh Coba | Son of Lugaid Lorc, Lughaid, or Luy, son of Ros. O'Hart says: "a quo is called the territory of Iveagh." Eochaidh is #89 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies, where it is said: "from whom Ui Eocach of Ulster are called." | m. Echach Coba (Note: Other sources say that Eochaidh Coba, from whom the Ui Eochach of Ulster are called, is the Eochaidh who was a son of Crond Brui.] | 59. Eochu "Salbuide", King of Ulster 60. Nest (Ness), dau & heiress |
SS#9084. [Laud 610—Eochaid m. Lugdach m. Rosa] | |
44 A | Crond Badruí |
(Ruled 22 years) | Cruind Ba Drui, Cron Bhadroi, Crunnbhadroi, Crunbadroy, Cruinn Ba Dhrai, Cronn Bhadhraoi, Cruind ba drui, Crun Badreai |
Crond Badruí m. Eochaid m. Lugaid m. Ros m. Imchaid (Dál n-Araidhe). Cronn Bhadhraoi is #90 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published on The Keating Genealogies. | m. Cruind ba drai (ciuis filii Echu 7 Frecher athair Fergusa) | (b) Cruinn (Crondh) "Badhruighe" or "Ba Drui", the father of Coelub, # 4, & [his bro] Echach "Coba", the father of Conall, the father of Fothad (Fotadh), the father of Maine, the father of Saran, father of Mongan, father of Aedan, father of Fergus II, # 24 (below) | SS#9069. [Laud 610—Cruind ba drui m. Eochach] | |
45 A | Fraechar Foirtriun | (Ruled 10 years) | Frochar, Froechar Fortren | Son of Crond Badruí. Another son of Eocaidh was Cremthaind. | [Laud 610—Froechar Fortren m. Cruind] | |||
46 A | Fearghus Fogha |
M331.2 (Ruled 40 years) | Fergus Foga, Fergus Fogae | "M331.2 The battle of Achadh Leithdheirg, in Fearnmhagh, was fought by the three Collas against the Ulstermen, in which fell Fearghus Fogha, son of Fraechar Foirtriun, the last king of Ulster, who resided at Eamhain. They afterwards burned Eamhain, and the Ulstermen did not dwell therein since. They also took from the Ulstermen that part of the province extending from the Righe and Loch nEathach westwards. Colla Meann fell in this battle." O'Hart disagrees with this entry in the Annals of the Four Masters. He believes that Sarann, the second son of Caelbadh, listed below, was the king of ulster defeated by the three Collas, and that the event happened about 357, rather than 331. | =3 Fergus "Foghae", last King of Ierne [Navan Fort] | [Laud 610—Fergus Foga m. Froechair] | ||
47 A | Caelbhadh |
M356.1, M357.1 (Ruled 15 years) | Caolbhadh, Caolbhach, Cóelbad, Caolbha, Caolbadius, Caolbhradh, Coelbaith | Irish Kings #123. Son of Crond Badrui. Brother of Fraechar Foirtriun. Uncle of Fearghus Fogha. Caolbhradh is #91 in the pedigree of MacAonghusa published in The Keating Genealogies. M356.1 After Muireadhach Tireach [Irish Kings #122] had been thirty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he was slain by Caelbhadh, son of Crunn, King of Uladh. O'Donovan says Caelbhadh was of the Rudrician race of Ulster. |
m. Coelbad Coba | X(450)X 04. Coelub (Caolbhadh) | SS#9065. [Laud 610—Coelbad m. Cruind] | |
A | Eochu Coba |
From whom come the Ui Eatach Coba. A son of Crond Badrui, brother of Caelbadh, and brother of Fraechar Foirtrim. Uncle of Fearghus Fogha. The Genealogies from Rawlinson B 502 trace the Ua n-Ecach to Cruind Ba Drui as follows: Genelach Ua N-Echach Coba & is iat-side lethchenél Dál n-Araidi. ¶1692] Congal m. Áeda m. Garbíth m. Écertaich (cuius filius Cummascach) m. Lorccáin m. Cernaich m. Máel Bresail m. Ailella m. Feideilmid m. Máel Cothaid m. Fergusa m. Áedáin m. Mongáin m. Sáráin m. Maine m. Fothaid m. Conaill m. Echach Coba (a quo Úi Echach Coba) m. Cruind Ba Druí. | SS#9282. From Laud 610: De genelach hUa nEchach Coba. "m. Echach Coba m. Aililla m. Fedlimthe (sursum) m. Mongain m. Aedain m. Maeile Duin m. Cumuscaigh m. Fogartaig m. Ferdalaig." m. Echach (a quo hI Echach) |
48 A | Saran
357 (Ruled 26 years) | Sarann | Second son of Caelbadh. Brother of Conall. O'Hart says: "This Sarann was the last king of Ulster of the Irian line. In his time, the three brothers called the 'Three Collas,' with the Heremonian power of Leinster and Connaught, invaded Ulster, conquered the country, burnt and destroyed the regal city of Emania, and transplanted what remained of the natives into Dalaradia (in Irish 'Dal Araidhe' or 'Dal Naradha') and Iveagh; formed for themselves and their posterity a kingdom called 'Orgiall.'" | X(460)X 05. Saran | SS#9282. [Laud 610—Saran m. Coelbaith]. | ||
(Conall MacEchach—perhaps the son of Eochaid Coba) (Conall MacEchach) | Conall | SS#9281 | m. Condlai | Laud 610 - De genelach hUa nEchach Coba. m. Conaill m. Echach (a quo hI Echach) m. Cruind ba drui | ||||
Eochaidh |
Died in 553. Ruled for nine years. (First king of Dal Araide)
Son of Condla, son of Caelbhadh #47A, son of Crond Badruí #44A. Father of Baetan Caech. SS#9063. He is #4 on my list of the Kings of Ulidia. | m. Echach | |||||
(Fothad MacConaill) | Died in 552. | Fothadh (King of Ui Ecach Coba) | SS#9280 (also a son of Conall) | m. Fothaid | ||||
Baetan Caech, king of Dal nAraidi | SS#9062. He is #9 on my list of Kings of Ulidia, where his father is shown as Cairill. | m. Baetan | ||||||
Fiachna Lurgan | Died 626 | Son of Baetan Caech. Father of Eochaid Iarlaithe, King of Dal nAraidi. SS#9061. He is #10 on my lists of the Kings of Ulidia. | m. Fiachnai Luscan | |||||
Died 666 | Eochaid Iarlaithe, king of Dal nAraidi | Son of Fiachna Lurgan. Father of Lethlobar. SS#9060 | m. Echach Iarlathe | |||||
Died 709 | Lethlobar, king of Dal nAraidi. | SS# 9059 Son of Eochaid Iarlaithe. Father of Indrechtach. | m. Lethlobair | |||||
(Maine MacFothaid) | Maine | SS#9279 | m. Mane | |||||
(Saran MacMaine) | Saran | SS#9278 | m. Srain | |||||
(Mongan MacSarain) | Mongan | SS#9277 | m. Mongain | |||||
(Aedan MacMongain) | Died in 616. | Aodhan (King of Ui Ecach Coba) | SS#9276 | m. Aedain |
of Ulster—to Colla da Chrioch <http://www.magoo.com/hugh/ulsterkings.html> Updated January 13, 2008 |
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