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Scots Kings—Including Kings of Dal Riada who Reigned from Ireland |
The Scots were originally the Irish of Ulster, some of whom moved to Argyll.
The Scoti of Scotland came from Ireland. "Scotus" was the Latin
word for Irishman—or at least the tribes in and near the northern part
of county Antrim, and probably all of northeastern Ulster. The tribes of Ireland
in Ulster, especially the Dal Riada, gave Scotland its name:
"Dal Riada - in descent from Cairbre Rioghfhoda (Ríada), son of Conaire, in the line of Heremon. Dal Riata was the tribal and territorial name of the early tribes of County Antrim, particularly the northeast portion. The area later known as the Route (Rúta), in northern co. Antrim, is often equated with the Dal Riada. The Dal Riada extended their kingdom into Scotland probably during the 3rd to the 7th centuries. The early term that the Romans referred to these and other tribes from Ireland was the "Scoti", thus the legend of where Scotland received its name." Ancient Uladh—Kingdom of Ulster, from Ireland's History in Maps.
In the time of Ptolemy, the Scoti occupied much of Ulster, including (some say) county Monaghan. Ultimately, the Romans used the word Scotia refer to refer to all of Ireland (Roman writers referrred to Ireland both as Scotia and Hibernia.), and Scoti to refer to all Irishmen. Early in the first millennium, the community of Dal Riada included both the north and northeast part of what is now county Antrim in Ireland and what is now county Argyll in Scotland. Travel over the narrow channel of water that separated the two parts of Dal Riada was easier than communication over land with other parts of Ireland. The seat of the king of the Dal Riada was in Ireland until about 490 A.D. when Fergus Mor MacEarca moved to what is now Scotland. For centuries before then, however, the kings of Dal Riada exercised control from Ireland over the Dal Riada in Scotland and, despite their location in what is now two countries, the people of Dal Riada were one community.
"It has been stated that the kingship of Dal Riata was moved to Scotland with Fergus mac Earca and his descendants, and that later in the 6th century the lords of the Dal Riata in Ireland were also allied with their southern neighbors, the Dal Fiatach." Ancient Uladh—Kingdom of Ulster—Uladh, from Ireland's History in Maps.
Here is a quotation from The Scots (part 1) on irelandseye.com:
"Scotland took its name from the Scotti—Latin for Irish—who, in the sixth century AD, extended their north-eastern kingdom of Dal Riata eastwards into what is now Argyll. The great monastery of Candida Casa—the 'White House'—in Galloway influenced the development of Irish monasticism, which, in turn, contributed to the evangelisation of Scotland through the community founded on Iona by Columba. The Irish, it has been said, gave the Scots their name, their language (Gaelic) and their Christianity. Thus, long before the seventeenth century and the Plantation of Ulster, Scotland and the north of Ireland were closely linked."
Geoffrey Keating, in his History of Ireland, distinguishes between the Gaels and the Saxons, and says that, as to all the tribes of Gaels in Alba, ". . . it was from the Gaels in Ireland their nobles sprang."
"Buchanan agrees with the above, in the thirty-fourth page of the second book of the History of Alba, where he says: 'Because both the inhabitants of Ireland and the colonists they sent to Alba were originally called Scots, in order that by some difference they might be distinguished from one another, people from the first called the one race Irish Scots, and the other Albanian Scots.' From these words of Buchanan two things are to be inferred; the first is that it was from Ireland the Scots went to occupy Alba; and the second is that the Irish were ordinarily called Scots from the beginning." (book I, section XLIX) [John O'Mahony's translation, which is slightly different, will be found at page 381 of volume 1 of the edition published in the year 2000 by the Irish Genealogical Foundation.]
"This Niall [Niall of the Nine Hostages*, Irish Kings # 126] went into Alba with a large host to strengthen and to establish the Dal Riada and the Scotic race in Alba, and who were at this time gaining supremacy over the Cruithnigh, who are called Picti; and he was the first to give the name Scotia to Alba, being requested to do so by the Dal Riada and the Scotic race, on the condition that she should be called Scotia Minor or Lesser Scotia, while Ireland should be called Scotia Major or Greater Scotia; and it was through veneration for Scota daughter of Pharaoh Nectonibus, who was was wife of Galamh called Milidh of Spain, from whom themselves sprang, the Dal Riada chose the name Scotia for Alba, instead of calling her Hibernia. ... [Compare O'Mahony's translation, volume 1, page 373, of the Irish Genealogical Foundation's publication.]
[*Several sources attribute the naming of Scotland to Nial of the Nine Hostages, King of Ireland; for example:
"Nial Naoighiallach, youngest and only son of Eochaidh by the second wife, as aforesaid, succeeded Criomthainn and was the 126th monarch of Ireland. Was a stout, wise and warlike prince and fortunate in all his conquests and achievements and therefore called great; He was also called Niall Naoighiallach, i.e., Nial of the Nine Hostages, from the hostages taken from the nine several counties by him subdued and made tributary . ... He was the first that gave the name of Scotia Minor to Scotland and ordained it to be called so ever after, till then (and still by the Irish) called Albion." Irish mythology - the legendary descent of the Irish Clans—The Lebor Gabala Erren (The Book of the Taking of Ireland, Book of Leinster, 1150 A.D.), from Irish History on the Webb (Univeristy of Texas). See also The Milesian Legends on the superior website, McLaughlin of Donegal.
"Many authors testify that Scota was the name of Ireland, and that it was the Irish who were called the Scotic race. Thus does Jonas the abbot, in the second chapter, treating of Columcille, speak: 'Colman,' he says, who is called Colum, was born in Hibernia, which is inhabited by the Scotic race.' Beda also in the first chapter of the first book of the History of Sacsa, says that Ireland was the native land of the Scots. He speaks thus: 'Hibernia is the true fatherland of the Scots.' The same author, writing about the saints, makes a remark which agrees with this: 'It was from Hibernia, the island of the Scots, that St. Kilian and his two companions came.' From this it is to be inferred that the Irish were called the Scotic race in the time of Beda, who lived 700 years after Christ. ... The truth of this matter will be seen from the words of Capgrave, writing of St. Colum; he speaks thus: 'Scotia was an ancient name of Ireland, whence came the Scotic race, who inhabit that part of Alba which lies nearest to greater Britain; and that Alba is now for this reason, called Scotia from Ireland, from which they derive their origin, and whence they immediately came.'" (book I, section XLVIII). [Compare O'Mahony's translation, volume 1, page 375, of the Irish Genealogical Foundation's publication.]
Keating cites many other early writings demonstrating that Ireland was regularly referred to as Scotia in the first millennium. For example, from the Serarius of St. Boniface: "There are, however, two Scotias: one of them, the elder and proper Scotia, is Ireland, and the other, which is recent, in the northern part of Britain."
Further confirmation that the Irish of Dalriada were the Scoti who settled in Scotland as early as the fourth century, and eventually gave Scotland its name, is found in Settlement on the Western Seaboard c. AD300-800: Dalriada and North Uist by Ewan J. Innes © 1993:
"The Scots of Dalriada were originally from Ireland, from an area along the Antrim coast and part of the province of Ulster (now counties Antrim and Down). The originator of the political territory of the Dál Riata in Scotland was Fergus Mór mac Eirc who arrived in Kintyre c. 500.
"When Fergus Mór removed from Ireland to Scotland, there was no sundering of ties or relinquishing of authority between the two sections; and this continued to be the case under Fergus Mór's successors. Evidence for the continued rule of Dál Riata in Ireland by the Scottish branch is found at the Convention of Druim Cett. This was convened c. 575 to discuss the future relations and status of the Irish Dál Riata between Aed, son of Ainmire (d. 598) the leader of the Northern Uí Néill—the most powerful people in the north of Ireland at the time—and Aedán mac Gabráin king of Dál Riata in Scotland (d. c. 608)."
Here is the entry for Scoti in Onomasticon Goedelicum:
"scoti; first mentioned in 360, and, as Claudian says, came fr. Irel.; fr. him and fr. Gildas we learn that they went back to Irel.; they settled in Scotl. in 495 or 494, Skene's Cps. cx.; "Scotia was applied exclusively to Irel. before 10th century; this undoubted fact lies at the very foundation of the real history of Scotl.," Skene, himself a Scot, in Cps. lxxv., where he also says 'Ireland is the patria or mother country of the Scots.'"
A good summary, in seven parts, on emigration back and forth from Ireland to Scotland is: The Scots from the Appletree Press title: The People of Ireland (currently out of print), on Irelandseye.com.
The history of the early Scots kings is interwoven with the history of the early Irish kings. This web page, therefore, is a companion to the Irish Kings page on this website. There are two tables on this page. The first lists the Scots kings from Fergus Mor MacEarca to David I, whose reign marked the beginning of the end of Scots kings who were independent of England. The second table lists the earlier kings, or chiefs, of Dal Riada and uses the pedigrees of David I (#61 in the first table) and Constantine III (#47 in the first table) to trace the ancestry of these kings and chiefs to the early kings of Ireland.
Although a list of kings is not the history of Scotland, the assembly of such a list teaches much about the history of the country. In this section are links to a few of the many internet pages on the general history of Scotland. Web pages specific to kings of Scotland are listed below under the heading Table of Scots Kings.
The Rampant Scotland Directory has links to several chronologies of Scottish history with biographies of many of the kings listed in these tables. Skyelander's Scottish Highlands and Islands History Web Site by Robert MacCorkill Gunn of the University of Edinburgh is a good resource. A Brief History of Scotland by Peter N. Williams, Ph.D., on the GoBritannia website, is worth reviewing. Scotland’s Early History by Helen McSkimming, offers an overview. For an archeologists view of the settlement of Dal Riada and the western seaboard of Scotland, see History of Settlement in Pre-Industrial Scotland by Ewen Innes, which had been published on the Scottish History Tour website. Discover the History of Scotland publishes a articles every week..
Firth's Celtic Scotland has won several awards. For a valuable website on Scots religious history and culture, go to The Origins of Kingship (St. Columba, Edinburgh Castle, St. Margaret’s Chapel) at www.scran.com. See also the Abbots of Iona.
See Kings and Queens of Scotland and ScotlandHistory from the Archives of Scottish Radiance.
A large scale map of Scotland showing its location in relation to North Ireland and England will be found on the website of Lonely Planet Online. Under Destinations, enter Scotland. Maps of Ireland and England are also available at this site. See also the map of the United Kingdom Administrative Divisions on the University of Texas website.
The most useful maps I have found on the internet are those published by the Scottish Office. Check the map of new local authorities (1996). More detailed maps will be found on this website under the name of each district listed below the master map. For example, on the map of Argyll and Bute, the Isle of Iona is shown to the immediate west of the Island of Mull. A map of the counties of Scotland shows the counties of Scotland, rather than administrative districts, but provides less detail. The same map will be found on the Genuki web page. To test this map, locate Argyll, the green area numbered 3. Then, to locate the Isle of Iona, move due west from the numeral 3 on the map, across the Firth of Lorn, and to the outer edge of the Mull peninsula that extends westward into the Atlantic Ocean. If Iona were shown on this map, the isle would be a dot immediately off the western edge of the peninsula. The city of Glasgow is to the southeast of this point, near the junction of the counties of Renfrewshire (#25), Dumbartonshire (#10), and Lanarkshire (#18). For place name notes, go to Scotland County-by-County. To locate Iona on a larger scale map, go to multi-map.com and search for Iona. In the map of the United Kingdom Administrative Divisions on the University of Texas website, Iona is to the immediate northeast of the last "l" in "Mull." Genuki publishes a map of the counties of England, Scotland and Wales before the 1974 boundary changes.
For a map showing the six provinces of Ireland and their location in relationship to Dal Riada, Strathclyde, and other early kingdoms of Scotland and England, see Post-Roman Celtic Britain The Island of Britain AD 450600.
The numbering through 54 and the first spellings of the names of these Kings of Scotland are taken from John O'Hart's Irish pedigrees, volume 2, pages 720 to 721. I have added numbers 55 through 61 to O'Hart's list, and I have inserted un-numbered names among O'Hart's numbered kings. My primary source for the dates of reigns and the alternative spelling of names of these kings is the Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, a database containing the genealogy of the British Royal family and those linked to it by blood or marriage relationships. The database includes the lineage of the rulers of Scotland and the early rulers of Ireland. Another list I have used as a cross check is Britannia's Kings of Scots. Some of the alternative spellings used in the tables are from Skyelander's Scottish Highlands and Islands History Web Site by Robert MacCorkill Gunn of the University of Edinburgh and Kings of Scots. I include a few quotations from and links to the Skyelander site to encourage a visit to that site.
Scotland is a web page set up by Robert Sewell in October, 2001, to show the descent of the Kings of Scotland.
Kings and Queens of Scotland (to 1603), part of the official website of the British Monarchy, gives biographies of several of the kings beginning with Kenneth MacAlpin #34. See also the Scottish Monarchy. A brief synopsis on the rulers of Scotland from Kenneth McAlpin (843858) to James VI ( 15671625) will be found at Scottish Rulers. The kings of Scotland, beginning with Kenneth McAlpin, are also listed in the Periphery of Francia. On Michael McKay's website are pages on the Irish Kings of Dalriada (to 501 A.D.), the Scottish Kings of Dalriada (Tribe of Loarn 501 to 736), the Royal House of Moray (736 to 1215), and the Kings of Scots (844 to 1290). Another good source is the Scottish Kings page of the Alba—Scotland section of the Gaelic and Gaelic Culture website. The Clan MacLean/MacLaine Genealogy Database offers the opportunity to trace different lines of succession, and I include several links to that source in the tables. See also Descendants of Eochy (Eugenius) Munrevar, (King) on Genealogy (section XP) compiled by David Garfield Thaler III.
I have not prepared a separate table of the kings of Pictavia. The list will be found in The Pictish Chronicle. The dates of reign of many of these kings is presented in a convenient tabular form in Some Pictish High Kings (by Date). A scholarly interpretation of the names of these kings will be found in A Consideration of Pictish Names. In my table below, I try to include those kings of Dal Riada who reigned over both the Picts and the Scots, and I give a few links to The Pictish Kings, that provide a good overview of the Dal Riadic kings who reigned over both the Picts and the Scots. There are also on the web other lists of the Legendary Kings of the Picts and The Kings of the Picts. David Hughes has published a regnal-list on his web page The Picts. See also The Picts and Pict Resources and References. The names of the early Pictish kings, from 330 B.C. to 404 A.D., are available in Scottish Kings 330 BC to 1034 A.D. According to Buchanan. George Buchanan (15061582), from whose work this list of early kings is derived, was a tutor of Mary, Queen of Scots, and King James I, and, among many works, is the author of a twenty volume history of Scotland. "As a writer of history, Dryden declared that Buchanan was 'comparable to any of the moderns and excelled by few of the ancients.' ... Buchanan’s greatest literary achievement of this period was his Rerum Scoticarum Historia, published in 1582, the year of his death, in which he related the history of Scotland from its origin till the death of the regent Lennox in 1571." The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21). Volume III. Renascence and Reformation. See A Brief Outline of Buchanan's Life by Duncan H. MacNeill.
The dates of the reigns of many of the kings are different in the various sourcespresumably because the different compilers are counting from different benchmarks. I have neither the expertise nor the resources to reconcile the various dates, so I have left that problem to the reader.
For a comparable list by David Hughes, go to: Scottish Kings.
David F. Dale, in his defunct website <http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DavidDale1/Hisco.htm> The History of the Scots, the Picts and the Britons, section 22.1, Comparison of the Dal Riadic and Pictish King List ( Part 2 : The Picts and the Scots), compares the list of kings of Dal Riada after Fergus Mor MacEarca #1 with the list of the Pictish kings during the same times, and argues that several of the kings may be the same persons, despite significant differences in names. "The Pictish King list is almost exactly the same as the Dal Riadic King List, the dates are tallying too well for just a coincidence." Although I am not convinced by Dale's arguments, I have placed some of the names he believes are equivalent under "Comments" in my first table below{in braces}. Dale's interpretations of the early Gaelic texts are imaginative. He suggests, for example, that that Earc or Erc was the mother, not the father, of Fergus Mor MacEarca, the founder of the Scottish monarchy. See Dale's section 12.2, Solving The Problem of Erc. Dale points out that the Senchus Fer n' Alban describes Erc as one of two sons of Eochaid Muin-remor (#20 in the second table below), but suggests that Fergus' mother was the granddaughter of this Erc. Most sources say that Erc or Earc was the father of Fergus, and that this Erc had twelve sons, six of whom remained in Ireland and six of whom, including Fergus, sailed for Scotland.
James Dow Allen has created a website with comprehensive pedigrees of Irish and Scots kings, among many others, with copious references to ancestors and descendants: Jamie Allen's Family Tree & Ancient Genealogical Allegations. I have used his website to correct mistakes on my original pages and I have included links to some of his 70,000 pages. The links will usually be found in a left hand column of my table below. He has created his site "for hobbyists who want to trace their descent from ancient genealogies" and it serves that purpose admirably. The index is super!
For other lists of the kings of Ireland and Scotland, see Regnal Chronologies under Great Britain.
The first of the tables is divided into three parts: Kings of Dal Riada who reigned from Scotland, Kings of Alba, and Kings of Scots.
Name of King | Years of Reign | Other Names | Comments | |
Many of the years are approximations | See 498 CE - Birth of Scottish Dal Riada. "Very little is known about the early Kingdom of Scottish Dal Riada or its first King Fergus. It is believed that Fergus' father Erc MacEochaid and possibly his older brother held the throne before him in Ireland. Erc died in 474, leaving a space of as much as 24 years unaccounted for in the lists of Kings. Some genealogical charts show that Erc, son of Eachach Muinremair and descendant of Cairbre Riada, and father of Fergus, ruled Dalriada in 503 A.D. For example, see the chart in Jim's Two Irish SurnamesMaguire. The Annals of the Four Masters report, however, that Eirc, son of Eochaidh Muinreamhar, died in 474. O'Donovan's notes identify him as "the ancestor of the Dalriadic kings of Scotland." |
Kings of Dal Riada who reigned from Scotland | ||||
1 | Fergus Mor MacEarca |
490501 | Fergus Mor MacErc of Dal Riada, Fergus II, Fergus I Abrarnodh Eaghon MacErc, Mac Nisse Mor, Mac Misi Mor | Son of Erc. Founder of the Scottish monarchy. Moved the throne of the Dal Riada from northern Ireland to Dunadd near where the River Add flows into Crinan Loch in Argyll. Brother of Muircheartach, Irish Kings #131 (504527). Killed in 501. Father of Domhangart #3, who was born in the Argyll, Scotland, part of Dal Riada. (500-501) [404] [Dale thinks the Pictish King Talore or Talorc, son of Aniel, whose reign he estimates as from 478 to 482, may be the same person.] Also the father of Godfrey, who is called a king of Dal Riada in Argyll. See: Settlement on the Western Seaboard c. AD300–800: Dalriada and North Uist by Ewan J. Innes on Scottish History. |
2 | Aeneas | 501 | Angus Mor | Son of Erc. Brother of Fergus. Dale, in section 22.3, suggests this may have been a joint reign with Domangart. [Mac Misi Bec - Dale] |
Eugenius II | [430] #41 on Buchanan's list | |||
3 | Domhangart |
501506 | Dungardus or Donart, Domangart, Domanguirt, Domangart of Kintyre, Domangart mac Fergus, Domangart Mac Fergusso of Dal Riada, Dongard I, "Reti" King of the Scots. | Son of Fergus Mor #1, son of Erc (or son of Mac Misi Mor, son of Fergus?) Born in Scotland. He married Fedelmia, daughter of Eochy Mogmedon. Died in 506. Father of Gabhran, #5. (501507) The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick says that Domangart was present at Patrick's death bed. The Annals of the Four Masters note that, in the year 462, "Domhangort, son of Nissi" died. According to O'Donovan's notes, this Domanghort was King of Alba. |
Congall | 506538 | Comgall, Comgall Mac Domangart, Congallus I | One of two sons of Domhangart #3. Brother of Gabhran #5. Father of Conall #6. The annals say that he he "ruled without strife." (507-538) [479] {Dale thinks the Pictish King Drest Gurthinmoch whose reign he estimates as from 482 to 506, may be the same person.} |
Goranus or Conramus | [501] Names that appear only in the fourth column and are followed in this column by a year in brackets are from the Chronological List of Kings of Scotland, according to Buchanan and are not in O'Hart's list. | |||
Eugenius III | [535] #46 on Buchanan's list. | |||
5 | Gabhran | 538559 | Gabran, Gabhran Mac Domangart, Gabhran macDomangairt of Argyle, Gauran, | One of two sons of Domhangart #3. Brother of Congall #4. Married to Ingenach (Lleian) (Luan), daughter of Brychan, King of Brechin or Brecheiniog in Forfarshire (a British kingdom in mid-Scotland). Father of Aedhan #7. When Eochaidh, King of Leinster, was banished to Alba by Niall of the Nine Hostages, Irish Kings #126, Gabhran extended his protection to Eochaidh. Slain in a battle with the Picts under their king Bridei. (538558) [558 or 560] (535570) {Dale thinks the Pictish King Drest, son of Girom, whose reign he estimates as from 536 to 538, may be the same person.} |
6 | Conall | 560574 | Conall Mac Comgall, Congallus II, Convallus | Son of Congall #4. The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M565.3 A sea fleet was brought by Colman Beg, son of Diarmaid (Irish Kings #133), son of Fearghus Cerrbheoil, and by Conall, son of Comhgall, chief of Dal Riada, to Soil [Seil?] and Ile [Islay], and they carried off many spoils from them." "M572.3 Conall, son of Comhgall, King of Dal Riada, died. It was he that granted Hy Iona to Colum Cille." "Conall Mac Comgall, the King of Dal Riada, may well have been the Pictish monarch who gave Iona to Columba, verifying both Bede and Adamnan's claims." Dale (558574). {Dale thinks the Pictish King Brude, son of Mailcon, whose reign he estimates as from 558 to 584, may be the same person. The Pictish Chronicles say that, in the eighth year of his reign, Brude was baptized by Saint Columba.} |
Kinnatellus. | #48 on Buchanan's list. | |||
7 | Aedhan | 574608 | Aidan, Aedan Mac Gabhran, Aidan macGabhran of Argyle, Aidanus, Aodgan, Aedan mac Gabrain (Byrne) | Son of Gabhran #5. "Columba set aside this feeble prince
{Aedhan's older brother, Eoganan], and, acting according to Brehon, or Irish
law, which permitted such deviations when the regular heir was a minor,
or incapable, he selected Aidan, who had been trained in the institution
of Iona, to fill the throne. Seating him on the ' stone of fate,' [1] he
solemnly anointed him King of the Scottish Dal Riada, exacting from both
monarch and subjects a promise that they would abide in the profession of
the Christian faith. Aidan's reign was exceptionally prosperous. ... [2]
He was a descendant of the famous Hibernian monarch Niall of the Nine Hostages,
A.D. 400, and his descendants continued to occupy the throne 'till the union
of the Picts and the Scots in 843." History
Of The Scottish Nation Volume 2, Chapter 25. Robert M. Gunn, in his
Skye's Scottish
History Timeline, designates 606 as the year of the death of King Aidan
of Dal Riada. Aidan was the father of Eochaid Buidhe #8. Another son of
King Aidan was Arthur macAiden of Dal Riata. See: Arthur
(Arturius) Son Of Aidan—King Of The Scots From 574 AD by David
Carroll on ElectricScotland.com. For proof of the existence of Arthur, Carroll
cites Adamnan's
"Life of Columba" (Chapter
8, Prophecy of St. Columba regarding the Sons of King Aidan, which is
available on the Celt
Corpus of Electronic Texts). Adamnan refers to King Aidan's "three
sons, Artur, Eochoid Find, and Domingart." Carroll also cites the Annals
of Tigernach for the year 596: "T596.2 Iugulacio filiorum Aedan
.i. Bran & Domungort & Eochaid Fínd & Artur, i cath Chirchind
in quo uictus est Aedhan, & cath Coraind." . See also: Arturius—A
Quest For Camelot: The Irrefutable Historical Evidence Of The Existence
Of Arthur and, in PDF format, Arturius—A
Quest for Camelot, both by David Carroll. Was this the legendary King
Arthur? See: A
new theory about King Arthur by Kelly d. Whittaker.
In the 10th century edition of the Tripartite life of Saint Patrick, comes the following incident when Saint Patrick went into Dal Riada: "Patrick received welcome in that territory from the twelve son's of Erc; and Fergus Mor, son of Erc, said to Patrick 'if thy reverence would, influence my brother in dividing the land I would give it to thee'. And Patrick granted this division to Bishop Olcan in Airthermuighe. Patrick said to Fergus ' Though thy land is not great at this day among thy brothers it is thou who shalt be king. from thee shall descend the kings of this territory for ever and in Fortrenn' and this was fulfilled in Aidan the son of Gabran who took Alba by Force." Dale (570604). |
8 | Eocha Buidhe | 608629 | Eochaid Buide, Eochaid Buide , Eochaidh Buidhe macAidan of Argyle, Eugenius IV, Eocho Bude, Eugene or "Eochaid known as 'the fair'", Eocha-bui, or the "yellow", Eocha, Eachach, Echach, Echaid Buide, Eochu Buide | One of seven sons of Aedhan #7. Father of Connad Cear #9 and Donal Brecc #11. Died c. 629 (605622) [606]. See #14 in the table below. "U629.4 Death of Echaid Buide son of Aedán, king of the Picts. Thus I have found in the Book of Cuanu." T629.2 Mors Eochach Buidhi maic Aedain. |
9 | Connad Cear | 629 | Kenneth, Connad Cerr, Connad Cerr, Kenneth-Cear, the "left-handed", Kenneth I. | Son of Eocha Buidheor son of Aedhan #7, brother of Eocha Buidhe #8. The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M624.6 The battle of Ard Corainn was gained by Connadh Cerr, Lord of Dal Riada, where Fiachna, son of Deman, King of Ulidia, was slain." [605] Ciniath, son of Lutrin, became a king of the Picts about 630. Probably the Kenneth I who is #50 on Buchanan's list. |
10 | Fearchar | 637650 | Ferchar, Farquhard or Ferchard I, Ferchar Mac Connad, Farquhard II | Ruled with Donal Breacc. Son of Connad Cear. (642650) [626] [652] |
11 | Donal Breac | 629643 | Domnall Brecc, Domnal Brecc the Freckled, Domnall Brecc the Speckled of Argyle, | Ruled with Fearchar. One of eight sons of Eocha Buidhe #8. Father of Domangart II #13a. Died in battle about 643. In 637 in the battle of Magh Rath, Domhnall, Irish Kings #146, defeated Congal, king of the Dal nAraide and Ulster, who was the nephew and agent of King Domnal Brecc of Dal Riada, and thus ended the control of the kings of Dal Riada over their Irish possessions, including the ability to collect taxes. |
12 | Conal Cean Gamhna | 650660 | Conall Crandomna | Son of Eocha Buidhe. |
13 | Doncha | 660 | Duncan, Dúnchad, Dunchad Mac Conaing | Son of Dubhan, Duban. [Fiainamahd Ua Dunchada, chief of Dal Riada, was slain in 698, according to the Annals.] (joint rule with Conal Crandomna, 650-654) |
a | Domangart II | 660673 | Domangart Mac Domnal, Domangart II macDomnail of Argyle, Dongard | Son of Donal Breac #11. Father of Eochaidh Crook-Nose #16a. Killed c. 673. [651688] |
14 | Donall Donn | 689696 | Domnall Donn, Domnall II Donn, Donald IV, Donal-duin | Son of Conall Crandomn. (688695) [638]. Donall succeeded his brother, Maolldun. O'Hart has reversed the order of these two sons of Conall. |
15 | Maolldun | 673689 | Maelduin, Maelduin Mac Conall, Malduinus | Son of Conal. Ruled with Ferchar. (673688) [670] |
16 | Fearchar Foda | 677697 | Ferchar Fota, Ferchar-fada, Ferchar II the Tall | Son of Feredach. Ruled with Maolldun, then with Domnall Dunn. (695697) |
16a | 696697 | Eochaid II Crook-Nose, Eochaidh Crook-Nose of Argyll, Eugenius V, Ecach | Son of Domangart II #13a. Father of Eochaidh #20. (697) [694]. See 11b in the table below. | |
17 | Eocha Rinnamhal | Eocha'-rineval, Eugenius VI. | Is this a duplicate of #25? | |
18 | Aumcheallach | 697698 | Aircellach, Ainbcellach Mac Ferchar, Amberkelethus, Ainbhcealach | Son of Fearchar Foda #16. Dethroned by his brother Scalbhan #19 and obliged to seek refuge in Ireland. Father of Muredach #23. [704] |
698711 | Eogan I, Eugenius VII. | Ruled with Fiannamail, then Scalbhan. (698714) Eugenius VII is #59 on Buchanan's list. | ||
698700 | Fiannamail, Fianamhail Ua Dunchadha, Fiannamail Mac Conall | Ruled with Eogan. The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M698.4 Fianamhail Ua Dunchadha, chief of Dal Riada, and Flann, son of Ceannfaeladh, son of Suibhne, chief of Cinel Eoghain, were slain." | ||
19 | Scalbhan | 700723 | Sealbhach, Selbach, Selbach Mac Ferchar, Selvach | Son of Fearchar Foda, brother of Aumcheallach #18. "At the end of twelve years, Ainbhcealach returned from Ireland, to regain the sceptre which his brother had by his cruelties shown himself unworthy to wield, but he perished in the battle of Finglein, perhaps Glen Fyne at the head of Loch Fyne, in 719." General History of the Highlands Uniting of Scots & Picts. The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M719.6 Sealbhach, Lord of Dal Riada, went into holy orders." |
20 | Eocha Angbhadh | 726733 | Eochaidh, Eochaid Mac Eochaid, Eochaidh III macEchdach, Eochaid mac Eachach | O'Hart probably reversed his numbers 20 and 21. Son of Eochaidh Crook-Nose #16a. Father of Aed Find #24. Died in 733. "M727.3 Eochaidh, son of Eochaidh, chief of Dal Riada, died." [706 ] [Died. 721] In 728, Flaithbheartach, Irish Kings #159, sent for a marine fleet of Dal Riada to come to Ireland, and on their arrival they made no delay till they arrived in Inis hOinae; and there was a battle fought between Flaithbheartach with his guards and the Cianachta, and others of the Ulidians and the Cinel Eoghain; and a countless number of the Ulidians, Cinel Eoghain, and Cianachta, were cut off ... and a countless number of them was drowned in the Banna, after their having been defeated. Annals of the Four Masters M728.3. See #11a in the table below. T726.9 Eochaid mac Eachach regnaire incipit. T733.5 Eochaid mac Echach, rí Dail Riada mortuus est. |
21 | Dongal | 723726 | Dúngal, Dungal Mac Selbach, Dungal Mac Selbach | Son of Scalbhan #19. "Dungal, the son of Selvach II, of the race of Lorn, being the last of that powerful family who swayed the Dalriadic sceptre." A civil war erupted in Dal Riada round 725 when Echdach usurped the throne of Dongal. |
Drust | 724726 | The Pictish Chronicles say Drust and Alpin ruled together for five years. According to Irish Annals, Drust reigned from 724 to 726 when he was expelled and replaced by Alpin. Pictish Chronicles. |
22 | Alpin | 727733 | Alpin Mac Eochaid | Son of Eocha #20. "In 724 Nechton entered a monastery for a few years and was succeeded by Drust, who was removed two years later by Alpin." Pictish Kings. "In 727, Drust attempted to regain the crown, but was defeated in three battles. In 728 Alpin, Angus (below) and Nechtan fought another civil war, Angus was victorious in 729, Alpin being killed in battle." Pictish Chronicles. |
23 | 733736 | Muiredach Mac Ainbcellach, Murdacus | Son of Aumcheallach #18. [723] Murdacus is #60 on Buchanan's list. | |
736739 | Eogan Mac Muiredach, Eogan II, Eogban, Ewan | Son of Muiredach #23 | ||
Etfinus | [739] #61 on Buchanan's list. | |||
739748 | Angus I, Oengus I MacFergus | Died in 761. "Alpin was in turn replaced by Oengus (Angus), who defeated the old retired king Nechton, as well as his successor Drust, whom he killed in battle in 729. Oengus comes to us as a true warrior king. Upon taking the Pictish throne from his contenders, he turned his attention to the Scottish problem. ... after brutalizing the Scots on British soil, he invaded Ireland and massacred them on their ancestral homeland by defeating them in two great battles in 741. ... he captured and drowned the King of Atholl, conquered the remaining Dalriada Scots on Britain and after beheading the Scottish king, became the first King of Picts and Scots." Pictish Kings (729-761). King of Fortrenn. He 'enthroned' St. Andrew as patron of the Picts instead of St. Peter. He won the kingship by force rather than by election." Some Pictish High Kings. |
24 | Aodh Airgneach | 748778 | Aed Find the White of Argyle, Aedh I Finn MacEochu, Eithafind, Aed Find (the white), Aed Finn, Aodh-fin | Son of Eochaidh macEochaidh #20. Father of Eochaidh (Eocha #25). [Son of Muredach ?] (739778) King of Argylshire/Dal Riada (730761) "Aed Finn repealed Pictish laws and managed to regain freedom for the Scots in 768, and by the time of his death, Dalriada was independent again." Pictish Kings. The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M771.19 Aedh Finn, lord of Dal Riada, died." |
778781 | Fergus II, Fergus Mac Eochaid, Fergus III | M766.17 Fearghus, son of Eochaidh, lord of Dal Riada, died. [773] Constantine #29, who reigned as King of the Picts for thirty-five years, from about 790 to 820, and Dal Riada from 811 to 820, was probably Fergus' son. | ||
25 | Eocha | 781 | Eochaidh the Venomous of Argyle, Eugenius VIII, "Eochaid IV"; known as "the venomous or poisonous", Eochidh Rinnamail, Auchy, Eocha' IV (known also by the latinized appellation of Achaius), Eachach, Ecach. | Son of Aodh #24. Married to Unuistice, Princess Royal of the Picts, or Urgusia, the daughter of Urguis (Ungast). "Matrilinear Pictish Princesses Royal of Fortrin n (Verturiones) can be traced back to about 250. Their brothers ruled as high kings of Alba by the 5th century with the throne name of Bruide." Father of Alpin #33. [770] King of Argylshire/Dal Riada (787819). "M766.17 Fearghus, son of Eochaidh, lord of Dal Riada, died." See #10 in the table below. |
26 | Donald | 781805 | Domnall III | Son of Constantine or Conn. |
792 | Donndorc, Donncoirche | Ruled with Donald. The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M787.12 Donncoirche, lord of Dal Riada [died]" | ||
Solvathius | [776] #64 on Buchanan's list. | |||
Achaius | [796] #65 on Buchanan's list. | |||
27 | Conall Caomb | 807811 | Conall IV, Congallus II? | Probably reversed in order by O'Hart. |
28 | Conall | 805807 | Conall III Mac Taidg | Cousin of Conall Caomb. "A chief of Dalriada who claimed both crowns [i.e., also Picts] 811 and was opposed by Constantine. Defeated by Constantine, dethroned and banished." (789790) |
29 | Constantine | 811820 | Constantine Mac Fergus, Conn, Castanin | Son of Fergus. "King of Fortrenn [i.e., Picts, 790-820] from the defeat of Conall until his death in AD 820. King of Dal Riada also from 811." (781820) [828] "Castantin son of Uurguist possibly won the Pictish throne by defeating and killing Conall and he also wore the crown over the Scots of Dalriada, who by now may have been a significant part of the Pictish royal lines through intermarriage." Pictish Kings. He founded Dunkeld. |
30 | Aeneas | 820834 | Oengus, Oengus Mac Fergus, Angus MacFergus, Angus II, Achaius, Oengus II | Son of Fergus. Brother of Constantine. "King of Fortrenn [Picts] and King of Dal Riada." [796]. "in 834 AD, as the Picts faced the new Viking threat in the north, [Alpin #33] rebelled against his Pictish King of Scots and Picts. This ruler of both Pictland and Dalriada was Oengus II ... on Easter day, 834 AD, [t]he Picts suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of Alpin and the Scots and the Irish Annals record that Oengus, King of the Picts and Scots died that year. Overwhelmed with victory, Alpin marched north to attack the rear of the main Pictish army in the north. The Scots and Picts met in battle on August of that same year, and the Scots suffered a brutal defeat in which Alpin was captured and beheaded." Mac Alpin's Treason: The End of the Picts. |
31 | Aodh | 834836 | Aedh II (838) | Son of Boanta or Eogonan, Eochaidh |
834837 | Drust Mac Constanine | Drust VIII was a Pictish King. Reigned over the Picts jointly with Talorgan MacWthoil (Talorcan, son of Vuthoil). | ||
Congallus II | [828] #66 on Buchanan's list. | |||
Dongallus | [833] #67 on Buchanan's list. | |||
32 | Eugenius | 836839 | Eoganán I, Eachach, Eochaidh, Eoganan Mac Oengus, Owen, son of Angus, Uven, King of Picts and Scots Uven Mac Angus II | Son of Aeneas #30.(837839) [833] "Uven, who may have been a son of Oengus II, followed Talorc and is listed as the King of both Picts and Scots. He was killed in 839 by the great new menace in the north, at a great battle where the northern Pictish armies were destroyed by the new enemy: the Vikings. He is the last Pictish king to be recorded in the Irish versions of the list of Pictish kings." Pictish Kings. |
33 | Alpin | 839840 | Alpin Mac Eochaid (839-841) (840843), Alpin of Kintyre, Alpin II ui Aedh Finn, Alpinus, Ailpin | Son of Eugenius (Eocha #25) and Unuistice. Father of Kenneth MacAlpin #34 and Donal #35. "The fiction that Alpin fell in a battle [in Galloway] with the Picts, when asserting his right to the Pictish throne, has long been exploded." (839841).King of Argylshire (831834) [840] |
840 | Eoganan II | |||
Kings of Albathe combined kingdom of Picts and Scots | ||||
34 | Kenneth (MacAlpin) | 840859 | Cineta, Kenneth the Hardy, Kenneth I Mac Alpin, Cinaeda Mac Alpin, first King of the Scots, Cinaeth, Kenneth II | "This list of 69 Pictish kings ended with Drust IX [son of Vurad], when he was killed by that dark, shadowy figure of Kenneth MacAlpin, the first Scot to become King of Picts and Scots in an episode known as 'MacAlpin's Treason'." Pictish Kings. Son of Alpin #33. "On the Stone of Scone, Kenneth MacAlpin, already king of Scots, was made King of Picts. ... about mid 9th century, the Scots themselves only represented 1/10 (10%) of Scotland's people. They became dominant through battle and marriage. The Celtic ... Scots passed Kingship down through the male line. The Celtic Picts, by way of the female." "His Pictish mother was descended from the royal house of Fortrenn, and his great-grand uncle, Alpin Mac Eachaidh had actually reigned as King of Picts until deposed by Oengus I." MacAlpin's Treason. Father of Constantine #36 and Aodh #37. He married his daughter to Rhun, King of Strathclyde, and Rhun and she were the parents of Eochaidh #38a. (Professor Donnchadh O Corrain says that the wife of King Rhun, the mother of Eochaidh, was the daughter of Constantine #36. The Vikings in Scotland and Ireland in the Ninth Century.) The Annals of the Four Masters record: "M835.15 Gofraidh, son of Fearghus, chief of Oirghialla, went to Alba, to strengthen the Dal Riada, at the request of Cinaeth, son of Ailpin." (841859) [843]. Grandfather of Niall Glundubh, Irish Kings #170. His daughter Muire was the mother of Conghalach, Irish Kings #172. He died of a tumor in the palace at Forteviot, Perthshire, and was interred on the Isle of Iona. Father of Constantine #36 and Aodd #37. |
35 | Donal | 859863 | Donald I, Donald V, Domnall | Son of Alpin #33. [863]. He died in the palace of Cinn Belachoir, which was probably Scone. |
36 | 863877 | Consaitin, Constantine I, Constantine I, Constantine II of Alba | Son of Kenneth MacAlpin #34. During the first year of his reign, Maelseachlainn, Irish Kings #167, died. The Annals of the Four Masters give this year as 860. An entry in The Picts website says: "The only text left to us by the Picts is their king list, which gives the names and the lengths of the reigns of 60 or more Pictish kings. The list ends with Causantin Mac Cinaeda, who died in 876." Weir says he was killed in a battle against the Danes at Inverdorat (Inderdovat), the Black Cove, Angus. Another source places the battle against the Norse at Forgan, Fife, in 877. Another source says he was beheaded and is interred at Iona. (863877) [868]. Father of Donal #39. | |
37 | Aodh | 877878 | Ethus, Aedh Whitefoot, Aed, Aed Whitefoot, Aedh (Ethus) Swift-Foot, Ethus | Son of Kenneth MacAlpin #34. Brother of Constantine. "Aed (877878) Aed was another son of Kenneth MacAlpin #34 and succeeded his brother in 877. He was killed a year later by Giric #38 who then seized the throne." Father of Constantine III #40 [884] |
38 | Giric | 878889 | Gregory, Giric (joint), Girig | Son of Dongal. Not on some lists of kings. Joint rule with Eochaidh. May have been the son of Donald I #35. More likely, he was the son of King Rhun of Strathclyde and grandson of Kenneth Mac Alpin #34. [886] |
38a | Eochaidh | Eochaid (joint), Eochu, Eochaidh Mac Run. | His mother was a daughter of Kenneth MacAlpin #34. His father was King Rhun of Strathclyde. Joint rule with Giric. The Directory of Royal Genealogical Data treats "Eocha (Giric)" as one person, but this is a mistake. "Pictish resistance of a sort resurfaces after the end of the short reign by MacAlpin's second son, Aedh, when an attempt is tried to revive the Pictish matrilineal form of succession in the form of bringing to the throne Eochaidh Mac Run, son of Kenneth's daughter by a King of the Britons, which was in turn a joint ruler with a Pict named Giric, son of Dungal." Mac Alpin's Treason. | |
39 | Donal Dasachtagh (Donald (Domnall) II Dasachtach (6th King) of Scots (King of Alba) |
889900 | Donald II, Domnail, Domnall, Donald II, Donald II Dasachtach, Donald VI | Son of Constantine #36. "Domnall" was killed at Dun-fother in battle in the Danish invasion of 900. He was interred on Iona. He was the father of Malcolm #41. [904] |
40 | Constantine |
900942 | Constantine II, Constantine II 900943, Constantine II of Alba, Conn II, Constantine III | Son of Aodh #37. "Constantine II (900-943) Constantine was the son of Aed and ruled for 40 years. He invaded Northumbria and successfully fought the Norse invaders. To establish peace wit the Norsemen in Ireland, he married his daughter to Olaf III. He was finally defeated in 937 by the Anglo-Saxon king Athelstan at the Battle of Brunanburh. During that battle his eldest son was killed. In 942 he abdicated his throne, entrusted the kingdom to Malcolm, entered a Culdee monastery in St. Andrews, Fife, and died in 952. Father of Indulph #42. (900943) [915] |
41 | Malcolm |
943954 | Malcolm I, Mael Coluim, Malcolm I |
Son of Donal #39. Born about 897. Crowned in 942, but his reign began in 943. Died in battle in 954. Killed by the men of Moray. Interred at Iona. Father of Dubh #43 and Kenneth II #46. [955] |
42 | Indulph |
954962 | Indulph, Indulf, Indulphus, Indulfus | Son of Constantine III #40. "Indulph (955962). It has been said that Edinburgh passed to the Scots during his reign. He was the son of Constantine II and died fighting the Danes." He died in 962 in the battle of the Bauds, Muir of Findochty. One note says he abdicated in 962 and became a monk. Father of Culean #45. [964] |
43 | Dubh |
962967 | Dubh, Dubh the Black, Duff, Duffus | Son of Malcolm #41. Father of Kenneth #48. Died in 967 at Forres. "Killed by the men of Moray." [973] |
44 | Acar | ? | Brother of Dubh. Not on some lists. | |
45 | Culen | 967971 | Cuilen, Culean, Colin, Culenus | Son of Indulph #42. "Culen (966971) Wrested the throne from Dubh. He and his brother Eochaidh were killed by the King of Strathclyde, Riderch, whose daughter Culen had kidnapped. Father of Constantine IV #47. [978] |
46 | Kenneth | 971995 | Kenneth II, Cineta, Cinaid, Kenneth III | Son of Malcolm #41. Born about 932. Married Aelgigu. a princess of Leinster (?). In 995, Kenneth was lured to a house in Fettercairn by Finella, daughter of Cunthar, mormaeir of Angus, and there "killed in fantastic fashion" in revenge for the death of her son. Father of Malcolm II #49. [982 ] |
47 | Constantine | 995997 | Constantine III, Constantine III, Conn III, Constantine IV, The Bald. | Son of Culen #45. Killed at Rathinveramon, leaving no successor to the throne. [994] |
Crinan |
Albanach, Grimus, Abbot of Dunkeld | Crinan (Grimus) was Mormaer of Athol, son of Duncan, Mormaer of Athol. Crinan was born about 975 and died in battle in 1045. He was a lay Abbott of Dunkeld. He was father of Duncan I #50. In 1045, Crinan was killed by Macbeth #52 in a battle at Dunkeld. [996] | ||
48 | Kenneth | 9971005 | Kenneth III | Son of Dubh #43. Died on March 25, 1005, in the battle of Monzievaird, Perthshire, By his kinsman Malcolm II #49. |
49 | Malcolm II | 10051034 | Mael-Coluim, | Son of Kenneth #46, son of Malcolm #41. Born about 958. Acceded to the throne on March 25, 1005. Conquered Lothian in 1018, assisted by Owen the Bald, King of Strathclyde. Said to have married an Irish woman from Ossory. Died November 25, 1034, at Glamus Castle, Angus. "Killed by his kinsmen (?)." Interred on Iona. "Having no children [This must mean son. Malcolm had three daughters.]of his own, Malcolm named Duncan his successor, and to make sure Duncan became King, Malcolm had all Kenneth III's male descendants killed. Malcolm finally died in 1035 aged over 80." [1006] Malcolm's daughter, Dovada, married Findleach MacRory, Mormaer of Moray, and was the mother of Macbeth #52. His daughter Bethoc (Beatrix) married Crinian (Grimus), Mormaer of Atholl, and was the mother of Doncha, #50. |
Kings of Scots | ||||
50 | Doncha (Duncan I 'the Gracious' MacCrinan of Scotland, Donnchad; 16th King of Scots) |
10341040 | Duncan I, Dunkeld, Duncan I the Gracious | Born about 1005. Son of Crinan (Grimus) #47a, Mormaer of Atholl, and Bethoc (Beatrix) of Scone. Beatrix was the eldest daughter of Malcolm II #49. Acceded to the throne on November 25, 1034. Considered the first "general ruler." In his reign, the north and west of Scotland were conquered by Northmen under Thorfinn. "Duncan, made King of Strathclyde after the battle of Carham, helps kill his grandfather Malcolm II and becomes King of a (largely) united Scotland." Married Aelflaed. He was killed in battle by one of his commanders, Macbeth #52, on August 14, 1040, at Bothnagowan, near Elgin, Morayshire. Interred on Iona. "Duncan I of Scotland, was actually, (as opposed to the more well known Shakespeare version), an impetuous and spoiled young man whose six years of kingship brought glory neither to Scotland nor to his family." He married Aeflaed (Sybil) of Northumbria about 1030 and was the father of Malcolm III #54 and Donald III #55. |
51 | Doncha | Duplicate listing by O'Hart. | ||
52 |
(Macbeth MacRory (17th King) of Scots (Maelbeatha); (Lulach's Stepfather) |
10401057 | MacBeth, MacBeatha, Mac Bethad | Born about 1005. Son of Synel or Macrory, Findleach of Moray, Mormaer of Moray, and Dovada, the daughter of Malcolm II #49. "MacBeth appears, contrary to popular belief, to have been a wise monarch who ruled Scotland successfully for seventeen prosperous years. ... the greatest of early medieval Scottish kings." Died August 15, 1057, in the battle of Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire. He was the last Scots king to be interred on the Isle of Iona. U1058.6. Mac Bethad son of Finnlaech, over-king of Scotland, was killed by Mael Sechlainn son of Donnchad in battle. |
53 | Lulach |
10571058 | Sulach, Lulach the Fool, Lulach the Simple | Son of Macrory, Gillacomgan of Moray (Gillacomean), Earl of Moray, and first husband of Gruoch, who later married Macbeth #52. Stepson of Macbeth. Acceded to the throne on August 15, 1057. Killed on March 17, 1058, by Malcolm III, #54. Last of the "purely Celtic" kings, U1058.2 Lulach son of Gilla Comgain, over-king of Scotland, was killed in battle by Mael Coluim son of Donnchad. |
54 | Malcolm III |
10581093 | Malcolm Canmore, Malcolm Ceanmor, Malcolm III Canmore Bighead, Dunkeld, Caenmor (Great Head), MacDuncan, Mael Coluim | Son of Duncan #50. Born about 1031. "nicknamed Cean-mor or 'Big Head', slays Macbeth to eventually become King." Acceded to the throne on April 25, 1058. Married Ingebiorg (Finnsdottir), by whom he fathered Duncan II #56 who died in 1070. Married Margaret in 1068 or 1069 (or 1071). Margaret was known as the "Queen of Scots" and was a Saxon princess, born in Hungary, who had fled from the Normans. She introduced English language and monastic customs. She was canonized a saint in 1250. Malcolm and Margaret were the parents of Edmund #58, Edgar #59, Alexander #60, and David 61. Their daughter Matilda, who was born about 1079, was married to Henry I Beauclerc, King of England, at Westminster Cathedral, on November 11, 1090, and was the mother of Matilda, the Empress, who became Queen of England in April of 1141. Malcolm was killed on November 13, 1093, in the Battle of Alnwick. Margaret died on November 16, 1093. Both were at Escorial, Madrid, Spain. U1093.5 Mael Coluim son of Donnchad, over-king of Scotland, and Edward his son, were killed by the French i.e. in Inber Alda in England. His queen, Margaret, moreover, died of sorrow for him within nine days. |
O'Hart's numbers end at 54. I have added the numbers 55 through 61. | ||||
55 | Donald III | 10931094 | Donald Ban, Donald Bane, or Donald the White, Donald III Bane, Donald Banus VII. | Son of Duncan I #50, and the younger brother of Malcolm III #54. Born about 1033. Acceded to the throne in 1093. His first reign was until May 1094. |
56 | 1094 | Duncan II | Son of Malcolm III #54. Born about 1060. William the Conqueror helped Duncan overthrow Donald Ban #55. Acceded to the throne in May of 1094, and was killed on November 12, 1094, in the battle of Monthecin, Kincardinshire. | |
57 | Donald III (restored) | 10941097 | Donald Ban, Donald Bane, or Donald the White | Son of Duncan I #50. Joint rule with Edmund, his nephew. He resumed the throne in November of 1094. He reigned until October, 1097, when he was imprisoned. He died at Rescobie, Farfarshire, in 1099, and is interred on Iona. |
58 | Edmund | Edmund | Son of Malcolm III #54. Joint rule with Donald III, his uncle. Acceded to the throne on November 12, 1094. Deposed in October, 1097, in favor of his brother, Edgar. He later became a monk at Montacute Abbey in Somerset, where he died. | |
59 | Edgar | 10971107 | Eadgar, Edgar (the Peaceable), Edgar 10971107 | Fourth Son of Malcom III #54. Born about 1074. David, Alexander, and Edgar were three of six sons of Malcolm, all by his second wife, Margaret. See The House of Canmore. Edgar acceded to the throne in October 1097 and ruled until his death on January 8, 1107. "On the death of Edgar, Scotland becomes disunited. Alexander I becomes King of Scots, but David I becomes King in Lothian and Strathclyde." "When, at the end of the eleventh century, Malcolm’s son, Edgar, English both by name and nature, was crowned king—the Gaelicism of royalty and of the court waned more rapidly, till in the thirteenth century it went out altogether." A History of the Irish Race |
60 | Alexander I | 11071124 | Alexander I the Fierce, Alexander I the Sharp. | Son of Malcolm III #54 and Margaret. Born in 1078. Married about 1107 to Sybilla, an illegitimate daughter of Henry I. Her mother was Sybilla (or Adella, or Lucy) Corbet. Acceded to the throne on January 8, 1107. Died at Stirling Castle on April 23, 1124. During most of his reign, Alexander only ruled Scotland north of the Forth-Clyde, and his brother David ruled as Earl of the area to the south. |
61 | David I |
11241153 | Dunkeld the Saint, David I the Saint | Son of Malcolm III #54. Born about 1084. In 1114, married Matilda of Northumberland who was born about 1072 and died in 1130 or 1131. Brought up at the court of Henry I. Acceded to the throne on April 23, 1124. United Alba with Strathclyde. U1130.4 A battle between the men of Scotland and the men of Moray in which four thousand of the men of Moray fell with their king, Aengus son of the daughter of Lulach; a thousand, or a hundred, which is more accurate, of the men of Scotland fell in a counter-attack. Suffered defeat by the Normans, and the death of 10,000 Scots, in the English victory at the Battle of the Standard at Northallerton on August 22, 1138. Two of the grandchildren of David and Matilda succeeded David as Kings of Scotland, Malcolm IV, the Maiden, (11531165); and William I, the Lion (11651214). |
For subsequent kings until the Scottish Crown was merged with that of England by the Act of Union in 1707, go to Kings of Scots.
The McLaughlin website, Camann Chlann Lachlinn, the Clan Laughlin Society, is a cornucopia of genealogical information. On the page entitled Gaelic Manuscript of 1450, Collectanea De Rebus Albanicis, Genealogies of the Highland Clans, is the Gaelic patronymic name of King David I of Scotland. The name includes within it more than fifty generations of David's male ancestors:
Daibit mc Mailcoluim mc Sionnaig [should be mc Donnach, or a version of the Latin Donnchada] mc Singin [should be mc Crinan, of a version of the Latin Cinada] mc Mailcolm mc Cineta mc Mailcolm mc Domnaill mc Consaitin mc Cineta mc Alpin mc Eachach mc Aidfin mc Domangart mc Domnaill brec mc Eachach buighe mc Aidan mc Gabhran mc Domanguirt mc Fergusa mc Eirc mc Eachach muinreamhair mc Aengusa mc Feilime mc Aengusa mc Feilime mc Seancormac mc Cruitenithe mc Finnfeiche mc Aieireirr mc Eachach an trid mc Fiadach mc Eathach riada .i. Cairpre ri fata mc Conaire caeimh mc Mogalama mc Luigeach allaig mc Cairpri mc Daire dommair mc Cairpri firmaora mc Conair moir mc Eirsgeoil mc eogan mc Iair mc Ailill mc Deagadh mc Sin ic Rosin mc ... IC Rothr mc Earmail mc Maine mc Fergusa mc Feradaigh mc Oiliol arron mc Fiacha firmara mc Aongusa tuirgeach, &c.
The manuscript from which this was taken is described as the most ancient genealogical manuscript known to existwritten about 1467 A.D. The eight parchment leaves are written in the old Irish characters and are "so very much faded by time as to be read with great difficulty." The manuscript was subjected to a chemical process to enhance its readability. The difficulty in reading the Irish characters doubtless explains the mistake of writing "mc Donnchadha" as "mc Sionnaig" and "mc Cinada" as "mc Singin" as the third and fourth names in the pedigree. The Irish language transcription of the pedigree is accompanied in the old manuscript with a Latin version. The Latin makes it clear that what is translated from the Irish as "mc Sionnaig mc Singin" is, in Latin, "f. Donnchada qui fuit nepos Maelcolain f. Cinada." The "f." means "filius," or son of.
Also on the McLaughlin website is a document entitled Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans From Irish and Scottish Manuscripts. Within this document, under the heading Genelaig Albanensium (Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland), is the pedigree of Causantin or Constantine III of Scotland.
Each mc in these pedigrees means "son of," so the name of David I takes us back through more than fifty generations of his ancestors. The pedigree of Constantine III takes us back the same length of time. Although the genealogies of David I and Constantine III join at number 7 in the table below, and theoretically should be the same thereafter, there are differences. The pedigrees take us back through Kings of Scotland, Kings of Dal Riada, and Kings of Ireland.
For explanatory material, see: Laud 610 Genealogies and Tribal Histories, under the heading Senchus Sil hErimoin annso fo hEirind, Genealogies from Rawlinson B, and Jim's Irish Family Surnames, Geinealaighe Fearmanach, especially King James' father's line and its comparison with the Ui Neill line.
In the table below, I track the family histories of King David I and King Constantine III by use of their extended patronymic surnames. Each component of the name of King David has been numbered in the left hand column of the table. In the second column is the part of King David's surname commented upon; in the third column is the comparable component of King Constantine's pedigree. Even though the "mc" means "son of," I have listed the name as that of the father.
This table proceeds from sons to fathers, rather than the usual order of fathers to sons. Also, it includes the kings of Dal Riada who resided in Ireland as well as Scotland. Keating says that, before Fergus (#18 in the table below, #1 in the table above) moved the seat of the kingship of the Dal Riada to Scotland, the leader in Scotland was a taoiseach rather than a king. (book II, section I).
In the far right column, I list the names as they appear in the Genelaig Albanensium (Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland) in Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans From Irish and Scottish Manuscripts, a page on the McLaughlin website.
The names in bold letters are from a table called The Scottish Kings of Dalriada. The names in bold italics appear in the Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland. I also include the spelling of the names from the genealogical chart in Milesian Ancestry of the Corcu Duibne.
[See: List of Kings of Dál Riata from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The same list is published on Answers.com.]
Pedigree of David I | Pedigree of Constantine III | King's Name in Table |
Keating's Genealogy of Dal Riada | References and Comments [and, in brackets and italics, parts of the Genelach .H. Dhuinn Shlebhe from O'Clery's Book of Genealogies.] | |
1 | Daibit |
David I | Scots King #61 | ||
2 | mc Mailcoluim |
Malcolm III | Scots Kings #54 | ||
3 | mc Sionnaig [corrected to mc Donnchada] (Duncan I 'the Gracious' MacCrinan of Scotland, Donnchad; 16th King of Scots) |
Duncan I |
Son of Crinan. Scots Kings #50 |
4 | mc Singin [corrected to mc Cinada] |
Crinan (Grimus)I | Father of Duncan I. Scots Kings 47a | ||
5 | mc Mailcolm (Malcolm II MacKenneth of Alba, 15th King of Scots; (Mael-Coluim; Melkolf); Malbrigdeson) |
Malcolm II | Scots Kings #49 c. 954–1034 |
6 | mc Cineta |
Kenneth | Scots Kings #46 c. 932–995 (murdered by own men) |
(Constantine III (13th King) of Scots aka Constantine (Conn) `the Bald' MacAlpin) | Causantin | Constantine III | 99 Constantin | Scots Kings #47 c. 971–977 |
(Colin (11th King) of Scots aka Cuilen (Cuilean) Ring MacAlpin) | mc culiuin | Culen | 98 Culen | Scots Kings #45 950–971 |
(Dubh MacAlpin (10th King) of Scots (Duff) | 97 Dubh | Scots King #43 c. 930–966 |
(Indulph (9th King) of Scots (MacAlpin) | mc ilduib | Inulph | Scots King #42 c. 930–962 |
7 | mc Mailcolm |
Malcolm | 96 Maolcoluim | Scots Kings #41 c. 897–954 |
6 | mc Domnaill (Donald (Domnall) II Dasachtach (6th King) of Scots (King of Alba) |
Donald II | ----- | Scots Kings #39 c. 862–900 |
7 | mc Consaitin |
mc [c]hausantin [mc chusantin] | Constantine | 95 Constaintin | Scots Kings #40 c. 836–877 |
(Aed `Whitefoot' MacAlpin, 4th King of Scots, aka Aedh (Ethus) `Swift Foot') | mc aeda | Aodh | Scots Kings #37 c. 838–878 |
8 | mc Cineta |
mc chinaeda | Kenneth (MacAlpin) | 94 Cinneidigh | Scots Kings #34 c. 810–859 |
9 | mc Alpin (Alpin MacEochaid (King) of KIintyre, MacEchach; Ruler/King of Galloway) |
mc alpin | Alpin | 93 Ailpin | Scots Kings #33 c. 778–834 |
10 | mc Eachach (Eochaid IV (Annuine) `the Venomous' Argyll, aka Eochaidh (Eochy) Rinnamail; King (?) of Dalriada) |
m echach | Eocha | 92 Eochaidh | Scots Kings #25 c. 716–819 |
11 | mc Aidfin (Aid (Aedh) Finn, of Argyll, King of Dalriada, aka Aed Find `the White' MacEchach; aka Aodh-Finn) |
mc aeda fhind | Aodh Airgneach | 91 Aodh Fionn | Scots Kings #24 c. 714–778 |
11a | (Eochaid (III) Angbaid (MacEchach) of Argyll, King of Dalriada) | Eocha Angbhadh | The son of Eochaid II Crook-Nose was Eocha Angbhadh, Scots King #20. He was the father of Aodh, #11 in this list, and Scots King #24. There should be two mc echachs at this point in Constantine's pedigree. c. 690–733 |
11b | (Eochaid II `Crook-Nose' of Argyll, King of Dalriada; MacDomangart) | mc echach | Eochaid II Crook-Nose, | Scots King #16a c. 660–697 (killed in battle) |
12 | mc Domangart (Domangart II MacDomnall of Argyll, King of Scots; MacDomnaill) |
mc domangairt | Domangart II | 90 Domhangort | Scots King #13a c. 630–673 |
13 | mc Domnaill brec (Domnall 'the Speckled' Brec (Breac; Brecc) of Argyll, King of Dalriada) |
mc domnaill bricc | Donal Breac | 89 Domhnail Breac | Scots Kings #11. c.595–603 (killed in battle) |
14 | mc Eachach buighe | mc echach buide | Eocha Buidhe | 88 Eochaidh Buidhe | Scots Kings #8. |
15 | mc Aidan |
mc aedain | Aedhan | 87 Aodhan | Scots Kings #7 c. 533–607 |
16 | mc Gabhran (Gabran (Gabhran) MacDomangart of Argyll, 'the Treacherous'; 4th King of Dalriada & Scots) |
mc gabrain | Gabhran | 86 Gabhran | Scots Kings #5 Died c. 560 |
(Comghall (King) of Alba (Comgall Congell); 3rd King of Dal Riata) |
Coran, Comghall, 513535 |
17 | mc Domanguirt (Domangart (Reti; I) of Dalriad aka Domingart MacFeargusa, 2nd King of Scottish Dal Riada) |
mc domangairt | Domhangart | 85 Domhanghort |
Scots Kings #3 c. 465–507 |
In the fourth column below: names that appear first and in bold are from the Book of Ballymote as listed in The Irish Kings of Dalriada to 501 A.D. on the Clan MacKay website. Listed next in italics are names from the Pedigree of the Scottish Kings from the same website. Next in order, in ordinary type, are names from other sources. If the first listed name is in italics, the name does not appear in the Book of Ballymote, but does appear in the Pedigree of Scottish Kings. If the same spelling of a name is in both bold and in italics, it appears in the same form in both sources. For other versions of the same pedigrees, see Ancient Uladh under Dal Riada. | |||||
18 | mc Fergusa |
mc fhergusa | Fergus, Fergus, Fergus Mor MacEarca, Fergus I Abrarnodh Eaghon MacErc | 84 Fearghus | Scots Kings #1. See Fergus The Great, King of Scots. Died about 501. |
83 Neisi Mor | |||||
19 | mc Eirc (Erc (Eirc Errc) MacEchach of Dalriada, King of Irish Dalriada) |
mc eirc | Erc, Erc, Erik | 82 Earc | Born in Dal Riada, Ulster, Ireland. The progenitor of the Mac Erc dynasties of both Ireland and Scotland. Son of Eocha Muinreamhar #20. Erc married Nisi, who was also born in Ireland. Erc had three sons: Fergus I Abrarnodh Eaghon MacErc, King of Dalriada (Scots King #1); Lachinni Mor (Lorn) MacErc, King; and Angus (Oengus Becc) MacErc, King. Lorn (Loairn) was father of Muiredaig or or Murdoch, father of Eathach or Eocha. (Genealogy of MacNachtan). The Annals of the Four Masters say he died in 474. |
20 | mc Eachach muinreamhair (Eochaid Muinremar (Munrevar Muin-remor) MacAengusa (Eochaidh); Prince/King of Irish Dalriada (Loarn) |
mc Eochach Munremair | Eochaid Muin-remor, Eochaid Muin-remor, Eochy Munrevar (Eugenius), Eoghan |
81 Eochaidh Muinreamhar | Born in Dal Riada, Ulster, Ireland. Father of two sons, Erc and Olchu (Eochu). Died before 439. Sometimes listed, I think erroneously, as the son of Niall of the Nine Hostages, Irish Kings #126. |
21 | mc Aengusa (Aengus (Aonghus) Fert MacFeideilmid), Prince/King of Irish Dalriada) |
mc Oengusa | Angus, Angus Fir, Aonghus Nolich, Inghis Fear | 80 Aonghus Feart | Angus, son of Fedlimid Aislingthe, "the three thirds of Dal Riata ... [are] Cenel nGabrain [16?], Cenel nOengusa, Cenel Loairnd Moir." |
22 | mc Feilime (Fedelmid Aislingich MacAengusa aka Fedlimid the Aisling, King of Dal Riata) |
Fedlimid Aislingthe, Fedlimid Aislingech, Ferghis | 79 Aonghus Aislingtheach | ||
23 | mc Aengusa (Aengus Buiding (Buaidnech) MacFeideilmid, King of Dal Riata) |
Angus Buaidnech, Angus Buidnech | 78 Aonghus Buidhneach | ||
24 | mc Feilime |
Fedlimid, Fedlimid Ruamnach | 77 Feidhlimidh Roineach | ||
25 | mc Seancormac |
Sen-chormac, Sen-chormac | 76 Seanchormac | ||
26 | mc Cruitenithe |
Cruitlinde | 75 Cruitluath | ||
27 | mc Finnfeiche |
Findfece | 74 Fidh feige | ||
Laithluaithi | |||||
28 | mc Aieireirr |
Aithir, Achircir | 73 Eagar Cearr | ||
29 | mc Eachach an trid |
Eochaid Antoit, Eochaid Antoit, | 72 Eochaidh Andode | ||
mc fhergusa ulaig | |||||
30 | mc Fiadach |
mc fhiachach | [Fiachu?] |
71 Fichaidh Cathmhaol | Perhaps Fiachach and Thathmail in the next entry are the same person, Fiachu Tathmael . |
mc thathmail | Fiachu Tathmael, Fiachra Cathmail, Eaochie Tuomhil | ||||
mc fhedlimid lamdoit | Fedlimid Lamdoit, Feleim Lambh Doihd | ||||
mc chingi | Cince, Cine | ||||
mc guaire | Guaire, Guarri, Guor | ||||
mc chindtai | Cindtai | Eaochie and Fiunduin (Fionn) ? | |||
70 Foirthed | |||||
69 Earc | |||||
31 | mc Eathach riada i. Cairpre RI fata (Eochaid (Carbrey Eochaidh) Riada MacConaire, Prince of Ireland) |
mc chorpri rigfhotai | Coirpre Riata (Cairbre Rioghfhoda), Eochaid Riata (about 200250 A.D.), Rheuda | 68 Eochaidh Riada, that is, Cairbre Riada from whom the Dal Riada are named. | Coirpre Riata and Eochaid Riata are the same person. "It possibly was the Eoghanacht that were the original founders of the Scots/Irish colony of Northern Britain. One cannot help noticing that the original home of Cairbre Riata is Munster, the same region of origin of the Eoghanacht dynasty, while Scots legends refer to the founder figure being Echdach Riada. Since Echdach is a form of Eoghan it would not be beyond probability that the Eoghanacht dynasty of Munster and the Scots settlement of mainland Britain come from the same ancestry i.e. Eoghan/Echdach Riada." Part 1 The Ancient Origins of the Scots copyright 1998 David F. Dale. From the defunct website: The History of the Scots, the Picts and the Britons by David F. Dale. |
32 | mc Conaire caeimh (Conaire (II) MacMoga Lama (Conchobar); 111th Monarch of Ireland) |
mc chonaire choem | Conaire Coem, Conaire, Conaire Mac Mogha Laine | Irish Kings #111. M158.1first year of reign as High King of Ireland. [M165 n-Ereann do Chonaire] "M165.1 Conaire, son of Mogh Lamha, after having been eight years in the sovereignty of Ireland, fell by Neimhidh ... [one of his three sons was] Cairbre Riadal, from whom are the Dal Riada. Saraid, daughter of Conn of the Hundred Battles, was the mother of these sons of Conaire, son of Modh Lamha." | |
Mc Mogalama
mc moga lama | Mug-lama, Mug-lama, Mogh Lamha, Modh Lamha, Mogha Laine, Modhalamb | Conaire was the son of Mogh Lamha. Art Eanfhear #112, son of Conn of the Hundred Fights, had three sisters — one of whom, Sarad, was the wife of Conaire Mac Mogha Laine, the 111th Monarch, by whom she had three sons called the "Three Cairbres," viz.— 1. Cairbre (alias Eochaidh) Riada —a quo "Dalriada," in Ireland, and in Scotland. | ||
33 | mc Luigeach allaig |
Lugaid Ellatig, Lugneach Allathach, Lughaidh Allathach | Alliod ? | ||
34 | mc Cairpri |
mc chorpri chrom chind | Coirpre Crom-chend, Coirpre Crom-chenn. Cairbre Cruithneachan (?), Cairbre Cromcinn, Cairbre Cromcrean, Cairbre Cromcheann | ||
35 | mc Daire dommair |
mc daire dorndmair | Daire Dornmor, Daire Dorn-mor, Daire Dorn Mor, Dari Dorn Mhor, Daire Dornmhar | ||
36 | mc Cairpri firmaora |
mc chorpri fhind moir | Coirpre, Cairbre Fionn Mor, Cairbre Fionn Mhor, Cairbre Fionnmhor | ||
Admor | |||||
37 | mc Conair moir |
mc chonaire moir | Conaire Mor, Conaire Mor, Conaire Mor, | Irish Kings #97 | |
38 | mc Eirsgeoil |
mc etersceoil | Eterscel, Eterscel, Ederscel, Eddir Scroil | Irish Kings #95. A pedigree of Eidirsceol will be found in Geoffrey Keating's History of Ireland, book I, section XXXVII. | |
39 | mc eogan |
mc eogain | Eogan, Eogan, Earrchadha, Earchadha, Eoghuin | ||
40 (or 41) |
mc Iair |
mc iairm | Iar, Sáir, Eri. Hiar | In the pedigree of Constantine III, mc iairm follows mc ailella. | |
41 (or 40) | mc Ailill |
mc ailella | Ailill, Alloit, Allóid, Oilioll, Olliol, Oilill Lactighe (Anglonnach) | May be reversed with mc Iair. ["the wise Sencha Mac Ailella" was a character in the Ulster Cycles; Orl Mac Ailella, Orlam, Ailill's son, was killed by Cuchulain. The Cattle-Raid of Cooley #2 1100?] [Cathasach Mac Ailella is in the `De genelach Dail nAraide'] [Ailill etc.; gen. Ail[il]la; dat. Ailill. King of Connaught, husband of Medb; a contemporary of Conchobar Mac Nessa of Ulster and Curói Mac Dári of West Munster. His rath was at Cruachan Ai in modern Co. Roscommon. It was in his reign that the Táin Bó Cúalnge took place. English transl. by J. Dunn (Nutt, London, 1914); L. W. Faraday, Cattle-Raid of Cualnge (London, 1904).] | |
42 | mc Deagadh |
mc dedad | Dedad, Deadha, Deagha, Diadhie, Deaodhie | Clann Dedad (cl"n' da'gha) The subjects or followers of Cu Roi MacDairi. Mac Dedad. Uncle of Cúrói Mac Dári. For an account of his death see K. Meyer, "Death Tales," page 27. The Clanna Dedad was situated in the neighborhood of Slieve Luachra. Cúrói Mac Dári was at their head with his stronghold at Tara Luachra. They are a heroic clan analogous to the Clanna Rudhraige of Ulster under Conchobar Mac Nessa. |
43 | mc Sin |
mc shin | Sin, Suin, Shion, Shin | m. Sin m.Roshin are in an early genealogy of the Dal Fiatach kings of Ulaid. Ancient Uladh, Kingdom of Ulster. See Fiatach Finn, Irish Kings #103. Fearghus Duibhdeadach, Irish Kings #114, was a descendant of Sin. See O'Clery's Genelach .H. Dhuinn Shlebhe. [Sin m Rosin m Trein m Roitrein (O'Clery)]. In addition to Deagadh or Dedad, above, Sin's had a son named Eachadach, whose son was Deithsin, whose son was Dluthaigh (Dluthach), whose son was Daire, whose son was Fiatach Finn. Fiatach Finn was King of Ulster #25 and King of Ireland #103. [Fiatach finn (o ra dal tFiatach) m Daire m Dluthaigh m Deithsin m Eachadach m Sin (O'Clery)] |
44 | mic Rosin |
m roshin | Ro-Sin, Roifin, Roshin, Roisin | Ru Sin [Rosin m Trein m Roitrein m Airndil (O'Clery)] | |
45 | mc ... [Trir] |
mc thrir | Trir, Trein, Treun, Tren, Triun | Trir [Trein m Roitrein m Airndil m Maine (O'Clery)] | |
46 | [m] IC Rothr |
mc rothrir | Ro-Thrir, Rothrein, Roihtren, Rotren, Roithriun | RU Thrir [Roitrein m Airndil m Maine m Forga (O'Clery)] | |
47 | mc Earmail (Airndil MacMaine) |
mc airndil |
Arnail, Airioil, Earngheal, Erndill, Airndil | [Airndil m Maine m Forga m Feardaigh (O'Clery)] | |
48 | mc Maine |
mc mane | Maine, Maine Mor, Mana Mor | Below in this column is part of the pedigree of King James from Geinealaighe Fearmanach. Go to that web page to track the pedigree back to Adam. [Maine m Forga m Feardaigh m Oilealla erann (O'Clery)] | |
49 | mc Fergusa |
mc fhorgo | Forgo, Forda, Ferghie, Forga | [Forga m Feardaigh m Oilealla erann m Fiacha fer mara (O'Clery)] | |
50 | mc Feradaigh |
mc fheradaig | Feradach, Feargus, Ferghis, Fearadhach | [Feardaigh m Oilealla erann m Fiacha fer mara m Aonghusa turmigh (O'Clery)] | |
51 | mc Oiliol arron |
mc ailella eraind | Ailill Erand, Oilill Euronn, Olild Eronn, Olliol Erin, Oilill Erann, Oilill Earann | mhic Oiliolla Mionn. Erend is a form of EriuIreland. Could this be the Olild Eronn, a prince of Ulster, and "grandfather" of Degadh (#42 in this list), from whom the name of the Munster tribe, Ernans, is derived? The tribe was also called Clanna Degaidh from Degadh (or Deagha), their chief. [Oilealla erann m Fiacha fer mara m Aonghusa turmigh m Echach foiltletain (O'Clery)] | |
52 | mc Fiacha firmara |
mc fhiachach fhir mara | Fiachu Fer-mara, Fiacha Fearmara, Fiachaidh Fearmara, Fiachaidh Fear Mara | 67 Fiachaidh Fear Mara | mhic Fiachach Firmara [Fiacha fer mara m Aonghusa turmigh m Echach foiltletain m Oilella caisfhiaclaigh (O'Clery)] |
53 | mc Aongusa tuirgeach |
mc oengusa thurbig | Angus Turbech of Tara First king of Dal Riada listed in the Book of Ballymote. Aonghus Tuireach Tamach (226 B.C.), Aonghus Turmhi Teamhrach | 66 Aonghus Tuirbheach Teamhrach | mhic Aongusa Toirbhigh [Irish Kings #81] [m Aonghusa turmigh m Echach foiltletain m Oilella caisfhiaclaigh m Connla cruaidcelgaigh (O'Clery)] |
53 | &c | mc themrach | Temrach, Eder Sal Teamhrah | [mhic] Temhrach | |
54 | (Eochaidh (VIII) Ailtleathair of Ireland, 79th Monarch of Ireland) | Eochaidh Altleathan | 65 Eochaidh Ailtleathair | mhic Eochaidh Altleathan [Irish Kings #79] [omitted from at least one pedigree] | |
55 | (Olioll (Ailill; III) Caisfhiachlach of Ireland, 77th Monarch of Ireland; CAS-Fiaclach (`Crooked-Toothed') | Olill Casfiacalach (291 B.C.), Ollioll Cais Shaidach | 64 Olill Caisfhiaclach | mhic Oiliolla Chaisioll Chaisfhiaclaigh [Irish Kings #77] | |
56 | (Connla (Conly Connla) Cruiaidhchealgach Caem aka Conla Caomb; 76th Monarch of Ireland) | Connla Gruaidhchealgach | 63 Connla Cruaidhealgach | mic Connla Chaoimh [Irish Kings #76] | |
57 | mhic Eirgin Eóilghleó dhanghoirthi | ||||
58 | (Irereo (Iarraingleo Jaran) Fathach of Ireland aka Iaran Gleofathach; 74th Monarch of Ireland) | Iarn Gleofhatach | 62 Iarraingleo Fathach | mhic Ireroe [Irish Kings #74] [omitted from at least one pedigree] | |
59 | (Melghe (Meig) Molbthach (71st Monarch of Ireland) | Meilge, Melghe Molbhthach | 61 Meilge Molbhthach | mhic Meilge Mholbhthaigh [Irish Kings #71] | |
60 | (Cobthach Caol Breagh (69th Monarch of Ireland, aka Caobthach (Covac) Coel `Lean' Broeg; (his death commemorated in oldest Irish poem) | Cobthach Caol Bhreagh, | 60 Cobhthach Caol mBreagh | mhic Cobhthaigh Chaoilbhréigh [Irish Kings #69] | |
61 | (Augaine Mor MacEchach, 66th Monarch of Ireland; Ugaine (Ughaine Ugainy) Mor; aka Hugony `the Great'; sailed to and attacked Africa & Sicily) | Ughaine Mor (421 B.C.) | ----- | mhic Úgaine Mhóir [Irish Kings #66] | |
62 | (Eochy Buadech MacDuach, Eochaid Buiglaig (Buaid); last King of the Firbolg; Ugaine's natural father: Ugaine's foster-father was 63rd Monarch, grandson of Argatmar MacSirlaim, q.v.; son Badhbhchadh reigned as Monarch for just three hours) | Eochaidh Buaidhaig | mc Eochaidh Buadhaigh. He was the son of Duach Ladhgrach, Irish Kings #59. |
King—Including Kings of Dal Riada who Reigned from Irelands <http://www.magoo.com/hugh/scotskings.html> Updated January 12, 2014 |
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