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Irish Kings |
The University College Cork, as part of its Celt Corpus of Electronic Texts, has published on the internet an English translation of the Annals of the Four Masters. A search interface permits a word search of the entire Celt database. Nowhere on the net have I found a table that lists the spellings of the names of the Irish high kings as they appear in this digital edition of the Annals. The tables below are intended to do this. To assist the user of internet search engines, I list in the fourth column of the tables some of the other spellings of the names of these kings. Tables on this page list the pre-Norman Milesian kings. Pre-Milesian kings are on a separate web page.
For a comparable list by David Hughes, go to: High-Kings of Ireland.
A list of the high kings of Ireland does not tell the history of Ireland. The names and dates of reigns of these kings, however, establish a framework that will help interpret that history. Early Gaelic ollamhs (professors of history) and scribes recorded the actions of the kings and the provincial nobility of Ireland who supported them; and, after the mission of St. Patrick, the leaders of the Church. The annals of these scribes have become the early history of Ireland. This history revolves around the nobility of the free tribes, and there is hardly a mention of the "unfree tribes" other than the insurrection that made Cairbre Cinncait (#101) king for five years beginning in 10 A. D.
The Monarchs of Ireland lists Irish Kings from 1700 B.C. through 1315 A.D. The High Kings of Ireland lists the Irish high kings from AD c.485 to 1603.
In his Irish Pedigrees; The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation (Limited American Edition, Murphy & McCarthy 1923), John O'Hart provides lists of the later kings of Connaught, Leinster, Meath, Munster, Orgiall, Ossory, Scotland, Ulidia, and Ulster (volume II, Appendix I, pages 713723). With the exception of Ulster, O'Hart does not list the provincial kings before the return of St. Patrick to Ireland in 432 AD. Because they may shed light on the possible history of the McGoughs, I have included in this website other pages on the kings or chiefs of Ulster, Ulidia, Airghialla, Mughdhorna, the Ui Eathach Cobha in county Down, the Dal Araide, and the Dal Riata in Scotland.and Ireland.
A short chronology of the history of Ireland can be found in Ireland's History in Maps where it is said:
"... much about the early centuries of Ireland's past have been passed down through time in the form of various annals, the 'Annals of the Four Masters' among the more prominent of these pseudo-historical accounts of ancient Hibernia (Eire, Ireland). Serious scholars have always held Ireland's history is not truly knowable before about 500 AD, so please take this into account as you read through the early myths and stories."
Keating, in The History of Ireland, points out that the Seanchas, or recorders of history, "were bound to be with the nobles whenever they engaged with one another in battle, so that the seanchas might be eyewitnesses of the exploits of the nobles, and thus be able to give a true account of their deeds on either side." (book II, section XIII). Their records form the basis of the Annals. I have used the Annals of the Four Masters as my primary source in preparing these tables, although many of the years these Annals give for events during the first millennium differ from more modern, and presumably more accurate, sources. When Gearoid Mac Niocaill, Donnchadh O Corrain, John Francis Byrne, or other reliable sources, give years of events different from the Annals of Four Masters, I also show these dates in the tables. On average, the Annals of the Four Masters date events in the first millennium five or six years earlier than the modernly accepted dates. The Annals of Ulster, on the other hand, are usually closer to agreement with modernly accepted dates. Parts of Irish and Scottish history will be found in The Timeline of Celtic History.
Donnchadh O Corrain, Professor of Irish History, University College, Cork, has this to say about the Kings of Ireland:
"Kingship was an important institution, and kings were much more powerful than some scholars have thought: the annals are full of their doings, the genealogies of their noble descents. The sagas preserve the ideology of kingship: the qualities of the good king, the benefits of his rule, his heroic actions, courage, and nobility are set out in story form in Old and Middle Irish literature, for instruction as well as literary enjoyment. ...
"There has been much discussion amongst historians of the 'high-kingship of Ireland', the claim that there existed a king who exercised authority (of one kind or another) over the whole of Ireland. This implies a certain consciousness of unity. It is clear that from a very early period the Irish learned men had begun to work out a prehistory of their race. This was done in the seventh century and out of it grew eventually An lebor gabala, 'Book of the taking of Ireland', which united all their dynasties and peoples by descent from a single set of ancestors. This proved to be a powerful and all-pervasive myth which used race, language, land and landscape as the basis of national unity. ...
"This, of course, spilled over into politics. The clerical propagandists of the Ui Neill dynasty had a well-developed concept of the kingship of Ireland as early as the last quarter of the seventh century. Muirchu calls Loegair [Laeghaire, #128 in my table] (St. Patrick's alleged contemporary) 'a great king, fierce and pagan, and emperor of non-Romans, with his royal seat at Tara, which was then the capitol of the realm of the Irish' and Niall [Niall of the Nine Hostages #126] (the ancestor of the Ui Neill) is the ancestor of the family that rules almost the entire island. ...
"In fact, there was no monarch of Irelanda king whose rule was effective over the whole islandbut the Ui Neill, the most powerful dynasty in the country, claimed to be overkings of Ireland, and were able to make that claim effective over very large areas, and from time to time compel many, if not most, of the provincial kings to submit to them. In the middle of the ninth century, their king, Mael Sechnail [Maelseachlainn #167], made very formidable efforts to declare himself king of Ireland.
"The remote origins of the UiNeill are far from clear: they dominated the midlands and the north-west in the seventh century, but claimed in their legends and genealogies to be kings of Tara since the time of St. Patrick and before. Nobody quite knows what the kingship of Tara was: its glory lay in the past, it was claimed by a number of early dynasties, it was cursed by the Christian saints. Whatever it was, the Ui Neill grabbed the title of 'king of Tara' for themselves; it meant overking of the whole Ui Neill, and later, 'high-king of Ireland'. Their origin legends are clearly fictions, some of relatively late date, and historians have believed far too many of them. ... "
Prehistoric and Early Christian Ireland, by Donnchadh O Corrain, which is Chapter I of The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland, edited by R. F. Foster (Oxford University Press 1991), pages 2728.
O Corrain, in his book Ireland Before the Normans (Gill and MacMillan 1972), points out:
"According to the classical law tracts, there were three distinct grades of king: ri or ri tuathe, the king of the local tuath or petty tribal kingdom; ruiri or great king who, in addition to being king of his own tuath, was the personal overlord of a number of other tribal kings; and lastly, ri ruirech or 'king of overkings', who is identified with the king of a province. No higher grade of king, 'high king' or king of Ireland is known to the classical law tracts." (page 28).
Indeed, O Corrain in his book presents no table of "high kings" as such, and his lists of kings are lists of the kings of provinces. He does not usually designate persons on his lists of kings of provinces as "king of Ireland", even when they are generally considered to have been such. For example, in his tables of the kings of the northern Ui Neill, he identifies in bold type those persons who were also overkings of the Ui Neill confederation. Most of these are generally considered to also have been high king, but there is no way to determine this from O Corrain's tables. One exception is Conghalach, #172 in my table, whom O Corrain describes as "King of Ireland" in his table of the kings of Brega. Another good source, often cited in my tables as Mac Niocaill, is Ireland before the Vikings by Gearoid Mac Niocaill (Gill and MacMillan 1972). Doctor Mac Niocaill was a lecturer in medieval history at University College, Galway.
John Francis Byrne's Irish Kings and High-Kings (B. T. Batsford London 1973) is a valuable source. In the tables, I often quote Byrne for a spelling of a king's name, or dates of reign or death. Byrne points out that there were no roots in Irish law of an office of high king.
"the fact that the Irish [law] tracts allow no room for a high-king of Ireland was to be a serious hindrance to political progress. The high-kingship achieved by some Irish rulers from the ninth century to the twelfth remained without legal validity: it was never an institution but merely a prize to be won. Thus Giraldus Cambrensis, while accepting the doctrine that the high-kingship had existed since the time of Eremon son of Mil, says quite realistically:
'These kings achieved the sovereignty of the whole island not through any ceremony of coronation, or right of consecration or even right of heredity or order of succession but only by force and arms. They became kings each in his own way.' (page 261)
"At no stage in Irish history did the high-kingship imply monarchy. Neither Brian Boruma nor any other kings exercised governmental authority over the whole island. They reigned but did not rule. It never occurred to any high-king that he should abolish the provincial kingships of even the petty kingdoms, though these last had suffered a drastic decline in political importance." (page 270).
For some earlier history, see my page on the Pre-Milesian Irish Kings.
Most of the Milesian kings ruled from Tara.
"Tara is a prehistoric burial site in County Meath, famed as the legendary capital of the high kings of Ireland, and a holy site for thousands of years. Here, according to tradition, elaborate rites were carried out between the future high king of Tara and the goddess of sovereignty. Medb, for example, was said to have participated in a ritual union with nine of the high kings, preventing the rule of any candidates who refused to mate with her. Another test was provided by the Stone of Fál, which screamed when it was touched by the rightful heir. There are claims that Cormac mac Art, a leading figure in the Fionn cycle, established a sumptuous court at Tara and a lavish festival was also regularly celebrated at Samhain, on 1 November.
"In the fifth century, the place was occupied by Niall of the Nine Hostages and it was here that his pagan son, King Laoghaire, was supposed to have been confronted by St. Patrick. After this, Tara's importance appears to have declined." The Celtic ConnectionTara.
Irish history in the centuries before the birth of Christ is a combination of legend, folklore, and myth. A good framework of names, dates, and chronologies of these times is the Annala Rioghacta Eireann, or the Annals of the Four Masters. The chief compiler of the work was Michael O'Clery, a brother of the Order of St. Francis, who was born in 1580. He was sent to Ireland to gather material for a history of the country. He was not a priest, and apparently was allowed access, among other repositories of history, to the library of Archbishop James Ussher of the Church of Ireland. Ussher had earned an international reputation as a meticulous scholar in biblical chronology and church history.
O'Clery's three collaborators were Farfassa O'Mulconry, Peregrine O'Duigenan, and Peregrine O'Clery. After years of collecting material, these "four masters" settled in 1632 in the Franciscan convent of Drowes, county Donegalsituated on the bank of the Bundrowes river where it forms the county boundary between Leitrim and Donegaland produced their Annals. (The information is from The Oxford Companion to Irish History, edited by S. J. Connolly (Oxford University Press 1998), especially from page 523 of the entry: literature in Irish.) The great Irish scholar John O'Donovan made a classic translation of the Annals in which the Irish text is given with a translation into English. O'Donovan's work is published in seven quarto volumes that include copious historical, genealogical and topographical notes. Annala Rioghachta Eireann, Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616 (Dublin, 1851), by John O'Donovan.
The publication of the Annals of the Four Masters in the Celt Corpus of Electronic Texts includes parts of the original Irish and Latin text. On the same website are the Annals of Ulster, Annals of Tigernach, and the Annála Connacht. An experimental search interface allows a search of the entire corpus of digital texts, which contains more than two million words and is growing. A search may be made for a whole word or a part of a word. In adapting O'Donovan's work for the Internet, the scholars at University College, Cork, inserted a helpful elaboration of the numbering of the years reported. In the digital edition of the Annals of the Four Master, M1414.11 is a designation of the eleventh entry for the year 1411. In the tables below, an entry of M1414.11 means an entry in the digital edition of Annals of the Four Master to which the editors have assigned the sub-number 1414.11. In the printed version of O'Donovan's work, there is a designation of each year, but no sub-numbers
In the Annals of the Four Masters, the Age of the World 5200 is equal to the first year of the age of Christ. In the table below, I follow the practice of O'Donovan in using the "Age of the World" year for years before the year of the birth of Christ in 1 A.D. (Logically, the year 5200 in the Age of the World should have become the year 0. Because there was no year 0, the new millennium and the 21st century began on January 1, 2001.)
The Annalists enjoyed telling an occasional fish story:
"M1113.11 A salmon was caught at Cluain-mic-Nois this year, which was twelve feet in length, twelve hands in breadth without being split, and three hands and two fingers was the length of the fin of its neck."
Even though this fish was caught over eight-hundred-thirty-five year ago, any true fisherman will want to know the whereabouts of Cluain-mic-Nois. This is the site of the ruins of the monastery of Clonmacnoise in county Offaly on the River Shannon below Lough Ree and above Portumna, which is in county Roscommon. For boat and bait, the town of Banagher seems to provide the closest facilities. The location of Clonmacnoise is marked on a large scale map published by Lonely Planet Online.
An often-heard Irish toast is Slainte an Bhradain Chugat"the health of the salmon to you!" The origin of the toast is in the myth of the Salmon of Knowledge, which is pictured on the civic arms of county Meath.
If this fish story is hard to swallow, you might want to check the story of the whale with three golden teeth, each containing fifty ounces of gold, at the Annals of the Four Masters M739.6. The story is set out in my page, Ui Eatach in County Down.
Medieval Irish monks supported claims to kingship or propertyand gratified the egosof their noble patrons by plotting their line of descent from Adam and Eve. For an example of a list of royal descendants of the sons of Milesius, King of Spain, see the Milesian Genealogies. A complete list will be found at Ard Ríthe na hÉireann / High Kings of Ireland. A list of the High Kings of Ireland after Niall Noígillach of the Nine Hostages will be found in the Periphery of Francia.
Donnchadh O Corráin, in Creating the Past: the Early Irish Genealogical Tradition, the first Carroll Lecture, delivered in 1992 at University College Cork, points out that the genealogies in the Irish annals were created in the pattern of genealogies of the Old Testament, were the work of a "learned cadre" of professionals, and must be interpreted in light of the purposes for which they were created.
A good partial pedigree of the Irish kings will be found in Milesian Genealogies, compiled and edited by Pat Traynor from the original 1892 edition of John O'Hart's Irish Pedigrees. Traynor lists a selection of the Kings through Crimthann #125, who reigned from 366 to 378 A.D. He provides separate lists for kings in the lines of Heber, Heremon, and Ir, the only three of the eight sons of Milesius who left issue. Five of these sons of Milesius, including Ir, were killed in their invasion of Ireland. Traynor includes in the lines of descent many non-kings. For example, as his number 84 under the line of Heremon, he lists Eochaidh Dubhlen, father of the three Collas, and brother of Fiacha Srabhteine, King #120, and comments: "This is where most of the various Irish family names branch off." He lists many of the more numerous Irish family names that O'Hart's Irish Pedigrees say descended from Colla Da Chrioch. He also includes in his lists of pedigrees many other Irish families who descend from others.
O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees, volume 1, page 136, states: "The following are among the families of Ulster and Hy-Maine who descended from Colla-da-Chrioch: ... Goff, Gough, ... Keogh, ... MacGeough, MacGough .... Also, at page 296, he lists MacGough among Families Descended from Heremon.
For a bibliography of literature on the Irish genealogical texts, see Genealogies from Rawlinson in the Celt Corpus of Electronic Texts.
The tables of high-kings of Ireland that appear below are these:
A word about dates in the tables: the Annals of the Four Masters uses the first full year of the reign of a king as the beginning date of his reign. O'Hart uses the year in which the reign began. The date for commencement of a reign in the Annals, therefore, is usually a year later than the date shown by O'Hart. In the table, I show the dates as used in the Annals. The years before the birth of Christ are shown as a "year of the world" as used in the Annals. Christ was born in the "year of the world" 5200, which is also the year 1 A.D. So to convert a year of the world to a "B.C." year, subtract the year of the world from 5200.
Each table is divided into six columns:
1. A number assigned to each king. These tables of the Milesian kings use the number used by John O'Hart in his table of the Irish High Kings. This number is occasionally used to refer to these kings on genealogical websites.
2. A single capital letter that means: F=Firbolg. T=Tuatha De Danann. H=descendant of Heber, called Emher by the Annals of the Four Masters, son of King Milesius. E=descendant of Eremon, or Heremon, son of King Milesius. I=descendant of Ir, son of King Milesius. L=descendant of Lugaidh, son of Ithe, the uncle of King Milesius of Spain, whose death at the hand of the Tuatha De Danaan caused King Milesius to send his eight sons, and his cousin Lugaidh, to invade Ireland.
3. The name of the king as it is most commonly used in the electronic edition of the Annals of the Four Master. Arthur Ua Clerigh, in his History of Ireland to the Coming of Henry II (1910, reissued by Kennikat Press in 1970) includes as an Appendix a "List of the High Kings of Erin." This list is also based on the Annals of the Four Masters, and the spellings of the names are usually the same as those in O'Donovan's translation. Ua Clerigh's list uses a different numbering system. The numbers he uses are shown in parenthesis on a line following the name of a king. If Ua Clerigh's list spells or presents the name of a king differently, the Ua Clerigh form of the name is after his number, also in parenthesis.
4. The years during which the king reigned as shown by the Annals of the Four Masters. The first year shown is the first full year of a king's reign. The years before the birth of Christ are shown as a "year of the world" as used in the Annals. Christ was born in the "year of the world" 5200, which is also the year 1 A.D. The previous year was 5199. So to convert a year of the world to a "B.C." year, subtract the year of the world from 5200. For example, the year of the world 4000 is 1200 B.C. (5200 4000 = 1200). Ua Clerigh's list, referred to in the preceding paragraph, converts the years of accession of each king from a year of the world shown in the Annals of the Four Masters to a B.C. year. I give Ua Clerigh's B.C. year of accession in italics at the end of each entry showing a year of the world. P. W. Joyce, in his Social History of Ancient Ireland (1913, reissued in 1968 by Benjamin Blom, Inc.), Volume I, pages 6971, lists many of the Kings of Ireland, mostly of the Christian Era. He gives a year of accession that is usually different than the date in the Annals of the Four Masters. Beginning with Conaire Mor, #97 in my list, I include Joyce's year of accession after the word Joyce. Beginning with Lugaidh, #130, Joyce inserts in his list an S for the Southern Hy Neil, and an N for Northern Hy Neill. I include these letters after Joyce's date of accession. The symbol indicates a year of death. When Gearoid Mac Niocaill, Donnchadh O Corrain, John Francis Byrne, or other reliable sources, give years of events different from the Annals of Four Masters, I often show these dates.
5. Other spellings of the king's name. When an English "k" is substituted for a Gaelic hard "c," or when the first "h" is dropped from Eochaidh, making it Eocaidh, the spelling is usually from John O'Mahony's translation of Keating's History of Ireland.
6. Notes from the Annals of the Four Masters or other sources. Several of the notes on kings before the Christian era, and alternate spellings of their names, are from a paper entitled The O'Briens, written in Irish in 1762 and based on an earlier book by Hugh boy Mac Curtin in 1608. The paper was translated from Irish manuscript by Standish O'Grady and published on the O'Brien Genealogy website.
See a History of the Irish Race, the Milesians and Some Notable Milesian Royalties. Many of these kings are listed in the Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, a database containing the genealogy of the British Royal family, those linked to it via blood or marriage relationships, and the linage of the rulers of many other parts of the world, including Ireland.
DNA and blood-group evidence, together with early Irish mythological history, support the idea that the sons of Milesius who became early kings of Ireland came to Ireland from Basque country in northern Spain. For an introduction to this fascinating (and controversial) hypothesis, see: Researchers Trace Roots of Irish and Wind Up in Spain, an article of March 23, 2000, by Nicholas Wade of the New York Times; Basques are Brothers of the Celts, an article of April 3, 2001, by Robert Highfield of The Daily Telegraph; and We are not Celts at all but Galicians, an article of September 10, 2004, by Brian Donnelly of The Herald (London).
John O'Hart, in his Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, published a "Roll of the Monarchs of Ireland, Since the Milesian Conquest," in volume I at page 56 of the Limited American Edition of 1923. He describes his roll of monarchs as follows:
"Names of the one hundred and eighty-four Kings* or Monarchs of Ireland, from the conquest thereof by the Milesian or Scottish Nation, Anno Mundi, 3400, down to Roderick O'Connor, the Monarch of Ireland, A.D. 1186; a period which embraces two thousand eight hundred and eighty-five years. ...
"* Kings: As the kings descended from: Heber, Ir and Heremon (the three sons of Milesius of Spain who left any issue), as well as those descended from their relative Lugaidh, the son of Ithe, were all eligible for the Monarchy. The letter H, E, I or L, is employed in the foregoing Roll of the Monarchs of Ireland before the name of each Monarch there given to distinguish his lineal descent. Thus H, E, and I refer to the three brothers, Heber, Heremon, and Ir respectively: H is placed before the names of the Monarchs who were descended from Heber; E before those descended from Eremon or Heremon; I before those descended from Ir; and L. before those descended from Lugaidh."
Lughaidh was the son of Iothe or Ithe, who was son of Breoghan. Milidh was the son of another Milidh who was also son of Breoghan. Lughaidh and Milidh, therefore, were cousins, sons of two brothers, Iothe and Milidh.
In the tables of Milesian kings, the number that appears before the name of each king, in the first column, is the number assigned by O'Hart. These numbers have become an accepted method of historical reference to a Milesian king. In the second column, I have reproduced the letters used by O'Hart to indicate the line of descent in which he has placed each king.
Early Irish kings are traced in the website: Irish mythology—the legendary descent of the Irish Clans. The website, Camann Chlann Lachlinn, the Clan Laughlin Society, includes a list of fifty of the High Kings of Ireland, from Niall of the Nine Hostages, number 126, through Ruaidri Ua Conchobair (Rory O'Connor), number 183. The Irish History and Culture website has a page on the Milesians. There is an awesome collection of pedigrees at: Jamie Allen's Family Tree & Ancient Genealogical Allegations. A chronological and alphabertical list of Irish kings can be accessed at Jamie Allen's website by clicking on Irish Monarchs about a third of the way down at the bottom of his first page, or by looking in his index under "Monarchs. In the third column from the left in the tables below, I have added a link to Jamie Allen's page on a king when such a link is available.
A list of the later kings, with different spellings of the names and significantly different year of reign, beginning with the Ui Neil Conn of the Hundred Battles #109, will be found in the Ireland page of Obsidian's Lair. This page notes:
"Dates given previous to about 850 CE, and especially from before 550 CE, should be approached with considerable skepticism. It should also be noted that the institution of the Ardry [high king] at Tara was seldom if ever universally acknowledged by the local rulers, especially in earlier times. Enumerating reflects the victory of tradition over reality, in many instances."
The father and son relationships shown in this table make it possible to guess at the interpretation of the patronymic surnames in genealogies that have been published only in Gaelic. An example is Genealogies from Rawlinson B 502 published in the Celtic Corpus of Electronic Texts. In the sixth column, I have occasionally included a multiple surname in Gaelic from this source. These names are within brackets and designated by a paragraph sign; for example, in the entry for King Roitheachtaigh, #22: [mc Rothechtada m. Móen m. Óengusa Ólmuccadam ¶726].
1 | H | Emher and Eremon (Eber Finn MacMiled, aka Heber Fiona; 1st Monarch of Ireland) |
3501 |
[Emher] Heber, Eibhear, Eibher, Eimhear; Eber Finn MacMiled. [For Eremon, see the entry below.] | Eremon was the seventh son of Milesius. Emher was his eldest brother. Joint rule in 3500. Eremhon killed Emhear and his wife in 3500 in a quarrel over territory, and ruled alone into 3516. During Eremon's reign alone, a "colony called by the Irish Cruithneaigh, in English 'Cruthneans' or Picts, arrived in Ireland and requested Heremon to assign them a part of the country to settle in, which he refused; but, giving them as wives the widows of the Tuatha de-Danans, slain in battle, he sent them with a strong party of his own forces to conquer the country then called 'Alba,' but now Scotland; conditionally, that they and their posterity should be tributary, to the Monarchs of Ireland." |
2 | E | Eremon (Heremon (2nd Monarch) aka Eremon (Eermon Eremoin Ereamhon) MacMiled; aka Ghedhe the Ereamhon) |
35013516 | Heremon, Eremhom, Emhear, Eirireamhón, Eireamhon, h-Eremon; Heremon (2nd Monarch) of Ireland. | |
3 | E | Muimhne |
35173519 1683 B.C. |
Muimne, Muimni | Joint rule by Muimhne, Luighne, and Laighne, sons of Eremon. All were slain in 3519, the latter two by the sons of Emhear. |
4 | E | Luighne 2. Muighne, Luighne and Laighne |
Luighne, Luigni | ||
5 | E | Laighne 2. Muighne, Luighne and Laighne |
Laighean, Laigne, Laigni | ||
6 | H | Er | 3519 | Er, Iarael | Joint rule of four sons of Emhear for one-half of a year. They were slain by Irial Faidh (the Prophet) [#10], son of Eremon. |
7 | H | Orba | Orba | ||
8 | H | Fearon | Feron, Fearan, Ferann | ||
9 | H | Ferga | Fergna, Fergen, Feargna | ||
E | Nuadhat Neacht 3. |
3519 1681 B.C. |
Nuadhat I | Ruled for one-half a year. | |
10 | E | Irial Faidh (Irial (Iarel Eurialus) Faidh (Faith) MacEremoin (10th Monarch of Ireland; could foretell the future) |
35203529 1680 B.C. |
Irial (the Prophet) Faidh, Iarél; Irial (Iarel Eurialus) Faidh (Faith) MacEremoin. | Son of Eremon |
11 | E | Eithrial (Ethrial MacIarel Faith of Ireland) aka Eithrial (Eitreol Ethrel); 11th Monarch of Ireland) |
35303549 1670 B.C. |
Eithrial, Eithriall, Ethrél, Ethriall | Son of Irial Faidh. Fell by Conmhael, son of Emer. |
12 | H | Conmael (Conmael (Conmaol) MacEber, 12th Monarch of Ireland; killed Eithrial) |
35503579 1650 B.C. |
Conmaol, Conmhael, Conmhaol; Conmael (Conmaol) MacEber. | The fifth and youngest son of Emher (Heber) #1. He was the first king of Ireland from Munster. Felled by Tighernmas, son of Follach. |
13 | E | Tighernmas (Tighearnmhas MacFollach of Ireland (Tighearnmas Tigernmas); 13th Monarch of Ireland) |
35803656 1620 B.C. |
Tighearnmas, Tigernmas, Tigernmais, Tighearnmais | Son of Follach (Follaig) (Foll-Aich), son of Eithrial #11. First found a mine of gold in Ireland. "Crom Cruach. Known as 'Lord of Death', Tigernmas is credited with the introduction of gold mining and of silverwork to Ireland. Some authorities have it that Tigernmas was a renegade Roman legion commander; this may be supported by the nature of the cult of Crom which has strong Eastern connections." |
Interregnum | 36573663 | (Idir-Riocht) | |||
14 | L | Eochaidh Eadghadhach |
36643667 1536 B.C. |
Eochaidh Edghothach, Eochaidh I, Eochaidh (I) Eadghadhach. | Son of Daire (Dari). Fell by Cearmna, son of Ebric, in the battle of Teamhair Tara. |
15 | I | Cearmna Finn 9. Sobhaerce and Cearmna Finn |
36683707 |
Cearmna, Cearma Fionn, Cermna, Kermna | Joint rule by two sons of Ebric, son of Emher, son of Ir, son of Milidh. Both were slain in 3707, Cearmna by Eochaidh Faebharghlas #17, son of Conmael. See Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories under Senchus sil hIr in so. |
16 | I | Sobhairce 9. Sobhaerce and Cearmna Finn |
Sobhrach, Sobairche, Sobarki | ||
17 | H | Eochaidh Faebhar Ghlas |
37083727 1492 B.C. |
Eochaidh Faobhar-glas, Eochaidh Faobharghlas, Eochaidh II, Eocaidh Faebar-glas, Faebhar-dherg; Eochaid Faeburglas MacConmael.
Son of Conmael #12. Slain by Fiacha Labhrainne #18 in revenge of his father. |
18 | E | Fiacha Labhrainne (Fiachu Labrainn (Flacha Labhrin) MacSmirgoll, 18th Monarch of Ireland; aka Fiachaidh Labhrainne) |
37283751 1472. B.C. |
Fiacha Lamhraein, Fiachu Labrinne, Fiachadh I (Labhrainne), Fiachach Labrinne, Fiachadh Lamraein, Fiacha Labhrainn, Fiachaidh Labhruinne, Fiacaidh Labranni; Fiachu Labrainn (Flacha Labhrin) MacSmirgoll. | [Fiachach Labrinne m. Smirguill mc Enbotha m. Tigernmais [#13] m. Follaig. ¶726] Felled by Eochaidh Mumho #19, son of Mofebis. In the time of Fiacha's father, Smirguil, son of Enbotha, son of Tighernmas #13, "the Picts in Scotland were forced to abide by their oath, and pay homage to the Irish Monarch." During Fiacha's reign ". . . all the inhabitants of Scotland were brought in subjection to the Irish Monarchy, and the conquest was secured by his son [Aengus Olmucadha #20]." |
19 | H | Eochaidh Mumho |
37523772 1448 B.C. |
Eochaidh Mumha, Eochaidh III Mumho, Eochaid Mumho; Eochaidh (IV) Mumho. | Son of Mofebis (Mafebbis, Mogh Febis), son of Eochaidh Faebhar Ghlas #17. Slain by Aengus Olmucadha, #20, son of Fiacha Labhrainne, #18. |
20 | E | Aengus Olmucadha |
37733790 1427 B.C. |
Aongus (or AEneas) Ollmucach, Óengus Ólmuccaid, Óengusa Ólmuccada, Aongus Ollmuchach, Aonghus I (Olmucadha), Aongus Olmucach, Aonghus Ollbhuadhach, Aengus Oll-mucaidh; Aeneas (Aengus Aonghus) Olmucaidh MacFiachach.. | Son of Fiacha Labhrainne #18. Fell by Enna Airgtheach #21. He went into Scotland with a strong army and fought 30 battles to again force Scotland to pay tribute. |
21 | H | Enna Airgtheach |
37913817 1409 B.C. |
Eanna Airgthach, Éanna I Airgtheach, Eorn Airgtheach, Enna Airgthioch, Enna Argthech, Enda the Despoiler or Plunderer; Nuadu (Nuaghat) Declam MacEchach; Enna (Eunius) Airgtheach. | Son of Eochaidh Mumho #19. Fell by Roitheachtaigh, son of Maen, son of Aengus Olmucadha. Enna was the first king who caused silver shields to be made, which he bestowed upon his warriors. Fell by Roitheachtaigh, #22. |
22 | E | Roitheachtaigh (Rothectaid Rigderg (Roitheaehtaigh) MacMoen aka Rotheachtach; 22nd Monarch of Ireland) |
38183842 1382 B.C. |
Rotheachta, Rothechtaid, Roitheachtaigh I, Rotheachtach, Rothectach; Rothectaid Rigderg (Roitheaehtaigh) MacMoen. | Son of Maen (Moen), son of Aengus Olmucadha #20 [mc Rothechtada m. Móen m. Óengusa Ólmuccadam ¶726]. Fell by Sedna #23. |
23 | I | Sedna |
38433847 1357 B.C. |
Seidnae, Seadna I | Son of Art, son of Airtri, son of Eibhric, son of Emher, son of Ir. Fell by Fiacha Finscothach #24, his son, and Muineamhon, son of Clas Clothach. |
24 | I | Fiacha Finscothach |
38483867 1352 B.C. |
Fiacha Fionn-Scothach, Fiachadh II Fionnscothach, Fiacaidh Fin-sgothach | Son of Sedna #23. Fell by Muineamhon #25. M3867.2 Every plain in Ireland abounded with flowers and shamrocks in the time of Fiacha. These flowers, moreover, were found full of wine, so that the wine was squeezed into bright vessels. Wherefore, the cognomen, Fiacha Fin Scothach, continued to be applied to him. |
25 | H | Muineamhón |
38683872 1332 B.C. |
Muinheamhoin, Munmoin, Munemhon; Muinemon (Muinhearnhoin) MacCas. | Son of Cas Clothach, son of Fear Arda, son of Roitheachtaigh #22, son of Rossa, son of Glas, son of Nuadha, son of Eochaidh Faebhar Ghlas #17. Died of the plague. He was the first king that directed his nobles to wear gold chains about their necks. "Muinheamhoin obtained the government of Ireland: he was the son of Fiarda [grandson?], son of Rotheachta, son of Rosa, son of Glas, son of Nuaghatt, son of Eochaidh Faobharglas [#17], son of Conmaol, son of Heber Fionn, son of Milesius, King of Spain, and reigned five years. This Prince ordered that the gentlemen of Ireland should wear a chain about their necks, as a badge of their quality, and to distinguish them from the populace." Quote from Reverend Geoffrey Keating in A History of the Niadh Nask or the Military Order of the Golden Chain by Terence MacCarthy. (See The Niadh Nask: An Alleged Irish Order of Knighthood. and Irish Historical Mysteries: The MacCarthy Mór Hoax.) |
26 | H | Faildeargdoid |
38733882 1327 B.C. |
Fualdergoid, Ailldeargoid, Alldergoid; Faeldergdoit (Aildergoidh) MacMuinemon. | Son of Muineamhon #25. Fell by Ollamh Fodhla #27, son of Ficha Finscothach, in the battle of Teamhair. He was the first king that ordered his nobility to wear gold rings on their fingers, |
27 | I | Eochaidh Ollamh Fodhla |
38833922 1317 B.C. |
Eochaidh Ollaman Fotla, Ollamh Fodla, Ollam Fodla, Ollav Fola, Eochaidh IV | Son of Ficha Finscothach #24. "M3922.3 Eochaidh was the first name of Ollamh Fodhla; and he was called Ollamh Fodhla because he had been first a learned Ollamh, and afterwards king of Fodhla, i.e. of Ireland." Died a natural death in his house at Tara. Keating uses him as an example of a learned king (book II, section I). "Ollav (doctor) Fola introduced legislature, provincial chiefs and the great triennial festival of Tara, before being buried under the tumulus at Loughcrew, Westmeath." The Mythological Cycle. Father of Cairpre, an early king of Ulster. |
28 | I | Finnachta 21. |
39233942 1277 B.C. |
Finachta Fionn-sneachta, Fionnachta I, Elim, Finacta, Fin-shnechta, Feenaghta | Son of Ollamh Fodhla #27. ""M3942.2 It was in the reign of Finnachta that snow fell with the taste of wine, which blackened the grass. From this the cognomen, Finnachta, adhered to him. Elim was his name at first." Died of the plague. |
29 | I | Slanoll 22. |
39433959 1257 B.C. |
Slanoll | Son of Ollamh Fodhla #27. Died in the banquet hall at Tara. |
30 | I | Gedhe Ollghothach 23. |
39603971 1240 B.C. |
Gead Ollghothach, Geidhe Ollghotach, Gedhi Oil-gothach | Son of Ollamh Fodhla #27. Fell by Fiacha #31, son of Finnachta. |
31 | I | Fiacha Finnailches 24. |
39723991 1230 B.C. |
Fiacha (3), Fiachadh III, Fionnailches, Fiochaidh | Son of Finnachta (Fionnachta) #28. Fell by Bearnghal (Breagh) #32. |
32 | I | Bearnghal 25. |
39924003 1208 B.C. |
Bergna, Berngal | Son of Gedhe Ollghothach #30. Fell by Oilioll, son of Slanoll, and Sirna, son of Dian. |
33 | I | Oilioll 26. |
40044019 1196 B.C. |
Olioll, Oilioll mac Slanuill, Olild | Son of Slanoll #29. Fell by Sirna (Siorna) #34, son of Dian. |
34 | E |
Sírna |
40204169 1180 B.C. |
Siorghnath Saoghalach, Siorna Saoghalach, Siorna Saoghaileach, Siorna "Saoghalach" (longœvus), Siorna Saegalach (long-lived); Sirna (Siorna) Sirsaeglach `the Long Lived' MacDian. | Son of Dian, son of Deman. [According to Keating, Dian was the son of Roitheachtaigh #22] After have been a century and a half in the sovereignty of Ireland [Keating says 21 years], fell by Roitheachtaigh #35, son of Roan. |
35 | H | Roitheachtaigh (Rothechtaid (II) MacRoan (Rotheachta Roitheachtaigh Roitheachtach) |
41704176 1030 B.C. |
Rotheacta (2), Rotheachta II, Rothachtaigh, Rothectach; Rothechtaid (II) MacRoan. | Son of Roan, son of Failbhe, son of Cas Ceadchaingneach, son of Faildeargdoid #26. Killed by a bolt of lightning. |
36 | H | Elim Oillfinshneachta (Ellim (I) Ollfinsnechta MacRothectaid, aka Elli Molli Naghta; aka Eiliomh (Elim) Ollfhionach) |
4177 1023 B.C. |
Eiliomh, Elim I Oillfionnsheachta, Eiliomh Ollfhionach, Éllim Ollfínsnechta, Feidhlimidh, i.e., a great bibber of wine; Ellim (I) Ollfinsnechta MacRothechaid. | Son of Roitheachtaigh #35. Fell by Giallchaidh #37, son of Olioll Olchain, son of Sirna [Giallchad m. Ailella Oalchlóen m. Sírna. ¶618] |
37 | E | Giallchaidh (Giallchadh of Ireland (Giallchaidh) (Giallchadh of Ireland (Giallchaidh); 37th Monarch of Ireland) |
41784186 1022 B.C. |
Giallcadh, Giallchad, Gilallchadh, Gialchadh; Giallchadh of Ireland. | Son of Olioll Olchain, son of Sirna #34. Fell by Art Imleach, son of Elim Oillfinshneachta #36. [h-Artt Inflig m. Éllim Ollfínsnechta. ¶619] |
38 | H | Art Imleach |
41874198 1013 B.C. |
Art Imlech; Art (I) Inflig MacEllim | Son of Elim Oillfinshneachta, #36. Fell by Nuadhat Finnfail. |
39 | E | Nuadhat Finnfail (Nuahhas (Nuadha) Fionn Fail aka Nuadhat I; 39th Monarch of Ireland) |
41994238 1001. B.C. |
Nuadhas Fionnfail, Nuado Find Fáil, Nuadhat II (Fionn Fáil), Nuadha Fionn Fail, Nuadath Finn-Fail | Son of Giallchaidh #37 [Nuad Find Fáil m. Giallchada m. Ailella Oalchlóen m. Sírnae Sírsáeglaich m. Déin m. Rothechtada. ¶727] Fell by Breas #40, son of Art Imleach. |
40 | H | Breas |
42394247 961 B.C. |
Breisrigh, Breas Rioghacta, Bresrigh, [Ro gab Bres ríge ¶621] | Son of Art Imleach #38. Fell by Eochaidh Apthach #40. |
41 | L | Eochaidh Apthach |
4248 952 B.C. |
Eochaidh Apach, Eochaidh IV Aptach, Eocaidh Apthach | Son of Fionn, son of Oilill, son of Flann Ruadh, son of Rothlan, son of Mairtine, son of Sithceann, son of Riaghlan, son of Eoinbhric, son of Lughaidh, son of Ioth, son of Breoghan. Fell by Finn, son of Bratha; Eochaid Apthach MacFinn. |
42 | I | Finn |
42494270 951 B.C. |
Fionn | Son of Blatha (Bratha), son of Labraidh, son of Cairbre, son of Ollam Fodla #27, son of Fiacha Finscothach # 24. Fell by Sedna #43. |
43 | H | Sedna Innarraigh (Setna (II) Innarraid MacBreisse, aka Seadhna Jonaroia; aka Seidnae Innaridh; aka Sedna Innarraigh) |
42714290 929 B.C. |
Seidnae Innaraidh, Seadna II Innarraigh, Seidnae Innaridh, Sétna n-Inarraid, Seadna Ionnarraidh; Setna (II) Innarraid MacBreisse. | Son of Breas #40. Fell by Simon Breac #44, son of Aedhan Glas. He taken prisoner, and his limbs torn asunder by wild horses, by the command of Simon Breach, "his barbarous Hermonian successor." He was the first in Ireland to pay fighting men. He required them to undergo discipline. Previously, they had no other pay but what they could gain from their enemies. Ionnarraidh means "wages." |
44 | E | Simon Breac |
42914296 909 B.C. |
Simeon Breac, Símón Brecc, Símóin Bricc, Simeon Breach, Simeon Brec | Son of Aedhan Glas [m. Áedáin Glais ¶627], son of Nuadhat Finnfail #39. Fell by Duach Finn, son of Sedna Innarraigh, who revenged his father's death by inflicting the same punishment on Simon Breach that the latter had inflicted upon his father; i.e., tearing him asunder. |
45 | H | Duach Finn |
42974306 903 B.C. |
Duach Fionn, Duach I Fionn, Duach Finn | Son of Sedna Innarraigh #43. [Duach Find m. Sétna n-Inarraid. ¶626] Felled by Muireadhach Bolgrach #46. |
46 | E | Muireadhach Bolgrach (Murchad (Muireadhach; I) Balgrach MacSimon aka Muiredach Bolgach; 3 grandsons were Monarchs) |
4307 893 B.C. |
Muireadach Bolgrach, Muiredach Balccrig, Muiridach Bolgrach, Muredach Bolgrach, Muireadhach I (Bolgrach) | Son of Simon Breac #44 [mc Muiredaich mc Símóin Bricc m. Áedáin Glais ¶728] Fell by Enda Dearg #47. |
47 | H | Enda Dearg |
43084319 892 B.C. |
Eanna Dearg, Enna, Éanna II, Enna Derg | Son of Duach Finn #45. Died of the plaguea large multitude with him. During his reign, money was first coined in Ireland. Fell by the plague. |
48 | H | Lughaidh Iardonn (Lugaid (I) Iardon MacEnna aka Lughaedh Jardhoim; aka Lughaidh Iardhonn) |
43204328 880 B.C. |
Lughaidh Iardhonn, Lughaidh I Iardonn | Son of Enda Dearg #47. Fell by Sirlamh #49, son of Finn, son of Bratha. |
49 | I | Sirlamh |
43294344 871 B.C. |
Siorloamhach, Síorlámh | Son of Finn, son of Bratha. Fell by Eochaidh Uaircheas #50. |
50 | H | Eochaidh Uaircheas (Eochaid (V) Uarchas MacLugaid aka Eochaidh Uaircas (Uarceas); aka Eoghai Goir Gheas) |
43454356 855 B.C. |
Eochaidh Uarceas, Eochaidh V (Uaircheas), Eochu Uarchés, Eochaidh Uaircheas, Eocaidh Uarkus | Son of Lughaidh Iardonn #48 "during his prodigious reign was a great rover at sea." Fell by Eochaidh #51 and Conaing #53, the sons of Congall Cosgarach. [Keating says he fell by Eochaidh Fiadhmuini and Conaing Beg-eglach. two sons of Duach Teamrach, son of Muireaddhach Bolgrach #46.] |
51 | E | Eochaidh Fiadhmuine 44. Eocaidh Feadmuine and Conaing |
43574362 843 B.C. |
Eochu Fidmuine, Eochaidh VI, Eocaidh Fiadmuini (Eochaidh Framhuine mac Duach, son of Dui Teamrach, son of Murchad (Muireadhach) Balgrach MacSimon #42) | Joint rule by two sons of Congall Cosrach, son of Duach Teamrach, son of Muireadhach Bolgrach #46. [Keating says that the two joint kings were sons of Duach Temrach.] Eochaidh ruled the south, Conaing the north. In 4362, Eochaidh fell by Lugaidh Laimhdhearg, son of Eochaidh Uaircheas, and the sovereignty was wrested from Conaing. |
53 | E | Conaing Begeaglach 44. Eocaidh Feadmuine and Conaing |
Conang Beag-eaglach, Conaing Bececlach, Conaing Beg-eglach (Conang Baeg- saglach mac Duach, son of Dui Teamrach, son of Murchad (Muireadhach) Balgrach MacSimon #42) | ||
52 | H | Lughaidh Laimhdhearg (Lugaid (II) Lamderg MacEchach aka Luighaidh (Lughaid) Lamhdhearg) |
43624368 838 B.C. |
Lughaidh Lamhdearg, Lughaidh II Láimhdhearg, Lugaidh Lamh-Derg | Son of Eochaidh Uaircheas #50. Fell by Conaing #51 and 53, son of Congal. |
53 | E | Conaing Begeaglach 46. Conaing |
43694388 831 B.C. |
Conang Beag-eaglach, Conaing Bececlach, Conaing Beg-eglach. Sometimes referred to as Conaing II, but he is the same person as Conaing I (also #53), who had previously ruled jointly with his brother, Eochaidh Fiadhmuine. | Son of Congal. A second time in the sovereignty of Ireland. Fell by Art #54, son of Lughaidh. |
54 | H | Art |
43894394 811 B.C. |
Art (2) | Son of Lughaidh Laimhdhearg #52, son of Eochaidh Uaircheas #50. Fell by Fiacha Tolgrach #55 and his son, Duach Ladhrach. |
55 | E | Fiacha Tolgrach |
43954404 805 B.C. |
Fiachadh Tolgrach, Fiachna Tolgrach, Fiachaidh Tolgrach | Son of Muireadhach #46. Fell by Oilioll Finn #56, son of Art. |
56 | H | Oilioll Finn |
44044415 795 B.C. |
Olioll Fionn, Oilioll II Fionn, Ailill, Olild Finn | Son of Art #54, son of Lughaidh Laimhdhearg. Fell by Airgeatmhar #58 and Duach Ladhgrach #59. |
57 | H | Eochaidh |
44164422 784 B.C. |
Eochaidh (7) | Son of Oilioll Finn #56. Fell by Airgeatmhar. |
58 | I | Airgeatmhar |
44234452 777 B.C. |
Argethamar, Argeadmar, Argedmar | Son of Siorlamh, son of Fionn, son of Bratha, son of Labraidh, son of Cairbre, son of Ollamh Fodhla #27. Fell by Duach Ladhgrach and Lugaidh Laighdhe |
59 | E | Duach Ladhgrach (Duach (II) Ladhghrach (Ladrach) aka Dui Ladrach MacFiachach; 59th Monarch of Ireland) |
44534462 747 B.C. |
Duach Ladhrach, Duach II Ladhgrach, Duach Laghrach | Son of Fiacha Tolgrach #55. Fell by Lughaidh Laighdhe #60. His son was Eochaidh Buadhach, who was kept out of the Monarchy by his father's slayer. (Eochy Buadech MacDuach, Eochaid Buiglaig (Buaid); last King of the Firbolg; Ugaine's natural father: Ugaine's foster-father was 63rd Monarch, grandson of Argatmar MacSirlaim, q.v.; son Badhbhchadh reigned as Monarch for just three hours) |
60 | H | Lughaidh Laighdhe |
44634469 737 B.C. |
Lughaidh Lagha, Lughaidh III Lugaidh Laghdi | Son of Eochaidh #57. Fell by Aedh Ruadh, son of Badharn, son of Airgeatmhar #58. |
54. Aedh Ruadh, Dithorba, and Cinnbaeth | 730 B.C. Alternatively for 70 years. | See below. | Aed Ruad, son of Baduirn, son of Argatmar (Argeadmar) MacSirlaim #58. (Allen) | ||
61 | I | Aedh Ruadh | 44704476 | Aodh Ruadh, Áeda Ruaid, Red Hugh | Son of Badharn [m. Baduirn ¶651], son of Airgeatmhar #58. Resigned after seven years to Dithorba, son of Deman, under an agreement among Aedh Ruadha, Dithorba, and Cimbaeth, who were sons of three brothers, and grandsons of Airgeatmhar, to resign at the end of seven years throughout the lives of their reigns. |
62 | I | Diothorba | 44774483 | Diothorba, Dithorba | Son of Deman, son of Airgeatmhar #58. Resigned to Cimbaeth after seven years under the above agreement. |
63 | I | Cimbaeth | 44844490 | Cimbath, Cimbaoth, Kimbay, Kimbaeth | Son of Fintan (Fionntan). [Cimbáed didiu m. Fintain m. Argatmáir m. Sírláim mc Find m. Blátha m. Labrada m. Cairpri Olloman m. Olloman Fótla m. Fiachach Fínscothaich m. Sétnai Airtt m. Ébir m. h- Ír mc Míled Espáine. ¶649] Resigned to Aedh Ruadh after seven years. Cimbaed (Ciombaoth), son of Fintain (Fiontan), son of Argatmar (Argeadmar) MacSirlaim (Allen) |
61 | I | Aedh Ruadh | 44914497 | see #61 above | Resigned to Diothorba after his second seven-year term. |
62 | I | Diothorba | 44984504 | see #62 above | Resigned to Cimbaeth after his second seven-year term. |
63 | I | Cimbaeth | 45054511 | see #63 above | Resigned to Aedh Ruadh after his second seven- year term. |
61 | I | Aedh Ruadh | 45124518 |
see #61 above | After his third seven-year term, he drowned at Eas Ruaidh. |
62 | I | Diothorba | 45194524 | see #62 above | After his third seven-year term, he resigned to Cimbaeth, |
63 | I | Cimbaeth | 45264532 |
see #63 above | After Cimbaeth's third seven-year term, Macha, daughter of Aedh Ruadh claimed that her father's turn to the sovereignty was hers. She defeated Diothorba in battle, married Cimbeath, and gave him the sovereignty. |
63 | I | Cimbaethwith Macha, daughter of Aedh Ruadh, as his Queen. | 45334539 | see #63 above, and #64 below. | Cimbaeth died of the plague at Eamhain Macha. Cimbaeth and Macha fostered Ugaine Mor #66. |
64 | I | Macha
Mongruadh (Queen) 55. Queen Macha Mongruadh |
45404546 660 B.C. |
Macha Mongrua, Macha of the Golden Tresses, Macha Mongruagh, Macha Mong Ruad (the red-haired) Macha Mhongruadh, Macha Mong-Ruadh | Daughter of Aedh Ruadh #61, widow of Cimbaeth #63. Slain by Reachtaidh Righdhearg, son of Lughaidh. Irish historian Eochaidh O'Flannagain described her as "Queen Macha the treacherous, voluptuous, haughty." M987.3. Macha was slain by this Reachtaidh #65, whereby he not only gained the monarchy, but also the addition to his name of Righ-deargh, i.e., a bloody arm, for having a hand in woman's blood. |
65 | H | Reachtaidh Righdhearg (Rechtaid Rigderg MacLugaid 'the Red King' aka Reachta (Reachtaidh) Righdhearg; aka Reacht Righ-dearg) |
45474566 653 B.C. |
Reacht Righ-dearg, Rechtaidh Righ-Derg | Son of Lughaidh Laighdhe #60. [Rechtaid Rigderg mc Lugdach m. Echach m. Ailella Find m. Airt m. Lugdach Laídich m. Echach Uarchés.¶651] He went into Scotland with a powerful army and reduced to obedience the Pictish Nation, then growing refractory in the payment of their yearly tribute to the Monarchs of Ireland. Fell by Ugaine Mor #66, in revenge of his foster mother, Macha Mongruadh. |
66 | E | Úgaine Mor |
45674606 633 B.C. |
Ugaine More (Hugony the Great), Ugaine Ma, Ughaine Mor, Iugani Mor | Son of Eochaidh Buadhach [Úgaine Mór m. Echach Buadaig ¶652], son of Duach Ladhgrach #59. Married to Ceasir (Kesair) Chruthach, daughter of the king of the French, according to the Book of Invasions. Went to conquer France. He held sway over the islands of western Europe. He divided Ireland among 22 sons and 3 daughters. Slain by Badhbhchadh #67, also a son of Eochaidh Buadhach, and the brother of Ugaine More. |
67 | E | Badhbhchadh | 4606 | Bancadh, Badbchadh | Was King for a day and a half when he was slain by Laeghaire Lorc, son of Ugaine Mor, in revenge for his father. "Badhbhchadh mac Echach, son of Eochy Buadech MacDuach. Badhbhchadh reigned as Monarch for just three hours." (Allen) |
68 | E | Laeghaire Lorc (Loegaire Lorc MacAugain aka Laoghair (Laoghaire Laeghaire) Lorck) |
46074608 593 B.C. |
Laeghaire Lorc, Láegaire Lorc, Laoghaire I (Lorc), Laery, Laegairi Lorc | Son of Ugaine Mor #66. Killed by Cobhthach Cael Breagh #67, his brother. |
69 | E | Cobhthach Cael Breagh |
46094658 591 B.C. |
Cobthach Caoil-bhreagh, Cobthach Caol Breg, Cobthach Caol Breagh, Colethach Caol-Bhreagh, Cobhthach Caol mBreagh, Covac | Son of Ugaine Mor #66, and brother of Laeghaire Lorc. Fell by Labraidh Longseach #69, or Maen, son of Olioll Aine [Labraid Loingsech Móen m. Ailella Áine m. Láegaire. ¶655] |
70 | E | Labhraidh Loingseach (Labraid Loingsech Moen MacAilella aka Labhra Loingseach Maoin)
46594677 541 B.C. |
Labhra Longseach, Labraid Loingsech Móen (or Maen), Labrad Loingsech. Labra the Mariner; Labraid Loingsech Moen MacAillella Aine | Son of Oilioll Aine (Olild Ani), son of Laeghaire Lorc #68, son of Ugaine Mor #66. Fell by Melghe Molbhthach #71. "Labra had horse's ears, and therefore to keep the secret had his hair cut only once a year and the barber then executed." Mythological Cycle. |
71 | E | Melghe Molbhthach |
46784694 522 B.C. |
Melg Molbhthach, Meilge, Melog Molghthach, Meig Molbhthach, Melgi Molbthach | Son of Cobhthach Cael #69 [Meilge mc Cobthaich ¶656]. Fell by Modhcorb #72. |
72 | H | Modhcorb |
46954701 505 B.C. |
Moghcorb, Mogh Corb | Son of Cobhthach Caemh (Cobhtach Caomh), son of Reachtaidh Righdhearg #65. Slain by Aengus Ollamh #73. |
73 | E | Aenghus Ollamh |
47024719 498 B.C. |
AEneas Ollamh, Aonghus II Ollamh, Óengus Ollam | Son of Oilioll (Olild Bracan), son of Labhraidh Loingseach #70. Fell by Irero #74. |
74 | E | Irereo (Irereo (Iarraingleo Jaran) Fathach of Ireland aka Iaran Gleofathach) |
47204726 480 B.C. |
Iarn Gleofathach, Iarn Gleo Fhathach, Iarainnghleo Fathach, Iaran Gleo-fathach; Irereo gleofhataigh m Melge molbthaigh [#71] m Cobthaigh caoilbregh [#69] m Ughoine moir [#66]. (O'Clery) |
Son of Melghe Molbhthach #71. [Irero m. Meilge ¶660]. Slain by Fearcorb #75, son of Modhcorb. |
75 | H | Fearcorb 65. |
47274737 473 B.C. |
Fearcorb, Fearchar, Fir Chorb, Fear Corb, Fer-Corb | Son of Modhcorb #72. Slain by Connla Caemh #76, son of Irereo #74. |
76 | E | Connla Caemh (Connla (Conly Connla) Cruiaidhchealgach Caem aka Conla Caomb; aka Conla Caomb) |
47384757 462 B.C. |
Conla Caomh, Conla Cáem, Conla Caomb, Condla, Connla Cruaidhchealgach, Connla Cruaidh-kelgach; m Connla cruaidcelgaigh m Irereo gleofhataigh m Melge molbthaigh m Cobthaigh caoilbregh (O'Clery) | Son of Irero #74. Died at Teamhair (Tara). |
77 | E | Oilioll Caisfhiaclach (Olioll (Ailill; III) Caisfhiachlach of Ireland, Cas-Fiaclach (`Crooked-Toothed') |
47584782 442 B.C. |
Olioll Casfiacalach, Ailill Casfiaclach, Oilioll III (Caisfhiaclach), Olioll Cas-Fiachla, Olild Cas-fiaclach, Olioll "of the Crooked Teeth"; Oilella caisfhiaclaigh m Connla cruaidcelgaigh m Irereo gleofhataigh m Melge molbthaigh (O'Clery) | Son of Connla Caemh #76. [mc Condlae ¶663], son of Irereo. Slain by Adamair #78, son of Fearcorb. |
78 | H | Adamair (Amadair Flidais Foltchain MacFer aka Adamhor (Adhamair) Foltchmoin; aka Adhamhra Foltcain) |
47834787 417 B.C. |
Adhamhair Foltchaion, Adhamair Foltchaoin, Adamar Folt-caein (or Folt-chaein) | Son of Fearcorb #75; "m. Fearcorb m. Fir Chuirp m. Moga Corb ¶664]. Slain by Eochaidh Ailtleathan #79. |
79 | E | Eochaidh Ailtleathan |
47884804 413 B.C. |
Eochaidh Altleathan, Eochu Altlethan, Eochaidh VIII (Ailtleathan), Eochaidh Alt-Leathan, Eachaidh Foiltleathan, Eocaidh Folt-lethan, Eochy "of the Long Hair"; Echach foiltletain m Oilella caisfhiaclaigh m Connla cruaidcelgaigh m Irereo gleofhataigh (O'Clery) | Son of Oilioll Caisfhiaclach #77. Slain by Fearghus Fortamhail #80. |
80 | E | Fearghus Fortamhail |
48054815 395 B.C. |
Fergus Fortamhail, Fergus Fortamail, Fearghus I (Fortamhail) | Son of Breasal Breac (Bresal Breogamhain). Slain by Aenghus Tuirmheach #81 in the battle of Teamhair Tara. |
81 | E | Aenghus Tuirmheach Teamhrach (Aengus (III) Tuirbheach Teamhrach of Ireland aka Aonghus Tuirmech (MacFer ?) |
48164875 384 B.C. |
AEneas Turmeach-Teamrach, Óengus Tuirmech, Óengus Turbech, Aongus Turmeach-Teamrach, Aonghus III (Tuirmheach), Aongus (or Æneas) Tuirmeach-Teamrach, Angus Tuirbheach, Aengus Tuirmech; Aonghusa turmigh m Echach foiltletain m Oilella caisfhiaclaigh m Connla cruaidcelgaigh (O'Clery) |
Son of Eochaidh Ailtleathan #79. Died at Teamhair. One source says he was murdered. "His son, Fiacha Firmara (so called from being exposed in a small boat on the sea)." Aenghus was ancestor of the Kings of Dalriada, and Argyle in Scotland. Aenghus, under the name of Angus Turbech of Tara, is the First king of Dal Riada listed in the Book of Ballymote. See my table of Scots Kings, #53 in the table of the kings of Dal Riada." "He was called Aenghus Tuirmheach because the nobility of the race of Eireamhon are traced to him." M4875.1. The Monarchs of Ireland. (See King #2, above) |
82 | E | Conall Collamhrach 72. Conall Collambrach |
48764880 325 B.C. |
Conall Collaimrach, Conall Collomrach, Conall I (Collamhrach), Conall Collamrach | Son of Ederscel Teamhrah (Edirsgeol of Temhair), son of Eochaidh Ailtleathan #79. Slain by Nia Sedhamain #83. "Conall Collamhrach, son of Ederscel Teamhrah, son of Eochaidh Ailtleathair." (Allen) |
83 | H | Nia Sedhamain (Nia Segaman (Niadhsedhaman) MacAmadair aka Niodh (Niadh) Seathamhuin) |
48814887 319 B.C. |
Niadhsedhaman, Nia Seadhamáin, Niad Segamain, Niadh Seaghamain, Niadh Segamhain | Son of Adhamair #78. Slain by Enna Aighneach #84. |
84 | E | Enna Aighneach (Enna Aignech `the Hospitable' MacAengusa aka Eanna (Enda; Eadhna; III) Airghtheach) |
48884907 312 B.C. |
Eanna Aigneach, Énna Airgdech, Énna Airgtech, Enda Agneach, Éanna III (Aigneach), Enna Aigneach, Enna Aighnech | Son of Aenghus Tuirmeach #81. Slain by Crimhthann Cosgrach #85. |
85 | E | Crimhthann Cosgrach (Crimthann (I) Coscrach MacFeidelmid, Crionthan Cosgrach; Criomthann Cusgrach) |
49084911 292 B.C. |
Crimhthann Cosgrach, Crimthann Coscrach, Criomhthann I; Crimthann (I) Coscrach MacFeideilmid. | Son of Feidhlimidh (Feidlimid Fortriun), son of Fearghus Fortamhail. Slain by Rudhraighe #86, son of Sithrighe. |
86 | I | Ruadhraighe |
49124981 288 B.C. |
Ruadhri Mor (a quo "Clan-na Rory") Ruadhri (Rory) Mo/r, Rudraig, Rory Mor, Rodricus Magnus, Rudruighe, Rudraide | Number 10 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Sithrighe, son of Dubh, son of Fomhor, son of Airgeatmar #58. [Rudraige mc Sittride m. Duib m. Fhomuir m. Argatmáir ¶671] Died at Airgeat Gleann. Conor Mac Nessa, a famous king of Ulster, is supposed by some to have been the grandson of Rory Mor. Conor (Conchobar) Mac Nessa was the foster father of Cuchalain (Cu Chulainn). Died of the plague. |
87 | H | Innatmar |
49824990 218 B.C. |
Ionadmaor, Ionnadmhar, Innadmar | Son of Nia Sedhamain #83. Slain by Breasal Boidhiobadh #88, son of Rudraighe. |
88 | I | Breasal Boidhiobhadh 78. |
49915001 209 B.C. |
Bresal Bodhiobha, Bressal Bódíbad, Bresal Bo-dibadh | Number 15 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Rudhraighe #86. Brother of Congal #90. Slain by Lughaidh Luaighne #89. "Breasal Boidhiobhadh, son of Rudraige Mor MacSittrid." (Allen) |
89 | H | Lughaidh Luaighne |
50025016 198 B.C. |
Lughaidh Luaighne, Lughaidh IV Luaighne, Lugaid Luaigni, Lughaidh Luaidhne, Lugaidh Luaigni | Son of Innatmar #87 [m. Fintait Máir ¶674]. Fell by Congal Claroineach #90, son of Rudhraighe #86. |
90 | I | Congal Claroineach 80. |
50175031 183 B.C. |
Congal Clareineach, Conghalach I, Congalius, Congal Clairingneach, Congal Claringnech | Number 16 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Rudhraighe #86. Brother of Breasal #88. Slain by Duach Dallta Deadhadh #91. |
91 | H | Duach Dallta Deadhadh (Dui Dalta Dedaid MacCairpre aka Duach Donn Dalte Deagha; aka Duach (III) Dallta Deadhadh) |
50325041 168 B.C. |
Duach Dalladh-Deadha, Duach III, Dallta Deadhadh, Duach Dalta Dedaid, Duach Dalta Deaghaidh, Duach Dalta Degaidh |
Son of Cairbre Lueg (Cairbre Lusc, i.e., broad face), son of Lughaidh Luaighne #89. Duach is said to have pulled out the eyes of his younger brother, Deadha, because he dared to try to to come between Duach and the throne, hence the epithet Dalladh, "blindness," applied to Deadha. Slain by Fachtna Fathach #92. |
92 | I | Fachtna Fathach 82. |
50425057 158 B.C. |
Factna Fathach; Fachtna Fathach MacRossa | Number 17 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Rossa, son of Rudhraighe #86. Slain by Eochaidh Feidhleach #93 . |
93 | E | Eochaidh Feidhleach (Eochaidh (IX) Feidlech (Feidhlioch) MacFinn aka Eochaid `the Steadfast'; `Constant Sighing') |
50585069 142 B.C. |
Eochaidh Feidlioch, Eochu Feidlech, Eochaidh X (Feidhliach), Eochaidh Feidlioch, Eochaidh Feidhlioch, Eochaidh Fedlec, Eochaid Feidlech, Eocaidh Feidlech. Feidhleach means constant sighing. Eochaidh (IX) Feidlech (Feidhlioch) MacFinn, aka Eochaid `the Steadfast'; `Constant Sighing'. | Son of Finn, son of Finnlogha [m. Find m. Fintain m. Findguill ¶678]. son of Roighnen Ruadh, son of Easamasn Easmhna, son of Blathacht, son of Labraidh Lorc, son of Enna Aighneach #84. Died at Teamhair Tara. Father of the amazonian Maeve (or Medb), the first wife of Conor Mac Nessa, King of Ulster at the time of the crucifixion of Christ, and grandson of Ruadhraighe. Conor separated from her and she became Queen of Connaught by marrying Ailill mac Matach, the king. Conor found his happiness with her sister, Ethne, whom he took to wife then, and who proved to all that was indicated by her name - Ethne, that is 'sweet kernel of a nut'." A History of the Irish Race. The timing would suggest that the Eochaidh, who was the grandfather-in-law of Connor Mac Nessa, should have reigned later, but Connor MacNessa's reputed grandfather, Ruadhraighe #86, preceded him. |
94 | E | Eochaidh Aireamh |
50705084 130 B.C. |
Eochaidh Aireamh, Eochaid Airem, Eochu Airem, Eochaidh Airomh, Eocaidh Aremh; Eochaid Airem MacFinn. Aireamh means gravedigger (or a person who counts things, as in accountant?) | Son of Finn, son of Findloga. [mc Find mc Findloga mc Find mc Findloga ¶680] Brother of Eochaidh Feidhleach #93, and the pedigree is the same. Married Etain. He was burned to death by Sighmall (Siodhmail). According to the Encyclopedia of the Celts, Midhir Midar (mi'yâr) was the King of Sidhe of Femen, and the fairy lover of Etain, the queen. He lost his wife Etain, who was a human, and went in search of her to the court of Eochaid Airem, whom she had married. He sought her through many reincarnations and strove to remind her of their happiness within the sidhe. He fought to regain her by playing fidchell (chess) with Eochaid and eventually abducted Etain by seizing her and rising through the smoke-hole of Eochaid's hall in the form of swans." The article on Chess says: "Invariably the mortal won the first two games and chose rich prizes, but the supernatural stranger won the third, and imposed some almost fatal task or asked for some next-to-impossible gift. It was by such a game that Midhir won Etain from Eochaid."An entry in the Encyclopedia of the Celts: "Ailill, Ailell # 562: (el'yill) 2. Brother of Eochy (Eochaid) Airem; he desired Etain desperately." The Encyclopedia of the Celts, in an article on the birth of Conaire More, king #97, says that one of several conflicting traditions is that the mother of Conaire More, Mes Buachella, "was the daughter of Ess, who conceived her either through incest with her father, Eochaid Airem, King of Tara, or through intercourse with the sid-folk of Bri Leith. Eochaid ordered the destruction of the child, but she was left in a kennel, with a bitch and her whelps, at the house of a herdsman." The chief physician to Eochaidh Aireamh was Fachtna, King of Ulster and husband of Nessa, mother of Conchobar MacNessa. Nessa was the daughter of Eochaidh Salbuide (yellow-heel), also known as Eochaid Buidhe (yo'he boo'ye). |
95 | E | Ederscel |
50855089 115 B.C. |
Edersceal, Eidirsceol, Etarscél, Eddir Scroil, Edersgel | Son of Eoghan, son of Iar, son of Oilioll. See Scots Kings, second table, Kings of Dal Riada #3841. Slain by Nuadha Neacht #96 [Nuadait Necht mac Sétnai Síthbaicc ¶681] |
Clann Eimhir Finn | 5090 | Reigned jointly for one-half year. | |||
96 | E | Nuadha Neacht (Nuada Necht MacSetnai Sithbaicc aka Nuadha Neacht; `the White') |
5090 110 B.C. |
Nuadhas Neacht, Nuadhat III, Nuada Necht, or Nuada the White, Nuadeth Nect | Son of Sedna Sithbhaic [Nuadait Necht mac Sétnai Síthbaicc ¶681]. Descendant of Labhraidh Loingseach #70. After having spent half a year in the sovereignty of Ireland, fell in the battle of Cliach, in Ui Drona, by Conaire Mor #97. |
97 | E | Conaire Mor |
50915160 109 B.C. Joyce: 1 A.D. |
Conaire Mor, Conaire Már, Conair Mo/r, Conari I, Conari Mor. | Son of Ederscel #95 [but see #94]. Slain at Bruighean Da Dhearg, by insurgents. Keating says he fell by Aingceal Caoch (Angkel) who was called the king of the Britons because his mother, Bera, was the daughter of Ocha, Prince of the Britons of Man. |
no king | 51615165 | ||||
98 | E | Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg (Lewy `of the Red Circles' of Ireland aka Lughaid Sriabh-N Dearg) |
51665191 34 B.C. Joyce: 65 A.D. |
Lughaidh Sriabh-n Dearg, Lugaidh Sriabhn Dearg, Lugaid Riab n-Derg, Lugaid Riab Derg, Lugaidh Riabh-n-derg (Lewy of the Red Circles) | A pedigree, probably prepared by Lugaidh's grandfather as a memorial to his three sons who had been slain, says that Lugaid was the son of Breas-Nar-Lothar, the three sons of Eochaidh Feidhleach #93. These three sons were known as the three Finns of Emain. They were slain in battle during the reign of their grandfather. Lugaidh married Dearborguilla (Dervorgill), daughter of the King of Denmark, and killed himself in 8 B. C. by falling on his sword. His son was Crimthan Nuadh-Nar #100. The Annals say he "died of grief"—probably because of the premature death of his wife. |
99 | E | Conchobhar Abhradhruadh (Conchobar Abratruad MacFind Filed aka Conchobhar Abhradhruadh) |
5192 8 B.C. Joyce: 73 A.D. |
Conchobhair, Conchobar Abratruad, Concobar Abrat Ruad, Concobar Abradh-ruadh (Conor of the Red Brown) | Son of Finn File the poet, son of Rossa Ruadh [m. Find Fhiled m. Rossa Ruaid ¶685], son of Fearghus Fairrghe, son of Nuadha Neacht #96. Slain by Crimhthann #100, son of Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg. |
The year of Christ's birth, 1 A.D., was the year 5200 in the Age of the World, and was the eighth year of the reign of Crimthann Niadhnair, king number 100 in this table. Keating say that Christ was born in the twelfth year of the reign of Crimthann Niad-Nair.
100 | E | Crimhthann Niadhnair 90. Crimhthann Niadhnaer (Criffan Crimthann (Criomthann) `Niadh-Nar' MacLugaid, 'the Heroic'; Nia Naire) |
519 39 A.D. 7 B.C. (Birth of Christ in the eighth year of his reign). Joyce: 74 A.D. |
Crimthann Niadh-Nar, Crimthan Nuadh-Nar, Ilair Cheting, Criomhthann Nia Nar, Crimthann (or Criffan) Nia Nair |
Son of Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg #98. Married to Nar-Tath-Chaoch or Nar Tuathchuach (Bainé, daughter of the King of Alba, and the mother of Feredach), daughter of Laoch, son of Daire, who lived in the land of the Picts (Cruitheantuaith, Scotland). Married Baine (or Naira) daughter of Loich, son of Dareletus, king of the Northern Picts (also referred to as Laoch, son of Daire who lived in the land of the Picts; i.e. Scotland). His son was Feareadach Fionn Feachtnach Feredach #102. Died in 9 A.D. at Dun Crimhthainn, at Edair, as a result of falling from a horse, after returning from a famous expedition probably his expedition to Britain and Gaul to assist the Picts and Britains in their wars with the Romans. |
101 | F | Cairbre Cinncait 91. Cairbre Cinnceat |
10 A.D.14 A.D.
Cairbre Cean-cait, [Gabais Cairpre Cattchen ¶687], Cairbre Chinn Chait, Carbery Cinncat (Cat-head), Carbri Kinncait, Carbri Catkenn, Carbri Kenn-Cait; Cairbre Cinncait 'Cean-Cait' (`Cat's head') . | Became King after he had killed the nobility, except a few who escaped from the massacre, in which the nobles were murdered by the Aitheach Tuatha. (The plebeian descendants of the Firbolgs, known as the Attacotti, and described by Keating as the "unfree tribes," exterminated the Milesian nobility.) Three nobles escaped: Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach #102, from whom are sprung all race of Conn of the Hundred Battles; Tibraide Tireach, from whom are the Dal Araidhe; and Corb Olum, from whom are the kings of the Eoghanachta, in Munster. And as to these, it was in their mothers' wombs they escaped. Baine, daughter of the king of Alba, was the mother of Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach; Cruife, daughter of the king of Britain, was the mother of Corb Olum; and Aine, daughter of the king of Saxony, was the mother of Tibraide Tireach. Cairbe Cinncait is mistakenly listed by Keating as king after Fiacha Finnfolaidh #104. He says Cairbre died of the plague. On the death of Cairbre Cinncait, his son, Morann Mac Maein, called back the Milesian nobility in the person of Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach #102. |
102 | E | Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach (Feredach Finn Fachtnach; Feredac `the True' MacCrimthainan Nia Naire, Fearadach Fionn Feachtnach) |
1536 Joyce: 95 | Feareadach Fionnfeachtnach, Feradach Find Fechtnach, Feredach Fionn-Feachtnach; Feredach Fechtnac, Feredach Find Fectnach Fedelmid, Feareadach Fionn, Feachtnach Feredach, Feradach Fechtnach mc Crimthaind, Fearadhach Finn, Feradaig Fechtnaig, Fearadach Fionn Feachtnach,.
Son of Crimhthann Niadhnair or Crimthann-Niadh-Nar #100. King of Cruithentuath, the Irish name given to northern Scotland. Scotland’s Early History Part Two (available from the Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust). Feredach Find Fectnach; Fedelmid, son of Ilair Cheting is said to have been in Emain Macha with the men of Ulster at Bricriu's Feast. Father of Fiacha Finnfolaidh #104. Died a natural death at Tara. Keating, in his list of the "chief authors of the Seanchas (recorders of historical truth) from age to age", lists "Fearadach Fionn Feachtnach chief author for skill in Ireland." (book II, section IV). |
103 | E | Fiatach Finn |
3739 Joyce: 117 | Fiatach Fionn (a quo "Dal Fiatach"), Fiatach Find, Fiatach Finnidi, Fiacaidh Finn; Fiatach finn (o ra dal tFiatach) m Daire m Dluthaigh m Deithsin m Eachadach (O'Clery) | From whom the Dal hFhiatach are named. Son of Daire, son of Dluthach [Fiatach Find m. Dáre m. Forgo ¶689], son of Deitsin, son of Eochaidh, son of Sin. For more of this pedigree, go to #43 in the table of Kings of Dal Riada on my Scots Kings page. The Dal Fiatach in Uladh are descended from Fiatach. Slain by Fiacha Finnfolaidh. [Fiachaich Fidfholaid m. Feradaich ¶689]. (Fiatach Find SS# 9078). Also king of Ulster #25. O'Donovan points out, in a note to the year 39 of the Annals of Four Masters, that Tighernach has this Fiatach Finn succeeding his father, Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach #101, as king of Emania, or Ulster: "He only makes reign as king of Emania, or Ulster, for sixteen years, and this seems correct, though it may have happened that he was a more powerful man than the legitimate sovereign." |
104 | E | Fiacha Finnfolaidh (Fiache II (Fiachaidh IV) Fionnolaidh MacFeredaig, `White Oxen') |
4056 Joyce: 119 | Fiacha Fionn-Ola (Fiach of the White Oxen), Fiachu Findfolaid, Fiachaidh Finnoladh, Fiacha Finnola, Fiacaidh Finnolaidh | Son of Fearadhach Finnfeachtnach #102. Killed by the provincial kings (Keating call them "rustic tribes"), at the instigation of the Aitheach Tuatha, in the slaughter of Magh Bolg. Foirbre, son of Fin, King of Munster, was among the provincial kings who slew Fiacha Finnfolaidh. (Keating says their leader was Cairbre Cinncait #101, and says this Cairbre succeeded Fiacha Finnfolaidh.) He left one son, Tuathal Teachtmhar #106, who, at his death, was in the womb of Eithne, daughter of the King of Alba Scotland. "This Fiacha was married to Eithne, daughter of the King of Alba; whither, being near her confinement at the death of her husband, she went, and was there delivered of a son, who was named Tuathal." #106. Keating notes: "Know that, according to Stowe's Chronicle, there were Scots residing in Alba in the year of the Lord 73, very soon after Fiachaidh Fionnoladh held the sovereignty of Ireland, and that was before Cairbre Riada lived." |
105 | I | Elim (Elim/Eiliomh, son (grandson?) of Ros Ruadh MacRudraigh (or of Ros' brother Conragh) ) |
5776 Joyce: 126 | Eiliomh MacConrach, Ellim, Elim Mac Connra | Son of Connra, son of Rossa Ruadh, son of Ruadhraighe #86. Elim was presumably brother of Fachtna Fathach #92 and a nephew of Breasal Boidhiobhadh #88 and Congal Claroineach #90. Number 27 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Conrach. Slain in the battle of Aichill, by Tuathal Teachtmhar |
106 | E | Tuathal Teachtmhar (Tuathal Techtmar is the first Monarch universally acknowledged to be an historic King. Tuathal (I) Techtmar (Teachtmar) MacFiachach) |
77106 Joyce: 130 | Tuatha Teachdmar, Tuathal Techtmar, Tuathal Techtmar mc Fiachach, Tuathal Teachtmair, Tuathal Tectmar, Tuathal the Legitimate |
Son of Fiacha Finnfolaidh #104 and Eithne, daughter of the King of Alba. [m. Fiachach Findfolaid mc Feradaig Fechtnaig mc Crimthainn Niad Náire mc Lugdach Riab n-Derg ¶738]. Born in Alba. Lived in Scotland until he was 25 years old. "With the help of his Grandfather [father-in-law?], the King of Alba, and his friends, he went into Ireland and after scores of battles, restored the true royal blood and heirs to their respective provincial kingdoms." Chief of Meath, chief of Freamhainn. Married Baine, daughter of Sgaile Balbh, or Scal Cnoc, King of England. Said to have annexed the territory around Tara to make Midhe (Meath) the Royal Province. Slain by Mal, son of Rochraidhe. Father of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar #108. |
107 | I | Mal |
107110 Joyce: 160 | Mal MacRochraidhe, Mál mc Rochride, Mal Mac Rochride. | Son of Rochraidhe or Rochruidhe, son of Cathbhadh, son of Giallchaidh Fionn... Descendant of Ruadhraighe Mor (# 86?) Number 29 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Slain by Feidhlimidh Rechtmhar #108. |
108 | E | Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar (Felim Rachtmar `the Lawgiver' MacTuathal, aka Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar; aka Feidhlimdidh Reachtnar) |
111119 Joyce: 164 | Felim Rachtmar, Feideilmid Rechtaid, Felim "The Lawgiver", Fedhlimidh Rachtmar, Feidhlmidh Rechtmar, Fedlimid Rechtmar (Felim the Lawgiver), Feidlimidh Rectmar |
Son of Tuathal Teachtmhar #106. [Feidelmid mc Tuathail Techtmair ¶693] His mother was Baine, daughter of Scal Cnoc (Scal Balbh). Baine in Oirghialla is named after her, for it was there she was interred. Married Ughna daughter of the King of Denmarkor Una "daughter of a legendary king of Lachlainn." Father of Conn of the Hundred Battles #110. The pedigrees of the Deisi Mumham flow back to "m. Fiachach Suigde m. Feideilmid Rechtada m. Tuathal Teachtmar." Fiacha Suidhe was a brother of Conn. "Died on his pillow." |
109 | E | Cathaeir Mor (Cathair Mar MacFeideilmid, aka Cathaeir Mor; King of Leinster; (mythical) |
120122 Joyce: 174 | Cathair Mor (Cahir More), Cathaír Már, Catháer Már mc Feidelmid Fir Aurglais, Cathaeirmor, Cathari Mor. | Son of Feidhlimidh Firurghlais, son of Cormac Gealta Gaoth, son of Nis Corb, son of Cu Corb, son of Mogh Corb, son of Conchubhar, son of Seadna Siothbac, son ol Lughaidh Loithfhionn, son of Breasal Breac, . . . son of Aenghus Ollamh #70. Father of thirty sons, among whom and their posterity he attempted to divide Ireland. Slain by Conn #110, and the Luaighni of Teamhair, in the battle of Magh hAgha. |
110 | E | 123157 Joyce: 177 | Conn Ceadcatha, Conn Ceadcathach; ("Conn of the Hundred Fights"), Conn Cétchathach mc Feidelmid, Con Read Cead Chathach, Conn Ceadchatach, Conn Cedeathach (the Hundred fighter), Conn Ked-Cathach; Conn Ceadchathach MacFeideilmid) |
Son of Feidhlimidh Reachtmhar #108 and Una, daughter of the king of Lochloinn. Married to Eithne. Conn and Eoghan Mor, also called Mogha Nuadhad, fought a great battle at Maynooth in 123 AD and split Ireland in half. "Resulting from this battle, Mogha forced Conn to divide Ireland with him into two equal parts by the boundary of Esker Riada, a long ridge of hills from Dublin to Galway, the south part he termed his and called it after his own name, Leath Mogha, or 'Mogha's Half of Ireland'. The northern part was called Leath Cuinn, or Conn's Half." "Conn also gave his daughter, Sadbh, in marriage to Oiloll Olum, Son of Eoghan Mor." Descent from the Great Kings of Ireland. "Conn’s life and reign were ended by his assassination at Tara. Fifty robbers hired by the king of Ulster, came to Tara, dressed as women, and treacherously despatched the Monarch." A History of the Irish Race. Another version of his death is: Slain by Tibraite (Tiobraide) Tireach, son of Mal #107, son of Rochraidhe [Tipraiti Tírech la mc Máil m. Rochride ¶696], King of Ulster, at Tuath Amrois. Father of Art #112. |
111 | E | Conaire, son of Modh Lamha |
158165 Joyce: 212 | Conaire MacMogha Laine, Conari Moglama (Conari II), Conaire Cliamain Cuind, Connor II, Conaire Coem, mc chonaire choem, Conari | Son of Modh Lamha, son of Lughaidh Allthach (Elathach), son of Cairbre Cromcheann, son of Daire Dornmhar, son of Cairbre Fionnmhor, son of Conaire Mor #97. For more of this pedigree, see #32 in my table of the Kings of Dal Riada in my web page on Scots Kings. King of Munster and Ireland. Son-in-law of Conn #110. Conaire had three sons, Cairbre Musc, from whom the Muscraighe are called; Cairbre Baschaein, from whom are the Baiscnigh, in Corca Baiscinn; and Cairbre Riadal (Rioghfhoda), from whom are the Dal Riada. [M165.1] Saraid (Saruit), daughter of Conn of the Hundred Battles #110 [and sister of Art Eaufhear #112], was the mother of these sons. See the History of Dalriada in Scotland (available through the Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust). "In the Book of Ballymote we are told that at the beginning of the 3rd Century about 212-220 C.E. Conaire, the King of Ireland was killed and his three sons were forced to leave and find lands elsewhere. The son we are concerned with is Cairpre Riata and his connection with Scotland we will come to later." Scotland’s Early History Part Two (available through the Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust). Fell by Neimhidh, son of Sruibhgheann. |
112 |
E | Art (Airt `the Solitary' Aoinfhear MacConn, aka Art (III) Aonthir; aka Art-Ean-Fhear Eanfhear Aenfher) |
166195 Joyce: 220 | Art Eanfhear , Art Ean-Fhear, Artt Óenfer, Art Aoinfhear, Art Aenfer (the Solitary), Art Aeinfer |
Son of Conn of the Hundred Battles #110. Married Maedhbh Leathdearg (Meadbh Leithderg), the daughter of Conann Cualann; from this Queen, Rath Maedhbhe, near Tara, obtained its name [Descendants of Milesius]. Ancestor of O'Hart. Fell in the battle of Magh Mucruimhe, by Maccon [Lughaidh #113] and his foreigners. Seven sons of Art's sister, Sadhbh, daughter of Conn, whose father was Oilioll Olum, fell in the same battleagainst their half brother, Lughadh Maccon. It was Beinne Brit, King of Britain, who laid violent hands upon them. Beinne was slain by Lughaidh Lagha in revenge of his relatives. Father of Cormac #115. |
113 | L | Lughaidh (Lugaid (Lughoidh) MacCon (MacLugaid ?); two sons were Monarch) |
196225 Joyce: 250 | Lughaidh Maccon, Lugha VI Maccon, Lugaid mc Con, Lughaidh Mac Con, Luy Maccon, Lughaidh, son of the greyhound, Mac Con moccu Lugde Loigde (Byrne), Lugaid (or Lewy) Mac Con, Lugaidh Mac-Conn | Son of Maicniadh (Mac Niadh) and Sadbh, daughter of Conn of the Hundred Battles #110.Stepson of Olioll Olum. Keating says Lughaidh was the third ancestor of Lughaidh, son of Ithe (Ioth), to become high king. The other two were Eochaidh Eadghadhach #14 and Eochaidh Apthach # 41. The Annals of the Four Masters reports that in 186 A.D. Cairbre Musc wounded Lughaidh so that he was ever afterwards lame. "mentioned in the Book of Leinster as having fought against Cairpre Riata when Cairpre was out to avenge his father's death. This fight resulted in Lughaidh Mac Con being exiled and so he went to Alba (Britain). It is said he remained in Alba for seven years, gaining support and friends, one of whom was Beinne Briot, son of the King of Britain. With such support he returned to Ireland and [in 195] killed Art son of Conn who was king in Ireland at that time." Scotland’s Early History Part Two (available through the Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust). Fell by the hand of Feircis (the poet Fercheas), son of Coman Eces [Ferchess mc Commáin écis ¶699], after he had been expelled from Teamhair Tara by Cormac #115, the grandson of Conn. |
114 | E | Fearghus Duibhdeadach |
226 Joyce: 253 | Fergus Dubh-Dheadach, Fergus I Blacktooth, Fergus Dubdétach m. Fhindchada, Feargus Duibhededach, Fergus Dubhdedach (of the Black Teeth), Fergus Dubh-dedach; Ferghusa duibhdhetaigh m Iomchadha m Fionncadha m Ogamain m Fiatach finn (o ra dal Fiatach) (O'Clery) | Number 32 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Iomchadh, son of Fionnchaidh, son of Oghaman, son of Fiatach Finn #103. (Fiatach Find SS# 9078) His mother was Moen. King for a year, when he fell in the battle of Crionna, by Cormac #115, grandson of Conn, by the hand of Lughaidh Lagha. SS# 9073. Father of Oengus Find or Aenghus Finn, King of Ulster #34. |
115 | E | Cormac |
227266 Joyce: 254 | Cormac Mac Art (or Cormac Ulfada), Cormac Ulhada, Cormac Ulata, Cormac m. Airt, Óenmc Airtt Cormac Ulfota, Cormac Ua Cuind, Corbmac, Cormac Ul-fada |
Son of Art #112, son of Conn of the Hundred Battles #110. Cormac's mother was Eachtach, daughter of Uilceathach the smith and "dowered mistress" of Art. "For it was a custom at that time ... that whenever a king or king's son coveted the daughter of a farmer or biadhtach ... [he] should get her, provided he gave her a marriage portion or dowry of cattle." Cormac returned and claimed the throne when Lugaid was killed, but at a feast which he gave to the princes whose support he wanted, Fergus Black Tooth of Ulster, who coveted the Ard Righship, managed, it is said, to singe the hair of Cormac and scorched him severelycreating a blemish that debarred the young man temporarily from the throne. And he fled again from Tara, fearing designs upon his life. Fergus became Ard Righ for a yearat the end of which time Cormac returned with an army, and, supported by Taig, the son of Ciann, and grandson of the great Oilioll Olum of Munster, completely overthrew the usurper in the great battle of Crionna (on the Boyne) where Fergus and his two brothers were slainand Cormac won undisputed possession of the monarchy." A History of the Irish Race. In 240, the fleet of Cormac sailed across Magh Rein (i.e. across the sea), and it was on that occasion he obtained the sovereignty of Alba Scotland. In 265 he fought seven battles against the Deisi of Meath, and drove them out of their territory into Meath. Said to have converted to Christianity in 246. Cairbre-Lifeacher, #117, was the second of his three sons. See Eoghanacht Genealogies. Died by choking on a bone from a salmon caught in the Boyne River. "he was eating salmon when the sprites or demons of the air choked him." |
116 | E | Eochaidh Gonnat (Eochaidh Gonnat, son of Fiach, son of Imchad (Iomchaidh) MacBreasal) |
267 Joyce: 277 | Eochaidh Gunta, Eocha I Gunait, Achaius Gunnatt, Eochu Gunnat m. Féicc m. Imchada, Eochaid (or Ochy) Gunnatt, Eocaidh Gunath |
Number 33 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Fiach, son of Iomchaidh, son of Breasal, son of Siorchaidh, son of Fiatach Finn #103. Fell by Lughaidh Meann (Lughna Feirtre), son of Aenghus, one of the Ulstermen [Lugaid mc Meicc Óengusa ¶702]. |
117 | E | Cairbre Liffeachair (Carbri Lificar; Cairbre Lifiochair (Lifechar) MacCormaic. Cairbre Lifiochair (Lifechar) MacCormaic aka Cairbrelifefeachaire) |
268284 Joyce: 279 | Cairbre Liffechar, Cairpre Liphechair m. Cormaic, Caibre-Lifeachar, Cairbre Lifiochair, Cairbre II Aiffeachair, Cairpre, Corpre, Carbery Liffechair (of the Liffey) |
Second son of Cormac, #115. Fiacha Srabhteine #120 was Cairbre's son. Another son was Eochaidh Doimhlen (Dublein) (Eochaid Domplen (Dubhlen) MacCairpre Liphecair) father of the three Collas, one of whom was Colla Uais #121, who became High King in 322. Cairbre Liffeachair was also King of Connaught. In 271, he fought three battles against the men of Munster in defense of the right of Leinster. He fell in the battle of Gabhra Aichle, by the hand of Semeon, son of Cearb, one of the Fotharta (Fortuatha of Leinster). |
119 | L | Fothadh Cairptheach (Fothadh Cairptheach, son of Lugaid (Lughoidh) MacCon MacLugaid #113) |
285 | Fothadh Cairpeach, Faharsach, Fothud Cairptech, Fathad Cairpthech (Carpagh) |
Son of Lughadh #113. Slain by his brother, Fothadh Airgtheach. (O'Hart has reversed the order of these two brothers.) "M285.1 Fothadh was one year over Ireland, when Fothadh Cairptheach was slain by Fothadh Airgtheach. Fothadh Airgtheach was afterwards slain in the battle of Ollarba, in Magh Line, by Caeilte." Ireland's History in Maps. |
118 | L | Fotadh Airgtheach (Fotadh Airgtheach, son of Lugaid (Lughoidh) MacCon MacLugaid #113) |
285 | Fotadh Airgtheach, Fachardach, Fothud Airgtech, Fatadh Airgthech |
Son of Lughadh #113. Slain in the battle of Ollarba, in Magh Line, by Caeilte; or, according to Keating, by the Fiann. |
120 | E | Fiacha Sraibhtine |
286322 Joyce: 297 | Fiachea Srabhteine (ancestor of O'Neill), Fiacha Srabhteine, Fiachu Sraibtine, Fiacha Sraibtine, Fiachaidh Straibhtine, Fiacha VI, Fiachu Srobtene, Fiachaig Sraiptine, Fiachu Sraiptine mc Cairpri Liphechair, Fiechri |
Son of Caibre-Lifeacher #117. Married to Aoife, daughter of the king of the Gallghaedheal; father of Muireadhach Tireach #122. His brother was Eochaidh Doimhlen (Dublein), father of the three Collas. Slain by his nephews, the three Collas, in 322 in the Battle of Dubhormar (Dubhchumair), in Crioch Rois, in Breagh. He was succeeded as High King by the oldest of the three Collas, Colla Uais #121. Donnchadh O Corráin, in Creating the Past: the Early Irish Genealogical Tradition, at § 27, refers to Fiacha Sraibhtine as "the mythical figure, Fiachu Srobtene in the pre-history of the Uí Néill." The web page contains the Carroll Lecture delivered in 1992 at University College Cork. |
121 | E | Colla Uais (Colla Uais (Carioll) MacEchach Duibhlenin, 'Colla the Noble') |
323326 Joyce: 327 | Colla Uais, Colla h-Uais, Colla Huas, Cairoll |
Son of Eochaidh Doimhlen (Dubhlen), grandson of Cormac #115, and nephew of Fiacha Sraibhtine #120. One of the three Collas. His reign ended in 326 when he and his two brothers. Colla Meann (Aedh) and Colla da Chrioch (Muireadhach), were defeated by their cousin, Muiredach Tireach #123, and exiled into Scotland "with three hundred along with them." |
122 | E | Muireadhach Tireach (Muireadeach (II) Tirech MacFiachach aka Muireadhach Tireach) |
327356 Joyce: 331 | Muireadach Tireach, Muiredach Tírech, Murdeach Tireach, Muredach Tirech, Moiready Tireach. | Son of Fiacha Srabhteine #120, and father of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin #124. Fought and defeated Colla Uais in 326 after four years' reign. "M356.1 After Muireadhach Tireach had been thirty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he was slain in 356 by Caelbhadh #123, son of Crunn Badhrai [Cóelbad mc Cruind Ba Druí ¶707], King of Uladh, at Portrigh, over Dabhall." |
123 | L |
Caelbhadh (Caelbad (Caelbhadh) MacCeuind Ba Drui (Caolbadius Coelub Caolbha) |
357 Joyce: 357 | Caolbadh, Caolbhach, Cóelbad, Caolbha, Caolbadius, Coelbad Coba, Coelub (?), Caelbach |
Number 47 on O'Hart's list of Kings of Ulster before Saint Patrick. Son of Crunn Badhrai (Crunnbhadroi), King of Ulster. Slain by Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin. #124. Eochaidh thus avenged the death of his father, Muireadhach Tireach #122. Caelbhadh was the father of two sons: Connla and Saran. According to John O'Hart, Saran was the king of Ulster who was defeated and deposed by the three Collas. |
124 | E | Eochaidh Muighmheadoin (Eochaid (Eochu) Mugmedon aka Eochaid (XII) Muighmheadhoin (Mugmemdon) |
358365 Joyce: 358 | Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin, Eochaid Muigmedon (Ochy Moyvane), Eochu Mugmedón, Eochaidh Muingh-Meadhoin, Eochaidh Mugmedon, Eochy Moyvone, Eocha II Slaves-Lord, Echu Mugmedon, Eocaidh Muigh-Medon | Son of Muiredach Tireach #122. King of Meath. By his first wife, Mong Fionn, daughter of the King of Munster, Eochaid had four sons: Brian, Fiachar, Ailill, and Fergus. He had a fifth son, Niall, by a second. Eochaidh died by accident (or was slain) in the eighth year of his reign in 365. Mong Fionn poisoned Crimhthann #125, her brother and Eochaidh's successor, so her oldest son, Brian, would become kinginstead of Eochaidh's favorite, Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. Niall was Eochaidh's only son by his second wife (or concubine), Carthann (Cairenn Chasdubh), daughter of a Saxon king, Scael Moen (the dumb). Grandfather, through his son Fiachra, of Dathi #127. |
125 | H | Crimhthann (Crimthann aka Criomthainn Mor MacFiodhaig; aka Criffan More) |
366378 Joyce: 366 | Crimthann (3), Criomthainn, Crimthan, Crimthand mc Fidaig, Criomthann Mor mac Fiodhaig, Crimthan Mor (Criffan More). | Son of Fidhach or Fiodach, son of Daire Cearb. The Eoghanact Genealogies list the second son of Oilill Flann Beag, Fiodach, as the father of Crimthann. The Annals of the Four Masters say that the father of Crimthann was Fidhach or Fiodach, son of Oilill's third son, Daire Cearb (and therefore grandson of Oilill Flan Beag). King of Munster, of the Heberian Sept. "Fiodach [son of Oiloll Flann Beag], to him was son Criomthann Mor mac Fiodhaig from whom is the tribe Clann Crimthann. He was king of Ireland and Britain." Eoghanacht Genealogies. "In 367 AD, there was an invasion of Britain by the Irish, Picts, and Saxons. Cormac, a scholar and bishop recorded the events and lists Crimthann as the ruling King of Ireland and Britain as far as the English Channel." Early Ireland. Crimthann was poisoned by his sister, Mong Fionn (Mungfionn), in the hope that Brian, her oldest son by Eochaidh, Irish Kings #124, would succeed in the Monarchy." Crimthann and Mong Fionn both died of the poison, but the scheme failed. Crimhthann was succeeded by Eochaidh's youngest son, and only son by his second wife, Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. |
126 | E | Niall of the Nine Hostages |
379405 (445-453) Joyce: 379 | Niall Mor (or Niall of the Nine Hostages), Niall Noígiallach, Niall Mor Naoi-Ghiallach, Niall I of the Nine Hostages, Niall Noígillach of the Nine Hostages, Niall Noigiallach mac Echach Mugmedoin (Byrne), Niell, Niall Naei-Ghiallach; |
Son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin #124. "Niall’s first expedition was into Alba to subdue the Picts. The little Irish (Scotic) colony in that part of Alba just opposite to Antrim had gradually been growing in numbers, strength, and prestigeuntil they excited the jealousy and enmity of the Picts, who tried to crush them. Niall fitted out a large fleet and sailed to the assistance of his people. Joined then by the Irish in Alba, he marched against the Picts, overcame them, took hostages from them and had Argyle and Cantire settled upon the Albanach Irish. After obtaining obedience from the Picts, his next foreign raid was into Britain. When Maximus and his Roman legions were, in consequence of the barbarian pressure upon the Continental Roman Empire, withdrawing from Britain, Niall, with his Irish hosts and Pictish allies, treaded upon their hurrying heels." A History of the Irish Race. "One of the greatest high kings was Niall of the Nine Hostages, whose reign began in AD 379. He formed an alliance with the Scots and Picts and sent ships to plunder England, Scotland, Wales, and France. These raids did much to weaken the power of Rome in Britain and France. Niall reigned for twenty-seven years before being killed by the arrow of a rival, Eochaida, the deposed king of Leinster. "Niall's ships brought many captives back to Ireland. One of them, Patrick, was the sixteen-year old son of a British Roman official. Patrick escaped from Ireland after six years of slavery, became a bishop, and returned to Ireland to convert its people to Christianity." The Royal History of Ireland Slain by an arrow shot by Eochaidh, son of Enna Ceinnseallach [Eochaid mc Énna Ceinselaig ¶711], on the brink of the River Loire in France. Eochaidh had been banished as the King of Leinster and had plans to be the High King of Ireland. The Annals of the Four Masters place Niall's death at Muir nIcht, i.e. the sea between France and England. The Eochaidh who shot the fatal arrow had been King of Leinster, was banished to Alba by Niall, and accompanied Gabhran, Scots Kings #5, chief of the Dal Riada, when Gabhran took troops to France to support an expedition of Niall. See: High King Niall: the most fertile man in Ireland by Jan Battles in the Sunday Times of Ireland of January 6, 2006; and If Irish Claim Nobility, Science May Approve by Nicholas Wade in the New York Times of January 18, 2006. The newspaper articles are based on a dissertation: A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland by Laoise T. Moore and Brian McEvoy, with Eleanor Cape. Katharine Simms, and Daniel G. Bradley, published in The American Journal of Human Genetics, volume 78, number 2, February 2006 (electronically published December 8, 2005). |
127 | E | Dathi (Dathi MacFiachrach, son of Fiachra Foltsnaithech MacEchach) |
406423 (died 445) Joyce: 405 |
Dathi, Dath Í, Dathy, Dauhi, Nath i macFiachrach, Nath 1 mac Fiachrach (Byrne) | Son of Fiachra [mc Fiachrach Sraiptine ¶712], son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin #124, was killed by a flash of lightning, at Sliabh Ealpa, near the Alp Mountains, while he was attempting to conquer France. Father of Oilioll Molt #129 by his second wife, Eithne, daughter of Orach. |
128 | E | Laeghaire |
428458 (454-463) Joyce: 428 429 |
Laeghaire MacNiall, Loguire, Lóeguire mac Néill (Byrne), Loigaire, Loegaire [Leary], Laegari | Son of Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. In 430, Pope Celestinus I sent Palladius to Ireland to propagate the faith among the Irish. He landed in the county of Leinster with a company of twelve men. Nathi, son of Garchu, refused to admit him; but, however, he baptized a few persons in Ireland, and three wooden churches were erected by him. He returned to Rome "as he did not receive respect in Ireland." Keating says he "set sail for Scotland." He contracted a disease in the country of the Cruithnigh and died thereof—at Magh Geirghin (according to O'Mahony's notes to Keating). In 431, Saint Patrick was ordained bishop by Pope Celestine I, who ordered him to go to Ireland and to preach and teach faith and piety to the Gaeidhil, and also to baptize them. Patrick arrived in Ireland in 432, with a many as thirty bishops. Muirchu's Life of Patrick described Laeghaire as "a certain great, fierce, pagan emperor of the barbarians reigning in Tara." (Byrne page 255). Killed by a lightning flash at Greallach Dabhaill beside the Liffey. Father of Lughaid #130. |
129 | E | Oilioll Molt (Ailill Molt, son of Dathi MacFiachrach #127) |
459478 (died 482) Joyce: 463
Olioll Molt, son of Dathi, Ailill Molt mac Nath 1 (Byrne), Olild Molt | Also King of Connaught. Son of Dathi (Nath I) #127, son of Fiachra. Slain in the battle of Ocha, by Lughaidh #130, son of Laeghaire #128, Muircheartach Mac Earca, Fearghus Cerrbhel, son of Conall Cremththainne, Fiachra, son of Laeghaire, King of Dal Araidhe, and Cremhthann, son of Enna Cennsealach, King of Leinster. Mac Niocall (page 17) says he was slain "in the battle of Faughan Hill, near Kells." |
a | Cairbre | (acceded 485) | Coirpre macNeill, Corpri, Cairpre | Son of Nial of the Nine Hostages #126. Grandfather, through Cormac Caech, of Tuathal Maelgarbh #132. Inflicted defeats on the Laigin. O'Mahony's notes to Keating describe him as "an obstinate pagan and an inveterate enemy of St. Patrick." | |
130 | E | Lughaidh (Lugaidh, son of Laeghaire (Leary) of Ireland; killed by forces of King Arthur at Battle of Douglas (507) (or killed by lightning at Achadh Farcha for insulting St. Patrick) |
479503 (died 507) Joyce: 483 S | Lughaidh, son of Laghaire, Lugha VII, Lugaid mac Lóeguiri O'Néill, Lugid, Lugaid (or Lewy). | Son of Laeghaire #128. During his reign, Fergus Mor MacEarca, Scots Kings #1, moved the throne of the Dal Riada to Scotland. Lugaidh was killed at Achadh Farcha, being struck by a flash of lightning, by the miracles of God, on account of the insult which he had offered to Patrick. Mac Niocaill (page 17) says he fell in the battle of Ard Corann in 507. Southern Hy Neill. |
131 | E | Muircheartach |
504527 (507536) Joyce: 512 N | Muircheartach Mor Mac Earca, Murtough, Muirchertach macErcae O'Néil, Muircheartach Mac Earcae mac Eogain (Byrne), Mac Erceni. Mac Niocaill: Muirchertach Mac Erca, Murkertach Mac Erca, Cenel nEogain 534. . | Son of Muireadhach [Muiredach Mor Mac Erc], son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. The Senchus Fer n'Alban says that Eochaid Muin-remor was the father of Erc. Keating says: "Erca, daughter of Loarn or Lodharn, King of Alba, was his mother." The Annals of the Four Masters report that Loarn, another son of Eochaidh Muinreamhar, was born in 434. See: Solving the Problem of Erc, section 12.2 of The Ancient Origin of the Scots. Brother of Fergus Mor Mac Earca, the founder of the Milesian Monarchy in Scotland, who crossed to Scotland and founded the kingdom of Dal Riada, becoming King of Dalriada. In 527, Muircheartach was burned to death in the house of Cleiteach, over the Boyne, on the night of Samhain, the first of November, after being drowned in wine (or after plunging into a puncheon of wine after being scorched by the flames). Father of Domhnall #134, Fearghus #135, and Baedan #137. |
132 | E | Tuathal Maelgarbh |
528538 (534544) Joyce: 533 N | Tuathal Maolgharbh, Tuathal II, Tuathal Máelgarb macCorpri Cáech O'Néil, Tuathal Maol Garbhl, Tuathal Mailgarb, Tuathal Maelgarb mac Cormaic Caich maic Corpri (Byrne), Tuathal Mael-garbh | Son of Cormac Caech (Caoch), son of Cairbre, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. Slain, at Greallach Eillte, by Maelmor, son of Airgeadan. |
133 | E | Diarmaid |
539558 (544565) Joyce: 544 S | "Diarmid, son of Fergus Cearrbheoil," Dermod I, Diarmait macCerbaill O'Néill, Diarmait mac Cerbaill (Byrne), Diarmait, Dermot. | Also King of Meath (Ruler of Uisnech). Son of Fearghus Ceirrbheoil (Fergus Cerrbel, Fergus Kervall), son of Conall Creamhthaine, son of Nial of the Nine Hostages #126. In 543, there was an extraordinary universal plague through the world, which swept away the noblest third part of the human race. In 557, Colum Cille went to Scotland, where he afterwards founded a church, which was named from him. During Diarmid's reign, Tara was abandoned, after having been the seat of Irish high kings for over 2000 years. Slain by Aedh Dubh, son of Suibhne, King of Dal Araidhe, at Rath Beag, in Magh Line (Rathbeg in Antrim). [See Kings and Lords of Dal Araide 558.] His head was brought to Cluain Mic Nois, and interred there, and his body was interred at Connor (Cuinnire). Father of Aedh Slaine #141. Also father of Colman Beg who, in 565, joined with Conall, Scots Kings #6, to conduct a sea raid on Isle [Islay] and Soil [Seil]. Mac Niocaill: Diaarmait, Southern Ui Neill 565. |
134 | E | Domhnall (Domhnall Ilchealgach `the Deceitful' of Ireland aka Domnall (Donald) MacMuirchertaig O'Nailll) |
559561 (565566) Joyce: 565 N | Donall (1), Domhnall Ilchealgach, Domnall mac Muirchertaig O'Néill; | Joint rule by the two sons of Muircheartach #131, son of Muireadhach. Their mother was Duinnseach, daughter of Duach Teangumha, king of Connaught. "Brothersboth died of the Plague in one day." Domhnall was the father of Eochaidh #136 and Aedh Uairidhnach #143. Mac Niocaill: Forgus and Domnall, Cenel nEogain 566. |
135 | E | Fearghus (Fergus (Forggus), son of Muirchertach (Mortough) MacEarca #131)
Fergus (3), Forggus mac Muirchertaig O'Néill, Forgus | ||
136 | E | Eochaidh (Eochaid/Eochu, son of Domhnall Ilchealgach 'the Deceitful' #134) |
562563 (569572) Joyce: 566 N | Eochaidh (13), Eochaid macDomnaill O'Néill or Eocha III, Eocaidh | Joint rule by Eochaidh, son of Domhnall #134, son of Muircheartach #131; and Baedan, son of Muircheartach #131, son of Muireadhach. They were both slain in 572 by Cronan, chief of Cianachta Glinne Gemhin. (The Periphery of Francia lists the joint reign of these two Kings after the reign of Ainmire #138, as does Gearoid Mac Niocaill in Ireland before the Vikings (page 72). Mac Niocaill says: "Apart from this brief supremacy, both are nonentities, and both were slain in 572 by Cronan son of Tigernach, king of Cianachta." Cenel nEogain.
137 | E | Baedan (Boadan I, son of Muirchertach (Mortough) McEarca #131) |
Boitean, Baedan I of the Yellow Hair, Báetán mac Muirchertaig O'Néill, Baitan. | ||
138 | E | Ainmire (Ainmere (Ainmercach) MacSetna aka Anmire (Ainmuire) MacSetnai) |
564566 (566569) Joyce: 568 N |
Anmire, Ainmere macSátnai O'Néill, Ainmuire mac Setnai (Byrne), An'mira, Anmiri | Son of Sedna (Seadna, Satnae. Setna), son of Fearghus Ceannfhoda (Fergus Cennfota), son of Conall Gulban (from whom came the Cenel Conaill), son of Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. In 565, a sea fleet was brought by Colman Beg, son of Diarmaid, son of Fearghus Cerrbheoil, and by Conall, son of Comhgall, chief of Dal Riada, to Sol and Ile, and they carried off many spoils from them. Slain by Fearghus, son of Nellin (Fergus, son of Neilline). Father of Aedh #140. Mac Niocaill: Ainmire, Cenel Conaill 569. |
139 | E | Baedan 126. Baedon (Conall) |
567 (572586) Joyce: 571 N | Boitean (2), Báetán mac Ninnedo O'Néill, Baitan | Son of Ninnidh (Ninnid macDaui, Nainnid), son of Fearghus Ceannfhoda (Kenn-fada) (or son of his brother Dui), son of Conall Gulban, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. Slain at Leim An Eich, in a battle, by the two Comains (Cuimins); i.e. Comain, son of Colman Beg (Beag), son of Cearbhall, and Comain, son of Libren (Libhrean), son of Illadhan, son of Cearbhall. It was at the instance of Colman Beg they perpetrated this deed. In 593/7, the battle of Sliabh Cua in Munster was won over the Munstermen by Fiachna, son of Baedan. Under this king, Keating notes that, according to Beda, Columcille went to Alba in 565. Mac Niocaill: Baetan, Cenel Conaill 586. "* 139th Monarch was Baetan; perhaps two consecutive Baetans ruled
but were conflated to one in the Monarchy lists |
140 | E | Aedh (Aed (Cenal Conaill) MacAinmere aka Aodh (Aedh; I; II) MacAnmire) |
568594 (586598) Joyce: 572 N | Aodh (2), Aed MacAinmirech, Aed mac Ainmuirech (Byrne), Aedh Mac Anmirech | Son of Ainmire #138. In 568, Fearghus, son of Nellin, was slain by Aedh, son of Ainmire, in revenge of his father. Aedh called the convention of Drom Ceat (Druim Ceit) to banish the poets from Ireland and to impose a tribute on the Dal Riada of Alba, among other purposes. Colum Cille came to Ireland and put a stop to this. In 592, Colum Cille, son of Feidhlimidh, apostle of Alba Scotland, died at age 77 in his own church in Hy, in Alba, after the thirty fifth year of his pilgrimage, on Sunday night precisely, the 9th day of June. Slain by Bran Dubh, king of Leinster, son of Eochaidh, in the battle of Bealach Dun Bolg, in Leinster, after Aedh had gone to exact the Borumha, and to avenge his son Comusgach (Cummsascach) upon them. Some nobles fell in this battle of Bealach Duin Bolg (Dun Bolg, a little to the south of Donard in Wicklow), together with Beg, son of Cuanach, Lord of Oirghialla (Bec son of Cuanu, king of the Ui Tuirtri in Airgialla). Father of Maelcobha #144 and Domhnall #146. |
141 | E | Aedh Slaine |
595600 (598604) Joyce: 598, S, N | Aodh Slaine, Aedh II Slaine, Aed Sláine mac Diarmato O'Néill, Aedh Slanni | Joint rule by Aedh Slaine, son of Diarmaid #133, son of Fearghus Cerrbheoil; and Colman Rimidh, son of Baedan #139, son of Muircheartach Mac Earca #131, son of Muireadhach, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. #126. Both were slain in 600. Aedh Slaine was the father of Diarmaid #149 and Blathmac #150. Colman Rimid was of the Cenel nEogain. Mac Niocaill: Aed Slaine, Southern Ui Neilll 604. |
142 | E | Colman Rimidh (Colman Rimid, son of 139th Monarch) |
Colman Rimidh, Colman The Celebrated, or Colmán Rímid mac Báetáin O'Néill | ||
143 | E | Aedh Uairidhnach |
601607 (604612) Joyce: 603 N | Aodh Uariodhnach, Aedh III Uaireodhnach, Aed Uaridnach macDomnaill O'Néil, Aed Allan (alias Aed Uaridnach) mac Domnail (Byrne) | Son of Domhnall Ilchealgach #134, son of Muircheartach, son of Muireadhach, son of Eoghan. Brother of Eochaidh #136. Brigh, daughter of Orca Mac Eirc, son of Eochaidh, was the mother of Aedh Uairidhnach. Fell in the battle of da Fhearta. Mac Niocaill: Aed Uaridnach, Cenel nEogain 612. |
144 | E | Maelcobha (Mael Coba MacAeda poss. aka Maolchabha, King of Cineall Connill) |
608610 (612615) Joyce: 611 N |
Mallcobh, Maelchab, Máel Cobo mac Aedo O'Néill, Mael Coba, Mailcoba, Maelcoba | Son of Aedh #140, son of Ainmire #138. Slain by Suibhne Meann #145, in the battle of Sliabh Toadh (Sliab Truim'Pessy Bell Mountain' in Tyrone). Father of Ceallach #147 and Conall Cael #148. Mac Niocaill: Mael Coba, Cenel Conaill 615. |
145 | E | Suibhne Meann (Suibhne Meann, aka Suibne Menn, son of Fiachna, son of Fearadhach, son of Muirchertach (Mortough) MacEarca #131) |
611623 (615628) Joyce: 614 N | Suimneach Meann, Suibhne The Little, Suibne Menn mac Fiachnai O'Néill, Suibni Menn | Son of Fiachna, son of Fearadhach, son of Muircheartach #131. Slain at Traigh Brena, by Congal Claen, son of Scannla Sciathleathan. Mac Niocaill: Suibne Menn, Cenel nEogain 628. |
146 | E | Domhnall |
624639 (628643) Joyce: 627 N | Donall (2), Domhnall II, Domnall macAedo O'Néill, Donall, Domnall mac Aedo (Byrne) | Son of Aedh #140, son of Ainmire #138. In 637 in the battle of Magh Rath, Domhnall defeated Congal (Caech), king of the Dal nAraide and Ulster, who was the nephew and agent of King Domnal Brecc of Dal Riada, Scots Kings #11, and thus ended the control of the kings of Dal Riada over their Irish possessions, including the ability to collect taxes. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256). Mac Niocaill: Domnall, Cenel Conaill 642. |
147 | E | Ceallach |
640656 (642658) Joyce: 641 N | Ceallach (Kelly), or Cellach mac Máele Cobo O'Néill, Cellach or Kellach. | Conall Cael and Ceallach, two sons of Maelcobha #144, son of Aedh, son of Ainmire, in joint sovereignty. Both died in 656. Conall was slain by Diarmaid #149, son of Aedh Slaine; and Ceallach died at Brugh Mic An Og. O'Hart shows the reign of Conall Cael has separate, beginning in 652. Mac Niocaill: Cellach 658 and Conall Cael 654, Cenel Conail. |
148 | E | Conall Cael |
640656 (642654) Joyce: 641 N | Congall Conal, or Conall Cael mac Máele Cobo O'Néill, Conall Cail, Conall Claen | |
149 | E | Diarmaid (Diarmit II, son of Aed Slaine MacDiarmata #141) |
657664 (658665) Joyce: 656 S | Diarmid (2), Dermod II, Diarmait mac Aedo Sláine | Joint rule by two sons of Aedh Slaine #141, son of Diarmaid #133, son of Fearghus Cerrbheoil. They died of the same plague. The Annals note that a great mortality occurred in Ireland in 663 and 664. Blathmac was father of Seachnasach #151 and Ceannfaeladh #152. Mac Niocaill: Diarmait and Aed Slaine, Southern Ui Neilll 665. |
150 | E | Blathmac (Blathmac, son of Aed Slaine MacDiarmata #141) |
Bladhmhac, Blathmac, Blathmac mac Aedo Sláine O'Néill; Blathmac, Diarmid auae alaili (grandson of the other [Diarmid]) | ||
151 | E | Seachnasach (Sechnussach, son of 150th Monarch) |
665669 (665671) Joyce: 664 S | Seachnasach, Shaughnessy, Sechnassach mac Blathmaic O'Néill | Son of Blathmac #150, son of Aedh Slaine #141. Many deaths are noted in 665. In 666, there is a note in the Annals that a great plague raged. Slain by Dubhduin, (Dubh nDuin, Dub Duin) chief of Cinel Cairbre. Mac Niocaill: Sechnasach, Southern Ui Neilll 671. |
152 | E | Ceannfaeladh (Ceannfaeladh, son of 150th Monarch) |
670673 (671675) Joyce: 671 S | Ceannfaolaidh, Cennfaelad, Ceanfail, Kionnfaola, Kenfaila, Cenn Fáelad mac Blathmaic O'Néill. Kennfaeladh | Son of Blathmac #150. In 671, Maelrubha, Abbot of Beannchair, went to Alba Scotland, and founded the church of Aporcrosan. In the same year, Failbhe, Abbot of Ia Coluim Cille Iona, came to Ireland from Ia. Slain by Finnachta Fleadhach #153, in the battle of Aircealtair (Aircheltra), at Tigh Ua Maine. Mac Niocaill: Cennfaelad, Southern Ui Neilll 675. |
153 | E | Finnachta Fleadhach (Finsnechta Fledach, prob. aka St. Finniety `the Festive', son of Dunchadh, King of Ulidia, son of Aed Slaine MacDiarmata #141) |
674693 (675695) Joyce: 674 S | Fionnachta Fleadhach, Finnechta Fledach, Finachta Fliedhach, Finshneachta, St. Finniety Fleadha, Finsnechtae Fledach mac Dúnchado O'Néill, Finachta Fledach (the Festive), Finnacta. | Son of Dunchadh (Donnchadh), King of Ulidia 14F (?), son of Aedh Slaine #141. In 680, the battle of Rath Mor Maighe Line (now the town of Rathmore in Antrim) was gained over the Britons. In 683, the Annals note the devastation of Magh Breagh (east Meath between Dublin and Drogheda) by the North Saxons of "Saxon Land." Keating says that, in 680 (the year of the battle of Rath Mor Maighe Line), the British (a host of Egberthus, also called Bertus, king of Sacsa) "plundered a large part of Ireland." In 684, the lakes and rivers of Ireland, and the sea between Ireland and Scotland, were frozen. There was a communication between Scotland and Ireland on the ice. There was "a great mortality of animals." Married to Conchend, the daughter of Congal Ceannfoda, King of Ulidia #17F. Slain by Aedh, son of Duithach, son of Ailill, son of Aedh Slaine #141, chief of Feara Cul, and Congalach, son of Conaing, son of Congal (Conaing), son of Aedh Slaine #141, at Grellach Dollaig, perhaps in Louth. Mac Niocaill: Finnechta Fledach, Southern Ui Neill 695. |
154 | E | Loingseach |
694701 (695704) Joyce: 694 N |
Longseach, Longsech, Loingsech macOengus O'Néill, Loingsech mac Oengusso (Byrne) | Son of Aenghus (Oengus macDomnail O'Neill), son of Domhnall, son of Aodh #140, son of Ainmire #138. Plague and famine in Ireland for three years. An entry in 695 notes the devastation of Magh Muirtheimhne by the Britons and Ulidians. Slain in the battle of Corann, by Ceallach of Loch Cime, King of Connaught, and the son of Raghallach, also King of Connaught. Father of Flaithbheartach #159. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256). Mac Niocaill: Loingsech, Cenel Conail 703. |
155 | E | Congal of Ceann Maghair (Congal Cendmagair (Cion Maghair), son of Fearghus of Fanaid, son of Conall Cael #148) |
702708 (704710) Joyce: 704 N | Conghal Ceannmhaghair, Congal (4), Cionmaghair, Congal Cinn Magir macFergus Fánat O'Néill, Congal Cennmagair (Byrne), Congall Ken-Maghair | Son of Fearghus of Fanaid (or Fergus Fanat macDomnail), son of Conall Gulban, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages #126. He died of one hour's sickness (a "fit"). "In 637, Pictish warriors may have fought on Irish soil as part of a multinational host of Britons, Saxons, Scots and Picts assembled by the Ulster nobleman Congal Claen to take over the crown of Ireland." Pictish Kings. |
156 | E | Fearghal (Fergal (O'Neill) MacMael Duin (MacMaolduin) (Fearghal Eogan); King of Ailech) |
709718 (710722) Joyce: 711 N | Fergal, Fergal mac Máele Dúin O'Néill; Fergal (O'NEILL) MacMael Duin (MacMaolduin). | Son of Maelduin (Maoilduin, Mael Duinn 681), son of Maelfithrigh (Maoilfhithrigh, Mael Fithrig 630), son of Aodh Uairidhnach #143, son of Domhnall #134, son of Muircheartach #131, son of Muireadhach, son of Eoghan, son of Nial of the Nine Hostages #126. Slain in the battle of Almhain, by Dunchadh, son of Murchadh, and Aedh, son of Colgan, an heir presumptive to the sovereignty. Father of Niall Frosach #156 and Aedh Allan #160. Mac Niocaill: Fergal, Cenel nEogain 722. |
157 | E | Fogartach (Fogartach (Fogerty), prob. aka Fogartach Ua Cearnaigh, son of Niall, son of Cearnach Sotal, son of 149th Monarch) |
719 (722724) Joyce: 722 S | Foghartach, Fogerty, Fogartach mac Néill O'Néill | Son of Niall, son of Cearnach Sotal, son of Diarmid #149, son of Aedh Slaine #141. Fell during the first year of his reign in the battle of Delgean (Beilge?), by Cinaeth, son of Irgalach. Mac Niocaill: Fogartach, Southern Ui Neill 724. |
158 | E | Cinaeth (Cinaed (Cinaeth Kenneth), son of Irgalach, son of Conaing Cuirri, son of Conghal, son of Aed Slaine MacDiarmata #141) |
720722 (died 728) Joyce: 724 S | Cionaoth, Ceneth, Cioneth, Kenneth, Cinaed mac Irgalaig O'Neill, Kinaeth | Son of Irgalach (Iorghalach) 702, son of Conaing Cuirri (Conuing Currach) 662, son of Conghal (Congal) 634, son of Aedh Slaine #141. In 721, the Annals note that Saint Maelrubha, Abbot of Beannchair Bangor, after having gone to Alba Scotland, died in his own church at Apurcrosan. Fell in the battle of Druim Corcrain (Drom Corrain), by Flaithbheartach #159. Mac Niocaill: Cinaed, Southern Ui Neill 728. |
159 | E | Flaithbheartach (Flaithbertach MacLoingsech aka Flaherty (Flaithbheartach Flaugherty) MacLoingsig (O'Neill) |
723729 (724765) (abdicated 734) Joyce: 727 N | Flaithertach, Flaugherty, Flathbertach, Flahertagh, Flaithbertach mac Loingsig O'Néill. (Listed as Flaithbertach by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) | Son of Loingseach #154, son of Aenghus. In 728, Flaithbheartach sent for a marine fleet of Dal Riada to Ireland, and on their arrival they made no delay till they arrived in Inis hOinae; and there was a battle fought between Flaithbheartach with his guards and the Cianachta, and others of the Ulidians and the Cinel Eoghain; and a countless number of the Ulidians, Cinel Eoghain, and Cianachta, were cut off, together with Conchubhar, son of Loichene, and Branchu, son of Bran; and a countless number of them was drowned in the Banna, after their having been defeated. He died in 729 (?) at Ard Macha Armagh, having resigned his kingdom for a monastic life. Mac Niocaill says he died in Armagh in 765. Mac Niocaill: Flaithbertach, Cenel Conail 765. |
160 | E | Aedh Allan (Aedh IV (Allan) `the Handsome', son of Fergal (O'Neill) MacMael Duin (MacMaolduin #156) |
730738 (734743) Joyce: 734 N | Aodh Olann, Aodh Ollan, Aedh IV The Handsome, Aed Allán mac Fergal O'Néill, Aedh Ollan (Listed as Aed Allan by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) | Son of Fearghal #156, son of Maelduin. Fell in the battle of Magh Seirigh (i.e. Ceanannus), between the two Teabhthas, by Domhnall, son of Murchadh. Interred at Clonmacnoise. (CLMAC/80) |
161 | E | Domhnall (Domnall (III) Midi MacMurchad aka Donal of Ireland; King of Mide (Meath) |
739758 (743763) Joyce: 743 S | Donall (3), Domhnall III, Domnall Midi O'Néill, Domnall Midi mac Murchado (Byrne). (Listed as Donnchad Mide by O Corrain in his table of the kings of Mide.) | Son of Murchadh 715, son of Diarmaid 689, son of Airmeadhach Caoch (Armedach, ruler of Uisnech), son of Conall Guithbinn (Conall Guthbind, ruler of Uisnech), son of Suibhne Meann (Suibne, ruler of Uisnech), son of Colman Mor, son of Diarmaid #133, son of Fearghus Ceirrbheoil, son of Conall Creamhthaine, son of Niall of the Nines Hostages #126. The first king of the Clann Colmain. In 744, a great storm occurred, so that a great number of the family of Ia Coluim Cille, Iona, were drowned. Father of Donnchadh #163. Mac Niocaill: Domnall, Southern Ui Neil 797. |
162 | E | Niall Frosach (Niall Frossach (Frasach) MacFergal O'Neill 'of the Showers') |
759765 (763778) (abdicated 770) Joyce: 763 S | Niall Frassach, Niall II of the Showers, Niall Frossach mac Fergal O'Néill, Niall Frasach (Listed as Niall Frassach by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) Niall Frossach (Frasach) MacFergal O'Neill 'of the Showers.' | Son of Fearghal #156. In 763, Eithne, daughter of Breasal Breagh, and wife of the King of Teamhair Tara, died. In 765, Niall resigned; and he died at I Coluim Cille, on his pilgrimage, eight years afterwards. Father of Aedh Oirdnidhe #164. Mac Niocaill: Niall Frossach, Cenel nEogain 778. |
163 | E | Donnchadh |
766792 (770797) Joyce: 770 S |
Doncha (1), Donchad I, Donogh, Donnchad Midi mac Domnaill O'Néill, Donoch | Also King of Meath (Uisnech). Son of Domhnall #161. In 770, Donncadh mustered an army and marched it into Munster. Munster was devastated. The Annals note that, in 766, Fearghus, son of Eochaidh, lord of Dal Riada, died. In 787, Donncoirche, lord of Dal Riada died. Donnchadh died in 792 at 64 years of age. Mac Niocaill, at page 144, says he was killed in the battle of Drumree in Meath. Father of Conchobhar #165. |
164 | E | Aedh Oirdnidhe |
793817 (788819) Joyce: 797 N | Aodh Oirndighe, Aodh Ornigh, Aedh V The Dignified, Aed Ordnee, Aed Oirdnide mac Néill Frossach O'Néill, Aedh Oirnighe (Listed as Aed Oirnide by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) Aed Oirdnidhe O'Neill aka Aedh V `the Dignified'. | Son of Niall Frosach #162. Keating says that it was during his reign that depredations of the Lochlonnach (Lochlannaigh) (man who is strong at sea) against Ireland began. The Annals note that in 797, Hi Coluim Cille was burned by foreigners, i.e. by the Norsemen, and that in 801, Hi Coluim Cille was plundered again by foreigners. In 804, the high king plundered Ulidia in revenge of the profanation of the shrine of Patrick, against Dunchu. Died at Ath Da Fhearta, in Magh Conaille. Keating says he was slain in the battle of Da Fearta by Maolcanaigh. Father of Niall Caille #166. Mac Niocaill: Aed Ordnide, Cenel nEogain 819. |
165 | E | Conchobhar (Conchobhar, son of Donnchad (I) Midi MacDomnaill (O'Neill) #163) |
818831 (819833) Joyce: 819 S | Conchubhar, Conchobhair (2), Conquobhar II, Conor, Conchobar mac Donnchada Midi O'Néill, Concobar (Listed as Conchobar 833 by O Corrain in his table of the kings of Mide.) | Son of Donnchadh #163, son of Domhnall #161. In 830, Ard Macha was plundered thrice in one month by the foreigners. It had never been plundered by strangers before. The plundering by the foreigners of Daimhliag and the tribe of Cianachta, with all their churches, is also noted. |
166 | E | Niall Caille |
832844 Joyce: 833 N Byrne: 846 | Niall Caille mac Aeda Oirdnide O'Néil, Niall Caillne, Niall Calli. (Listed as Niall Caille by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) Niall (III) Caille MacAeda. | Son of Aedh Oirdnidhe #164.The Lochlonnaigh brought 60 ships from Normandy to the Boyne, and forty to the Liffey, and plundered the country. In 844, at the age of 55, he drowned in the Callainn River "which flows by the side of Maras." Father of Niall Glundubh #170 |
Turgesius of Norway (Interregnum. Ireland overrun by Vikings who proclaimed their leader Turgeis/Thorgest to be King of Ireland) |
832845 | The Tyrant | According to Keating, with the help of a large fleet from Norway that put into harbours in north Ireland, Turgesius held the supremacy of Ireland for 13 years after he had been harassing the country for 17 years. "Though there were many battles and skirmishes fought between the Gaels and Turgesius with his Lochlonnaigh, still by reason of the numerous fleets and the many hosts that came to his aid from Norway and from other countries in the north of Europe, he conquered the Gaels and reduced them to subjection and to slavery to himself and his foreigners." Turgesius was captured and drowned in Loch Ainnin by Maelseachlainn #167 "and this deed led the nobles of Ireland choosing with one accord Maoilseachlainn as high king of all Ireland since the country had been freed by him from slavery of the Lochlonnaigh." (book II, section XVIII). Arthur Ua Clerigh, in his History of Ireland to the Coming of Henry II (1910) takes a different view: "We think the inferences to be drawn from the entries we have given (perhaps at too great a length) is that up to 845 A.D. ... no Scandinavian kingdom was established in Erin, and that the supposed sovereignty of Turgesius over the Gael for thirty years, as Giraldus states, or for fifteen years, as Todd and O'Mahony suggest, or for seven years as Berchan prophesied, is unsupported by trustworthy evidence, and is part of the historical romance connected with the tyrant Turgesius." (pages 2701). |
167 | E | Maelseachlainn |
845860 (846862) Joyce: 846 S | Maoilseachlainn, Malachi I, Mael Sechnail, Mailsechlan, Malachy the Great, Maelsechnaill mac Maele Ruanaid (Byrne), Maelsechlaainn (Listed as Mael Sechnaill 862 by O Corrain in his table of the kings of Mide.) | Also King of Meath. Son of Maelruanaidh (Mael Ruanaid, King of Mide), son of Donnchadh #163. Incursions by the Norwegians and Danes continue. In 846, defeated Danish forces at Skryne in Meath. In 852, led a successful punitive expedition into Munster. Folught the battle of Drom Damhuighe where he wreaked great slaughter on the Lochlonnaigh of Ath Cliath. Died a natural death. Interred at Clonmacnoise. Father of Flann Sinna #169. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
168 | E | Aedh Finnliath (Aedh Finnliath MacNeill (King of Ailech) aka Aed (VI) Findliath `White-Hair' O'Naill; aka Aodh VII) |
861876 Joyce: 863 N | Aodh Fionnliath, Aodh Finnliath, Aedh VI, Aidus Finliath, Aed Findliath mac Néill Caille O'Néill, Aedh Finn-liath, Aedh Findliath (Listed as Aed Finnliath 879 by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) | Son of Niall Caille #166. Grandson of Muiredach, who was king of Ulster for about 20 years before his death in 839. Married to Maolmire, daughter of Cionaoth, Scots Kings #34, son of Ailpin, Scots Kings #33, king of Alba. She was the mother of Niall Glundubh #170. McLaughlins descended from Aedh Findliath. See The Ancestry of Lochlainn. SS#7788 shows the death of Aed Findlaith on November 20, 879, with burial at Armagh. |
169 | E | Flann Sinna |
877914 (879916) Joyce: 879 S | Flann Sionnach, Flan Sionna (of the Shannon), Flann Sinna mac Máele Sechnaill O'Néill, Flann Sinna mac Maelsechnaill (Byrne). (Listed as Flann Sinna 916 by O Corrain in his table of the kings of Mide.) | Also King of Meath. Son of Maelsechlainn #167. Died at Tailltin of the plague. The Pictish Chronicles say that Flann Sinna died on May 25, 916. Interred at Clonmacnoise. Father of Donchadh #171. |
170 | E | Niall Glundubh (Niall Glundub MacAeda (O'Naill) aka Njal Glunfubj; aka Niall IV 'Black-Knee') |
915917 Joyce: 916 N (Byrne: 916 919). |
Niall Glundubh (aquo O'Neill), Niall IV Black-Knee, Niall Glunduff, Niall Glúndub macAedo Findliath O'Néill, Niall Glundub mac Aeda (Byrne), Niall Glun-dubh (Listed as Niall Glundub by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) | Son of Aedh Finnliath #168. Also King of Ailech. Grandson of Kenneth (MacAlpin), Scots Kings #34. Slain in the battle of Ath-cliath (i. e. of Cill-Mosamhog, by the side of Ath-cliath) in which victory was gained over the Irish, by Imhar and Sitric Gale. The Pictish Chronicles say he died on September 15, 919. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
171 | E | Donnchadh |
918942 (919944) Joyce: 919 S | Doncha (2), Donchad II, Donoch III, Donogh, Donnchad Donn mac Flainn O'Néill, Donncadh. | Also King of Meath. Son of Flann Sinna #169, son of Maelseachlainn #167. (Listed as Donnchad 944 by O Corrain in his table of the kings of Mide.) |
Ruaidhri Ua Canannain (Co-ruler with #172?) |
948 (944950) | Won battles over the forces of Conghalach and "the dues of the King of Ireland were sent him from every quarter." In the same year, "Ruaidhri, heir to the sovereignty of Ireland, fell in the heat of ... conflict" with the foreigners. One source says he was "joint ruler with Congal II [Conghalach #172] during the first part of his reign." For a discussion of the battle of Ruaidhri and Conghalach, see pages 118119 of O Corrain's Ireland Before the Normans. | |||
172 | E | Conghalach (Congalach III `Cnogba', son of Maelmithigh, son of Flanagan, son of Ceallach, son of Conaing MacCongallach. Congalach's mother was Muire, daughter of King Kenneth I of Scots) |
942954 (944956) Joyce: 944 S 943 |
Congal, Congalach Cnogba macMáel Mithig O'Néill, Congal II, Congalach Cnogba mac Maelmithig (Byrne). (Listed as Congalach 956, and described "King of Ireland," by O Corrain in his table of Kings of Brega) | Son of Maelmithigh (Mael Mithig) 919, son of Flanagan (Flannachan) 896, son of Ceallach (Cellach), son of Conaing, son of Conghal (Congalach) 778, descendant (5 generations removed) of Aedh Slaine #141. Conghalach's mother was Muire, daughter of Kenneth Mac Alpin, Scots Kings #34, King of Alba. Fought the battle of Muine Brogain against the Norwegians, where 7000 of them fell. In 954, he was killed when his forces were ambushed by the foreigners at Tigh-Gighrainn (at Ard Macha?). O Corrain, at page 119, says that he was "slain y a combination of the Leinstermen and the Norse." One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) (Hughes shows a co-Ruler with Congalach: Ruaidri I) |
173 | E | Domhnall |
955978 (956980) Joyce: 956 N | Donall (4), Domhnall IV, Domnall macMuirchertaig O'Néill, Domhnall Ua Neill (e.g., M967.10, M969.5, M976.7), Domnall ua Neill (Byrne). (Listed as Domnall by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) | Also, King of Ailech. Son of Muircheartach of the Leather Cloaks 943, King of Ailech, son of Niall Glundubh #170. In 963, the Annals record: "An intolerable famine in Ireland, so that the father used to sell his son and daughter for food." In 967, in contrast, there was "very great fruit, so that eight sacks were brought from the foot of one tree." Died at Ard-Macha. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
174 | E | Maelseachlainn Mor |
9791001 (9801002) (and 1014 to 1022) Joyce: 980 S | Mailsechlann, Malachi II (ancestor of O'Melaghlin), Malachius II, Malachy II, Máel Sechnaill macDomnaill O'Néil, Maelsechnaill mac Domnaill (Byrne), Maelsechlainn (Listed as Mael Sechnaill 1022 by O Corrain in his table of the kings of Mide.) | Also King of Meath. Son of Domhnall (Domnall) 952, King of Mide, son of Donnchadh #171, son of Flann Sinna#169. Described by O'Hart as "the last absolute Monarch of Ireland." He remained a military leader during the reign of Brian. In 1004 and 1013, the Annals still described him as "King of Teamhair." In 1012, "Great forces were led by Maelseachlainn into the territory of the foreigners, and he burned the country ... " Under threat, he turned the kingship over to Brian #175 who was a more effective warrior against the Norwegians and Danes, and who had the support of most of the nobles. He abdicated in 1002 and was restored to the High Kingship in 1014 after the reign of Brian Boru. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
175 | H | Brian (Brian (Boroimhe Boruma) Boru (MacCennetig) (High King) of All Ireland; 53rd King of Munster) |
10021013 (10021014) Joyce: 1002 | Brian Boroimhe (ancestor of and aquo O'Brien), Brian Boru, Brian Boroma, Brian Bóruma macCennétig, Brian Boruma mac Cennetig, Brian Boromha (Listed by O Corrain in his table of Dal Cais kings.) | Also King of Munster. Son of Ceinneidigh (Cennetig or Ceinnetich, Kenneidi) King of Thomond), son of Lorcan (Lorccain) (mac Lachtnae (lachtnai) macCorcc (Cuircc)), son of Corc, son of Annluan, son of Mathgamhain, son of Toirrdhealbach, son of Cathal, son of Aodh Caomh, son of Conall, son of Eochaidh Bailldhearg, son of Carthann Fionn, son of Blod, son of Cas, son of Conall Eachluaith, son of Lughaidh Meann, son of Cas, son of Conall Eachluaith, son of Lughaidh Meann,l son of Aonghus Tireach, son of Fear Corb, son of Mogh Corb, son of Cormac Cas (brother of Eoghan Mor), son of Oilill Olum. Brian was married to Gormflaeth ingen Murchada MacFinn, daughter of Morough MacFinn, King of Leinster. She was was "famed for her six marriages." Brian was killed in the victory over the Danes at Clontarf (Cluaintarbh) on Good Friday in 1013 (or 1014). Maelseachlainn Mor #174 fought with Brian in the battle, and he led the rout of the Danes after the death of Brian. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
174 | E | Maelseachlainn Mor |
10141022 (10141022) Joyce: (resumes) 1014 | Mailsechlann, Malachy II, Máel Sechnaill macDomnaill O'Néill | Upon death of Brian, restored to the kingship that he had abdicated. Ua Clerigh says: Maelseachlain ... is justly regarded as the last Ard-Righ of Erin. Subsequently, several of the provincial kings were styled Ard-Righ by their partisans, but were styled by the chroniclers . . . "kings without gainsaying." (page 388) |
Corcran Claireach | 10221024 | Corcoran, the cleric. | Joint rule. "After Maelseachalinn, there was, according to some authorities, an interregnum, during which the principal management of affairs were vested in two regentsas we may style themCauin O'Lochain, the poet, and Corcoran, the cleric." Ua Clerigh, page 388. U1024.3 Cuán ua Lothcháin, chief poet of Ireland, was killed in Tethba by the men of Tethba themselves. The party that killed him became putrid within the hour. That was a poet's miracle. | ||
Conn O Lochlain | Cuan O'Lochain, the poet, Cuán ua Lothcháin | ||||
176 | H | Donnchadh, son of Brian (with opposition) (Donnchad (MacBRIAIN) O'BRIEN (Donnchadh); 55th King of Munster; 176th Monarch ('anti-King') of Ireland) |
10241064 Joyce: 1027 | Doncha (or Donough), Donnchadh Ó Briain, Donnchad, Donogh. (Listed by O Corrain in his table of Dal Cais kings.) | Also King of Munster. Son of Brian #175 and Gormflaeth ingen Murchada MacFinn. O'Hart says that he assumed the title of Monarch of Ireland "without the general consent of the major part of the Kingdom." Went to Rome and made a submission of Ireland to the Pope. Keating says: "the nobles of Ireland consented to the Bishop of Rome's having authority over them, because they were wont to contend with one another for the mastery of Ireland." Keating places the year of submission to Pope Urbanus II as 1092 and says that, based on this submission, Pope Adrianus granted Ireland to Henry II in 1155. (book II, section XXXIII). Keating says that Donnchadh held the sovereignty of Leath Mogha and the greater part of Ireland for fifty years. Beginning in 1042 the last six kings of Ireland appear to have alternated between provincial candidates, first from Leinster, then Aileach, Munster, Connacht, Tír Conaill, and ending with Ruaidrí O'Connor of Connacht in 1186. |
177 | E | Diarmaid (with opposition) |
10421072 (10421072) Joyce: 1064 | Diarmid (3) or Dermot, Diarmaid, son of Mael-na-mBo, Diarmaid the impetuous, Diarmait MacMáil na mBó, Diarmaid Mac Mail-na-mbo (Dermot Mac Mailnamo) of the race of Cahir More. (O Corrain lists Diarmait 1072 in his table of Kings of LeinsterUi Chennselaig.) | Also King of Leinster. Son of Donnchad Mael na mBo 1006, King of Ui Cheinnselaig. O'Hart notes: "By the Irish historians this Dermod, son of Doncha or Donough, King of Leinster, is assigned no date for his accession to the Monarchy." The Annals note plundering and other activities of Diarmaid in M1036.10, M1037.9, M1040.10, M1063.12. The entry at M1063.16 says: "A great army was led by Diarmaid the son of Mael-na-mbo, into Munster; and the chiefs of the Plain of Munster came into his house, and left hostages with him." "M1067.4The great army of Leath-chuinn was led by Diarmaid, son of Mael-na-mbo, King of Leinster; by Murchadh, and Toirdhealbhach Ua Briain, King of Munster, into Connaught ... " "M1072.2 Diarmaid, son of Mael-na-mbo, King of Leinster, of the foreigners of Ath-cliath, and of Leath-Mogha-Nuadhat, was slain and beheaded in the battle of Odhbha ... " |
178 | E | Toirdhealbhach Ua Briain (with opposition) |
10551086 (10721086) Joyce: 1072 | Tirloch O'Brien, Toirdhealbhach O' Briain, Turlogh O'Brien of the Dalgas, Toirrdelbach of Munster O'Brien, Tairdelbaich, Toirrdhealbhach, Toirrdelbach ua Brian (Byrne), Tordelbach O'Briann (Listed as Tairdelbach by O Corrain in his table of Dal Cais kings.) | Also King of Munster. Son of Teig (Tadg, Taidgcc, Terrence) O'Brien, who was the second son of Brian #175 and brother of Donncadh #176. Keating says that Toirdhealbhach "held the sovereignty of Munster and of the greater part of all Ireland twelve years." (book II, section XXVII). One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
179 | E | Domhnall Mac Lochlainn (with opposition) |
10831121 (10831121) Joyce: 1086 | Donall MacLoghlin, son of Ardgal, King of Aileach. Donall O'Loghlann, Domnall macArdgar O'Lochlainn O'Néill. Domnall Ua Lochlainn (Byrne) (Listed as Domnall by O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) Domnall MacLochlainn. | Also King of Ailech. Son of Ardgar macLochlain, King of Ailech. Jointly contested for the rule with Muircheartach Ua Briain. U1083.6 Domnall ua Lochlainn assumed the kingship of Cenél Eógain. He carried out a king's raid on the Conaille and carried off a great prey of cattle and gave stipends from that prey to the men of Fernmag. M1088.10An army was led by Domhnall, the son of Mac Lochlainn, King of Ireland. M1090.4A great meeting was attended by "Domhnall, the son of Mac Lochlainn, King of Aileach ... M1090.7." See The McLaughlin Kings of Aileach |
180 | H | Muircheartach Ua Briain (with opposition) (Muirchertach (Murtagh) O'Brien aka Murtough II; King of Munster) |
11011119 (10861119) Joyce: 1086 | Muirceartach O'Brien, King of Munster, Muircheartach Mor O' Briain, Muircheartach, Muirchertach II MacToirdelbaig O'Brien, Muirchertach Ua Briain (Byrne), Murkertach or Murtough O'Brien (Listed as Muircertach by O Corrain in his table of Dal Cais kings.) | Also King of Munster. Son of Toirdhealbhach (Tairdelbach) #178. M1088.10Ransom paid by Muircheartach Ua Briain. M1089.6The fleet of the men of Munster, under the conduct of Muircheartach Ua Briain, arrived on the Sinainn. M1101.3A great army was led by Muircheartach Ua Briain, King of Munster, with the men of Munster, Leinster, Osraighe, Meath, and Connaught. M1114.5A great fit of sickness attacked Muircheartach Ua Briain, so that he became a living skeleton, and resigned his kingdom; and Diarmaid assumed the kingdom of Munster after him, without permission. M1115.1Diarmaid Ua Briain, King of Munster, was taken prisoner by Muircheartach Ua Briain; and Muircheartach Ua Briain assumed his kingdom again, and set out with an army into Leinster and Breagha. |
interregnum | 11211127 (11211136) | O'Hart says: "though many contested, yet for fifteen years, none assumed the title of Monarch." | |||
181 | E | Toirdhealbhach Ua Conchobhair (with opposition) (Turlough (Toirdealbach Mor) O'Conner aka Turlogh `the Great' (II; King) of Connacht) |
11061156 (11061156) Joyce: 1136 | Tirloch Mor O'Connor, Turlough O'Connor, Turloch O'Conor, Toirrdelbach macRuaidrí na Saide Buide, Toirrdhealbhach Mor, Toirrdelbach Ua Conchobair (Byrne), Tordelbach Mor (Listed as Tairdelbach by O Corrain in his table of Sil Muiredai (O'Connor) Kings of Connacht.) | Also King of Connaught (1106-1156). Son of Ruaidri na Saide Buide mac Aeda Gai (bl. 1092, 1118), King of Connaught, who was the son of Aed in Gai Bernaig (1067), also king of Connaught, and a long line of kings of Connaught. Became High King in 1119. Different listing in Periphery of Francia. M1118.6An army was led by Toirdhealbhach Ua Conchobhair, King of Connaught, who was joined by Murchadh Ua Maeleachlainn, King of Teamhair. Described as the greatest of Brian Boru's successors. "Toirrdhealbach O Conchubhair with the strength of Connaught, Leinster and Meath, and of Feara Teabhtha and of O'Ruairc's country, made another hosting into Munster, and they made a free circuit of Munster until they reached Gleann Maghair, where they met Toirrdhealbach O Briain, king of Munster, and the son of Conchubar O Briain, and the men of Munster with them. They were three battalions in all. The battle of Moin Mhor was fought between them and the Dal gCais, and the Munstermen were defeated there and a countless number of them fell. Toirrdhealbhach O Briain was banished to Tir Eoghain, and Toirrdhealbach O Conchubhair divided Munster between Tadgh O Briain and Diarmaid son of Cormac Mac Carrthaigh." Keating, book II, section XXIX. Father of Ruaidri Ua Conchobair #183. M1156.9 Toirdhealbhach Ua Conchobhair, King of Connaught, Meath, Breifne, and Munster, and of all Ireland, with opposition, flood of the glory and splendour of Ireland, the Augustus of the west of Europe, a man full of charity and mercy, hospitality and chivalry, died after the sixty-eighth year of his age, and was interred at Cluain-mic-Nois, beside the altar of Ciaran, after having made his will, and distributed gold and silver, cows and horses, among the clergy and churches of Ireland in general. |
182 | E | Muirchertach macNéill macLochlainn (with opposition) (Muirchertach MacLochlainn aka Murcertac (Murtough) III O'Neil) |
11561166 (11561166) Joyce: 1156 | Muircearth MacLoghlin, king of the Ui Neill, Muirchertach mac Neill mac Lochlainn, Murkertach O'Loghlan, Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn. (Byrne), Murkertach O'Lochlainn. (Listed as Muirchertachby O Corrain in his table of Kings of the Northern Ui Neill.) . | Son of Niall, son of Domnall #179, son of Ardgar, son of Lochlann (Lochlainn). Also King of Cenel Eogan from 1136 to 1143, when he was deposed, and from 1145 to 1166. Keating says he "held the sovereignty of Leath Cuinn and of the greater part of Ireland eighteen years till he fell by the men of Fearnmhagh [Farney] and by O'Briunn." The victorious army was led by Donnchadh Ua Cearbhaill (O'Carroll), lord of Oirghialla. (M1166.10). One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
183 | E | Ruaidri Ua Conchobair (with opposition) |
11661186 (11661186) Joyce: 1161 Byrne: 1198 | Roderick O'Connor, Rory O'Connor, Ruadri mac Toirrdelbaig O'Connor, Rory or Roderick O'Conor, Ruadri Ua Conchobair (Byrne), Rudraide O'Concobair |
King of Connaught. Son of Toirdhealbhach Ua Conchobhair #181. O'Connor along with his allies, particularly Tiernan O'Rourke, king of Breifne, as well as the Dubliners, drove Diarmid MacMurrough (Mac Murchadha) from Ireland in 1166. MacMurrough appealed for help to King Henry II of England. This opened the door for the Norman invasion of Ireland beginning in 1169. Deposed in 1186. Died in 1198. Interred at Clonmacnoise. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256). Byrne says he was "the last high-king of Ireland." page 257. One of eight kings of the Ui Neill, and four of other dynasties, called a "king of Ireland" by the Annals of Ulster. (Byrne page 256) |
1175 | To England as the Lordship of Ireland. O'Hart says that, after accepting conditions offered him by Henry II, "Roderick continued in the government (at least the name of it), until A.D. 1186, when weary of the world and its troubles, he forsook it and all its pomp, and retired to a Monastery, where he finished his course religiously, A.D. 1198." | ||||
184 | E | Brian O'Neill (Brian (I) Cathan an Duin O'Neill, King of Ulster; aka Brian II (King & 184th Monarch of Ireland) |
12581260 (1258) | Brian O'Niall | O'Hart lists Brian O'Neill as 184th on his list, based on a submission to Brian by many Irish chiefs, described at M1258.12 of the Annals of the Four Masters. The Annals record that "Brian O'Neill, the Chief of Ireland" was slain in 1260 at Downpatrick in a battle against the English of the North of Ireland. With him were slain many Irish chiefs. (M1260.4). |
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